1 ifp1
2 use ..../defs/os9defs.a
3 endc
5 pushzero macro
6 clr ,-s clear a byte on stack
7 endm
9 nfiles equ 2 stdin and stdout at least
10 Typ equ 1
11 Edit equ 1
12 Stk equ nfiles*256+128+256 stdin,stdout,stderr and fudge
13 psect cstart_a,$11,$81,Edit,Stk,_cstart
15 cr equ $0d
16 sp equ $20
17 comma equ ',
18 dquote equ '"
19 squote equ ''
21 MAXARGS equ 30 allow for 30 arguments
23 *
24 * rob the first dp byte so nothing gets assigned
25 * here. No valid pointer can point to byte zero.
26 *
27 vsect dp
28 __$$ fcb 0
29 endsect
31 vsect
32 argv rmb 2*MAXARGS pointers to args
33 argc rmb 2 argument counter
34 _sttop rmb 2 stack top
35 endsect
37 * the following are globally known
38 vsect
39 memend: rmb 2
40 _flacc: rmb 8 floating point & longs accumulator
41 _mtop: rmb 2 current non-stack memory top
42 _stbot: rmb 2 current stack bottom limit
43 errno: rmb 2 global error holder
44 endsect
46 *
47 * move bytes (Y=From addr, U=To addr, X=Count)
48 *
49 movbytes
50 lda ,y+ get a byte
51 sta ,u+ put a byte
52 leax -1,x dec the count
53 bne movbytes and round again
54 rts
56 _cstart:
57 pshs y save the top of mem
58 pshs u save the data beginning address
60 clra setup to clear
61 clrb 256 bytes
62 csta05 sta ,u+ clear dp bytes
63 decb
64 bne csta05
66 csta10 ldx 0,s get the beginning of data address
67 leau 0,x (tfr x,u)
68 leax end,x get the end of bss address
69 pshs x save it
70 leay etext,pcr point to dp-data count word
72 ldx ,y++ get count of dp-data to be moved
73 beq csta15 bra if none
74 bsr movbytes move dp data into position
76 ldu 2,s get beginning address again
77 csta15 leau dpsiz,u point to where non-dp should start
78 ldx ,y++ get count of non-dp data to be moved
79 beq clrbss
80 bsr movbytes move non-dp data into position
82 * clear the bss area - starts where
83 * the transferred data finished
84 clra
85 clrbss cmpu 0,s reached the end?
86 beq reldt bra if so
87 sta ,u+ clear it
88 bra clrbss
90 * now relocate the data-text references
91 reldt ldu 2,s restore to data bottom
92 ldd ,y++ get dat-text ref. count
93 beq reldd
94 leax btext,pcr point to text
95 lbsr patch patch them
97 * and the data-data refs.
98 reldd ldd ,y++ get the count of data refs.
99 beq restack bra if none
100 leax 0,u u was already pointing there
101 lbsr patch
103 restack leas 4,s reset stack
104 puls x restore 'memend'
105 stx memend,u
107 * process the params
108 * the stack pointer is back where it started so is
109 * pointing at the params
110 *
111 * the objective is to insert null chars at the end of each argument
112 * and fill in the argv vector with pointers to them
114 * first store the program name address
115 * (an extra name inserted here for just this purpose
116 * - undocumented as yet)
117 sty argv,u
119 ldd #1 at least one arg
120 std argc,u
121 leay argv+2,u point y at second slot
122 leax 0,s point x at params
123 lda ,x+ initialize
125 aloop ldb argc+1,u
126 cmpb #MAXARGS-1 about to overflow?
127 beq final
128 aloop10 cmpa #cr is it EOL?
129 beq final yes - reached the end of the list
131 cmpa #sp is it a space?
132 beq aloop20 yes - try another
133 cmpa #comma is it a comma?
134 bne aloop30 no - a word has started
135 aloop20 lda ,x+ yes - bump
136 bra aloop10 and round again
138 aloop30 cmpa #dquote quoted string?
