1 ********************************************************************
2 * XACIA - Enhanced 6551 driver
3 *
4 * $Id$
5 *
6 * Ed. Comments Who YY/MM/DD
7 * ------------------------------------------------------------------
8 * 10 Bruce Isted distribution version BRI
10 nam XACIA
11 ttl Enhanced 6551 driver
13 ifp1
14 use defsfile
15 endc
17 * miscellaneous definitions
18 DCDStBit equ %00100000 DCD status bit for SS.CDSta call
19 DSRStBit equ %01000000 DSR status bit for SS.CDSta call
20 Edtn equ 10
21 Vrsn equ 1
23 * conditional assembly flags
24 *A6551 set true 6551 SACIA version
25 *A6552 set false 65C52 DACIA version
26 SlpBreak set TkPerSec/2+1 line Break duration
27 SlpHngUp set TkPerSec/4+1 hang up (drop DTR) duration
29 ifeq A6552-true
30 nam DACIA
31 ttl 65C52 Dual ACIA driver
32 else
34 ifeq A6551-true
35 nam SACIA
36 ttl 6551 Single ACIA driver
37 endc
38 endc
40 ifeq A6552-true
41 * 65C52 register definitions
42 org 0
43 ISReg rmb 1 IRQ Status (read only)
44 IEReg equ ISReg IRQ Enable (write only)
45 CSReg rmb 1 Control Status (read only)
46 CFReg equ CSReg Control/Format (write only)
47 CDReg rmb 1 Compare Data (write only, unused in this driver)
48 TBReg equ CDReg Transmit Break (write only)
49 DataReg rmb 1 receive/transmit Data (read Rx / write Tx)
51 * IRQ Status/Enable bit definitions
52 ISE.IRQ equ %10000000 IRQ occurred/enable
53 ISE.TxE equ %01000000 Tx data register Empty
54 ISE.CTS equ %00100000 CTS transition
55 ISE.DCD equ %00010000 DCD transition
56 ISE.DSR equ %00001000 DSR transition
57 ISE.FOB equ %00000100 Rx data Framing or Overrun error, or Break
58 ISE.Par equ %00000010 Rx data Parity error
59 ISE.RxF equ %00000001 Rx data register Full
61 ISE.Errs equ ISE.FOB!ISE.Par IRQ Status error bits
62 ISE.Flip equ $00 all ISR bits active when set
65 * Control Status bit definitions
66 CS.Frame equ %10000000 framing error (set=error)
67 CS.TxE equ %01000000 Tx data empty (set=empty)
68 CS.CTS equ %00100000 CTS input (set=disabled)
69 CS.DCD equ %00010000 DCD input (set=disabled)
70 CS.DSR equ %00001000 DSR input (set=disabled)
71 CS.Break equ %00000100 Rx line break (set=received break)
72 CS.DTR equ %00000010 DTR output (set=disabled)
73 CS.RTS equ %00000001 RTS output (set=disabled)
75 * Control bit definitions
76 C.TBRCDR equ %01000000 Tx Break/Compare Data register access (set=Tx Break)
77 C.StpBit equ %00100000 stop bits (set=two, clear=one)
78 C.Echo equ %00010000 local echo (set=activated)
79 C.Baud equ %00001111 see baud rate table below
81 * baud rate table
82 org 0
83 BR.00050 rmb 1 50 baud (not supported)
84 BR.00110 rmb 1 109.92 baud
85 BR.00135 rmb 1 134.58 baud (not supported)
86 BR.00150 rmb 1 150 baud (not supported)
87 BR.00300 rmb 1 300 baud
88 BR.00600 rmb 1 600 baud
89 BR.01200 rmb 1 1200 baud
90 BR.01800 rmb 1 1800 baud (not supported)
91 BR.02400 rmb 1 2400 baud
92 BR.03600 rmb 1 3600 baud (not supported)
93 BR.04800 rmb 1 4800 baud
94 BR.07200 rmb 1 7200 baud (not supported)
95 BR.09600 rmb 1 9600 baud
96 BR.19200 rmb 1 19200 baud
97 BR.38400 rmb 1 38400 baud
98 BR.ExClk rmb 1 external Rx and Tx clocks (not supported)
100 * Format bit definitions
101 F.Slct equ %10000000 register select (set=Format, clear=Control)
102 F.DatBit equ %01100000 see data bit table below
103 F.Par equ %00011100 see parity table below
104 F.DTR equ %00000010 DTR output (set=disabled)
105 F.RTS equ %00000001 RTS output (set=disabled)
107 * data bit table
108 DB.5 equ %00000000 five data bits per character
109 DB.6 equ %00100000 six data bits per character
110 DB.7 equ %01000000 seven data bits per character
111 DB.8 equ %01100000 eight data bits per character
113 * parity table
114 Par.None equ %00000000
115 Par.Odd equ %00000100
116 Par.Even equ %00001100
117 Par.Mark equ %00010100
118 Par.Spac equ %00011100
120 * Transmit Break bit definitions
121 TB.Brk equ %00000010 Tx break control (set=transmit continuous line Break)
122 TB.Par equ %00000001 parity check (set=parity bit to ISE.Par, clear=normal)
123 else
125 ifeq A6551-true
126 * 6551 register definitions
127 org 0
128 DataReg rmb 1 receive/transmit Data (read Rx / write Tx)
129 StatReg rmb 1 status (read only)
130 PRstReg equ StatReg programmed reset (write only)
131 CmdReg rmb 1 command (read/write)
132 CtlReg rmb 1 control (read/write)
134 * Status bit definitions
135 Stat.IRQ equ %10000000 IRQ occurred
136 Stat.DSR equ %01000000 DSR level (clear = active)
137 Stat.DCD equ %00100000 DCD level (clear = active)
138 Stat.TxE equ %00010000 Tx data register Empty
139 Stat.RxF equ %00001000 Rx data register Full
140 Stat.Ovr equ %00000100 Rx data Overrun error
141 Stat.Frm equ %00000010 Rx data Framing error
142 Stat.Par equ %00000001 Rx data Parity error
144 Stat.Err equ Stat.Ovr!Stat.Frm!Stat.Par Status error bits
145 Stat.Flp equ $00 all Status bits active when set
146 Stat.Msk equ Stat.IRQ!Stat.RxF active IRQs
148 * Control bit definitions
149 Ctl.Stop equ %10000000 stop bits (set=two, clear=one)
150 Ctl.DBit equ %01100000 see data bit table below
151 Ctl.RxCS equ %00010000 Rx clock source (set=baud rate, clear=external)
152 Ctl.Baud equ %00001111 see baud rate table below
154 * data bit table
155 DB.8 equ %00000000 eight data bits per character
156 DB.7 equ %00100000 seven data bits per character
157 DB.6 equ %01000000 six data bits per character
158 DB.5 equ %01100000 five data bits per character
160 * baud rate table
161 org $00
162 BR.ExClk rmb 1 16x external clock (not supported)
163 org $11
164 BR.00050 rmb 1 50 baud (not supported)
165 BR.00075 rmb 1 75 baud (not supported)
166 BR.00110 rmb 1 109.92 baud
167 BR.00135 rmb 1 134.58 baud (not supported)
