1 ********************************************************************
2 * httpd - HTTP daemon
3 *
4 * $Id$
5 *
6 * Edt/Rev YYYY/MM/DD Modified by
7 * Comment
8 * ------------------------------------------------------------------
9 * 1 2013/05/22 Boisy G. Pitre
10 * Started.
12 nam httpd
13 ttl HTTP daemon
15 section __os9
16 type equ Prgrm
17 lang equ Objct
18 attr equ ReEnt
19 rev equ $00
20 edition equ 1
21 stack equ 200
22 endsect
24 section bss
25 gbufferl equ 128
26 gbuffer rmb gbufferl
27 dentbuf rmb 32
28 filepath rmb 1
29 fileptr rmb 2
30 lbufferl equ 128
31 lbuffer rmb lbufferl
32 endsect
34 section code
36 DEBUG equ 1
38 **** Entry Point ****
39 __start
40 * Turn off pause in standard out
41 lda #1
42 lbsr SetEchoOff
43 lbsr SetAutoLFOn
45 * change to www root dir
46 lda #READ.
47 leax wwwroot,pcr
48 os9 I$ChgDir
49 bcs errexit
51 * main loop: read line on stdin
52 mainloop
53 leax gbuffer,u
54 ldy #gbufferl
55 clra
56 os9 I$ReadLn
57 bcs checkeof
58 * quickly nul terminate the line we just read
59 pshs x
60 tfr y,d
61 leax d,x
62 clr -1,x
63 puls x
64 bsr process
65 bra errexit
67 checkeof cmpb #E$EOF
68 bcs errexit
69 clrb
70 errexit
71 pshs cc,b
72 lda #1
73 lbsr SetEchoOn
74 puls cc,b
75 os9 F$Exit
77 * input: X = line read (nul terminated)
78 process
79 * check for GET
80 leay get,pcr
81 ldd #getl
82 lbsr STRNCMP
83 beq GETOK
84 clrb
85 rts
87 * we know it is a GET... get the text following it
88 GETOK leax 4,x
89 ldd ,x
90 cmpd #'/*256+C$SPAC
91 beq doindex
92 leax 1,x
94 NulTerminate pshs x
95 loop@ lda ,x+
96 beq terminate@
97 cmpa #C$CR
98 beq terminate@
99 cmpa #C$SPAC
100 beq terminate@
101 bra loop@
102 terminate@ clr -1,x
103 puls x
104 bra readfile
106 * point to index.html
107 doindex leax index,pcr
108 readfile
109 stx fileptr,u
110 lda #READ.
111 os9 I$Open
112 bcs isitdir
114 lbsr print200OK
116 readloop leax lbuffer,u
117 ldy #lbufferl
118 os9 I$Read
119 bcs eofcheck
120 pshs a
121 lda #1
122 os9 I$Write
123 puls a
124 bra readloop
126 eofcheck cmpb #E$EOF
127 bne ret
128 clrb
129 os9 I$Close
130 ret rts
132 isitdir cmpb #E$FNA
133 lbne notfound
134 * open as directory
135 lda #READ.+DIR.
136 ldx fileptr,u
137 os9 I$Open
138 lbcs notfound
139 * process dir here
140 sta filepath,u
141 lbsr print200OK
142 lbsr _htmltag
143 lbsr _headtag
144 lbsr _titletag
145 lbsr PRINTS
146 fcc "Directory of "
147 fcb $00
148 ldx fileptr,u
149 lbsr PUTS
150 lbsr _ntitletag
151 lbsr _nheadtag
152 lbsr _bodytag
153 lbsr PRINTS
154 fcc "<H3>"
155 fcc "Directory of "
156 fcb $00
157 ldx fileptr,u
158 lbsr PUTS
159 lbsr PRINTS
160 fcc "</H3>"
161 fcb $00
162 lda filepath,u
163 * skip over .. and .
