1 *
2 *
3 * SUBS for Pmode 4 picture format
4 *
5 * MAXshowpic -- Displays picture, using putline routine
6 *
7 *
9 check macro
10 pshs b,cc
11 ldb #\1
12 os9 F$PErr
13 puls b,cc
14 endm
16 ifp1
17 use os9defs.d
18 endc
20 psect view_max_a,0,0,0,0,0
22 vsect dp
23 totlines rmb 2
24 fitcount rmb 2
25 linesize rmb 2
26 endsect
28 MAXshowpic:
29 bsr header Read header info, set palettes, etc.
31 pshs d
32 ldd <Skiplines
33 beq skip01
34 skip00
35 lbsr getline
36 subd #1
37 bne skip00
38 skip01
40 lbsr setscreen
41 lbsr setpals
42 lbsr setbuffer
43 lda <border
44 lbsr setborder Set the border appropriately.
45 lbsr getline
47 spscreens
48 lbsr nextline
49 ldd fitcount
50 addd totlines
51 spget
52 std fitcount
53 lbsr getline
54 tst <Size
55 bne spnofit
56 ldd fitcount
57 subd #192
58 bge spget
59 std fitcount
60 spnofit
61 tst <endoffile
62 beq spscreens
64 showpicend
65 lbsr flipscreens
67 lda <format
68 cmpa #MAXCMPFormat If it's MAXCMP or ARTCMP, return extra memory.
69 beq spspecial
70 cmpa #ARTCMPFormat
71 bne spnormal
72 spspecial
73 lbsr EndMAXCMP
74 spnormal
76 puls d,pc
78 *
79 * read header info from file, and set window type information
80 *
81 vsect dp
82 endoffile rmb 1
83 totsize rmb 2
84 double rmb 1 True: each line gets doubled.
85 doublef rmb 1 True: this is first time this line's been returned.
86 fillval rmb 1 Value to blank out lines with.
87 pmode rmb 1 Pmode 0,1,2,3,4,5=Art.
88 pformat rmb 1 Pseudo-format: maxcmpformat ->p41format, artcmp -> art
89 endsect
91 sizetable fcb 16,32,16,32,32,32 Bytes/line in PMode 0,1,2,3,4, ART
93 header
94 pshs a,b,x,y,u
96 lda <format
97 cmpa #MAXCMPFormat Handle MAXCMP specially
98 bne headmode1
99 lda #P41Format MAXCMP looks like PMode 4
100 bra headmode2
101 headmode1
102 cmpa #ARTCMPFormat Handle ARTCMP specially
103 bne headmode2
104 lda #ARTFormat ARTCMP looks like ART
105 headmode2
106 sta <pformat
108 lda <pformat
109 suba #P00Format
110 lsra Divide by two, so A holds the pmode
111 sta pmode
112 leax sizetable,pcr
113 ldb a,x
114 clra
115 std linesize Set number bytes/line
117 lda <pformat
118 cmpa #ARTFormat
119 beq headbord ART is _really_ a 2-color mode.
120 suba #P00Format 2-color modes need border set to 3, 4 color to 0
121 anda #2
122 bne headbord1
123 headbord
124 lda #3
125 sta <border
126 lda #$ff
127 sta fillval
128 headbord1
130 lda <pmode
131 cmpa #1 For PMode's 0 and 1, we double each line to simulate
132 bhi headdoub 96 line graphics screen
133 com double
134 headdoub
136 leax altbuff,y Read in header into altbuff
137 lda <format
138 cmpa #MAXCMPFormat First, is this MAXCMP or ARTCMP?
139 beq headspecial
140 cmpa #ARTCMPFormat
141 beq headspecial If so, go decode it, etc.
142 pshs y
143 ldy #5 Otherwise, just read the header.
144 lbsr I_Read
145 lbcs _error
146 puls y
147 bra headnormal
148 headspecial
149 lbsr MAXCMPdecode Decode MAXCMP picture, set up header info at ,X
150 headnormal
152 lda #6
153 sta <type Use screen type 6: 320x192 by 4 color
155 leax altbuff,y Now, interpret header.
156 lda ,x+
157 lbne E$Format This must be zero.
158 ldd ,x++
159 std totsize This gives total # bytes in file.
160 ldu linesize Calculate total number of lines in file.
161 pshs u
162 lsr 1,s
163 calclines
164 lsra Since linesize is always a power of two, this works.
165 rorb
166 lsr 1,s
167 bne calclines
168 puls u
169 tst double Are we doubling lines?
170 beq doubtot
171 lsla Yes, double the number of lines for proper scaling.
172 rolb
173 doubtot
174 std totlines
176 leax pals01,pcr First, handle artifacted stuff as a special case.
177 ldb <pmode
178 cmpb #5
179 beq headpals
180 leax pals00,pcr
181 ldb <pformat
182 subb #P00Format Formats alternate between the 4 palette choices.
183 andb #3 So, interpret mod 4.
184 lslb Times 4 to get the beginning of the palette
185 lslb
186 abx
188 headpals
189 leau palette,y
190 ldb #16
191 pshs b
192 headloop
193 lda ,x+
194 sta ,u+
195 dec ,s
196 bne headloop
197 puls b
199 * Set some miscellaneous variables
200 lda #1
201 sta <cyclestart Cycle palettes 1 and 2 to allow switching artifact modes
202 lda #2
203 sta <cycleend
204 clr <cycle
205 clr <extranum lda No color rotation
207 ldd <Skiplines
208 cmpd #$ffff Is Skiplines still default?