168 BR.00150 rmb 1 150 baud (not supported)
169 BR.00300 rmb 1 300 baud
170 BR.00600 rmb 1 600 baud
171 BR.01200 rmb 1 1200 baud
172 BR.01800 rmb 1 1800 baud (not supported)
173 BR.02400 rmb 1 2400 baud
174 BR.03600 rmb 1 3600 baud (not supported)
175 BR.04800 rmb 1 4800 baud
176 BR.07200 rmb 1 7200 baud (not supported)
177 BR.09600 rmb 1 9600 baud
178 BR.19200 rmb 1 19200 baud
180 * Command bit definitions
181 Cmd.Par equ %11100000 see parity table below
182 Cmd.Echo equ %00010000 local echo (set=activated)
183 Cmd.TIRB equ %00001100 see Tx IRQ/RTS/Break table below
184 Cmd.RxI equ %00000010 Rx IRQ (set=disabled)
185 Cmd.DTR equ %00000001 DTR output (set=enabled)
187 * parity table
188 Par.None equ %00000000
189 Par.Odd equ %00100000
190 Par.Even equ %01100000
191 Par.Mark equ %10100000
192 Par.Spac equ %11100000
194 * Tx IRQ/RTS/Break table
195 TIRB.Off equ %00000000 RTS & Tx IRQs disabled
196 TIRB.On equ %00000100 RTS & Tx IRQs enabled
197 TIRB.RTS equ %00001000 RTS enabled, Tx IRQs disabled
198 TIRB.Brk equ %00001100 RTS enabled, Tx IRQs disabled, Tx line Break
199 endc
200 endc
202 * V.ERR bit definitions
203 DCDLstEr equ %00100000 DCD lost error
204 OvrFloEr equ %00000100 Rx data overrun or Rx buffer overflow error
205 FrmingEr equ %00000010 Rx data framing error
206 ParityEr equ %00000001 Rx data parity error
208 * FloCtlRx bit definitions
209 FCRxSend equ %10000000 send flow control character
210 FCRxSent equ %00010000 Rx disabled due to XOFF sent
211 FCRxDTR equ %00000010 Rx disabled due to DTR
212 FCRxRTS equ %00000001 Rx disabled due to RTS
214 * FloCtlTx bit definitions
215 FCTxXOff equ %10000000 due to XOFF received
216 FCTxBrk equ %00000010 due to currently transmitting Break
218 * Wrk.Type bit definitions
219 Parity equ %11100000 parity bits
220 MdmKill equ %00010000 modem kill option
221 RxSwFlow equ %00001000 Rx data software (XON/XOFF) flow control
222 TxSwFlow equ %00000100 Tx data software (XON/XOFF) flow control
223 RTSFlow equ %00000010 CTS/RTS hardware flow control
224 DSRFlow equ %00000001 DSR/DTR hardware flow control
226 * Wrk.Baud bit definitions
227 StopBits equ %10000000 number of stop bits code
228 WordLen equ %01100000 word length code
229 BaudRate equ %00001111 baud rate code
231 * Wrk.XTyp bit definitions
232 SwpDCDSR equ %10000000 swap DCD+DSR bits (valid for 6551 only)
233 ForceDTR equ %01000000 don't drop DTR in term routine
234 RxBufPag equ %00001111 input buffer page count
236 * static data area definitions
237 org V.SCF allow for SCF manager data area
239 ifeq A6552-true
240 Cpy.CR rmb 1 Control register copy (MUST immediately precede Cpy.FR)
241 Cpy.FR rmb 1 Format register copy (MUST immediately follow Cpy.CR)
242 Cpy.ISR rmb 1 IRQ Status register copy (MUST immediately precede Cpy.CSR)
243 Cpy.CSR rmb 1 Control Status register copy (MUST immediately follow Cpy.ISR)
244 else
246 ifeq A6551-true
247 Cpy.Stat rmb 1 Status register copy
248 CpyDCDSR rmb 1 DSR+DCD status copy
249 Mask.DCD rmb 1 DCD status bit mask (MUST immediately precede Mask.DSR)
250 Mask.DSR rmb 1 DSR status bit mask (MUST immediately follow Mask.DCD)
251 endc
252 endc
254 CDSigPID rmb 1 process ID for CD signal
255 CDSigSig rmb 1 CD signal code
256 FloCtlRx rmb 1 Rx flow control flags
257 FloCtlTx rmb 1 Tx flow control flags
258 RxBufEnd rmb 2 end of Rx buffer
259 RxBufGet rmb 2 Rx buffer output pointer
260 RxBufMax rmb 2 Send XOFF (if enabled) at this point
261 RxBufMin rmb 2 Send XON (if XOFF sent) at this point
262 RxBufPtr rmb 2 pointer to Rx buffer
263 RxBufPut rmb 2 Rx buffer input pointer
264 RxBufSiz rmb 2 Rx buffer size
265 RxDatLen rmb 2 current length of data in Rx buffer
266 SigSent rmb 1 keyboard abort/interrupt signal already sent
267 SSigPID rmb 1 SS.SSig process ID
268 SSigSig rmb 1 SS.SSig signal code
269 WritFlag rmb 1 initial write attempt flag
270 Wrk.Type rmb 1 type work byte (MUST immediately precede Wrk.Baud)
271 Wrk.Baud rmb 1 baud work byte (MUST immediately follow Wrk.Type)
272 Wrk.XTyp rmb 1 extended type work byte
273 RxBufDSz equ 256-. default Rx buffer gets remainder of page...
274 RxBuff rmb RxBufDSz default Rx buffer
275 MemSize equ .
277 mod ModSize,ModName,Drivr+Objct,ReEnt+Vrsn,ModEntry,MemSize
279 fcb UPDAT. access mode(s)
281 ifeq A6552-true
282 ModName fcs "DACIA"
283 else
285 ifeq A6551-true
286 ModName fcs "SACIA"
287 endc
288 endc
290 fcb Edtn
292 SlotSlct fcb MPI.Slot selected MPI slot
294 ModEntry equ *
295 lbra Init
296 lbra Read
297 lbra Writ
298 lbra GStt
299 lbra SStt
300 lbra Term
302 IRQPckt equ *
304 ifeq A6552-true
305 Pkt.Flip fcb ISE.Flip D.Poll flip byte
306 Pkt.Mask fcb ISE.Mask D.Poll mask byte
307 else
309 ifeq A6551-true
310 Pkt.Flip fcb Stat.Flp flip byte
311 Pkt.Mask fcb Stat.Msk mask byte
312 endc
313 endc
315 fcb $0A priority
317 BaudTabl equ *
319 ifeq A6552-true
320 fcb BR.00110,BR.00300,BR.00600
321 fcb BR.01200,BR.02400,BR.04800
322 fcb BR.09600,BR.19200,BR.38400
323 else
325 ifeq A6551-true
326 fcb BR.00110,BR.00300,BR.00600
327 fcb BR.01200,BR.02400,BR.04800
328 fcb BR.09600,BR.19200
329 endc
330 endc
333 * NOTE: SCFMan has already cleared all device memory except for V.PAGE and
334 * V.PORT. Zero-default variables are: CDSigPID, CDSigSig, Wrk.XTyp.
335 Init equ *
336 clrb default to no error...
337 pshs cc,b,dp save IRQ/Carry status, dummy B, system DP
338 lbsr SetDP go set our DP
339 pshs y save descriptor pointer
340 ldd <V.PORT base hardware address
342 ifeq A6552-true
343 else
345 ifeq A6551-true
346 addd #1 point to 6551 status address
347 endc
348 endc
350 leax IRQPckt,pcr
351 leay IRQSvc,pcr
352 os9 F$IRQ
353 puls y recover descriptor pointer
354 lbcs ErrExit go report error...
