1 nam WInfo
2 ttl OS9 Level II sub to get window information - Ron Lammardo
4 *
5 * 11/22/87 - Edition #1 - for OS9 Level II V02.00.01
6 * 12/22/95 - Edition #2 - for ALL versions of OS-9 by Alan DeKok
7 *
9 ifp1
10 use defsfile
11 endc
13 typelang set sbrtn+objct
14 attrev set reent+revision
15 revision set 1
17 mod Eom,Mname,Typelang,Attrev,Start,Datend
19 mname fcs /WInfo/
20 edition fcb 2 edition
22 org 0
23 use winfodefs
25 org 0
26 stackadr rmb 2 stack address for return
27 de rmb 1 device table entry #
28 sctype rmb 1 screen type
29 offset rmb 2 screen start offset in block
30 datimg rmb 2 address of sys DAT image in sysprc
31 datadr rmb 2 address of sys DAT in system
32 entry rmb 2 address of currently proccessed window entry
33 wnum rmb 1 window entry number
34 scrblock rmb 1 block # containing screen mem
35 blockcnt rmb 1 # of blocks in screen
36 wstart rmb 2 x,y coordinates of window start on screen
37 wsize rmb 2 x,y size of window
38 cwstart rmb 2 x,y coordinates of current working area
39 cwsize rmb 2 x,y size of current working area
40 paramadr rmb 2 address of window name to dump
41 paramln. rmb 1
42 paramln rmb 1 size of window name to dump
43 vdgadr rmb 2 address of vdg screen
44 vdgflag rmb 1 vdg screen flag (1=yes)
45 scrnaddr rmb 2 address of screen
46 d$devtbl rmb 2 address of device table
47 mdname rmb 2 adress of module name
48 drvnam rmb 2 address of device driver name
49 buffaddr rmb 2 address of return packet
50 buffln. rmb 1 dummy byte
51 buffln rmb 1 length of return packet..must be > WI$size
52 weaddr rmb 2 logical address of window entry insys map (debugging only)
53 devmaddr rmb 2 device static storage entry in sys map (debugging only)
54 fgc rmb 1 foreground color
55 bgc rmb 1 background color
56 bdc rmb 1 border color
57 curx rmb 1 x coordinate of cursor
58 cury rmb 1 y coordinate of cursor
59 bpr rmb 2 bytes per row
60 stymark rmb 1 screen type marker byte
61 paltaddr rmb 2 address of palette registers
62 msb rmb 1 working field - msb for 2 digit mults
63 lsb rmb 1 working field - lsb for 2 digit mults
64 lset rmb 1 logic set #
65 psetgb rmb 2 pset group/buffer
66 fontgb rmb 2 font group/buffer
67 gcurgb rmb 2 gfx cursor group/buffer
68 minidat rmb 2 temp dat for cpymem
69 bfngrp rmb 2 buffer #/group return
70 drawcrsr rmb 4 draw cursor position - xxyy
71 sysdat rmb 16 system DAT image
72 devname rmb 5 device descriptor name
73 devtable rmb 9 device table entry
74 devmem equ . device memory copy
75 sc rmb 32 screen table
76 we rmb 64 window entry
77 rmb 32 filler so we got 128 bytes for dev memory
78 datend equ .
80 E$Param equ $38 bad Parameter error
82 cc3io fcs /CC3IO/ used to compare device driver name
84 tmpdat fcb 0,0 mini-dat image for block 0 data fetches
86 blnkpalt fcb $ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$ff
87 fcb $ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$ff
89 stytable fcb $01,$03,$03,$0f
90 blktable fcb 1,1,0,0,2,2,4,4
92 errmsg1 equ *
93 fcc /Requested device not in device table/
94 errm1ln equ *-errmsg1
95 errmsg2 fcc /Requested device is not CC3IO/
96 errm2ln equ *-errmsg2
97 errmsg3 fcc /Can not access window until written to/
98 errm3ln equ *-errmsg3
100 start equ *
101 pshs u,dp save registers
102 tfr s,d put in 'd' for computations
103 clrb clear lsb
104 suba #1 bump down page to make sure we don't conflict
105 tfr a,dp now set direct page
106 tfr d,u and set u register
107 sts <stackadr save address of stack
108 leax stackadr+2,u start adrress of bytes to init
109 ldb #devtable end addr..# of bytes to clear
110 lda #$ff fill character
111 lbsr zapblock init the characters
113 * get passed parameters
115 ldx 5,s # of parameters
116 cmpx #2 do we have two params?
