1 ********************************************************************
2 * GrfDrv - Graphics module
3 *
4 * $Id$
5 *
6 * Edt/Rev YYYY/MM/DD Modified by
7 * Comment
8 * ------------------------------------------------------------------
9 * 1 ????/??/??
10 * From Tandy OS-9 Level One VR 02.00.00.
12 nam GrfDrv
13 ttl Graphics module
15 * Disassembled 02/04/05 23:44:21 by Disasm v1.6 (C) 1988 by RML
17 ifp1
18 use defsfile
19 use cocovtio.d
20 endc
22 tylg set Systm+Objct
23 atrv set ReEnt+rev
24 rev set $00
25 edition set 1
27 mod eom,name,tylg,atrv,start,size
29 org 0
30 size equ .
32 fcb $07
34 name fcs /GrfDrv/
35 fcb edition
37 * Dispatch table
38 start lbra Init
39 lbra Write
40 lbra GetStat
41 lbra SetStat
42 lbra Term
44 * 128x192 4 color pixel table
45 Mode1Clr fdb $0055,$aaff
47 GetStat
48 SetStat comb
49 ldb #E$UnkSvc
50 rts
52 Write suba #$15
53 leax <Table,pcr
54 lsla
55 ldd a,x
56 jmp d,x
58 Table fdb Do15-Table
59 fdb Do16-Table
60 fdb Do17-Table
61 fdb Do18-Table
62 fdb Do19-Table
63 fdb Do1A-Table
64 fdb NoOp-Table
65 fdb Do1C-Table
66 fdb Do1D-Table
67 fdb NoOp-Table
68 fdb NoOp-Table
70 * Fix X/Y coords:
71 * - if Y > 191 then cap it at 191
72 * - adjust X coord if in 128x192 mode
73 FixXY ldd <V.NChar,u get next 2 charas
74 cmpb #192 Y greater than max?
75 bcs L0053 branch if lower than
76 ldb #191
77 L0053 tst <V.Mode,u which mode?
78 bmi L0059 branch if 256x192
79 lsra else divide X by 2
80 L0059 std <V.NChar,u and save
81 rts
83 * $15 - set graphics cursor
84 Do15 leax <SetGC,pcr load X with return address
85 GChar2 ldb #$02 need two parameters
86 lbra GChar
88 SetGC bsr FixXY fix coords
89 std <V.GCrsX,u and save new gfx cursor pos
91 NoOp
92 Init
93 Term clrb
94 rts
96 * $19 - erase point
97 Do19 clr <V.Msk1,u
98 * $18 - set point
99 Do18 leax <DrawPnt,pcr
100 bra GChar2
102 DrawPnt bsr FixXY fix coords
103 std <V.GCrsX,u save as new gfx cursor pos
104 bsr DrwPt2
105 lbra L014A
106 DrwPt2 jsr [<V.CnvVct,u]
107 L0081 tfr a,b
108 comb
109 andb ,x
110 stb ,x
111 anda <V.Msk1,u and with mask
112 ora ,x
113 sta ,x
114 rts
116 * $17 - erase line
117 Do17 clr <V.Msk1,u clear mask value
119 * $16 - draw line
120 Do16 leax <DrawLine,pcr load X with return address
121 bra GChar2 need two params
123 DrawLine bsr FixXY fix up coords
124 leas -$0E,s make room on stack
125 std $0C,s save X/Y
126 jsr [<V.CnvVct,u] get address given X/Y
127 stx $02,s save on stack
128 sta $01,s and pixel too
129 ldd <V.GCrsX,u get current graphics cursor
130 jsr [<V.CnvVct,u] get address given X/Y
131 sta ,s
132 clra
133 clrb
134 std $04,s
135 lda #$BF
136 suba <V.GCrsY,u
137 sta <V.GCrsY,u
138 lda #$BF
139 suba <V.NChr2,u
140 sta <V.NChr2,u
141 lda #$FF
142 sta $06,s
143 clra
144 ldb <V.GCrsX,u
145 subb <V.NChar,u
146 sbca #$00
147 bpl L00D6
148 nega
149 negb
150 sbca #$00
151 neg $06,s
152 L00D6 std $08,s
153 bne L00DF
154 ldd #$FFFF
155 std $04,s
156 L00DF lda #$E0
157 sta $07,s
158 clra
159 ldb <V.GCrsY,u
160 subb <V.NChr2,u
161 sbca #$00
162 bpl L00F4
163 nega
164 negb
165 sbca #$00
166 neg $07,s
167 L00F4 std $0A,s
168 bra L0100
169 L00F8 sta ,s
170 ldd $04,s
171 subd $0A,s
172 std $04,s
173 L0100 lda ,s
174 lbsr L0081
175 cmpx $02,s
176 bne L010F
177 lda ,s
178 cmpa $01,s
179 beq L0143
180 L010F ldd $04,s
181 bpl L011D
182 addd $08,s
183 std $04,s
184 lda $07,s
185 leax a,x
186 bra L0100
187 L011D lda ,s
188 ldb $06,s
189 bpl L0133
190 lsla
191 ldb <V.Mode,u which mode?
