1 *
2 * GIFcolors: Analyze GIF color map, generate CoCo palette and Gif->coco
3 * translation tables. Expects X to point to GIF color map, D to hold
4 * number of palettes in that color map, and U to point to buffer
5 * to receive translation table.
6 *
7 * Data structures
8 * Color translation table contains three bytes for each GIF color:
9 * primary color, secondary color, fraction of secondary color for dither
10 *
11 * Algorithm
12 * First, convert each GIF color to closest CoCo color, and choose
13 * 16 "furthest" apart from those for the palette.
14 * For each GIF color in the original GIF palette, interpolate it
15 * between 2 closest colors in the palette.
16 *
17 * Notes&Assumptions
18 * There are no more than 256 colors in the GIF palette. So, B holds
19 * the number of palettes, where 0 indicates 256.
20 *
21 ifp1
22 use os9defs.a
23 endc
25 psect view_gifcol_a,0,0,0,0,0
27 check macro
28 pshs b,cc
29 ldb #\1
30 os9 F$PErr
31 puls b,cc
32 endm
34 vsect dp
35 numpals rmb 1
36 endsect
38 GIFcolors:
39 pshs a,b,x,y,u
40 pshs a
41 lda <format
42 cmpa #GIFBWFormat Or if GIFBW format specified.
43 beq GIFcol0
44 lda <type
45 cmpa #5 Was type 5,6,7 forced?
46 blo GIFcol1 Illegal mode, do auto-determine
47 cmpa #7
48 bhi GIFcol1 Type 8, use full color.
49 GIFcol0
50 puls a
51 bsr bwpals If yes, convert pals to grey scales, gen b/w palette.
52 bra GIFcol2
54 GIFcol1
55 puls a
56 leau linebuff,y Temporary storage.
57 bsr copypals Copy the palettes over.
58 tfr u,x
59 lbsr genpals Use GIF palettes to generate a CoCo palette
60 GIFcol2
62 ldx 2,s
63 ldu 6,s
64 lbsr gentable Generate a GIF->CoCo translation table
66 lbsr palconv Now convert actual palette values
68 lda <type
69 cmpa #5
70 blo GIFcol3 If legal screen type already, skip this.
71 cmpa #8
72 bls GIFcolend
73 GIFcol3
74 lda #8 Default to type 8 screen
75 ldb numpals
76 cmpb #4
77 bhi GIFcolend
78 lda #7 Use type 7 if 4 or fewer palette colors.
79 GIFcolend
80 sta <type
82 puls a,b,x,y,u,pc
84 * Copy D pals from X to U
85 copypals
86 pshs a,b,x,y,u
87 tfr d,y
88 leay d,y
89 leay d,y
90 copyloop
91 lda ,x+
92 sta ,u+
93 leay -1,y
94 bne copyloop
95 puls a,b,x,y,u,pc
97 * Convert palettes to grey scale values.
98 * D pals pointed to by X.
99 bwpals
100 pshs a,b,x,u
101 tfr x,u
102 pshs b
103 bwpals1
104 ldb ,u
105 lda #5
106 mul
107 tfr d,x
108 ldb 1,u
109 lda #3
110 mul
111 leax d,x
112 ldb 2,u
113 lda #1
114 mul
115 leax d,x
116 lda #9
117 lbsr div168
118 stb ,u+
119 stb ,u+
120 stb ,u+
121 dec ,s
122 bne bwpals1
123 puls b
125 clra
126 leax palette,y
127 bwpals2
128 sta ,x+
129 sta ,x+
130 sta ,x+
131 adda #$55
132 bcc bwpals2
133 lda #4
134 sta numpals
136 lda <type Type 5 only has 2 colors
137 cmpa #5
138 bne bwpals3
139 leax palette+3,y
140 ldb #$ff
141 stb ,x+ Set 2nd color to white
142 stb ,x+
143 stb ,x+
144 lda #2
145 sta numpals
146 bwpals3
148 puls a,b,x,u,pc
150 *
151 * Use D pals pointed to by X to create a CoCo palette stored in "palette"
152 * in 3-byte format. (one byte each of R, G, B)
153 genpals
154 pshs a,b,x,y,u
155 lbsr normpals Normalize palettes
156 leau palette,y
157 clra
158 bsr copypal First one we get for free
159 inca
160 * X points to GIF palettes, U points to palettes, A holds number
161 * of palettes we've generated so far.