117 lbne badparms no...error
118 ldx 7,s 1st param addr (window name addr)
119 stx <paramadr save the window name addr
120 os9 F$PrsNam get end of name
121 lbcs exit exit on error
122 clra clear msb
123 std <paramln. save window name length
124 ldx 11,s 2nd param addr (buffer addr)
125 stx <buffaddr save the buffer address
126 ldx 13,s 2nd param length
127 stx <buffln. save the buffer length address
128 cmpx #WI$Size check if buffer big enough
129 lblo smllbuff no..send buffer to small status
131 * clear return buffer
133 ldx <buffaddr address of return buffer
134 ldb #WI$ermsg end address to init
135 lda #$ff fill char
136 lbsr zapblock zap the block
137 ldb #40 # of bytes to init
138 lda #$20 space fill
139 lbsr zapblock zap the message
141 * get system process descriptor for sys DAT image
143 leax tmpdat,pcr addr of sys mini-dat
144 tfr x,d put it in d
145 ldx #$004C Addr of dat image in system direct page
146 ldy #2 2 bytes to get
147 pshs u save u
148 leau datadr,u addr of receiver
149 os9 F$CpyMem get it
150 puls u restore u
151 lbcs exit exit on error
152 leax tmpdat,pcr addr of sys mini-data
153 tfr x,d put it in d
154 ldx datadr,u physical addr of sys DAT in sys addr map
155 pshs u save u
156 leay sysdat,u addr of receiver
157 sty <datimg save it for later
158 tfr y,u put in u for call
159 ldy #16+16+1 16 bytes to get in image
160 os9 F$CpyMem get it
161 puls u restore u
162 lbcs exit and exit on error
164 ldx <datimg get ptr to system DAT image
165 lda 16+16,x grab Level III SCF map info
166 beq not.l3
167 sta 3,x
168 inca
169 sta 5,x
171 * get offset in system map to device tables
172 not.l3 ldy #2 2 bytes to get
173 ldd <datimg addr of sys DAT image
174 ldx #D.DevTbl addr of device table addr
175 pshs u save u
176 leau d$devtbl,u addr of reciever
177 os9 F$Cpymem get it
178 puls u restore u
179 lbcs exit exit on error
180 clr <de clear device table entry #
181 ldx d$devtbl,u addr of device table
182 leax -$0D,x back off one entry for increment in loop
183 stx d$devtbl,u and save it again
184 leax devtable,u get the addr of our copy of devtable
185 stx <entry save the entry addr for later
187 * just do an I$Attach instead of rooting through the device table
189 lda #READ. read-only permissions
190 ldx <paramadr point to window name
191 pshs u save for later
192 OS9 I$Attach get U=address of device table entry
193 puls x kill end of device name pointer
194 lbcs error1 exit on error
196 OS9 I$Detach so link count is correct
197 exg x,u now U=memory, and X=ptr to device table entry
199 leay devtable,u addr of reciever
200 pshs u save u
201 tfr y,u put reciever addr in u
202 ldy #9 copy table entry
203 ldd <datimg addr of sys DAT image
204 os9 F$Cpymem get it
205 puls u restore u
206 lbcs exit exit on error
207 leax devtable,u
208 lda V$USRS,x test for entry in use
209 lbeq error3 if not in use...give out error saying so
211 * Alan DeKok's mod: lots of code removed here
213 * get driver name offset
215 ldx <entry get device entry address
216 ldx V$DRIV,x get driver module start addr
217 leax M$Name,x get addr of module name
218 ldy #2 get 2 bytes
219 ldd <datimg addr of sys DAT image
220 pshs u save u
221 leau mdname,u addr of reciever
