1 ********************************************************************
2 * Boot - Glenside IDE Boot module
3 *
4 * $Id$
5 *
6 * Ed. Comments Who YY/MM/DD
7 * ------------------------------------------------------------------
8 * 1 Created BGP 99/05/11
10 nam Boot
11 ttl Glenside IDE Boot module
13 ifp1
14 use defsfile
15 endc
17 tylg set Systm+Objct
18 atrv set ReEnt+rev
19 rev set 0
20 edition set 1
22 mod eom,name,tylg,atrv,start,size
24 blockloc rmb 2 pointer to memory requested
25 blockimg rmb 2 duplicate of the above
26 bootloc rmb 3 sector pointer; not byte pointer
27 bootsize rmb 2 size in bytes
28 size equ .
30 name fcs /Boot/
31 fcb edition
33 hwport fdb $FF70
35 start clra
36 ldb #size
37 clean pshs a
38 decb
39 bne clean
40 tfr s,u get pointer to data area
41 pshs u save pointer to data area
43 lda #$D0 forced interrupt; kill floppy activity
44 sta $FF48 command register
45 clrb
46 pause decb
47 bne pause
48 lda $FF48 clear controller
49 clr $FF40 make sure motors are turned off
50 sta $FFD9 fast clock
51 lbsr Init
53 * Request memory for LSN0
54 ldd #1
55 os9 F$SRqMem request one page of RAM
56 bcs error
57 bsr getpntr
59 * Get LSN0 into memory
60 clrb MSB sector
61 ldx #0 LSW sector
62 bsr mread
63 bcs error
64 ldd bootsize,u
65 beq error
66 pshs d
68 * Return memory
69 ldd #$100
70 ldu blockloc,u
71 os9 F$SRtMem
72 puls d
73 os9 F$BtMem
74 bcs error
75 bsr getpntr
76 std blockimg,u
78 * Get os9boot into memory
79 ldd bootsize,u
80 leas -2,s same as a PSHS D
81 getboot std ,s
82 ldb bootloc,u MSB sector location
83 ldx bootloc+1,u LSW sector location
84 bsr mread
85 ldd bootloc+1,u update sector location by one to 24bit word
86 addd #1
87 std bootloc+1,u
88 ldb bootloc,u
89 adcb #0
90 stb bootloc,u
91 inc blockloc,u update memory pointer for upload
92 ldd ,s update size of file left to read
93 subd #$100 file read one sector at a time
94 bhi getboot
96 leas 4+size,s reset the stack same as PULS U,D
97 ldd bootsize,u
98 ldx blockimg,u pointer to start of os9boot in memory
99 andcc #^Carry clear carry
100 rts back to os9p1
102 error leas 2+size,s
103 ldb #E$NotRdy drive not ready
104 rts
106 getpntr tfr u,d save pointer to requested memory
107 ldu 2,s recover pointer to data stack
108 std blockloc,u
109 rts
111 mread tstb
112 bne read10
113 cmpx #0
114 bne read10
115 bsr read10
116 bcc readlsn0
117 rts
119 readlsn0 pshs a,x,y
120 ldy blockloc,u
121 lda DD.Bt,y os9boot pointer
122 ldx DD.Bt+1,y LSW of 24 bit address
123 sta bootloc,u
124 stx bootloc+1,u
125 ldx DD.BSZ,y os9boot size in bytes
126 stx bootsize,u
127 clrb
128 puls a,x,y,pc
130 * Initialize IDE interface
131 Init ldx #$1500
132 ldy hwport,pc
133 RdyIni1 tst 7,y Wait for drive ready
134 bpl GoInit
135 leax -1,x
136 bne RdyIni1
137 lbeq ENotRdy Timed out ... give up on drive
139 GoInit ldd #$AF20 Drive is ready -- initialize
140 * For IDE command $91, DrvHd reg = 101xhhhh binary
141 sta 6,y $10 heads (x=0-master/1-slave; hhhh=#heads)
142 stb 2,y $20 sectors/track
143 lda #$91
144 sta 7,y Give drive the Init Drive Parameters IDE command
145 RdyIni2 tst 7,y
146 bmi RdyIni2 Wait *forever* until drive is ready
147 clrb
148 rts
149 ENotRdy comb
150 ldb #E$NotRdy
151 rts
153 *
154 * READ
155 *
156 * B = MSB of OS-9 disk LSN
157 * X = LSB of OS-9 disk LSN
158 *
159 read10 lbsr SetIDE
160 bcs Ret
161 ldx blockloc,u
162 lda #$20
163 pshs a
164 ldy hwport,pc
165 ReadLp lda ,y
166 ldb ,y
167 std ,x++
168 lda ,y
169 ldb ,y
170 std ,x++
171 lda ,y
172 ldb ,y
173 std ,x++
174 lda ,y
175 ldb ,y
176 std ,x++
177 dec ,s
178 bne ReadLp
179 puls a
181 *
182 * After read or write, check drive status
183 * Return value = CC, true=error, false=OK
184 *
185 WaitOK lda #$80 Is DRQ still true? Just one check necessary
186 ldy hwport,pc
187 bita 7,y If it is, sector isn't fully transferred
188 bne WaitOK
189 lda #$01 Wait *forever* for drive ready
190 bita 7,y
191 bne CmdErr
192 Ret clrb Nope -- clear CC
193 rts
194 CmdErr comb Yep -- set CC
195 rts
197 *
198 * Setup IDE read or write operation
199 * trashes D and X
200 *
201 SetIDE pshs b,x
202 ldx #$A000
203 CmdLp1 ldy hwport,pc
204 tst 7,y
205 bpl SetRdy Should go to ChkDRDY ?????
206 leax -1,x
207 bne CmdLp1
208 puls b,x
209 bra ENotRdy
211 SetRdy lda 2,s Sector first
212 anda #$1F
213 adda #$01
214 sta 3,y Store calculated sector number
215 ldd 1,s
216 rolb
217 rola
218 rolb
219 rola
220 rolb
221 rola
222 anda #$0F
223 ora #$A0
224 sta 6,y Store calculated drive number
225 ldd ,s Last, the cylinder number (2-bytes)
226 rora
227 rorb
228 anda #$7F
229 sta 5,y Store calculated CylHi
230 stb 4,y Store calculated CylLo
231 lda #$01
232 sta 2,y Sector count = 1
233 ldb #$20
234 stb 7,y Lastly, push the command to the drive
235 ldb #$40
236 lda #$08 Wait for Drive ready
237 CmdLp2 bita 7,y
238 bne CmdDone
239 decb
240 bne CmdLp2
241 ldx #$0001 If we time out, sleep 1 tick, then loop *forever*
242 os9 F$Sleep
243 CmdLp3 bita 7,y
244 beq CmdLp3
245 CmdDone puls b,x
246 clrb All right, drive ready -- return
247 rts
249 * Fillers to get to $1D0
250 fcc /9999999999/
251 fcc /9999999999/
252 fcc /9999999999/
253 fcc /9999999999/
254 fcc /9999999999/
255 fcc /9999999999/
256 fcc /9999999999/
257 fcc /999999999/
259 emod
261 eom equ *