355 ldb M$Opt,y get option size
356 cmpb #IT.XTYP-IT.DTP room for extended type byte?
357 bls DfltInfo no, go use defaults...
359 ifeq A6552-true
360 else
362 ifeq A6551-true
363 ldd #Stat.DCD*256+Stat.DSR default (unswapped) DCD+DSR masks
364 tst IT.XTYP,y check extended type byte for swapped DCD & DSR bits
365 bpl NoSwap no, go skip swapping them...
366 exg a,b swap to DSR+DCD masks
367 NoSwap std <Mask.DCD save DCD+DSR (or DSR+DCD) masks
368 endc
369 endc
371 lda IT.XTYP,y get extended type byte
372 sta <Wrk.XTyp save it
373 anda #RxBufPag clear all but Rx buffer page count bits
374 beq DfltInfo none, go use defaults...
375 clrb make data size an even number of pages
376 pshs u save data pointer
377 os9 F$SRqMem get extended buffer
378 tfr u,x copy address
379 puls u recover data pointer
380 lbcs TermExit error, go remove IRQ entry and exit...
381 bra SetRxBuf
383 DfltInfo ldd #RxBufDSz default Rx buffer size
384 leax RxBuff,u default Rx buffer address
385 SetRxBuf std <RxBufSiz save Rx buffer size
386 stx <RxBufPtr save Rx buffer address
387 stx <RxBufGet set initial Rx buffer input address
388 stx <RxBufPut set initial Rx buffer output address
389 leax d,x point to end of Rx buffer
390 stx <RxBufEnd save Rx buffer end address
391 subd #80 characters available in Rx buffer
392 std <RxBufMax set auto-XOFF threshold
393 ldd #10 characters remaining in Rx buffer
394 std <RxBufMin set auto-XON threshold after auto-XOFF
396 ifeq A6552-true
397 ldd #C.TBRCDR*256+(F.Slct!F.DTR!F.RTS) [A]=control, [B]=format register
398 sta <Cpy.CR save control register copy
399 lda <Wrk.XTyp
400 anda #ForceDTR forced DTR?
401 beq NoDTR no, don't enable DTR yet
402 andb #^F.DTR clear (enable) DTR bit
403 NoDTR stb <Cpy.FR save format register copy
404 else
406 ifeq A6551-true
407 ldb #TIRB.RTS default command register
408 lda <Wrk.XTyp
409 anda #ForceDTR forced DTR?
410 beq NoDTR no, don't enable DTR yet
411 orb #Cmd.DTR set (enable) DTR bit
412 NoDTR ldx <V.PORT get port address
413 stb CmdReg,x set new command register
414 endc
415 endc
417 ldd IT.PAR,y [A] = IT.PAR, [B] = IT.BAU from descriptor
418 lbsr SetPort go save it and set up control/format registers
419 orcc #IntMasks disable IRQs while setting up hardware
420 lda >PIA1Base+3 get PIA CART* input control register
421 anda #$FC clear PIA CART* control bits
422 sta >PIA1Base+3 disable PIA CART* FIRQs
423 lda >PIA1Base+2 clear possible pending PIA CART* FIRQ
424 lda #$01 GIME CART* IRQ bit
425 ora >D.IRQER mask in current GIME IRQ enables
426 sta >D.IRQER save GIME CART* IRQ enable shadow register
427 sta >IrqEnR enable GIME CART* IRQs
429 ifeq A6552-true
430 lda #ISE.IRQ!ISE.Mask DACIA IRQ enables
431 sta IEReg,x enable DACIA IRQs for this port ([X]=V.PORT from SetPort)
432 ldb ISReg,x ensure old CTS, DCD, and DSR transition IRQ flags are clear
433 ldb DataReg,x ensure old error and Rx data IRQ flags are clear
434 ldb ISReg,x ... again
435 ldb DataReg,x ... and again
436 ldd ISReg,x get new IRQ and Control status registers
437 eora Pkt.Flip,pcr flip bits per D.Poll
438 anda Pkt.Mask,pcr any IRQ(s) still pending?
439 lbne NRdyErr yes, go report error... (device not plugged in?)
440 std <Cpy.ISR save new IRQ and Control status register copies
441 else
443 ifeq A6551-true
444 lda StatReg,x ensure old IRQ flags are clear
445 lda DataReg,x ensure old error and Rx data IRQ flags are clear
446 lda StatReg,x ... again
447 lda DataReg,x ... and again
448 lda StatReg,x get new Status register contents
449 sta <Cpy.Stat save Status copy
450 tfr a,b copy it...
451 eora Pkt.Flip,pcr flip bits per D.Poll
452 anda Pkt.Mask,pcr any IRQ(s) still pending?
453 lbne NRdyErr yes, go report error... (device not plugged in?)
454 andb #Stat.DSR!Stat.DCD clear all but DSR+DCD status
455 stb <CpyDCDSR save new DCD+DSR status copy
456 endc
457 endc
459 lda SlotSlct,pcr get MPI slot select value
460 bmi NoSelect no MPI slot select, go on...
461 sta >MPI.Slct set MPI slot select register
462 NoSelect puls cc,b,dp,pc recover IRQ/Carry status, dummy B, system DP, return
465 Term equ *
466 clrb default to no error...
467 pshs cc,b,dp save IRQ/Carry status, dummy B, system DP
468 lbsr SetDP go set our DP
470 ifeq A6552-true
471 lda #^ISE.IRQ disable all DACIA IRQs
472 ldx <V.PORT
473 sta IEReg,x disable DACIA IRQs for this port
474 lda <Cpy.FR get format register copy
475 ora #F.DTR!F.RTS set (disable) DTR and RTS bits
476 ldb <Wrk.XTyp get extended type byte
477 andb #ForceDTR forced DTR?
478 beq KeepDTR no, go leave DTR disabled...
479 anda #^F.DTR clear (enable) DTR bit
480 KeepDTR sta CFReg,x set DTR and RTS enable/disable
481 else
483 ifeq A6551-true
484 ldx <V.PORT
485 lda CmdReg,x get current Command register contents
486 anda #^(Cmd.TIRB!Cmd.DTR) disable Tx IRQs, RTS, and DTR
487 ora #Cmd.RxI disable Rx IRQs
488 ldb <Wrk.XTyp get extended type byte
489 andb #ForceDTR forced DTR?
490 beq KeepDTR no, go leave DTR disabled...
491 ora #Cmd.DTR set (enable) DTR bit
492 KeepDTR sta CmdReg,x set DTR and RTS enable/disable
493 endc
494 endc
496 ldd <RxBufSiz get Rx buffer size
497 tsta less than 256 bytes?
498 beq TermExit yes, no system memory to return...
499 pshs u save data pointer
500 ldu <RxBufPtr get address of system memory
501 os9 F$SRtMem
502 puls u recover data pointer
503 TermExit ldd <V.PORT base hardware address is status register
505 ifeq A6552-true
506 else
508 ifeq A6551-true
509 addd #1 point to 6551 status register
510 endc
511 endc
513 ldx #$0000 remove IRQ table entry
514 leay IRQSvc,pcr
515 puls cc recover IRQ/Carry status
516 os9 F$IRQ
517 puls a,dp,pc restore dummy A, system DP, return
520 ReadSlp ldd >D.Proc process descriptor address
521 sta <V.WAKE save MSB for IRQ service routine
522 tfr d,x copy process descriptor address
523 ldb P$State,x get process state flag
524 orb #Suspend set suspend flag
525 stb P$State,x put process in suspend state
526 lbsr Sleep1 go suspend process...