222 os9 F$CpyMem get it
223 puls u restore u
224 lbcs exit exit on error
226 * now get actual driver name
228 ldx <entry addr of deice entry
229 ldd V$DRIV,x driver module start addr
230 addd mdname,u + module offset to driver name
231 tfr d,x put it in x so we can grab it
232 ldy #5 5 bytes in name (CC3IO)
233 ldd <datimg addr of sys DAT image
234 pshs u save u
235 leau devname,u addr of receiver
236 os9 F$CpyMem get it
237 puls u restore u
238 lbcs exit exit on error
240 * we got the requested device...now see if its cc3io
242 ldb #5 5 bytes to compare
243 leax cc3io,pcr get addr of 'CC3IO'
244 leay devname,u get addr of the driver nam
245 os9 F$CmpNam see if they're the same
246 lbcs error2 if not-skip to next entry
248 * get the device static storage
250 ldx <entry addr of device entry
251 ldd V$STAT,x addr of static storage
252 tfr d,x put in x so we can get it
253 stx <devmaddr save device mem addr
254 ldd <datimg addr of sys DAT image
255 ldy #$80 bytes to get
256 pshs u save u
257 leau devmem,u addr of receiver
258 os9 F$CpyMem get it
259 puls u restore u
260 lbcs exit exit on error
262 * get the window entry number
264 leax devmem,u addr of device mem
265 lda $35,x offset to window entry #
266 sta wnum,u save it
268 * check if its a vdg screen
270 clr <vdgflag else clear the flag
271 leax devmem,u addr of device memory
272 lda 6,x offset to window type
273 anda #$80 check the high bit
274 lbeq vdgscrn if not set,its a vdg screen so jump
276 * get actual window entry
278 lda wnum,u window entry #
279 ldb #64 window entry size
280 mul find offset
281 addd #$1280 add it to start of window entrys
282 std <weaddr save window entry address
283 tfr d,x put in x so we can get it
284 ldy #64 64 bytes to get in window entry
285 ldd <datimg addr of sys DAT image
286 pshs u save u
287 leau we,u addr of receiver
288 os9 F$CpyMem get it
289 puls u restore u
290 lbcs exit exit on error
293 * check if window ok
295 lda we,u check msb of screen table address
296 cmpa #$ff is it valid ???
297 lbeq error3 send error message
299 * get screen table entry
301 ldx we,u address of screen table
302 ldy #32 32 bytes in screen table
303 ldd <datimg addr of sys DAT image
304 pshs u save u
305 leau sc,u addr of receiver
306 os9 F$CpyMem get it
307 puls u restore u
308 lbcs exit exit on error
309 leax sc,u address of screen table
310 ldb 5,x border prn
311 stb <bdc save it
312 ldb ,x screen type
313 stb <stymark
315 * remove bias to get actual screen type
317 cmpb #$80
318 bls lowtype
319 ldb #4 4 = 16 colors possible
320 stb <stymark make that the screen type marker
321 ldb #$87
322 subb ,x
323 bra getblock
324 lowtype equ *
325 addb #4
326 getblock equ *
327 stb <sctype save the screen type
328 decb decrement for indexing
329 leax blktable,pcr address of block count table
330 lda b,x get block count (via indexing table)
331 sta <blockcnt save it
332 leax sc,u address of screen table
333 lda 1,x get first block used
334 sta <scrblock save it
335 leax 16,x address of palettes
336 stx <paltaddr save it for later
337 leax we,u addr of window entry
339 * get screen start in block
341 leax $34,x screen start
342 lda ,x+ get msb
343 suba #$80 ?????