162 genloop
163 ldb 1,s
164 ldx 2,s
165 bsr minmax Get the farthest palette from the ones already chosen.
166 tstb
167 beq genpend If dist is zero, quit now.
168 bsr copypal Copy it to the palette.
169 inca
170 cmpa #16
171 bne genloop
172 genpend
173 sta numpals
174 puls a,b,x,y,u,pc
176 * From the B many GIF palettes at [X], choose the one farthest from the A many
177 * palettes already selected at [U].
178 * Local vars: ,s -- counts down GIF palettes
179 * 1,s -- Max dist so far
180 * 2:3,s -- Farthest palette seen so far.
181 minmax
182 pshs a,y,u
183 pshs x Init farthest to first
184 clr ,-s Init max dist to zero
185 pshs b Init counter
186 minmaxloop
187 bsr setdist Get distance from first palette to set of pals.
188 cmpb 1,s Is it further??
189 bls minmaxend If no farther, keep going.
190 stb 1,s Set new dist, palette.
191 stx 2,s
192 minmaxend
193 leax 3,x
194 dec ,s Count down palettes.
195 bne minmaxloop
196 puls b Remove null counter.
197 puls b Get distance into B.
198 puls x Get pointer to farthest one.
199 puls a,y,u,pc
201 * X points to a palette, U points to A many palettes.
202 * Return (in B) the minimum distance from [X] to [U]
203 setdist
204 pshs u
205 bsr closest
206 puls u,pc
208 vsect dp
209 nextclose rmb 2
210 nextdist rmb 1
211 endsect
212 * X points to one palette, U to A many palettes.
213 * Return minimum distance in B, pointer to closest in U.
214 closest
215 pshs a,x
216 pshs a Number of pals on stack.
217 ldb #$ff Min dist starts out as $FF.
218 pshs b,u Store the min so far on the stack
219 stb nextdist ... and in the 2nd closest vars.
220 stu nextclose
221 setdistloop
222 bsr distance
223 cmpb ,s Is this one closer than the closest so far?
224 bhs setdist1
225 lda ,s Yes, make old closest into 2nd closest.
226 sta nextdist
227 stb ,s and make this closest.
228 ldd 1,s
229 std nextclose
230 stu 1,s
231 bra setdist2
232 setdist1
233 cmpb nextdist Is it closer than the 2nd closest so far?
234 bhs setdist2
235 stb nextdist Yes, store it.
236 stu nextclose
237 setdist2
238 leau 3,u
239 dec 3,s
240 bne setdistloop
241 puls b,u Get the minimum into B, and the closest in U.
242 puls a
243 puls a,x,pc
245 * Copy one palette from [X] to [3*A,U]
246 copypal
247 pshs a,u,x
248 leau a,u
249 leau a,u
250 leau a,u
251 lda ,x+
252 sta ,u+
253 lda ,x+
254 sta ,u+
255 lda ,x+
256 sta ,u+
257 puls a,u,x,pc
259 * Return the distance from the palette value pointed to by X to the value
260 * pointed to by U in B
261 distance
262 pshs a,x,u
263 clra
264 ldb ,x+
265 subb ,u+
266 bhi dist1
267 negb
268 dist1
269 pshs d
270 ldb ,x+
271 subb ,u+
272 bhi dist2
273 negb
274 dist2
275 pshs d
276 ldb ,x+
277 subb ,u+
278 bhi dist3
279 negb
280 dist3
281 addd ,s++
282 addd ,s++
283 lsra divide to get it in one byte.
284 rorb
285 lsra
286 rorb
287 puls a,x,u,pc
290 * Normalize D pals pointed to by X into a CoCo 3-byte format
291 normpals
292 pshs a,b,x
293 normloop
294 bsr normcoord
295 bsr normcoord
296 bsr normcoord
297 subd #1
298 bne normloop
299 puls a,b,x,pc
300 normcoord
301 pshs a,b
302 lda ,x
303 ldb #85
304 lbsr divAB Divide by 85.
305 lslb Round to nearest integer.
306 adca #0
307 ldb #85 Mult by 85 to get normed value.
308 mul
309 stb ,x+
310 puls a,b,pc
312 * X points to D many GIF palettes
313 * U points to destination for translation table.
314 *
315 * Stage 2 algorithm:
316 * For each GIF color, dither the two closest CoCo colors.
317 * Use the ratio of distances as the dithering percentage.