527 ldx >D.Proc process descriptor address
528 ldb P$Signal,x pending signal for this process?
529 beq ChkState no, go check process state...
530 cmpb #S$Intrpt do we honor signal?
531 bls ErrExit yes, go do it...
532 ChkState ldb P$State,x get process state
533 bitb #Condem we be dead?
534 bne PrAbtErr yes, go do it...
535 ldb <V.WAKE true interrupt?
536 bne ReadSlp no, go suspend again...
537 ReadLoop puls cc,b,dp recover IRQ/Carry status, dummy B, system DP
539 Read equ *
540 clrb default to no errors...
541 pshs cc,b,dp save IRQ/Carry status, dummy B, system DP
542 lbsr SetDP go set our DP
543 orcc #IntMasks disable IRQs while checking Rx flow control
544 lda <FloCtlRx get Rx flow control flags
545 beq ReadChar none, go get Rx character...
546 ldx <RxDatLen get Rx data count again
547 cmpx <RxBufMin at or below XON level?
548 bhi ReadChar no, go get Rx character...
549 ldx <V.PORT
550 bita #FCRxSent Rx disabled due to XOFF sent?
551 beq ChkHWHS no, go check hardware handshake(s)...
552 ldb <FloCtlTx get Tx flow control flags
553 bitb #FCTxBrk currently transmitting line Break?
554 bne ReadLoop yes, go skip XON this time...
556 ifeq A6552-true
557 ldb CSReg,x get new Control Status register
558 bitb #CS.TxE Tx data register empty?
559 beq ReadLoop no, go skip XON this time...
560 ldb <V.XON
561 stb DataReg,x write XON character
562 ChkHWHS bita #FCRxDTR!FCRxRTS Rx disabled due to DTR or RTS?
563 beq RxFloClr no, go clear Rx flow control flag(s)...
564 ldb <Cpy.FR get Format register copy
565 andb #^(F.DTR!F.RTS) clear (enable) DTR and RTS bits
566 stb <Cpy.FR save Format register copy
567 stb CFReg,x set Format register
568 else
570 ifeq A6551-true
571 ldb StatReg,x get new Status register
572 bitb #Stat.TxE Tx data register empty?
573 beq ReadLoop no, go skip XON this time...
574 ldb <V.XON
575 stb DataReg,x write XON character
576 ChkHWHS bita #FCRxDTR!FCRxRTS Rx disabled due to DTR or RTS?
577 beq RxFloClr no, go clear Rx flow control flag(s)...
578 ldb CmdReg,x get current Command register contents
579 andb #^Cmd.TIRB clear Tx IRQ/RTS/Break control bits
580 orb #TIRB.RTS!Cmd.DTR enable RTS and DTR, disable Tx IRQs
581 stb CmdReg,x set Command register
582 endc
583 endc
585 RxFloClr clr <FloCtlRx clear Rx flow control flags
586 ReadChar ldb <V.ERR get accumulated errors, if any
587 stb PD.ERR,y set/clear error(s) in path descriptor
588 bne ReprtErr error(s), go report it/them...
589 ldx <RxDatLen get Rx buffer count
590 beq ReadSlp none, go sleep while waiting for new Rx data...
591 leax -1,x less character we're about to grab
592 stx <RxDatLen save new Rx data count
593 ldx <RxBufGet current Rx buffer pickup position
594 lda ,x+ get Rx character, set up next pickup position
595 cmpx <RxBufEnd end of Rx buffer?
596 blo SetPckUp no, go keep pickup pointer
597 ldx <RxBufPtr get Rx buffer start address
598 SetPckUp stx <RxBufGet set new Rx data pickup pointer
599 puls cc,b,dp,pc recover IRQ/Carry status, dummy B, system DP, return
602 PrAbtErr ldb #E$PrcAbt
603 bra ErrExit
605 ReprtErr clr <V.ERR clear error status
606 bitb #DCDLstEr DCD lost error?
607 bne HngUpErr yes, go report it...
608 ldb #E$Read
609 ErrExit puls cc restore IRQ enable and Carry status
610 coma error, set Carry
611 puls a,dp,pc restore dummy A (or Tx character), system DP, return
613 HngUpErr ldb #E$HangUp
614 lda #PST.DCD DCD lost flag
615 sta PD.PST,y set path status flag
616 bra ErrExit
618 NRdyErr ldb #E$NotRdy
619 bra ErrExit
621 UnSvcErr ldb #E$UnkSvc
622 bra ErrExit
625 WritLoop lda <WritFlag first pass through for this Tx character?
626 beq WritFast yes, don't sleep yet...
627 lbsr Sleep1 go sleep for balance of tick...
628 WritFast inc <WritFlag set "initial write attempt" flag
629 puls cc,a,dp recover IRQ/Carry status, Tx character, system DP
631 Writ equ *
632 clrb default to no error...
633 pshs cc,a,dp save IRQ/Carry status, Tx character, system DP
634 lbsr SetDP go set our DP
635 ldx <V.PORT
636 orcc #IntMasks disable IRQs during error and Tx disable checks
637 ldb <V.ERR get accumulated errors, if any
638 andb #DCDLstEr DCD lost error? (ignore other errors, if any)
639 stb PD.ERR,y set/clear error(s) in path descriptor
640 bne ReprtErr DCD lost error, go report it...
642 ifeq A6552-true
643 ldb <Cpy.CSR get copy of control status register
644 bitb #CS.CTS Tx disabled due to CTS?
645 bne WritLoop yes, go sleep a while...
646 lda <Wrk.Type get software/hardware handshake enables
647 bita #DSRFlow DSR/DTR handshake enabled?
648 beq ChkTxFlo no, go check Tx flow control
649 bitb #CS.DSR Tx disabled due to DSR?
650 bne WritLoop yes, go sleep a while...
651 else
653 ifeq A6551-true
654 lda <Wrk.Type get software/hardware handshake enables
655 bita #DSRFlow DSR/DTR handshake enabled?
656 beq ChkTxFlo no, go check Tx flow control
657 ldb <Cpy.Stat get copy of status register
658 bitb <Mask.DSR Tx disabled due to DSR?
659 bne WritLoop yes, go sleep a while...
660 endc
661 endc
663 ChkTxFlo ldb <FloCtlTx get Tx flow control flags
664 bitb #FCTxBrk currently transmitting line Break?
665 bne WritLoop yes, go sleep a while...
666 bita #TxSwFlow Tx software flow control enabled?
667 beq ChkRxFlo no, go check pending Rx flow control
668 bitb #FCTxXOff Tx disabled due to received XOFF?
669 bne WritLoop yes, go sleep a while...
670 ChkRxFlo bita #RxSwFlow Rx software flow control enabled?
671 beq ChkTxE no, go check Tx register empty
672 ldb <FloCtlRx get Rx flow control flags
673 bitb #FCRxSend XON/XOFF Rx flow control pending?
674 bne WritLoop yes, go sleep a while...
675 ChkTxE lda 1,s get Tx character
677 ifeq A6552-true
678 ldb CSReg,x get new control status register
679 bitb #CS.TxE Tx register empty?
680 beq WritLoop no, go sleep a while...
