1 *
2 * Save compression routines.
3 * VEFSquash: Squashes data for VEF format.
4 * CM3Compress: Compresses altbuff using CM3 compression
5 * MGEsame: copy linebuff to altbuff
6 *
8 ifp1
9 use os9defs.d
10 endc
12 check macro
13 pshs b,cc
14 ldb #\1
15 os9 F$PErr
16 puls b,cc
17 endm
19 psect view_savecomp_a,0,0,0,0,0
21 *
22 * Compress one line with CM3 compression.
23 * Expects: line data in altbuff
24 * Returns: compressed line in altbuff, preceded by 2-byte size
25 * Uses: alt2buff to store last line of data
26 Stash equ 160 Stash new line at end of old line
27 CM3compress:
28 pshs a,b
29 bsr CM3stash Stash line at alt2buff+Stash
30 lbsr CM3docomp Try to compress it
31 ldd altbuff,y Get the result size
32 cmpd #160
33 bls CM3comp0 If its small, use compressed line
34 bsr CM3nocomp Else don't compress it
35 CM3comp0
36 bsr CM3save Save old line
37 puls a,b,pc
39 * Copy from altbuff to stash area
40 CM3stash
41 pshs a,b,x,u
42 leax altbuff,y
43 leau alt2buff+Stash,y
44 ldb #160
45 CM3st1
46 lda ,x+
47 sta ,u+
48 decb
49 bne CM3st1
50 puls a,b,x,u,pc
52 * Copy from stash area to save area
53 CM3save
54 pshs a,b,x,u
55 leax alt2buff+Stash,y
56 leau alt2buff,y
57 ldb #160
58 CM3save1
59 lda ,x+
60 sta ,u+
61 decb
62 bne CM3save1
63 puls a,b,x,u,pc
65 * No compression: from stash area to altbuff
66 CM3nocomp
67 pshs a,b,x,y,u
68 leax altbuff,y First try, no compression at all.
69 ldd #161
70 std ,x++
71 ldb #160
72 stb ,x+
73 leau alt2buff+Stash,y Get data from stash area.
74 CM3noc1
75 lda ,u+
76 sta ,x+
77 decb
78 bne CM3noc1
79 puls a,b,x,y,u,pc
81 vsect dp
82 ImagePtr rmb 2
83 ImageBit rmb 1
84 ActionPtr rmb 2
85 ActionBit rmb 1
86 endsect
88 SetAction
89 pshs a,x
90 lda ActionBit
91 ldx ActionPtr
92 ora ,x
93 sta ,x
94 puls a,x
95 ClrAction
96 pshs a,x
97 lda ActionBit
98 lsra
99 bcc ClrAct1
100 ldx ActionPtr
101 leax 1,x
102 stx ActionPtr
103 inc altbuff+2,y Increment count of Action bytes.
104 rora
105 ClrAct1
106 sta ActionBit
107 puls a,x,pc
109 SetImage
110 pshs a,x
111 lda ImageBit
112 ldx ImagePtr
113 ora ,x
114 sta ,x
115 puls a,x
116 ClrImage
117 pshs a,x
118 lda ImageBit
119 lsra
120 bcc ClrIm1
121 ldx ImagePtr
122 leax 1,x
123 stx ImagePtr
124 rora
125 ClrIm1
126 sta ImageBit
127 puls a,x,pc
129 * Try doing CM3 compression
130 CM3docomp
131 pshs a,b,x,y,u
133 leax altbuff,y Clear out receiving area.
134 clrb
135 CM3do1
136 clr ,x+
137 decb
138 bne CM3do1
140 leax altbuff+2+1,y Set up Image and Action stuff
141 stx ImagePtr
142 leax altbuff+2+1+20,y
143 stx ActionPtr
144 lda #$80
145 sta ImageBit Start with MSBit
146 sta ActionBit
147 lda #1
148 sta altbuff+2,y Set # Action bytes to 1
150 leax alt2buff+Stash,y Point to line data
151 leau altbuff+2+1+20+20,y Point to space for extra bytes.
152 ldb #160 Number of bytes.
153 CM3do3
154 lda ,x+ Get next byte
155 cmpa -2,x Same as previous?
156 bne CM3do4
157 bsr ClrImage Yes, mark it.