344 ldb ,x+ get lsb
345 std <offset save screen offset
346 ldy ,x++ get screen start coordinates
347 sty <wstart save them
348 ldd ,x++ get screen size (x,y)
349 std <wsize save it
350 leax we,u get start of window entry
351 leax 5,x addr of cwarea start
352 ldy ,x++ working area start coordinates
353 sty <cwstart save them
354 ldd ,x++ working area size coordinates
355 std <cwsize save them
356 cmpd <wsize see if its same as total window size
357 beq getbpr if it is,skip next section
359 * adjust block offset to take change working area into account
361 clr <msb clear temp area
362 lda <cwstart x offset of area
363 lsla multiply by 2 for attribute bytes
364 sta <lsb save it
365 lda <cwstart+1 y offset of area
366 lsla multiply by 2 for attribute bytes
367 ldb <wsize x-size of window
368 mul mulitply
369 addd <msb add x offset of area
370 addd <offset add original block offset
371 std <offset save new block offset
373 * get # of bytes per row and cursor coordinates
375 getbpr equ *
376 ldx #$1075 address of gfx table start pointer
377 ldy #2 # of bytes to get
378 ldd <datimg addr of sys DAT image
379 pshs u save u
380 leau msb,u addr of receiver
381 os9 F$Cpymem get it
382 puls u restore u
383 lbcs exit exit on error
384 lda <wnum get window entry number
385 ldb #$12 size of gfx table entry
386 mul get the offset to start of our gfx window entry
387 addd #1 add 1 for draw cursor start
388 ldx <msb load addr of table start
389 leax d,x and add offset
390 ldy #4 get 4 bytes
391 ldd <datimg addr of sys DAT image
392 pshs u save u
393 leau drawcrsr,u addr of receiver
394 os9 F$Cpymem get it
395 puls u restore u
396 lbcs exit exit on error
398 clr <curx clear fields
399 clr <cury
400 leax we,u address of window entry
401 ldd $14,x butes per row
402 std <bpr save bytes per row
404 * get foreground/background prn's
406 leay stytable,pcr addr of screen type mask table
407 ldb <stymark get sty marker byte
408 decb decrement for indexing
409 leay b,y addr of mask (via indexing)
410 ldd $16,x get fore/back palette #'s
411 anda ,y strip of bias againt mask
412 andb ,y
413 sta <fgc save foreground prn
414 stb <bgc save background prn
416 lda $1A,x logic set #
417 sta <lset save it
418 lda $1B,x block # of font
419 ldy $1C,x block offset of font
420 lbsr fetchit get group/buffer of font
421 std <fontgb save it
422 lda $1E,x block # of pset
423 ldy $1F,x block offset of pset
424 leay -$20,y back off to get header start of pset
425 lbsr fetchit get group/buffer of pset
426 std <psetgb save it
427 lda $28,x block # of gfx cursor
428 ldy $29,x block offset of gfx cursor
429 lbsr fetchit get group/buffer of gfx cursor
430 std <gcurgb save it
432 ldd $0B,x cursor logical address
433 subd 3,x subtract screen logical start
434 lbra getcrps get x,y cursor coords
436 * get block number and offset in block for VDG type screen
438 vdgscrn equ *
439 leax blnkpalt,pcr address of $ff's for vdg palettes
440 stx <paltaddr save the addr
441 lda #$ff fill char
442 sta <fgc no palettes for vdg screen
443 sta <bgc
444 sta <bdc
445 lda #1 vdgflag=1
446 sta <vdgflag
447 sta <blockcnt 1 block in screen
448 clra
449 clrb
450 std <wstart window starts at 0,0
451 std <cwstart
452 clr <sctype screentype = 0
453 leax devmem,u address of device memory
454 ldd $38,x logical screen start addr
455 std vdgadr,u msb of vdg address
456 lsra divide by 16
457 lsra
458 lsra
459 lsra
460 lsra divide by 2
461 inca add 1
462 lsla multiply by 2
463 deca subtract 1
464 ldx <datimg addr of sys DAT image
465 ldb a,x add on block # in map and get the physical block
466 stb <scrblock save it
467 ldd vdgadr,u get the physical screen address
468 anda #%00011111 strip off block # bias
469 std <offset save offset within block
470 ldd #$2010 32 * 16 screen
471 std <cwsize save it
472 std <wsize save it
473 clr <curx clear cursor offset counters
474 clr <cury
475 ldd #$0020 32 bytes/row
476 std <bpr save it
477 leax devmem,u address of device memory
478 ldd $3C,x cursor address
479 subd $38,x screen address
481 getcrps equ *
482 cmpd <bpr are we done getting row?