681 sta DataReg,x write Tx character
682 else
684 ifeq A6551-true
685 ldb StatReg,x get new status register
686 bitb #Stat.TxE Tx register empty?
687 beq WritLoop no, go sleep a while...
688 sta DataReg,x write Tx character
689 endc
690 endc
692 clr <WritFlag clear "initial write attempt" flag
693 puls cc,a,dp,pc recover IRQ/Carry status, Tx character, system DP, return
696 GStt equ *
697 clrb default to no error...
698 pshs cc,b,dp save IRQ/Carry status, dummy B, system DP
699 lbsr SetDP go set our DP
700 ldx PD.RGS,y caller's register stack pointer
701 cmpa #SS.EOF
702 beq GSExitOK yes, SCF devices never return EOF
703 cmpa #SS.Ready
704 bne GetScSiz
705 ldd <RxDatLen get Rx data length
706 beq NRdyErr none, go report error
707 tsta more than 255 bytes?
708 beq SaveLen no, keep Rx data available
709 ldb #255 yes, just use 255
710 SaveLen stb R$B,x set Rx data available in caller's [B]
711 GSExitOK puls cc,b,dp,pc restore Carry status, dummy B, system DP, return
713 GetScSiz cmpa #SS.ScSiz
714 bne GetComSt
715 ldu PD.DEV,y
716 ldu V$DESC,u
717 clra
718 ldb IT.COL,u
719 std R$X,x
720 ldb IT.ROW,u
721 std R$Y,x
722 puls cc,b,dp,pc restore Carry status, dummy B, system DP, return
724 GetComSt cmpa #SS.ComSt
725 lbne UnSvcErr no, go report error
726 ldd <Wrk.Type
727 std R$Y,x
728 clra default to DCD and DSR enabled
730 ifeq A6552-true
731 ldb <Cpy.CSR get current status
732 bitb #CS.DCD DCD bit set (disabled)?
733 else
735 ifeq A6551-true
736 ldb <CpyDCDSR get current DSR+DCD status
737 bitb <Mask.DCD DCD bit set (disabled)?
738 endc
739 endc
741 beq CheckDSR no, go check DSR status
742 ora #DCDStBit
744 ifeq A6552-true
745 CheckDSR bitb #CS.DSR DSR bit set (disabled)?
746 else
748 ifeq A6551-true
749 CheckDSR bitb <Mask.DSR DSR bit set (disabled)?
750 endc
751 endc
753 beq SaveCDSt no, go set DCD/DSR status
754 ora #DSRStBit
755 SaveCDSt sta R$B,x set 6551 ACIA style DCD/DSR status in caller's [B]
756 puls cc,b,dp,pc restore Carry status, dummy B, system DP, return
759 BreakSlp ldx #SlpBreak SS.Break duration
760 bra TimedSlp
761 HngUpSlp ldx #SlpHngUp SS.HngUp duration
762 bra TimedSlp
763 Sleep1 ldx #1 give up balance of tick
764 TimedSlp pshs cc save IRQ enable status
765 andcc #Intmasks enable IRQs
766 os9 F$Sleep
767 puls cc,pc restore IRQ enable status, return
770 SStt equ *
771 clrb default to no error...
772 pshs cc,b,dp save IRQ/Carry status, dummy B, system DP
773 lbsr SetDP go set our DP
774 ldx PD.RGS,y
775 cmpa #SS.HngUp
776 bne SetBreak
778 ifeq A6552-true
779 lda #F.DTR set (disable) DTR bit
780 ldx <V.PORT
781 orcc #IntMasks disable IRQs while setting Format register
782 ora <Cpy.FR mask in Format register copy
783 sta <Cpy.FR save Format register copy
784 sta CFReg,x set new Format register
785 bsr HngUpSlp go sleep for a while...
786 lda #^(F.DTR!F.RTS) clear (enable) DTR and RTS bits
787 FRegClr ldx <V.PORT
788 anda <Cpy.FR mask in Format register copy
789 ldb <FloCtlRx get Rx flow control flags
790 bitb #FCRxDTR Rx disabled due to DTR?
791 beq LeaveDTR no, go leave DTR enabled
792 ora #F.DTR set (disable) DTR bit
793 LeaveDTR bitb #FCRxRTS Rx disabled due to RTS?
794 beq LeaveRTS no, go leave RTS enabled
795 ora #F.RTS set (disable) RTS bit
796 LeaveRTS sta <Cpy.FR save Format register copy
797 sta CFReg,x set new Format register
798 else
800 ifeq A6551-true
801 lda #^Cmd.DTR cleared (disabled) DTR bit
802 ldx <V.PORT
803 orcc #IntMasks disable IRQs while setting Command register
804 anda CmdReg,x mask in current Command register contents
805 sta CmdReg,x set new Command register
806 bsr HngUpSlp go sleep for a while...
807 BreakClr lda #^(Cmd.TIRB!Cmd.DTR) clear (disable) DTR and RTS control bits
808 FRegClr ldx <V.PORT
809 anda CmdReg,x mask in current Command register
810 ldb <FloCtlRx get Rx flow control flags
811 bitb #FCRxDTR Rx disabled due to DTR?
812 bne LeaveDTR yes, go leave DTR disabled
813 ora #Cmd.DTR set (enable) DTR bit
814 LeaveDTR bitb #FCRxRTS Rx disabled due to RTS?
815 bne LeaveRTS yes, go leave RTS disabled
816 ora #TIRB.RTS enable RTS output
817 LeaveRTS ldb <FloCtlTx get Tx flow control flags
818 bitb #FCTxBrk currently transmitting line Break?
819 beq NotTxBrk no, go leave RTS alone...
820 ora #TIRB.Brk set Tx Break bits
821 NotTxBrk sta CmdReg,x set new Command register
822 endc
823 endc
825 puls cc,b,dp,pc restore IRQ/Carry status, dummy B, system DP, return
827 SetBreak cmpa #SS.Break Tx line break?
828 bne SetSSig
830 ifeq A6552-true
831 ldy <V.PORT
832 ldd #FCTxBrk*256+TB.Brk [A]=flow control flag, [B]=Tx break enable
833 orcc #Intmasks disable IRQs while messing with flow control flags
834 ora <FloCtlTx set Tx break flag bit
835 sta <FloCtlTx save Tx flow control flags
836 stb TBReg,y start Tx line break
837 bsr BreakSlp go sleep for a while...
838 anda #^FCTxBrk clear Tx break flag bit
839 sta <FloCtlTx save Tx flow control flags
840 clr TBReg,y end Tx line break
841 puls cc,b,dp,pc restore IRQ/Carry status, dummy B, system DP, return
842 else
844 ifeq A6551-true
845 ldy <V.PORT
846 ldd #FCTxBrk*256+TIRB.Brk [A]=flow control flag, [B]=Tx break enable
847 orcc #Intmasks disable IRQs while messing with flow control flags
848 ora <FloCtlTx set Tx break flag bit
849 sta <FloCtlTx save Tx flow control flags
850 orb CmdReg,y set Tx line break bits
851 stb CmdReg,y start Tx line break
852 bsr BreakSlp go sleep for a while...
853 anda #^FCTxBrk clear Tx break flag bit
854 sta <FloCtlTx save Tx flow control flags
855 bra BreakClr go restore RTS output to previous...
