1 ********************************************************************
2 * irqs - Show interrupt polling table
3 *
4 * $Id$
5 *
6 * Ed. Comments Who YY/MM/DD
7 * ------------------------------------------------------------------
8 * 1 Created KKD
9 * 2 Modified GH
10 * 3 Streamlined and fixed problems BGP 03/01/07
12 nam irqs
13 ttl Show interrupt polling table
15 ifp1
16 use defsfile
17 endc
19 rev set $01
20 edition set 3
22 MaxDEnts set 32 max device entries we will display
23 MaxPEnts set 32 max polling entries we will display
25 mod emod,name,prgrm+objct,reent+rev,start,endmem
27 org 0
28 usaver rmb 2
29 narrow rmb 1
30 polcount rmb 1 number of polling entries in polling table
31 devcount rmb 1 number of device entries in device table
32 datptr rmb 2 pointer to DAT image in system proc descriptor
33 notuse rmb 2
34 outptr rmb 2 points to next available char in buffer
35 counter rmb 1
36 devptr rmb 2
37 tblptr rmb 2
38 dpvars rmb 9
39 rptbuf rmb 80
40 ddevtbl rmb 2 copy of D.DevTbl in globals
41 dpoltbl rmb 2 copy of D.PolTbl in globals
42 IFGT Level-1
43 poltable rmb 32*POLSIZ
44 devtable rmb 32*DEVSIZ
45 modulep rmb 256
46 syspdesc rmb P$Size
48 sstack rmb 200
49 endmem equ .
51 name fcs "irqs"
52 fcb edition
54 PollHdr fcc "Polling Table at: "
55 PollHdrL equ *-PollHdr
56 Device fcc " Device Table at: "
57 DeviceL equ *-Device
58 NTopline fcc " Device Drvr IRQ Flip"
59 fcb C$CR
60 NToplineL equ *-NTopline
61 NLine2 fcc "Port Mem Name Vect Mask Pr"
62 fcb C$CR
63 NLine2L equ *-NLine2
64 NLine3 fcc "---- ---- ----------- ---- --"
65 fcb C$CR
66 NLine3L equ *-NLine3
67 Topline fcc " Device Driver IRQ Flip "
68 fcb C$CR
69 ToplineL equ *-Topline
70 Line2 fcc "Port Mem Name Vector &Mask Pty"
71 fcb C$CR
72 Line2L equ *-Line2
73 Line3 fcc "---- ---- ------------ ----- ---"
74 crtn fcb C$CR
75 Line3L equ *-Line3
76 Init fcs /Init/
78 start stu <usaver at 0000 in direct page
79 * First things first: get Polling Table and Device Table counts in the
80 * Init module
81 lda #MaxDEnts get max dev ents
82 sta <devcount
83 lda #MaxPEnts get max poll ents
84 sta <polcount
85 clra module type/lang byte
86 leax Init,pcr point to name
87 os9 F$Link link to it
88 bcs errexit branch if error
89 ldd PollCnt,u get poll count in A, dev count in B
90 os9 F$UnLink unlink it
91 ldu <usaver
92 cmpa <polcount is actual size greater or equal than our max?
93 bge chkdev branch if so
94 sta <polcount
95 chkdev cmpb <devcount is actual size greater or equal than our max?
96 bge cont branch if so
97 stb <devcount
98 cont clr <narrow
99 lda #$01
100 ldb #SS.ScSiz
101 os9 I$GetStt
102 bcs cont2
103 cmpx #Line3L+1
104 bge cont2
105 sta <narrow we're narrow
106 cont2 leax >crtn,pcr
107 ldy #$0001
108 os9 I$WritLn write a carriage return
109 bcs errexit
110 leax >PollHdr,pc
111 ldy #PollHdrL
112 os9 I$Write write polling table header
113 bcs errexit
114 IFGT Level-1
115 lda #$01 process ID #1 - system process
116 leax syspdesc,u point to buffer
117 os9 F$GPrDsc get a copy of it
118 bcs errexit
119 leax P$DatImg,x point to DAT image
120 stx <datptr save off pointer for later
121 ENDC
122 bra z00C5
123 okexit clrb
124 errexit os9 F$Exit
125 z00C5 leay rptbuf,u
126 sty <outptr
127 IFGT Level-1
128 leau ddevtbl,u
129 ldd <datptr get ptr P$datimg
130 ldx #D.DevTbl
131 ldy #$0004 include D.Poltbl 4 bytes to copy
132 os9 F$CpyMem get the two globals
133 bcs errexit
134 ldu <usaver restore u
135 ELSE
136 ldd >D.DevTbl
137 std <ddevtbl
138 ldd >D.PolTbl
139 std <dpoltbl
140 ENDC
141 ldd <dpoltbl
142 lbsr OutHex cnvrt 4 dgts of poll tbl addr
143 lbsr z01B1 output poll tbl address in ASCII
144 * troubleshooting printout
145 leax >Device,pcr
146 ldy #DeviceL
147 lda #1
148 os9 I$Write
149 leax rptbuf,u
150 stx <outptr
151 ldd <ddevtbl
152 lbsr OutHex
153 lbsr z01B1
154 * to here
155 lda #1
156 leax >crtn,pcr stick another \n on it
157 ldy #$0001
158 os9 I$WritLn
159 bcs errexit
160 leax >Topline,pcr
161 ldy #ToplineL
162 tst <narrow
163 beq branch1
164 leax >NTopline,pcr
165 ldy #NToplineL
166 branch1 os9 I$WritLn
167 bcs errexit
168 leax >Line2,pcr
169 ldy #Line2L
170 tst <narrow
171 beq branch2