209 bne headskip No, don't change it.
210 ldd #0
211 std <Skiplines Set it to 0
212 headskip
214 lda <Size
215 bpl headsize
216 lda #1 Default to BIG size
217 sta <Size
218 headsize
220 puls a,b,x,y,u,pc
222 * Palettes for 2-color set 0, 2-color set 1, 4-color set 0, and 4-color set 1
223 pals00 fcb 0,0,0,18 Black and green.
224 pals01 fcb 0,9,36,63 Includes artifacted colors.
225 pals10 fcb 18,54,36,9
226 pals11 fcb 63,27,45,38
229 *
230 * Getline
231 *
232 getline
233 pshs a,b,x,y,u
234 * If doublef is set, return same line again
235 tst double Is double in effect?
236 beq nodoub No, just do normal thing.
237 tst doublef
238 bne getline1
239 nodoub
240 * First, clear out buffer
241 leau linebuff,y
242 lda fillval
243 ldb #160
244 getline3
245 sta ,u+
246 decb
247 bne getline3
248 * If at end of file, leave it that way
249 tst endoffile
250 lbne getline1
251 * Get a line from the file
252 leax linebuff+8,y read in one line of screen
253 ldd <totsize
254 cmpd linesize
255 bhs getlok
256 com endoffile If <1 line left, mark end of file and quit.
257 lbra getline1
258 getlok
259 pshs y
260 ldy linesize Get 1 line's worth
261 lbsr getmaxline
262 puls y
263 lbcs geteof Error through EOF check.
264 ldd <totsize
265 subd linesize Count down bytes in file.
266 std <totsize
267 * Now, we have to expand the bytes to get a good picture format.
268 ldb <pmode
269 bitb #1 Odd pmode's are 4-color
270 bne cnvcol
271 cnvbw
272 bsr oneexpand Everything else is 2-color.
273 bra cnvfinish
274 cnvcol
275 bsr twoexpand
276 cnvfinish
277 ldd linesize
278 lslb We already doubled the line size once.
279 cnfloop
280 cmpb #64
281 bhs getline7
282 bsr twoexpand Expand out line until it's 64 bytes long.
283 lslb
284 bra cnfloop
286 getline7
287 tst <Size
288 bne getline1 If Big or larger, don't do horizontal scaling
289 ldd <totlines
290 cmpd #300
291 blo getline1 If not double-page, don't do scaling.
292 bsr horscale Do the scaling
293 bra getline1 End.
295 geteof
296 cmpb #E$EOF
297 bne getline4
298 com endoffile
299 bra getline1
300 getline4
301 lbra _error If not EOF, just exit with error.
302 getline1
303 com doublef Complement double flag.
304 puls a,b,x,y,u,pc
306 * X points to location, Y holds needed count
307 getmaxline
308 pshs a
309 lda <format
310 cmpa #MAXCMPFormat
311 beq getlinespecial
312 cmpa #ARTCMPFormat
313 beq getlinespecial
315 lbsr I_Read Just Read line if normal file
316 bra getlinenormal
317 getlinespecial
319 lbsr MAXCMPline
320 getlinenormal
321 puls a,pc
323 arttable fcb $00,$05,$0A,$0F,$50,$55,$5A,$5F,$A0,$A5,$AA,$AF,$F0,$F5,$FA,$FF
324 pm4table fcb $00,$03,$0C,$0F,$30,$33,$3C,$3F,$C0,$C3,$CC,$CF,$F0,$F3,$FC,$FF
326 oneexpand
327 pshs a,b,x,y,u
328 leay pm4table,pcr Expand each 1 bit to 2 bits
329 bra cnvdo
330 twoexpand
331 pshs a,b,x,y,u
332 leay arttable,pcr Double each 2 bits
333 cnvdo
334 leau 64,x
335 leax 32,x Expand 32 bytes out to 64.
336 lda #32
337 pshs a
338 cnvloop
339 lda ,-x
340 tfr a,b
341 lsra
342 lsra
343 lsra
344 lsra
345 andb #$0f
346 lda a,y
347 ldb b,y
348 std ,--u
349 dec ,s
350 bne cnvloop
351 puls a
352 puls a,b,x,y,u,pc
354 *
355 * Take the picture line and squeeze it horizontally by half.
356 *
357 horscale
358 pshs a,b,x,u
359 leax linebuff+8,y
360 leau linebuff+8,y
361 bsr horsub1
362 leax linebuff+72,y
363 leau linebuff+40,y
364 bsr horsub2
365 puls a,b,x,u,pc
367 horsub0
368 bsr horsuba Do it twice.
369 horsuba
370 lslb Move 1 pixel over, skip one.
371 rola
372 lslb
373 rola
374 lslb
375 lslb
376 rts
378 * Compress the picture.
379 horsub1
380 ldb #32 We do two bytes at a time.
381 pshs b
382 horsloop
383 ldb ,x+
384 bsr horsub0
385 ldb ,x+
386 bsr horsub0
387 sta ,u+
388 dec ,s
389 bne horsloop
390 puls b
391 rts
393 * Center result data on line.
394 horsub2
395 bsr horsub3 Clear out last 16 bytes on line.
396 ldb #32
397 horsloop2
398 lda ,-u Move 32 bytes to center.
399 sta ,-x
400 decb
401 bne horsloop2
402 horsub3
403 lda linebuff,y
404 ldb #16
405 horsloop3
406 sta ,-x Clear out first 16 bytes.
407 decb
408 bne horsloop3
409 rts
411 endsect