856 endc
857 endc
859 SetSSig cmpa #SS.SSig
860 bne SetRelea
861 lda PD.CPR,y current process ID
862 ldb R$X+1,x LSB of [X] is signal code
863 orcc #IntMasks disable IRQs while checking Rx data length
864 ldx <RxDatLen
865 bne RSendSig
866 std <SSigPID
867 puls cc,b,dp,pc restore IRQ/Carry status, dummy B, system DP, return
868 RSendSig puls cc restore IRQ/Carry status
869 os9 F$Send
870 puls a,dp,pc restore dummy A, system DP, return
872 SetRelea cmpa #SS.Relea
873 bne SetCDSig
874 leax SSigPID,u point to Rx data signal process ID
875 bsr ReleaSig go release signal...
876 puls cc,b,dp,pc restore Carry status, dummy B, system DP, return
878 SetCDSig cmpa #SS.CDSig set DCD signal?
879 bne SetCDRel
880 lda PD.CPR,y current process ID
881 ldb R$X+1,x LSB of [X] is signal code
882 std <CDSigPID
883 puls cc,b,dp,pc restore Carry status, dummy B, system DP, return
885 SetCDRel cmpa #SS.CDRel release DCD signal?
886 bne SetComSt
887 CDRelSig leax CDSigPID,u point to DCD signal process ID
888 bsr ReleaSig go release signal...
889 puls cc,b,dp,pc restore Carry status, dummy B, system DP, return
891 SetComSt cmpa #SS.ComSt
892 bne SetOpen
893 ldd R$Y,x caller's [Y] contains ACIAPAK format type/baud info
894 bsr SetPort go save it and set up control/format registers
895 ReturnOK puls cc,b,dp,pc restore Carry status, dummy B, system DP, return
897 SetOpen cmpa #SS.Open
898 bne SetClose
899 lda R$Y+1,x get LSB of caller's [Y]
900 deca real SS.Open from SCF? (SCF sets LSB of [Y] = 1)
901 bne ReturnOK no, go do nothing but return OK...
903 ifeq A6552-true
904 lda #^(F.DTR!F.RTS) clear (enable) DTR and RTS bits
905 else
907 ifeq A6551-true
908 lda #TIRB.RTS enabled DTR and RTS outputs
909 endc
910 endc
912 orcc #IntMasks disable IRQs while setting Format register
913 lbra FRegClr go enable DTR and RTS (if not disabled due to Rx flow control)
915 SetClose cmpa #SS.Close
916 lbne UnSvcErr no, go report error...
917 lda R$Y+1,x real SS.Close from SCF? (SCF sets LSB of [Y] = 0)
918 bne ReturnOK no, go do nothing but return OK...
919 leax SSigPID,u point to Rx data signal process ID
920 bsr ReleaSig go release signal...
921 bra CDRelSig go release DCD signal, return from there...
923 ReleaSig pshs cc save IRQ enable status
924 orcc #IntMasks disable IRQs while releasing signal
925 lda PD.CPR,y get current process ID
926 suba ,x same as signal process ID?
927 bne NoReleas no, go return...
928 sta ,x clear this signal's process ID
929 NoReleas puls cc,pc restore IRQ enable status, return
931 ifeq A6552-true
932 SetPort pshs cc save IRQ enable and Carry status
933 orcc #IntMasks disable IRQs while setting up DACIA registers
934 std <Wrk.Type save type/baud in data area
935 lsra *shift parity bits into
936 lsra *position for 65C52's
937 lsra *format register
938 anda #F.Par clear all except parity bits
939 pshs a save parity temporarily
940 comb translate word length bits to 65C52's word length code
941 andb #F.DatBit clear all except word length bits
942 orb ,s+ mask in parity and clean up stack
943 lda <Wrk.Baud get baud information
944 anda #BaudRate clear all but baud rate bits
945 leax BaudTabl,pcr
946 lda a,x get baud rate setting
947 pshs a save it temporarily
948 lda <Wrk.Baud get stop bit(s) information
949 lsra *shift stop bit into position
950 lsra *for 65C52's control register
951 anda #C.StpBit clear all except stop bit code
952 ora ,s+ mask in baud rate and clean up stack
953 pshs d save stopbits/baudrate and wordlength/parity temporarily
954 ldd <Cpy.CR get old control/format register copies
955 anda #^(C.StpBit!C.Baud) clear stop bit and baud rate code bits
956 ora ,s+ mask in stop bit(s) and baud rate
957 andb #^(F.DatBit!F.Par) clear word length and parity code bits
958 orb ,s+ mask in word length and parity
959 ldx <V.PORT get port address
960 std <Cpy.CR save control/format register copies
961 sta CFReg,x set control register
962 stb CFReg,x set format register
963 puls cc,pc recover IRQ enable and Carry status, return...
964 else
966 ifeq A6551-true
967 SetPort pshs cc save IRQ enable and Carry status
968 orcc #IntMasks disable IRQs while setting up ACIA registers
969 std <Wrk.Type save type/baud in data area
970 leax BaudTabl,pcr
971 andb #BaudRate clear all but baud rate bits
972 ldb b,x get baud rate setting
973 pshs b save it temporarily
974 ldb <Wrk.Baud get baud info again
975 andb #^(Ctl.RxCS!Ctl.Baud) clear clock source + baud rate code bits
976 orb ,s+ mask in clock source + baud rate and clean up stack
977 ldx <V.PORT get port address
978 anda #Cmd.Par clear all except parity bits
979 pshs a save new command register contents temporarily
980 lda CmdReg,x get current command register contents
981 anda #^Cmd.Par clear parity control bits
982 ora ,s+ mask in new parity
983 std CmdReg,x set command+control registers
984 puls cc,pc recover IRQ enable and Carry status, return...
985 endc
986 endc
988 SetDP pshs u save our data pointer
989 puls dp set our DP
990 leas 1,s clean up stack
991 rts
993 AccumErr ora <V.ERR
994 sta <V.ERR
995 rts
998 ifeq A6552-true
999 IRQSvc equ *
1000 pshs dp save system DP
1001 bsr SetDP go set our DP
1002 ldx <V.PORT
1003 ldb CSReg,x get current Control/Status register
1004 std <Cpy.ISR save ISR (from D.Poll check) and CSR copies
1005 bita #ISE.FOB!ISE.Par FRM/OVR/BRK or Parity error?
1006 beq ChkRDRF no, go check Rx data
1007 tst DataReg,x read Rx data register to clear DACIA error flags
1008 bitb #CS.Break Rx line break?
1009 beq ChkParty no, go check if parity error...
1010 lda <V.QUIT default to keyboard quit ("Break") code
1011 bra RxBreak go pretend we've received V.QUIT character...
1013 ChkParty anda #ISE.Par parity error?
1014 beq ChkFrame no, go check framing error
1015 lda #ParityEr mark parity error
1016 ChkFrame bitb #CS.Frame framing error?
1017 beq ChkOvRun no, go check overrun error...
1018 ora #FrmingEr mark Framing error
1019 ChkOvRun tsta any other error flag(s) set?
1020 bne SaveErrs yes, go save them...
1021 ora #OvrFloEr must be overrun error, mark it
1022 SaveErrs bsr AccumErr go save accumulated errors...
1023 lbra ChkTrDCD go check if DCD transition...
1025 ChkRDRF bita #ISE.RxF Rx data?
1026 lbeq ChkTrDCD no, go check DCD transition
1027 lda DataReg,x get Rx data
1028 RxBreak beq SavRxDat its a null, go save it...
1029 clr <SigSent clear signal sent flag
1030 cmpa <V.INTR interrupt?