172 leax >NLine2,pcr
173 ldy #NLine2L
174 branch2 os9 I$WritLn
175 bcs errexit
176 leax >Line3,pcr
177 ldy #Line3L
178 tst <narrow
179 beq branch3
180 leax >NLine3,pcr
181 ldy #NLine3L
182 branch3 os9 I$WritLn
183 lbcs errexit
184 IFGT Level-1
185 * Copy polling table
186 lda <polcount
187 ldb #POLSIZ
188 mul
189 tfr d,y
190 ldx <dpoltbl
191 ldd <datptr
192 leau poltable,u
193 os9 F$CpyMem
194 ldu <usaver
195 lbcs errexit
196 * Copy device table
197 lda <devcount
198 ldb #DEVSIZ
199 mul
200 tfr d,y
201 ldx <ddevtbl
202 ldd <datptr
203 leau devtable,u
204 os9 F$CpyMem
205 ldu <usaver
206 lbcs errexit
207 ENDC
209 * Go through IRQ polling table until we find a non-empty slot or the end
210 ldb <polcount get polling count
211 stb <counter save off in our counter variable
212 IFGT Level-1
213 leax poltable,u point X to polling table we copied
214 ELSE
215 ldx <dpoltbl
216 ENDC
217 z0165 ldd Q$STAT,x get static pointer
218 beq z016B branch if empty
219 bsr ShowIRQ else process it
220 z016B dec <counter decrement couunter
221 lbeq okexit exit if end
222 leax POLSIZ,x else advance X
223 bra z0165 and get some more
225 * Here we process the IRQ polling entry at X
226 ShowIRQ leay rptbuf,u
227 sty <outptr reset output buffer pointer
228 ldd Q$POLL,x
229 lbsr OutHex convert 2 bytes port addr->ascii
230 ldd Q$STAT,x
231 lbsr OutHex convert 2 bytes memsiz->ascii
232 lbsr OutSpace extra space in line
233 bsr z01CA now do name
234 ldd Q$SERV,x get irq vector
235 lbsr OutHex convert it to ascii
236 lbsr OutSpace extra space
237 lda Q$FLIP,x get flip
238 lbsr z0247 convert 1 byte
239 tst <narrow
240 bne branch4
241 lbsr OutSpace space
242 branch4 lda Q$MASK,x get mask
243 lbsr z0241 convert 1 byte + space
244 tst <narrow
245 bne branch5
246 lbsr OutSpace extra space
247 branch5 lda Q$PRTY,x get priority byte
248 lbsr z0247 convert 1 byte
249 z01B1 pshs x
250 ldx <outptr
251 lda #C$CR terminate this line
252 sta ,x
253 leax rptbuf,u ptr to outbuff
254 ldy #80 max 80 chars
255 lda #$01 stdout
256 os9 I$WritLn
257 lbcs errexit
258 puls x,pc
260 z01CA pshs x
261 IFGT Level-1
262 leax poltable,u
263 ELSE
264 ldx <dpoltbl
265 ENDC
266 ldb <devcount
267 pshs b
268 * now we make an assumption that data
269 * areas for the same driver will be
270 * in the same page of memory, so compare
271 * only the high bytes of the address
272 ldb Q$STAT,x get irq dat addr
273 IFGT Level-1
274 leax devtable,u devtbl buffer
275 ELSE
276 ldx <ddevtbl
277 ENDC
278 z01D6 cmpb V$STAT,x
279 beq Match if match, found device
280 leax DEVSIZ,x else inc to next tbl entry
281 dec ,s and decrement coounter
282 bne z01D6 continue if more
283 leas $01,s get rid of stack data
284 ldy <outptr
285 leay 8,y this leaves name visible
286 sty <outptr until new one found
287 puls x,pc
289 z01E9 ldy <outptr
290 ldb #08
291 lda #C$SPAC a space
292 z01EA sta ,y+
293 decb
294 bne z01EA
295 sty <outptr
296 rts
298 Match puls b fix stack
299 ldx V$DRIV,x get driver module pointer
300 beq z01E9 branch if none
301 IFGT Level-1
302 pshs u
303 leau modulep,u
304 ldd <datptr
305 * hopefully the driver name is in the 1st 256 bytes
306 ldy #256
307 os9 F$CpyMem
308 puls u
309 lbcs errexit
310 leax modulep,u
311 ENDC
312 ldd M$Name,x
313 leax d,x
314 lda #8
315 tst <narrow
316 beq storeit
317 lda #7
318 storeit sta <counter
319 clrb
320 bra z0220
321 z021D bsr z025B
322 z0220 incb
323 cmpb <counter
324 bcc z0232
325 lda ,x+
326 bpl z021D
327 anda #$7F
328 bsr z025B
329 cmpb <counter
330 bcc z023A
331 z0232 bsr OutSpace
332 incb
333 cmpb <counter
334 bcs z0232
335 z023A puls x,pc
337 * HexCvt
338 * Entry:
339 * D = number to convert to hex
340 * X = pointer to buffer where hex string is stored
341 * Exit
342 OutHex pshs b convert to ascii
343 bsr z0247 make 2 digits
344 puls a
345 z0241 bsr z0247 make 2 more
346 OutSpace lda #C$SPAC
347 bra z025B
348 z0247 tfr a,b
349 lsra
350 lsra
351 lsra
352 lsra
353 bsr z0251
354 tfr b,a
355 z0251 anda #$0F
356 cmpa #$0A
357 bcs z0259
358 adda #$07
359 z0259 adda #$30
360 z025B pshs x
361 ldx <outptr get outbuf ptr
362 sta ,x+
363 stx <outptr
364 puls pc,x
366 emod
367 emod equ *
368 end