318 csect
319 gentpals rmb 2 Pointer to CoCo palette
320 gentcnt rmb 1 Counts down number of GIF colors
321 gentgif rmb 2 Ptr to GIF colors
322 gentred rmb 1 Holds one palette value.
323 gentgrn rmb 1
324 gentblu rmb 1
325 genttrans rmb 2 Ptr to trans table.
326 gent1dist rmb 1 Distance to primary color
327 gent2dist rmb 1 Distance to secondary color.
328 gent1pal rmb 2 Ptr to primary color
329 gent2pal rmb 2 Ptr to secondary color
330 gentvars rmb 0 Total number of local vars.
331 endsect
333 gentable
334 pshs a,b,x,y,u
335 leas -gentvars,s
336 stx gentgif,s
337 stb gentcnt,s
338 leay palette,y
339 sty gentpals,s
340 tfr u,y
341 * Y points to trans table address
342 * gentgif,s points to GIF palettes
343 * gentpals,s points to CoCo palettes.
344 gentloop
346 * First, try to get a "primary" color. Use the closest match.
347 lda numpals Number of palettes.
348 ldu gentpals,s Palette ptr.
349 ldx gentgif,s Ptr to GIF palette.
350 lbsr closest Get closest coco palette (U points to it)
351 stu gent1pal,s Save primary color ptr
352 tfr u,d Set primary color.
353 subd gentpals,s D holds offset to closest palette.
354 lbsr div3 Divide B by 3 to get a palette #.
355 stb ,y
357 * Now, get an "ideal" secondary color to dither with it.
358 sty genttrans,s Save Y
359 ldx gentgif,s Get ptr to GIF palette that we're trying to match
360 leay gentred,s Put result in gentred, etc.
361 bsr opp3
362 ldy genttrans,s restore Y.
364 * The closest to this "ideal" color will be our secondary color
365 lda numpals Number of palettes.
366 ldu gentpals,s Palette ptr.
367 * leax gentred,s Ptr to "ideal" dither match.
368 ldx gentgif,s
369 lbsr closest
370 cmpu gent1pal,s Is the closest same as the primary color?
371 bne gent2c2 No, use the closest.
372 ldu nextclose Otherwise, use the second closest.
373 gent2c2
374 tfr u,d
375 stu gent2pal,s
376 subd gentpals,s
377 bsr div3
378 stb 1,y
380 * Calculate distance from desired color to primary color
381 ldu gent1pal,s
382 ldx gentgif,s
383 lbsr distance
384 stb gent1dist,s
386 * Calculate distance from desired color to secondary color
387 ldu gent2pal,s
388 ldx gentgif,s
389 lbsr distance
390 stb gent2dist,s
392 * Now, use the two distances to get the dithering percentage.
393 ldb gent1dist,s Set % secondary.= (1st dist) / ( (1st dist) + (2nd dist) )
394 beq gentzero
395 tfr b,a
396 addb gent2dist,s Add distances, 9 bit result (B + Carry)
397 rorb Divide B by 2 (include carry from addition)
398 lsra Div A by 2.
399 lbsr divAB
400 gentzero
401 stb 2,y
403 leay 3,y Point to next trans table entry.
405 ldx gentgif,s
406 leax 3,x
407 stx gentgif,s Point to next GIF palette.
409 dec gentcnt,s Count down number.
410 bne gentloop
412 leas gentvars,s Clean up stack.
413 puls a,b,x,y,u,pc
415 * Returns in [Y], palette value on other side of [X] from [U]
416 opp3
417 pshs a,b,x,y,u
418 bsr opp31
419 bsr opp31
420 bsr opp31
421 puls a,b,x,y,u,pc
422 opp31
423 ldb ,x+
424 lda ,u+
425 bsr opposite
426 stb ,y+
427 rts
429 * returns in B palette value on other side of B from A.
430 * i.e. calculate 2B-A, truncating at zero and at $ff.
431 opposite
432 pshs a
433 clra
434 lslb
435 rola
436 subb ,s
437 sbca #0
438 bpl opp1
439 ldd #0 If result is negative, chop at zero.
440 opp1
441 tsta If >255, chop there.
442 beq opp2
443 ldb #$ff
444 opp2
445 puls a,pc
447 * Divide positive B by 3.
448 div3
449 pshs a
450 tfr b,a
451 ldb #3
452 lbsr divAB
453 tfr a,b
454 puls a,pc
456 endsect