1031 bne Chk.Quit no, go on...
1032 ldb #S$Intrpt
1033 bra SendSig
1034 Chk.Quit cmpa <V.QUIT abort?
1035 bne Chk.PChr no, go on...
1036 ldb #S$Abort
1037 SendSig pshs a save Rx data
1038 lda <V.LPRC get last process' ID
1039 os9 F$Send
1040 puls a recover Rx data
1041 stb <SigSent set signal sent flag
1042 bra SavRxDat go save Rx data...
1043 Chk.PChr cmpa <V.PCHR pause?
1044 bne Chk.Flow no, go on...
1045 ldx <V.DEV2 attached device defined?
1046 beq SavRxDat no, go save Rx data...
1047 sta V.PAUS,x yes, pause attached device
1048 bra SavRxDat go save Rx data...
1049 Chk.Flow ldb <Wrk.Type
1050 bitb #TxSwFlow Tx data software flow control enabled?
1051 beq SavRxDat no, go save Rx data...
1052 cmpa <V.XON XON?
1053 bne Chk.XOff no, go on...
1054 ldb #^FCTxXOff clear XOFF received bit
1055 andb <FloCtlTx clear software Tx flow control flag
1056 bra SetTxFlo go save new Tx flow control flags...
1057 Chk.XOff cmpa <V.XOFF XOFF?
1058 bne SavRxDat no, go save Rx data...
1059 ldb #FCTxXOff set XOFF received bit
1060 orb <FloCtlTx set software Tx flow control flag
1061 SetTxFlo stb <FloCtlTx save new Tx flow control flags
1062 lbra ChkTrDCD go check DCD transition...
1063 SavRxDat ldb <FloCtlRx get Rx flow control flags
1064 andb #^FCRxSend clear possible pending XOFF flag
1065 stb <FloCtlRx save Rx flow control flags
1066 ldy <RxBufPut get Rx buffer input pointer
1067 ldx <RxDatLen Rx get Rx buffer data length
1068 cmpx <RxBufSiz Rx buffer already full?
1069 blo NotOvFlo no, go skip overflow error...
1070 lda #OvrFloEr mark Rx buffer overflow
1071 lbsr AccumErr go save accumulated errors...
1072 bra DisRxFlo go ensure Rx is disabled (if possible)
1073 NotOvFlo sta ,y+ save Rx data
1074 cmpy <RxBufEnd end of Rx buffer?
1075 blo SetLayDn no, go keep laydown pointer
1076 ldy <RxBufPtr get Rx buffer start address
1077 SetLayDn sty <RxBufPut set new Rx data laydown pointer
1078 leax 1,x one more byte in Rx buffer
1079 stx <RxDatLen save new Rx data length
1080 cmpx <RxBufMax at or past maximum (XOFF) fill point?
1081 blo SgnlRxD no, go check Rx data signal...
1082 DisRxFlo lda <Wrk.XTyp
1083 ldb <Cpy.FR get Format register copy
1084 bita #ForceDTR forced DTR?
1085 bne DisRxRTS yes, go check RTS disable...
1086 lda <Wrk.Type
1087 bita #DSRFlow DSR/DTR flow control enabled?
1088 beq DisRxRTS no, go check RTS disable
1089 lda <FloCtlRx get Rx flow control flags
1090 ora #FCRxDTR mark Rx disabled by DTR
1091 sta <FloCtlRx save new Rx flow control flags
1092 orb #F.DTR set (disable) DTR bit
1093 DisRxRTS lda <Wrk.Type
1094 bita #RTSFlow CTS/RTS flow control enabled?
1095 beq NewRxFlo no, go set new Rx flow control...
1096 lda <FloCtlRx get Rx flow control flags
1097 ora #FCRxRTS mark Rx disabled by RTS
1098 sta <FloCtlRx save new Rx flow control flags
1099 orb #F.RTS set (disable) RTS bit
1100 NewRxFlo ldx <V.PORT
1101 stb <Cpy.FR save Format register copy
1102 stb CFReg,x set/clear DTR and RTS in Format register
1103 lda <Wrk.Type
1104 bita #RxSwFlow Rx data software flow control enabled?
1105 beq SgnlRxD no, go check Rx data signal...
1106 lda <V.XOFF XOFF character defined?
1107 beq SgnlRxD no, go check Rx data signal...
1108 ldb <FloCtlRx get Rx flow control flags
1109 bitb #FCRxSent XOFF already sent?
1110 bne SgnlRxD yes, go check Rx data signal...
1111 orb #FCRxSend set send XOFF flag
1112 stb <FloCtlRx set new Rx flow control flags
1113 ldb <Cpy.CSR get Control status register copy
1114 bitb #CS.TxE Tx data register empty?
1115 beq SgnlRxD no, go skip XOFF this time...
1116 sta DataReg,x write XOFF character
1117 ldb #FCRxSent set XOFF sent flag
1118 orb <FloCtlRx mask in current Rx flow control flags
1119 andb #^FCRxSend clear send XOFF flag
1120 stb <FloCtlRx save new flow control flags
1121 SgnlRxD ldb <SigSent already sent abort/interrupt signal?
1122 bne ChkTrDCD yes, go check DCD transition...
1123 lda <SSigPID Rx data signal process ID?
1124 beq ChkTrDCD none, go check DCD transition...
1125 ldb <SSigSig Rx data signal code
1126 clr <SSigPID clear Rx data signal
1127 os9 F$Send
1129 ChkTrDCD ldd <Cpy.ISR get IRQ and Control Status copies
1130 bita #ISE.DCD DCD transition?
1131 beq CkSuspnd no, go check for suspended process...
1132 bitb #CS.DCD DCD disabled now?
1133 beq SgnlDCD no, go check DCD signal...
1134 lda <Wrk.Type
1135 bita #MdmKill modem kill enabled?
1136 beq SgnlDCD no, go on...
1137 ldx <V.PDLHd path descriptor list header
1138 beq StCDLost no list, go set DCD lost error...
1139 lda #PST.DCD DCD lost flag
1140 PDListLp sta PD.PST,x set path status flag
1141 ldx PD.PLP,x get next path descriptor in list
1142 bne PDListLp not end of list, go do another...
1143 StCDLost lda #DCDLstEr DCD lost error flag
1144 lbsr AccumErr go save accumulated errors...
1145 SgnlDCD lda <CDSigPID get process ID, send a DCD signal?
1146 beq CkSuspnd no, go check for suspended process...
1147 ldb <CDSigSig get DCD signal code
1148 clr <CDSigPID clear DCD signal
1149 os9 F$Send
1151 CkSuspnd clrb clear Carry (for exit) and LSB of process descriptor address
1152 lda <V.WAKE anybody waiting? ([D]=process descriptor address)
1153 beq IRQExit no, go return...
1154 stb <V.WAKE mark I/O done
1155 tfr d,x copy process descriptor pointer
1156 lda P$State,x get state flags
1157 anda #^Suspend clear suspend state
1158 sta P$State,x save state flags
1159 IRQExit puls dp,pc recover system DP, return...
1160 else
1162 ifeq A6551-true
1163 IRQSvc equ *
1164 pshs dp save system DP
1165 bsr SetDP go set our DP
1166 ldx <V.PORT
1167 ldb StatReg,x get current Status register contents
1168 stb <Cpy.Stat save Status register copy
1169 bitb #Stat.Err error(s)?