139 beq aloop40 yes
140 cmpa #squote the other one?
141 bne aloop60 no - ordinary
143 aloop40 stx ,y++ save address in vector
144 inc argc+1,u bump the arg count
145 pshs a save delimiter
147 qloop lda ,x+ get another
148 cmpa #cr eol?
149 beq aloop50
150 cmpa 0,s delimiter?
151 bne qloop
153 aloop50 puls b clean stack
154 clr -1,x
155 cmpa #cr
156 beq final
157 lda ,x+
158 bra aloop
160 aloop60 leax -1,x point at first char
161 stx ,y++ put address in vector
162 leax 1,x bump it back
163 inc argc+1,u bump the arg count
165 * at least one non-space char has been seen
166 aloop70 cmpa #cr have
167 beq loopend we
168 cmpa #sp reached
169 beq loopend the end?
170 cmpa #comma comma?
171 beq loopend
172 lda ,x+ no - look further
173 bra aloop70
175 loopend clr -1,x yes - put in the null byte
176 bra aloop and look for the next word
178 * now put the pointers on the stack
179 final leax argv,u get the address of the arg vector
180 pshs x goes on the stack first
181 ldd argc,u get the arg count
182 pshs d stack it
183 leay 0,u C progs. assume data & bss offset from y
185 bsr _fixtop set various variables
187 lbsr main call the program
189 pushzero put a zero
190 pushzero on the stack
191 lbsr exit and a dummy 'return address'
193 * no return here
194 _fixtop leax end,y get the initial memory end address
195 stx _mtop,y it's the current memory top
196 sts _sttop,y this is really two bytes short!
197 sts _stbot,y
198 ldd #-126 give ourselves some breathing space
200 * on entry here, d holds the negative of a stack reservation request
201 _stkchec:
202 _stkcheck:
203 leax d,s calculate the requested size
204 cmpx _stbot,y is it lower than already reserved?
205 bhs stk10 no - return
206 cmpx _mtop,y yes - is it lower than possible?
207 blo fsterr yes - can't cope
208 stx _stbot,y no - reserve it
209 stk10 rts and return
211 fixserr fcc /**** STACK OVERFLOW ****/
212 fcb 13
214 fsterr leax <fixserr,pcr address of error string
215 ldb #E$MEMFUL MEMORY FULL error number
217 erexit pshs b stack the error number
218 lda #2 standard error output
219 ldy #100 more than necessary
220 os9 I$WRITLN write it
221 pushzero clear MSB of status
222 lbsr _exit and out
223 * no return here
225 * stacksize()
226 * returns the extent of stack requested
227 * can be used by programmer for guidance
228 * in sizing memory at compile time
229 stacksiz:
230 ldd _sttop,y top of stack on entry
231 subd _stbot,y subtract current reserved limit
232 rts
234 * freemem()
235 * returns the current size of the free memory area
236 freemem:
237 ldd _stbot,y
238 subd _mtop,y
239 rts
241 * patch - adjust initialised data which refer to memory locations.
242 * entry:
243 * y -> list of offsets in the data area to be patched
244 * u -> base of data
245 * x -> base of either text or data area as appropriate
246 * d = count of offsets in the list
247 *
248 * exit:
249 * u - unchanged
250 * y - past the last entry in the list
251 * x and d mangled
253 patch pshs x save the base
254 leax d,y half way up the list
255 leax d,x top of list
256 pshs x save it as place to stop
258 * we do not come to this routine with
259 * a zero count (check!) so a test at the loop top
260 * is unnecessary
261 patch10 ldd ,y++ get the offset
262 leax d,u point to location
263 ldd 0,x get the relative reference
264 addd 2,s add in the base
265 std 0,x store the absolute reference
266 cmpy 0,s reached the top?
267 bne patch10 no - round again
269 leas 4,s reset the stack
270 rts and return
272 endsect