1 ********************************************************************
2 * Rel - OS-9 Level Two relocation module
3 *
4 * $Id$
5 *
6 * Ed. Comments Who YY/MM/DD
7 * ------------------------------------------------------------------
8 * 5 Original version by Tandy/Microware
9 * 6 Added instruction to put into ALL-RAM mode BGP 98/10/10
10 * for ROM based kernels.
11 * Added more comments from version provided by BGP 98/10/21
12 * Curtis Boyle
14 nam REL
15 ttl OS-9 Level Two relocation module
17 ifp1
18 use defsfile
19 endc
21 Bt.Start equ $ED00
22 ScStart equ $8000 screen start in memory
23 XX.Size equ 6 number of bytes before REL actually starts
24 Offset equ Bt.Start+XX.Size
26 tylg set Systm+Objct
27 atrv set ReEnt+rev
28 rev set $01
29 edition set 6
31 ********************************************************************
32 * Any changes to the next 3 lines requires changes in XX.Size, above
33 fcc /OS/ sync bytes
34 bra Start+XX.Size execution start
35 fdb $1205 filler bytes
37 mod eom,name,tylg,atrv,start,size
39 org 0
40 size equ . REL doesn't require any memory
42 name fcs /REL/
43 fcb edition
45 * OS-9 boot message (Setup for a 32 column screen)
47 BootMsg fcc /OS/
48 fcb $79
49 fcb $60
50 fcc /BOOT/
52 * Fail message
54 FailMsg fcc /FAILED/
56 * GIME register default values
58 CC3Regs fcb $EC CC2, MMU, IRQ, Vector page, SCS
59 fcb $00 map type 0
60 fcb $00 no FIRQ
61 fcb $00 no IRQ
62 fdb $0900 timer
63 fcb $00 unused
64 fcb $00 unused
65 fcb $00
66 fcb $00
67 fcb $00
68 fcb $00
69 fdb $0FE0
70 fcb $00
71 fcb $00
73 * Palette register default colors
75 DefPals fcb $12 green
76 fcb $36
77 fcb $09 blue
78 fcb $24 red
79 fcb $3F white
80 fcb $1B cyan
81 fcb $2D magenta
82 fcb $26
83 fcb $00 black
84 fcb $12 green
85 fcb $00 black
86 fcb $3F white
87 fcb $00 black
88 fcb $12 green
89 fcb $00 black
90 fcb $26
92 * CC crash routine (This gets moved to direct page)
94 CrashRtn clr >Dat.Task go to map type 0 - called by CC3Go from map 1
95 jmp >Offset+crash
97 * CC3 warmstart
99 fcb $00 warm start flag
100 fdb $0074 go to $0074, next routine
101 * reset vector: map ROMs out and go to REL in the default DECB block map,
102 * which is still block $3F at the top of memory
103 nop required for the ROMs to believe it's a reset vector
104 clr >$FFDF go to all RAM mode
105 jmp >Offset+reset and re-start the boot
107 crash
108 fcb $C6,$01,$20,$07,$4F
109 fcb $53,$20,$5B,$12,$05
111 ******************************
112 *
113 * Main entry point
114 *
116 reset
117 start clr $FFDF ALL RAM MODE (for ROM-based kernels) ++BGP
118 clrb
119 orcc #IntMasks turn off IRQ's
120 clr >PIA0Base+3 turn off SAM IRQ's
121 clra
122 tfr a,dp set direct page to $0000
123 sta <D.CbStrt
124 sta DAT.Regs map in block 0
125 lds #$1FFF set stack to the end of the block
126 pshs b set first byte of stack to 0
127 ldb #D.Clock get length of system direct page to initialize
128 ldx #D.Tasks get start of system direct page
129 L0072 sta ,x+ clear out the direct page
130 decb done?
131 bne L0072 no, keep going till done
132 inca
133 sta <D.Speed hi speed
134 sta >$FFD9 set to high speed
135 leau CC3Regs,pcr point to the video setup data
136 ldx #D.HINIT set video mapping
137 L0084 ldd ,u++ get the bytes
138 std -256,x save in the hardware
139 std ,x++ and in the direct page
140 cmpx #D.Speed end of video hardware yet?
141 bcs L0084
143 * set up palettes
145 leau >DefPals,pcr point to palette data
146 ldy #PalAdr point to GIME palette start
147 ldb #16 get length of data
148 bsr CopyRtn move table
150 lda #$3E
151 sta >$FFA4 map in the block
152 ldx #ScStart start of the block
153 clrb get length of screen
154 ldu #$6060 clear out screen mem
155 L00A9 stu ,x++ save data
156 decb done?
157 bne L00A9 no, keep going
159 * print 'OS9 BOOT'
161 ldy #ScStart+$010C get screen address for print
162 leau BootMsg,pcr point to boot message
163 ldb #8 get length of data
164 bsr CopyRtn print it
166 * setup VDG hardware to point at $4000
168 ldb #5 get length of screen init
169 ldx #$FFC6 get start register to set up screen
170 L00BF sta ,x++ set SAM bits
171 decb done?
172 bne L00BF no, keep going
173 sta 1,x set last couple of bits
174 sta 3,x
175 ldb ,s can we continue? (first byte should be 0)
176 beq L00DD yes, continue boot
178 * boot failed
180 ldy #ScStart+$014D get screen address
181 leau >FailMsg,pcr point to 'Failed' message
182 ldb #$06 get length of data
183 bsr CopyRtn show failed message
184 clr >$FF40 shut off disk motor
185 Hang bra Hang dead loop forever
187 L00DD leax >L00DD,pcr get pointer to where we are in memory
188 cmpx #$ED00 warm start?
189 bcc JmpOS9P1 yep...
190 ldu #$2600 else copy at $2600...
191 ldx #$1200 $1200 bytes...
192 ldy #$ED00 ...to $ED00
193 bsr L00F8
194 jmp >Offset+JmpOS9P1 jump to OS9p1!
196 * Copies B bytes from ,U to ,Y
198 CopyRtn clra
199 tfr d,x
200 L00F8 ldb ,u+
201 stb ,y+
202 leax -1,x
203 bne L00F8
204 rts
206 * Setup Crash routine
208 JmpOS9P1 leau >CrashRtn,pcr get pointer to crash routine
209 ldb #16 get length of crash routine
210 ldy #D.Crash point to crash routine area
211 bsr CopyRtn move it
213 * Execute Boot module
215 leax <eom,pcr point to start of boot
216 ldd M$Size,x get size of Boot
217 leax d,x move past it
218 ldd M$Exec,x get execution offset to OS9p1
219 jmp d,x execute it
221 * Fill the rest to put Boot at proper address
223 Filler fill $39,$12A-3-*
225 emod
226 eom equ *
227 end