158 bra CM3do6
159 CM3do4
160 bsr SetImage
161 cmpa -(Stash+1),x Same as above?
162 bne CM3do5
163 bsr ClrAction Mark as such
164 bra CM3do6
165 CM3do5
166 lbsr SetAction
167 sta ,u+ Store byte value
168 CM3do6
169 decb
170 bne CM3do3
172 ldb altbuff+2,y Minimize this value.
173 lda ActionBit
174 cmpa #$80 If this is true, then last action byte hasn't been used.
175 bne CM3do7
176 decb so we can decrement it.
177 beq CM3do7 ... but not to zero.
178 stb altbuff+2,y
179 CM3do7
181 leax altbuff+2+1+20+20,y Point to start of extra bytes
182 ldb altbuff+2,y Get # of action bytes
183 subb #20 Number of unused action bytes
184 bne CM3do8 If none are unused, just leave extra bytes in place.
185 tfr u,x Set X to end.
186 bra CM3do11
187 CM3do8
189 pshs u Save end of extra bytes
190 CM3do9
191 cmpx ,s
192 beq CM3do10
193 lda ,x
194 sta b,x
195 leax 1,x Move extra bytes down
196 bra CM3do9
197 CM3do10
199 puls u
200 leax b,x Point to new end of extra bytes.
201 CM3do11
203 tfr x,d
204 leax altbuff+2,y
205 pshs x
206 subd ,s D holds size of compressed data
207 puls x
208 std altbuff,y store size.
209 puls a,b,x,y,u,pc
211 *
212 * Squash one packet worth of data
213 * Expects: Number of bytes to squash in D.
214 * Bytes to squash pointed to by X.
215 * Returns: Squashed packet in altbuff
216 VEFSquash:
217 pshs a,b,x,y,u
218 leau altbuff+1,y Data goes here
219 tfr d,y Size of data to compress
220 clrb This will count up size of compressed packet
221 Sq1
222 lda ,x
223 cmpa 1,x
224 bne Sq2
225 cmpa 2,x If three bytes are the same, then do compression.
226 bne Sq2
227 bsr sqcomprs Get a compressed subpacket.
228 bra Sq3
229 Sq2
230 bsr sqstraight
231 Sq3
232 sty -2,s Same as tsty
233 bne Sq1
234 ldy 4,s Restore Y
235 stb altbuff,y Store packet size.
236 puls a,b,x,y,u,pc
238 * Encode a sequence of straight data
239 *
240 sqstraight
241 pshs u Save address of subpacket size.
242 clr ,u+ Set zero count.
243 lda ,x+
244 sqstr1
245 sta ,u+
246 incb Increment total bytes
247 inc [,s] Increment subpacket size
248 leay -1,y Count down bytes to compress
249 beq sqstr2
250 lda ,x+
251 cmpa ,x Three like bytes mean we stop here.
252 bne sqstr1
253 cmpa 1,x
254 bne sqstr1
255 leax -1,x
256 sqstr2
257 incb Include subpacket size in total count.
258 leas 2,s Clean up stack.
259 rts
261 * Encode a sequence of compressed data
262 * B is increased by 2, X points to byte after repeated data,
263 * U is increased by 2, Y is decreased by number of bytes compressed.
264 sqcomprs
265 lda ,x+ Store the byte as the second byte.
266 sta 1,u
267 clr ,u Clear our count
268 sqcomprs1
269 inc ,u
270 leay -1,y
271 beq sqcomprs2 Abort the loop if Y goes to zero.
272 cmpa ,x+
273 beq sqcomprs1
274 leax -1,x Backup to point to different byte
275 sqcomprs2
276 lda ,u
277 ora #$80 Set high bit for compressed subpacket
278 sta ,u
279 leau 2,u Move past this subpacket
280 addb #2 and bump total packet size.
281 rts
283 *
284 * MGEsame -- copy linebuff to altbuff
285 *
286 MGEsame:
287 pshs a,b,x,u
288 leax linebuff,y
289 leau altbuff,y
290 ldb #160
291 MGEsameloop
292 lda ,x+
293 sta ,u+
294 decb
295 bne MGEsameloop
296 puls a,b,x,u,pc
298 endsect