192 bmi L012A branch if 256x192
193 lsla
194 L012A bcc L00F8
195 lda <V.4A,u
196 leax -$01,x
197 bra L00F8
198 L0133 lsra
199 ldb <V.Mode,u which mode?
200 bmi L013A branch if 256x196
201 lsra
202 L013A bcc L00F8
203 lda <V.MCol,u
204 leax $01,x
205 bra L00F8
206 L0143 ldd $0C,s
207 std <V.GCrsX,u
208 leas $0E,s
209 L014A lda <V.Msk2,u
210 sta <V.Msk1,u
211 clrb
212 rts
214 * $1C - erase circle
215 Do1C clr <V.Msk1,u clear mask value
216 * $1A - draw circle
217 Do1A leax <Circle,pcr
218 ldb #$01 require another param -- radius
219 GChar stb <V.NGChr,u one more char
220 stx <V.RTAdd,u return address
221 clrb
222 rts
224 Circle leas -$04,s make room on stack
225 ldb <V.NChr2,u get radius
226 stb $01,s store on stack
227 clra
228 sta ,s
229 addb $01,s
230 adca #$00
231 nega
232 negb
233 sbca #$00
234 addd #$0003
235 std $02,s
236 L0179 lda ,s
237 cmpa $01,s
238 bcc L01AB
239 ldb $01,s
240 bsr L01B9
241 clra
242 ldb $02,s
243 bpl L0193
244 ldb ,s
245 lslb
246 rola
247 lslb
248 rola
249 addd #$0006
250 bra L01A3
251 L0193 dec $01,s
252 clra
253 ldb ,s
254 subb $01,s
255 sbca #$00
256 lslb
257 rola
258 lslb
259 rola
260 addd #$000A
261 L01A3 addd $02,s
262 std $02,s
263 inc ,s
264 bra L0179
265 L01AB lda ,s
266 cmpa $01,s
267 bne L01B5
268 ldb $01,s
269 bsr L01B9
270 L01B5 leas $04,s
271 bra L014A
272 L01B9 leas -$08,s
273 sta ,s
274 clra
275 std $02,s
276 nega
277 negb
278 sbca #$00
279 std $06,s
280 ldb ,s
281 clra
282 std ,s
283 nega
284 negb
285 sbca #$00
286 std $04,s
287 ldx $06,s
288 bsr L0202
289 ldd $04,s
290 ldx $02,s
291 bsr L0202
292 ldd ,s
293 ldx $02,s
294 bsr L0202
295 ldd ,s
296 ldx $06,s
297 bsr L0202
298 ldd $02,s
299 ldx ,s
300 bsr L0202
301 ldd $02,s
302 ldx $04,s
303 bsr L0202
304 ldd $06,s
305 ldx $04,s
306 bsr L0202
307 ldd $06,s
308 ldx ,s
309 bsr L0202
310 leas $08,s
311 rts
312 L0202 pshs b,a
313 ldb <V.GCrsY,u
314 clra
315 leax d,x
316 cmpx #$0000
317 bmi L0214
318 cmpx #$00BF
319 ble L0216
320 L0214 puls pc,b,a
321 L0216 ldb <V.GCrsX,u
322 clra
323 tst <V.Mode,u
324 bmi L0221
325 lslb
326 rola
327 L0221 addd ,s++
328 tsta
329 beq L0227
330 rts
331 L0227 pshs b
332 tfr x,d
333 puls a
334 tst <V.Mode,u which mode?
335 lbmi DrwPt2 branch if 256x192
336 lsra else divide A by 2
337 lbra DrwPt2
339 * $1D - flood fill
340 Do1D clr <V.FFFlag,u
341 leas -$07,s
342 lbsr L03AB
343 lbcs L0346
344 lda #$FF
345 sta <V.4F,u
346 ldd <V.GCrsX,u
347 lbsr L0351
348 lda <V.4C,u
349 sta <V.4D,u
350 tst <V.Mode,u which mode?
