1 *
2 * Parse options line for ``view'' utility.
3 *
4 * Global labels:
5 * Parse: Do command line parsing, set flags, open file
6 * Getnum: Interpret a number, for use by options subs in view_table.a
7 *
8 * The table of options is in the file view_table.a
9 * This file contains the actual parsing code.
10 *
11 * An option without `-' is interpreted as a filename, and the corresponding
12 * file is opened for buffered input, via the routines in view_io.a
13 *
14 ifp1
15 use os9defs.d
16 endc
18 StdIn equ 0
19 StdOut equ 1
20 StdErr equ 2
21 OPT.DTP equ 0 Offset to Device TyPe byte in Path Descriptor Options section
23 psect view_parse_a,0,0,0,0,0
25 vsect dp
26 fnameptr rmb 2 Pointer to filename
27 endsect
29 vsect
30 Option rmb 20
31 endsect
34 *
35 * Entry point
36 *
37 Parse:
38 pshs a,b,x,y,u
40 ldd #0000
41 std <fnameptr
43 Parse1
44 lbsr Skipblanks Move past blanks, return first non-blank char.
46 cmpa #$0d CR marks end of options.
47 beq Openfile Try to open the file
49 cmpa #'- Does this word start with '-'?
50 beq Parse2
51 stx <fnameptr No, must be filename
52 lbsr Skipword
53 bra Parse1
54 Parse2
55 leax 1,x Bump past `-'
57 leau PTable,pcr Check table with format type options
58 lbsr DoOption Try to perform this option.
59 beq Parse3
60 lbsr Help
61 ldb #1 Illegal argument error.
62 lbra _error unrecognized option.
64 Parse3
65 lda ,x+ Skip any remaining chars in this option word
66 cmpa #$20
67 bgt Parse3
68 beq Parse4 Exit on Space
69 cmpa #$0d Exit on CR
70 beq Parse4
71 lbsr Help Other control-- report error
72 ldb #1
73 lbra _error
74 Parse4
75 leax -1,x
76 bra Parse1
78 Openfile
79 ldx <fnameptr
80 bne Parse6 If ptr is null, then no name was given.
82 lda #StdIn Is StdIn from an SCF device?
83 ldb #SS.Opt
84 leax altbuff,y
85 os9 I$GetStt Get options section of StdIn path descriptor
86 lbcs _error
87 lda OPT.DTP,x
88 bne Parse7 Not SCF, so must be redirected picture coming in.
90 lbsr Help If StdIn is SCF, then give help message and exit.
91 ldb #1
92 lbra _error
94 * "fnameptr" points to first char of filename, so search for period
95 Parse6
96 lda ,x+
97 cmpa #$20 If we find a space first, then there is no extension.
98 beq Parse7
99 cmpa #$0d ...or a CR.
100 beq Parse7
101 cmpa #'. If we find a period first, then we've found the extension.
102 bne Parse6
103 leau PTable,pcr
104 lbsr DoOption Treat extension as an option spec.
105 bra Parse6
107 * Set default format and open file for input
108 Parse7
109 lbsr DefFormat If no other file format specification, Set default format.
111 ldx <fnameptr
112 lda #READ. open file
113 lbsr I_Open
114 lbcs _error
116 puls a,b,x,y,u,pc
118 *
119 * Call subroutine indicated by option pointed to by X
120 *
121 * Returns B=1 if error, B=0 otherwise
122 *
123 DoOption
124 pshs a,u
125 DoOpt1
126 tst ,u Is this the null string?
127 bne DoOpt11 If yes, end of table.
128 ldb #1 Illegal Argument error
129 bra DoOpt3
130 DoOpt11
131 lbsr CompOptions Compare with this option.
132 beq DoOpt2
133 leau 4,u Skip format specifier, branch instruction.
134 bra DoOpt1
135 DoOpt2
136 lda ,u Get code to hand to option processor.
137 jsr 1,u Jump to routine to handle this option.
138 clrb Exit with no error.
139 DoOpt3
140 tstb
141 puls a,u,pc
143 *
144 * Compare initial part of string at X to string at U.
145 * B=0 -> match
146 * X is advanced to first character difft from string at U
147 * U string is null-terminated, U advanced to point to byte after null.
148 *
149 CompOptions
150 pshs a,x We'll overwrite X value if we get a match
151 CompLoop
152 ldb ,u+
153 bne CompGo
154 stx 1,s Return first different X
155 bra CompEnd
156 CompGo
157 lda ,x+
158 cmpa #'A
159 blo CompCase Convert letter to lowercase
160 cmpa #'Z
161 bhi CompCase
162 adda #'a-'A
163 CompCase
164 pshs a
165 subb ,s+ Does this character match?
166 beq CompLoop
167 leax -1,x
168 Comp1
169 lda ,u+ Match failed, advance U anyway
170 bne Comp1
171 CompEnd
172 tstb
173 puls a,x,pc
175 *
176 * Get decimal number at X into D, move X to first non-digit
177 *
178 Getnum:
179 ldd #0
180 pshs d
181 Getnum0
182 lda ,x+ Skip leading spaces.
183 cmpa #$20
184 beq Getnum0
185 leax -1,x
186 Getnum1
187 lda ,x+
188 cmpa #$0d
189 beq Getnum2
190 cmpa #$20
191 bge Getnum10
192 lbsr Help
193 ldb #1
194 lbra _error
195 Getnum10
196 cmpa #'0
197 blo Getnum2
198 cmpa #'9
199 bhi Getnum2
200 suba #'0
201 pshs a
202 ldd 1,s
203 lslb
204 rola
205 pshs d
206 lslb
207 rola
208 lslb
209 rola
210 addd ,s++
211 addb ,s+
212 adca #0
213 std ,s
214 bra Getnum1
215 Getnum2
216 leax -1,x
217 puls d
218 rts
220 *
221 * Move X to point to first non-blank char. Return char in A.
222 *
223 Skipblanks
224 lda ,x+
225 cmpa #$20
226 beq Skipblanks
227 cmpa #$09
228 beq Skipblanks
229 leax -1,x
230 rts
232 Skipword
233 lda ,x+
234 cmpa #$20
235 bgt Skipword
236 leax -1,x
237 rts
239 endsect