483 blo gotycur yes..skip this
484 subd <bpr subtract bytes/row
485 inc <cury increment row #
486 bra getcrps and check for more
488 gotycur equ *
489 stb <curx save y cursor pos
490 tst <vdgflag is it vdg screen??
491 bne savexcur yes..more processing
492 lda <sctype get screen type to determine divisor
493 cmpa #5 is it type 5 screen???
494 beq gotxcur go save x cursor position
495 lsrb divide by two to get actual offset
496 cmpa #8 is it type 7 screen???
497 bne gotxcur go save x cursor position
498 lsrb divide by two again
500 gotxcur equ *
501 stb <curx save y cursor pos
502 lbra retbuffr go return buffer
504 savexcur equ *
505 leax devmem,u address of device mem
506 lda $37,x screen # on display
507 bne chkmedrs if not 0 then its medium or hi res
508 tst $45,x test med-res flag
509 lbeq retbuffr its not hi-res gfx
511 chkmedrs equ *
512 ldb #3 3 bytes per screen table entry
513 mul get screen table offset
514 leax $4A,x start of screen tables
515 leax b,x offset for screen #
516 inc <vdgflag =2 for med-res gfx
517 clr <offset screen starts at begin of block
518 clr <offset+1
519 lda ,x+ get start block
520 sta <scrblock save it
521 lda ,x+ get block count
522 lbne vdghires if there its a hi-res
523 ldx #$0180 BPR for med-res vdg screen
524 stx <bpr save it for later
525 lda #%00010000 default mode of 1
526 leax devmem,u get start of device mem again
527 tst $3f,x screen mode
528 bpl vdgtyp1 if its is..go save it
529 clra make the mode=0
531 vdgtyp1 equ *
532 ora $66,x foreground color
533 sta <sctype thats our screen type
534 lbra retbuffr go return buffer
536 * hi res vdg screen
538 vdghires equ *
539 sta <blockcnt save the block count
540 lda ,x get the screen type
541 sta <sctype save it
542 ldy #$2818 sizex/sizey for screen type 0,1,2
543 ldx #$0280 BPR for screen type 0,1,2
544 cmpa #2 is screen type <= 2
545 bls vdgbpr if yes..go save BPR
546 ldy #$5018 BPR for screen types 3,4
547 ldx #$0500 BPR for screen types 3,4
549 vdgbpr equ *
550 sty <wsize save the size
551 sty <cwsize same for current working size
552 stx <bpr save the bytes per row
553 leax devmem,u get address of device mem again
554 leax $6B,x address of palettes
555 stx <paltaddr save it for later
556 inc <vdgflag =3 (hi res vdg)
557 lbra retbuffr
559 * dump the screen
561 retbuffr equ *
562 ldx <buffaddr address of return buffer
563 clra
564 sta WI$stat,x status is ok (=0)
565 lda <vdgflag
566 sta WI$vdg,x
567 lda <sctype
568 sta WI$sty,x
569 lda <scrblock
570 sta WI$block,x
571 lda <blockcnt
572 sta WI$blcnt,x
573 ldd <offset
574 std WI$offst,x
575 lda <wstart
576 sta WI$cpx,x
577 lda <wstart+1
578 sta WI$cpy,x
579 lda <wsize
580 sta WI$szx,x
581 lda <wsize+1
582 sta WI$szy,x
583 lda <cwstart
584 sta WI$cwcpx,x
585 lda <cwstart+1
586 sta WI$cwcpy,x
587 lda <cwsize
588 sta WI$cwszx,x
589 lda <cwsize+1
590 sta WI$cwszy,x
591 lda <curx
592 sta WI$curx,x