164 ldy #DIR.SZ
165 leax dentbuf,u
166 os9 I$Read
167 leax dentbuf,u
168 os9 I$Read
170 nextdirent lda filepath,u
171 leax dentbuf,u
172 ldy #DIR.SZ
173 os9 I$Read
174 bcs endoffile
175 tst ,x
176 beq nextdirent
178 * find char with hi bit set
179 tfr x,y
180 lo@ lda ,y+
181 bpl lo@
182 anda #$7F
183 sta -1,y
184 clr ,y
185 pshs x
186 lbsr PRINTS
187 fcc '<A HREF="'
188 fcb $00
189 ldx fileptr,u
190 lbsr PUTS
191 lbsr PRINTS
192 fcc "/"
193 fcb $00
194 ldx ,s
195 lbsr PUTS
196 lbsr PRINTS
197 fcc '">'
198 fcb $00
199 puls x
200 lbsr PUTS
201 lbsr PRINTS
202 fcc "</A>"
203 fcc "<BR>"
204 fcb $00
205 bra nextdirent
206 endoffile
207 lda filepath,u
208 os9 I$Close
209 lbsr _nbodytag
210 lbsr _nhtmltag
211 rts
213 notfound lbsr print404
214 rts
216 _http11
217 lbsr PRINTS
218 fcc "HTTP/1.1 "
219 fcb $00
220 rts
222 _server
223 lbsr PRINTS
224 fcc "Server: "
225 fcb $00
226 lbsr _serverinf
227 lbsr _newline
228 rts
230 _connclose
231 lbsr PRINTS
232 fcc "Connection: close"
233 fcb C$CR,$00
234 rts
236 _newline
237 lbsr PRINTS
238 fcb C$CR,$00
239 rts
241 _serverinf
242 lbsr PRINTS
243 fcc /httpd ed. /
244 fcb edition+$30
245 fcc / (NitrOS-9)/
246 fcb $00
247 rts
249 _htmltag
250 lbsr PRINTS
251 fcc "<HTML>"
252 fcb $00
253 rts
255 _nhtmltag
256 lbsr PRINTS
257 fcc "</HTML>"
258 fcb $00
259 rts
261 _headtag
262 lbsr PRINTS
263 fcc "<HEAD>"
264 fcb $00
265 rts
267 _nheadtag
268 lbsr PRINTS
269 fcc "</HEAD>"
270 fcb $00
271 rts
273 _titletag
274 lbsr PRINTS
275 fcc "<TITLE>"
276 fcb $00
277 rts
279 _ntitletag
280 lbsr PRINTS
281 fcc "</TITLE>"
282 fcb $00
283 rts
285 _bodytag
286 lbsr PRINTS
287 fcc "<BODY>"
288 fcb $00
289 rts
291 _nbodytag
292 lbsr PRINTS
293 fcc "</BODY>"
294 fcb $00
295 rts
297 print200OK
298 lbsr _http11
299 lbsr PRINTS
300 fcc "200 OK"
301 fcb C$CR,$00
302 lbsr _server
303 lbsr _connclose
304 lbsr _newline
305 rts
307 print404
308 lbsr _http11
309 lbsr PRINTS
310 fcc "404 Not Found"
311 fcb C$CR,$00
312 lbsr _server
313 lbsr _connclose
314 lbsr _newline
315 lbsr PRINTS
316 fcc '<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0//EN">'
317 fcb $00
318 lbsr _htmltag
319 lbsr _headtag
320 lbsr PRINTS
321 fcc '<title>404 Not Found</title>'
322 fcb $00
323 lbsr _nheadtag
324 lbsr _bodytag
325 lbsr PRINTS
326 fcc '<h1>Not Found</h1>'
327 fcc '<p>The requested URL '
328 fcb $00
329 ldx fileptr,u
330 lbsr PUTS
331 lbsr PRINTS
332 fcc ' was not found on this server.</p>'
333 fcc '<hr>'
334 fcc '<address>'
335 fcb $00
336 lbsr _serverinf
337 lbsr PRINTS
338 fcc '</address>'
339 fcb $00
340 lbsr _nbodytag
341 lbsr _nhtmltag
342 rts
344 wwwroot fcs "....../WWWROOT"
345 get fcc "GET "
346 getl equ *-get
347 fcb $00
348 index fcs "index.html"
350 endsect