1 Select one of the Icons above to
2 choose DeskMate system functions.
4 `Folder Icon:`
5 Re-define the directories used
6 by DeskMate for programs and
7 files. New directories can be
8 created.
10 `Printer Icon:`
11 Change print margins & printer
12 I/O settings. By typing a file
13 name instead of the printer
14 device (/P), you can print
15 to a text file.
16 \`Calculator:`
17 Press number & letter keys
18 (shown on the calculator, such
19 as "MR" for "memory recall"),
20 or point and click with a
21 joystick or mouse.
23 `Clock Icon:`
24 Set the time and date. When
25 files are created or copied,
26 DeskMate adds the time & date
27 to the file.
28 \`TV Icon:`
29 Change the colors of the
30 DeskMate screen by modifying
31 the palette colors. The first
32 palette has the background
33 color and the second has the
34 foreground color. The screen
35 resolution can be switched
36 between 40 & 80 column where
37 applicable.
39 `Mouse Icon:`
40 Choosing "Mouse or Joystick"
41 causes the mouse arrow to appear
42 and enables the joystick port.
43 You can continue to use keyboard^ |