351 bpl L0261 branch if 128x192
352 tsta
353 beq L0267
354 lda #$FF
355 bra L0267
356 L0261 leax >Mode1Clr,pcr
357 lda a,x
358 L0267 sta <V.4E,u
359 cmpa <V.Msk1,u
360 lbeq L0346
361 ldd <V.GCrsX,u
362 L0274 suba #$01
363 bcs L027F
364 lbsr L0351
365 bcs L027F
366 beq L0274
367 L027F inca
368 std $01,s
369 L0282 lbsr L0384
370 adda #$01
371 bcs L0290
372 lbsr L0351
373 bcs L0290
374 beq L0282
375 L0290 deca
376 ldx $01,s
377 lbsr L03D3
378 neg <V.4F,u
379 lbsr L03D3
380 L029C lbsr L03F9
381 lbcs L0346
382 tst <V.4F,u
383 bpl L02B3
384 subb #$01
385 bcs L029C
386 std $03,s
387 tfr x,d
388 decb
389 bra L02BD
390 L02B3 incb
391 cmpb #$BF
392 bhi L029C
393 std $03,s
394 tfr x,d
395 incb
396 L02BD std $01,s
397 lbsr L0351
398 bcs L029C
399 L02C4 bne L02D2
400 suba #$01
401 bcc L02CD
402 inca
403 bra L02D6
404 L02CD lbsr L0351
405 bcc L02C4
406 L02D2 adda #$01
407 bcs L029C
408 L02D6 cmpd $03,s
409 bhi L029C
410 bsr L0351
411 bcs L029C
412 bne L02D2
413 std $05,s
414 cmpd $01,s
415 bcc L02FB
416 ldd $01,s
417 decb
418 cmpd $05,s
419 beq L02FB
420 neg <V.4F,u
421 ldx $05,s
422 lbsr L03D3
423 neg <V.4F,u
424 L02FB ldd $05,s
425 L02FD std $01,s
426 L02FF bsr L0351
427 bcs L030B
428 bne L030B
429 bsr L0384
430 adda #$01
431 bcc L02FF
432 L030B deca
433 ldx $01,s
434 lbsr L03D3
435 std $05,s
436 adda #$01
437 bcs L0326
438 L0317 cmpd $03,s
439 bcc L0326
440 adda #$01
441 bsr L0351
442 bcs L0326
443 bne L0317
444 bra L02FD
445 L0326 inc $03,s
446 inc $03,s
447 ldd $03,s
448 cmpa #$02
449 lbcs L029C
450 ldd $05,s
451 cmpd $03,s
452 lbcs L029C
453 neg <V.4F,u
454 ldx $03,s
455 lbsr L03D3
456 lbra L029C
457 L0346 leas $07,s
458 clrb
459 ldb <V.FFFlag,u
460 beq L0350
461 L034E orcc #Carry
462 L0350 rts
463 L0351 pshs b,a
464 cmpb #$BF
465 bhi L0380
466 tst <V.Mode,u which mode?
467 bmi L0360 branch if 256x192
468 cmpa #$7F
469 bhi L0380
470 L0360 jsr [<V.CnvVct,u]
471 tfr a,b
472 andb ,x
473 L0367 bita #$01
474 bne L0376
475 lsra
476 lsrb
477 tst <V.Mode,u which mode?
478 bmi L0367 branch if 256x192
479 lsra
480 lsrb
481 bra L0367
482 L0376 stb <V.4C,u
483 cmpb <V.4D,u
484 andcc #^Carry
485 puls pc,b,a
486 L0380 orcc #Carry
487 puls pc,b,a
488 L0384 pshs b,a
489 jsr [<V.CnvVct,u]
490 bita #$80
491 beq L03A6
492 ldb <V.4E,u
493 cmpb ,x
494 bne L03A6
495 ldb <V.Msk1,u
496 stb ,x
497 puls b,a
498 tst <V.Mode,u which mode?
499 bmi L03A3 branch if 256x192
500 adda #$03
501 rts
502 L03A3 adda #$07
503 rts
504 L03A6 lbsr L0081
505 puls pc,b,a
506 L03AB ldx <V.FFSTp,u get top of flood fill stack
507 beq L03B5 if zero, we need to allocate stack
508 stx <V.FFSPt,u else reset flood fill stack ptr
509 L03B3 clrb
510 rts
512 * Allocate Flood Fill Stack
513 L03B5 pshs u save U for now
514 ldd #$0200 get 512 bytes
515 os9 F$SRqMem from system
516 bcc AllocOk branch if ok
517 puls pc,u else pull out with error
518 AllocOk tfr u,d move pointer to alloced mem to D
519 puls u get stat pointer we saved earlier
520 std <V.FFMem,u save pointer to alloc'ed mem
521 addd #512 point D to end of alloc'ed mem
522 std <V.FFSTp,u and save here as top of fill stack
523 std <V.FFSPt,u and here
524 bra L03B3 do a clean return
526 L03D3 pshs b,a
527 ldd <V.FFSPt,u
528 subd #$0004
529 cmpd <V.FFMem,u
530 bcs L03F2
531 std <V.FFSPt,u
532 tfr d,y
533 lda <V.4F,u
534 sta ,y
535 stx $01,y
536 puls b,a
537 sta $03,y
538 rts
539 L03F2 ldb #$F5
540 stb <V.FFFlag,u
541 puls pc,b,a
542 L03F9 ldd <V.FFSPt,u
543 cmpd <V.FFSTp,u top of flood fill stack?
544 lbcc L034E
545 tfr d,y
546 addd #$0004
547 std <V.FFSPt,u
548 lda ,y
549 sta <V.4F,u
550 ldd $01,y
551 tfr d,x
552 lda $03,y
553 andcc #^Carry
554 rts
556 emod
557 eom equ *
558 end