1 ********************************************************************
2 * DDir - Show device table entries
3 *
4 * $Id$
5 *
6 * Ed. Comments Who YY/MM/DD
7 * ------------------------------------------------------------------
8 * 2 Reworked AD
10 nam DDir
11 ttl program module
13 * Disassembled 94/11/05 14:18:05 by Alan DeKok
14 *
15 * Future revisions:
16 * Check <D.Init and DevCnt for entries in device polling table
17 * check 9/D for size of table - go to V$DESC and look for $87CD
19 ifp1
20 use defsfile
21 endc
23 tylg set Prgrm+Objct
24 atrv set ReEnt+rev
25 rev set $01
26 edition set 2
28 mod eom,name,tylg,atrv,start,size
30 MemStrt rmb 2
31 DATImg rmb 4
32 u0006 rmb 2
33 u0008 rmb 1
34 u0009 rmb 8
35 DevTbl rmb 2
36 u0013 rmb 1
37 u0014 rmb 80
38 u0064 rmb 512
39 u0264 rmb 512
40 u0464 rmb 712
41 size equ .
43 name fcs /DDir/
44 fcb edition
46 L0012 fcc /Device Table at: /
47 x12Len equ *-L0012
48 Header fcc /Device Desc Driver Static File Usr/
49 fcb $0D
50 L004B fcc /Name Port Name Mem Manager Cnt/
51 fcb $0D
52 L0073 fcc /----------- ------------- ------- ---/
53 MyCR fcb $0D
55 start ldd ,x get parameter bytes
56 cmpd #$2D3F -?
57 lbeq Help
59 lda #$01
60 stu <MemStrt
61 leax >MyCR,pcr
62 ldy #$0001
63 os9 I$WritLn output a CR
64 lbcs Exit
65 leax >L0012,pcr dump out header
66 ldy #x12Len
67 os9 I$Write
68 lbcs Exit
69 lda #$01
70 leax >u0464,u
71 os9 F$GPrDsc get system process descriptor
72 bcs Exit
73 leax <P$DATImg,x
74 stx <DATImg save address of system's DAT image
75 bra L00D3
77 ClnExit clrb
78 Exit os9 F$Exit
80 L00D3 ldu <MemStrt
81 leau >u0064,u
82 ldd <DATImg
83 ldx #D.DevTbl I/O device table
84 ldy #$0002 size of the pointer
85 os9 F$CpyMem
86 lbcs Exit
88 ldu <MemStrt
89 leay <u0014,u
90 sty <u0006
91 ldd <u0064,u get the pointer
92 std <DevTbl save it
93 lbsr L0222
94 lbsr L01E6
96 lda #$01
97 leax >MyCR,pcr dump out another CR
98 ldy #$0001
99 os9 I$WritLn
100 lbcs Exit
102 leax >Header,pcr
103 ldy #$0028
104 os9 I$WritLn
105 lbcs Exit
107 leax >L004B,pcr
108 ldy #$0028
109 os9 I$WritLn
110 lbcs Exit
111 leax >L0073,pcr
112 ldy #$0028
113 os9 I$WritLn
114 lbcs Exit
116 ldu <MemStrt
117 leau >u0064,u
118 ldx <DevTbl
119 ldy #$0100
120 ldd <DATImg
121 os9 F$CpyMem copy the device table over
122 lbcs Exit
123 ldb #256/DEVSIZ
124 stb <u0008 total number of entries to get
125 stu <u0009 save pointer to start of DevTbl
127 L0155 bsr L0165
128 dec <u0008
129 lbeq ClnExit if done them all, exit
131 ldx <u0009 get current pointer
132 leax DEVSIZ,x go to the next one
133 stx <u0009 save the pointer again
134 bra L0155 and loop back
136 L0165 ldu <MemStrt
137 leay <u0014,u
138 sty <u0006
139 lda #C$SPAC space
140 ldb #$05
141 L0171 sta ,y+ save 5 spaces
142 decb
143 bne L0171
145 ldx <u0009 get the current pointer
146 ldx V$DESC,x descriptor?
147 bne L017D if exists, go do it
148 rts otherwise exit
150 L017D pshs u
151 leau >u0264,u to another buffer
152 ldd <DATImg system DAT image
153 ldy #200 get 200 bytes
154 os9 F$CpyMem
155 puls u
156 lbcs Exit
158 leax >u0264,u point to the start of the buffer
159 ldd M$Name,x pointer to the name
160 leax d,x
161 lda #$05
162 bsr L01FF dump out the first 5 bytes of the name?
164 leax >u0264,u
165 lda M$Port,x port address of the device
166 lbsr L0228
167 ldy <u0006
168 leay -$01,y
169 sty <u0006
170 ldd M$Port+1,x
171 lbsr L0222
172 lbsr L022A
173 leax >u0264,u
174 ldd M$PDev,x device driver name offset
175 leax d,x
176 lda #$09
177 bsr L01FF dump out 9 bytes of the driver name
178 ldx <u0009
179 ldd V$STAT,x
180 lbsr L0222
181 lbsr L022A
182 leax >u0264,u
183 ldd M$FMGr,x file manager name offset
184 leax d,x point to it
185 lda #$09
186 bsr L01FF dump out 9 bytes of the file manager's name
187 ldx <u0009
188 lda V$USRS,x use count
189 lbsr L0228 print it
190 ldx <u0006
191 leax -$01,x
192 bra L01E8
194 L01E6 ldx <u0006
196 L01E8 lda #C$CR save a CR in memory
197 sta ,x
198 ldu <MemStrt
199 leax <u0014,u to the buffer
200 ldy #$0050 80 characters max.
201 lda #$01
202 os9 I$WritLn dump the buffer out
203 lbcs Exit
204 rts
206 L01FF sta <u0013 dump out A bytes at X
207 clrb
208 bra L0207
210 L0204 lbsr L0242
211 L0207 incb
212 cmpb <u0013
213 bcc L0219
214 lda ,x+
215 bpl L0204
216 anda #$7F
217 lbsr L0242 dump it out
218 cmpb <u0013
219 bcc L0221
221 L0219 lbsr L022A
222 incb
223 cmpb <u0013
224 bcs L0219
225 L0221 rts
227 L0222 pshs b
228 bsr L022E
229 puls a
230 L0228 bsr L022E
231 L022A lda #C$SPAC output a space
232 bra L0242
234 L022E tfr a,b
235 lsra
236 lsra
237 lsra
238 lsra
239 bsr L0238
240 tfr b,a
241 L0238 anda #$0F get the number
242 cmpa #$0A >10?
243 bcs L0240 no, make it a number
244 adda #$07 if so, make it A-F
245 L0240 adda #$30
246 L0242 pshs x
247 ldx <u0006 get buffer pointer
248 sta ,x+
249 stx <u0006
250 puls pc,x
252 Help lda #1 to STDOUT
253 leax HMsg,pcr
254 ldy #HLen
255 OS9 I$Write
256 clrb
257 OS9 F$Exit
259 HMsg fcc /ddir: NitrOS-9 v1.21 or greater only./
260 fdb C$CR,C$LF
261 HLen equ *-HMsg
263 emod
264 eom equ *
265 end