1 *===========================================================================
2 * Basic09 subroutine module to determine the CPU type of the computer
3 * Test via:
4 *
6 * DIM CPUType,Mode:integer
7 * RUN CPU(Type,Mode)
8 * PRINT "CPU type:";CPUType
9 * IF Mode=0 THEN
10 * PRINT "6809 Emulation mode"
11 * ELSE
12 * PRINT "6309 Native mode"
13 * ENDIF
14 * END
15 *
16 * returns: CPUType: 6809 or 6309 (decimal integer)
17 * Mode: 0=emulation mode, 1=native mode
18 *===========================================================================
20 nam CPU
22 ifp1
23 use defsfile
24 endc
26 rev set 1 first revision
27 tylg set Sbrtn+Objct
28 atrv set ReEnt+Rev
29 edition set 1
31 org 0
32 rmb 2 return address
33 PCount rmb 2 number of parameters
34 Param1 rmb 2 1st param address
35 Length1 rmb 2 size
36 Param2 rmb 2
37 Length2 rmb 2
38 Size equ .
40 mod eom,name,tylg,atrv,start,size
42 name fcs /CPU/
43 fcb edition
45 Start ldd PCount,s get parameter count
46 cmpd #2 2 parameters?
47 bne p.error no, error out.
49 ldd Length1,s get size of the first parameter
50 cmpd #2 integer variable?
51 bne p.error no, error out.
53 ldd Length2,s
54 cmpd #2 integer variable?
55 bne p.error no, error out.
57 * do a 6309/6809 test
58 ldd #$FFFF make sure it's non-zero
59 * clrd executes as a pseudo-NOP ($10), and a CLRA
60 fdb $104F
61 tstb
62 bne is.6809
63 ldd #6309 it's a 6309
64 bra save.1
66 is.6809 ldd #6809 it's a 6809
67 save.1 ldx Param1,s where to put the CPU type
68 std ,x save the integer CPU type
70 * if it's a 6809, we don't need to do the next part, as we KNOW it's
71 * running in 6809 emulation mode!
73 * this is harder.... are we in native mode?
74 pshs cc,dp,x,y,u save all registers but D
75 * pshsw a NOP on a 6809
76 fdb $1038
78 leay native,pc native mode PC
79 leax emulate,pc emulation mode PC
80 pshs x,y save them
81 pshs cc,d,dp,x,y,u and the rest of the registers, too.
82 orcc #Entire set the entire bit in CC
83 rti
85 emulate leas 2,s emulation mode: kill native mode PC
86 clrb we're in emulation mode
87 fcb $8C skip 2 bytes
88 native ldb #1 in native mode
89 puls u restore W from off-stack
90 * tfr u,w a PULSW does an 'RTS' on a 6809
91 fdb $1F36
92 puls cc,dp,x,y,u restore all of our other registers
93 clra now d=0: emulation, 1: native
94 ldx Param2,s where to put the data
95 std ,x save native/emulation mode flag
96 clrb no errors
97 rts
99 p.error comb set the carry
100 ldb #$38 Basic09 parameter error
101 rts
103 emod
104 eom equ *
105 end