1 * Main routine for REAL multiply - 6809 version
2 L40D3 pshs x Preserve X
3 lda 2,y Get 1st byte of mantissa
4 bpl L40DD If mantissa is in lower range, force result to 0
5 lda 8,y Get 1st byte of mantissa from 2nd number
6 bmi L40E9 If in upper range, go do multiply
7 L40DD clra
8 clrb
9 std 7,y Save 0 as result
10 std 9,y
11 sta $B,y
12 leay 6,y Eat temp var
13 puls pc,x
15 * Check for possible over/underflows before doing multiply
16 L40E9 lda 1,y Get exponent from temp var
17 adda 7,y Add to exponent from 1st var
18 bvc L40F6 If within 8 bit range, go do multiply
19 L40EF bpl L40DD If resulting exponent is too small, result=0
20 comb Resulting exponent too big, exit with
21 ldb #$32 Floating overflow error
22 puls pc,x
24 * Exponent possibly in range, process
25 L40F6 sta 7,y Save resultant exponent overtop 1st vars
26 ldb $B,y Get sign bit of 2nd #
27 eorb 5,y EOR with sign bit of 1st #
28 andb #$01 Only keep resulting sign bit
29 stb ,y Save what sign of result will be
30 lda $B,y Now, for actual multiply, force to positive
31 anda #$FE
32 sta $B,y
33 ldb 5,y Force both mantissa's to positive
34 andb #$FE
35 stb 5,y
36 * Possible 32x32 bit multiply routine?
37 mul Multiply LSB's together
38 sta ,-s Save MSB of result only (drop LSB)
39 clr ,-s And make 2 zero hi-bytes (result is 3 byte #)
40 clr ,-s
41 lda $B,y LSB * 2nd LSB
42 ldb 4,y
43 mul
44 addd 1,s Add to previous #
45 std 1,s
46 bcc L4120 No carry required, skip ahead
47 inc ,s
48 L4120 lda $A,y 2nd LSB * LSB
49 ldb 5,y
50 mul
51 addd 1,s Add with carry to previous #
52 std 1,s
53 bcc L412D
54 inc ,s
55 L412D ldx ,s Done 16x8 multiply, now just keep MSW
56 stx 1,s
57 clr ,s Zero out hi-byte in 3 byte #
58 lda $B,y
59 ldb 3,y
60 mul
61 addd 1,s
62 std 1,s
63 bcc L4142
64 inc ,s
65 L4142 lda $0A,y
66 ldb $04,y
67 mul
68 addd $01,s
69 std $01,s
70 bcc L414F
71 inc ,s
72 L414F lda $09,y
73 ldb $05,y
74 mul
75 addd 1,s
76 std 1,s
77 bcc L415C
78 inc ,s
79 L415C ldb 2,s
80 ldx ,s
81 stx 1,s
82 clr ,s
83 lda $B,y
84 ldb $2,y
85 mul
86 addd 1,s
87 std 1,s
88 bhs L4171
89 inc ,s
90 L4171 lda $A,y
91 ldb $3,y
92 mul
93 addd 1,s
94 std 1,s
95 bhs L417E
96 inc ,s
97 L417E lda 9,y
98 ldb 4,y
99 mul
100 addd 1,s
101 std 1,s
102 bhs L418B
103 inc ,s
104 L418B lda $08,y
105 ldb $05,y
106 mul
107 addd $01,s
108 std $01,s
109 bhs L4198
110 inc ,s
111 L4198 ldb $02,s
112 ldx ,s
113 stx $01,s
114 clr ,s
115 stb $0B,y
116 lda $0A,y
117 ldb $02,y
118 mul
119 addd $01,s
120 std $01,s
121 bcc L41AF
122 inc ,s
123 L41AF lda $09,y
124 ldb $03,y
125 mul
126 addd $01,s
127 std $01,s
128 bcc L41BC
129 inc ,s
130 L41BC lda $08,y
131 ldb $04,y
132 mul
133 addd $01,s
134 std $01,s
135 bcc L41C9
136 inc ,s
137 L41C9 ldb $02,s
138 ldx ,s
139 stx $01,s
140 clr ,s
141 stb $0A,y
142 lda $09,y
143 ldb $02,y
144 mul
145 addd $01,s
146 std $01,s
147 bcc L41E0
148 inc ,s
149 L41E0 lda $08,y
150 ldb $03,y
151 mul
152 addd $01,s
153 std $01,s
154 bcc L41ED
155 inc ,s
156 L41ED lda $08,y
157 ldb $02,y
158 mul
159 addd ,s
160 bmi L4202
161 lsl $0B,y
162 rol $0A,y
163 rol $02,s
164 rolb
165 rola
166 dec 7,y
167 bvs L421B
168 L4202 std 8,y
169 lda 2,s
170 ldb $A,y
171 addd #$0001
172 bcc L4220
173 inc 9,y
174 bne L4222
175 inc 8,y
176 bne L4222
177 ror 8,y
178 inc 7,y
179 bvc L4222
180 L421B leas 3,s
181 lbra L40EF
183 L4220 andb #$FE
184 L4222 orb ,y
185 std $A,y
186 leay 6,y
187 leas 3,s
188 clrb No error, restore & return
189 puls pc,x