593 lda <cury
594 sta WI$cury,x
595 ldd <bpr
596 std WI$bpr,x
597 leay we,u
598 lda $19,y
599 sta WI$cbsw,x
600 lda <bdc
601 sta WI$bdprn,x
602 lda <fgc
603 sta WI$fgprn,x
604 lda <bgc
605 sta WI$bgprn,x
606 lda <lset
607 sta WI$Lset,x
608 ldd <fontgb
609 sta WI$FntGr,x
610 stb WI$FntBf,x
611 ldd <psetgb
612 sta WI$PstGr,x
613 stb WI$PstBf,x
614 ldd <gcurgb
615 sta WI$GcrGr,x
616 stb WI$GcrBf,x
617 ldd <drawcrsr
618 std WI$DrCrx,x
619 ldd <drawcrsr+2
620 std WI$DrCry,x
621 lda edition,pcr
622 sta WI$Edtn,x
623 ldd <weaddr
624 std WI$weadr,x
625 ldd <devmaddr
626 std WI$devm,x
627 leay WI$pregs,x addr of where to move palettes to
628 ldx <paltaddr addr of palettes
629 ldd #16 16 bytes to move
630 lbsr u$movexy move it
631 bra clrexit done so return from sub
633 badparms equ *
634 ldb #E$Param bad parameter error
635 bra exit go return it
637 clrexit clrb no error..clear b reg
638 exit equ *
639 lds <stackadr restore stack
640 puls u,dp restore u and dp registers
641 clra clear carry bit
642 tstb
643 beq return
644 coma set carry bit
645 return equ *
646 rts
648 zapblock equ *
649 sta ,x+
650 decb
651 bne zapblock
652 rts
654 * fetch 2 bytes from block [a] at offset [y]+3
658 fetchit equ *
659 clr <minidat
660 sta <minidat+1
661 bne fetchok jump if valid block #
662 clra else clear group #
663 clrb clear buffer #
664 rts
666 fetchok equ *
667 pshs x save x
668 leax 3,y poistion to group #
669 tfr x,d put in d for arithmetic
670 anda #%00011111 strip off hig order bytes
671 tfr d,x and put back in x
672 leay minidat,u adr of temp DAT image
673 tfr y,d put in d for os9 call
674 ldy #2 bytes to get
675 pshs u save u
676 leau bfngrp,u addr of receving field
677 os9 F$Cpymem get it
678 puls u restore u
679 lbcs exit exit on error
680 ldd <bfngrp put it in d for return
681 puls x restore x
682 rts
684 * move [d] bytes from [x] to [y]
686 u$movexy pshs u
687 tfr d,u
688 movexy10 lda ,x+
689 sta ,y+
690 leau -1,u
691 cmpu #0
692 bne movexy10
693 puls u,pc
695 error1 equ *
696 ldb #1 error number
697 pshs b save error #
698 leax errmsg1,pcr address of error msg
699 ldd #errm1ln length of error message
700 bra moverr go move it
702 error2 equ *
703 ldb #2 error number
704 pshs b save error #
705 leax errmsg2,pcr address of error msg
706 ldd #errm2ln length of error message
707 bra moverr go move it
709 error3 equ *
710 ldb #3 error number
711 pshs b save error #
712 leax errmsg3,pcr address of error msg
713 ldd #errm3ln length of error message
714 bra moverr go move it
716 moverr equ *
717 ldy <buffaddr address of return buffer
718 leay WI$ErMsg,y address of error message
719 lbsr u$movexy
720 puls b
722 storstat equ *
723 ldy <buffaddr address of return buffer
724 stb WI$Stat,y save the status byte
725 lbra clrexit done
728 smllbuff equ *
729 ldb #$ff buffer too small status #
730 bra storstat go store status # and exit
733 emod
734 eom equ *