1170 beq ChkRDRF no, go check Rx data
1171 tst DataReg,x read Rx data register to clear ACIA error flags
1172 bitb #Stat.Frm framing error (assume Rx line Break)?
1173 beq ChkParty no, go check if parity error...
1174 lda <V.QUIT default to keyboard quit ("Break") code
1175 bra RxBreak go pretend we've received V.QUIT character...
1177 ChkParty clra clear old IRQ status
1178 bitb #Stat.Par parity error?
1179 beq ChkOvRun no, go check overrun error...
1180 ora #ParityEr mark parity error
1181 ChkOvRun bita #Stat.Ovr overrun error?
1182 beq SaveErrs no, go save errors...
1183 ora #OvrFloEr mark overrun error
1184 SaveErrs bsr AccumErr go save accumulated errors...
1185 lbra ChkTrDCD go check if DCD transition...
1187 ChkRDRF bitb #Stat.RxF Rx data?
1188 lbeq ChkTrDCD no, go check DCD transition
1189 lda DataReg,x get Rx data
1190 RxBreak beq SavRxDat its a null, go save it...
1191 clr <SigSent clear signal sent flag
1192 cmpa <V.INTR interrupt?
1193 bne Chk.Quit no, go on...
1194 ldb #S$Intrpt
1195 bra SendSig
1196 Chk.Quit cmpa <V.QUIT abort?
1197 bne Chk.PChr no, go on...
1198 ldb #S$Abort
1199 SendSig pshs a save Rx data
1200 lda <V.LPRC get last process' ID
1201 os9 F$Send
1202 puls a recover Rx data
1203 stb <SigSent set signal sent flag
1204 bra SavRxDat go save Rx data...
1205 Chk.PChr cmpa <V.PCHR pause?
1206 bne Chk.Flow no, go on...
1207 ldx <V.DEV2 attached device defined?
1208 beq SavRxDat no, go save Rx data...
1209 sta V.PAUS,x yes, pause attached device
1210 bra SavRxDat go save Rx data...
1211 Chk.Flow ldb <Wrk.Type
1212 bitb #TxSwFlow Tx data software flow control enabled?
1213 beq SavRxDat no, go save Rx data...
1214 cmpa <V.XON XON?
1215 bne Chk.XOff no, go on...
1216 ldb #^FCTxXOff clear XOFF received bit
1217 andb <FloCtlTx clear software Tx flow control flag
1218 bra SetTxFlo go save new Tx flow control flags...
1219 Chk.XOff cmpa <V.XOFF XOFF?
1220 bne SavRxDat no, go save Rx data...
1221 ldb #FCTxXOff set XOFF received bit
1222 orb <FloCtlTx set software Tx flow control flag
1223 SetTxFlo stb <FloCtlTx save new Tx flow control flags
1224 lbra ChkTrDCD go check DCD transition...
1225 SavRxDat ldb <FloCtlRx get Rx flow control flags
1226 andb #^FCRxSend clear possible pending XOFF flag
1227 stb <FloCtlRx save Rx flow control flags
1228 ldy <RxBufPut get Rx buffer input pointer
1229 ldx <RxDatLen Rx get Rx buffer data length
1230 cmpx <RxBufSiz Rx buffer already full?
1231 blo NotOvFlo no, go skip overflow error...
1232 lda #OvrFloEr mark Rx buffer overflow
1233 lbsr AccumErr go save accumulated errors...
1234 bra DisRxFlo go ensure Rx is disabled (if possible)
1235 NotOvFlo sta ,y+ save Rx data
1236 cmpy <RxBufEnd end of Rx buffer?
1237 blo SetLayDn no, go keep laydown pointer
1238 ldy <RxBufPtr get Rx buffer start address
1239 SetLayDn sty <RxBufPut set new Rx data laydown pointer
1240 leax 1,x one more byte in Rx buffer
1241 stx <RxDatLen save new Rx data length
1242 cmpx <RxBufMax at or past maximum fill point?
1243 blo SgnlRxD no, go check Rx data signal...
1244 DisRxFlo ldx <V.PORT
1245 lda <Wrk.XTyp
1246 ldb CmdReg,x get current Command register contents
1247 bita #ForceDTR forced DTR?
1248 bne DisRxRTS yes, go check RTS disable...
1249 lda <Wrk.Type
1250 bita #DSRFlow DSR/DTR flow control enabled?
1251 beq DisRxRTS no, go check RTS disable
1252 lda <FloCtlRx get Rx flow control flags
1253 ora #FCRxDTR mark Rx disabled by DTR
1254 sta <FloCtlRx save new Rx flow control flags
1255 andb #^Cmd.DTR clear (disable) DTR bit
1256 DisRxRTS lda <Wrk.Type
1257 bita #RTSFlow CTS/RTS flow control enabled?
1258 beq NewRxFlo no, go set new Rx flow control...
1259 lda <FloCtlTx get Tx flow control flags
1260 bita #FCTxBrk currently transmitting line Break?
1261 bne NewRxFlo yes, go set new Rx flow control...
1262 lda <FloCtlRx get Rx flow control flags
1263 ora #FCRxRTS mark Rx disabled by RTS
1264 sta <FloCtlRx save new Rx flow control flags
1265 andb #^Cmd.TIRB clear Tx IRQ/RTS/Break control bits (disable RTS)
1266 NewRxFlo stb CmdReg,x set/clear DTR and RTS in Command register
1267 lda <Wrk.Type
1268 bita #RxSwFlow Rx software flow control enabled?
1269 beq SgnlRxD no, go check Rx data signal...
1270 lda <V.XOFF XOFF character defined?
1271 beq SgnlRxD no, go check Rx data signal...
1272 ldb <FloCtlRx get Rx flow control flags
1273 bitb #FCRxSent XOFF already sent?
1274 bne SgnlRxD yes, go check Rx data signal...
1275 orb #FCRxSend set send XOFF flag
1276 stb <FloCtlRx set new Rx flow control flags
1277 ldb StatReg,x get new Status register
1278 bitb #Stat.TxE Tx data register empty?
1279 beq SgnlRxD no, go skip XOFF this time...
1280 sta DataReg,x write XOFF character
1281 ldb #FCRxSent set XOFF sent flag
1282 orb <FloCtlRx mask in current Rx flow control flags
1283 andb #^FCRxSend clear send XOFF flag
1284 stb <FloCtlRx save new flow control flags
1285 SgnlRxD ldb <SigSent already sent abort/interrupt signal?
1286 bne ChkTrDCD yes, go check DCD transition...
1287 lda <SSigPID Rx data signal process ID?
1288 beq ChkTrDCD none, go check DCD transition...
1289 ldb <SSigSig Rx data signal code
1290 clr <SSigPID clear Rx data signal
1291 os9 F$Send
1293 ChkTrDCD ldx <V.PORT
1294 lda <Cpy.Stat get Status register copy
1295 tfr a,b copy it...
1296 eora <CpyDCDSR mark changes from old DSR+DCD status copy
1297 andb #Stat.DSR!Stat.DCD clear all but DSR+DCD status
1298 stb <CpyDCDSR save new DSR+DCD status copy
1299 bita <Mask.DCD DCD transition?
1300 beq CkSuspnd no, go check for suspended process...
1301 bitb <Mask.DCD DCD disabled now?
1302 beq SgnlDCD no, go check DCD signal...
1303 lda <Wrk.Type
1304 bita #MdmKill modem kill enabled?
1305 beq SgnlDCD no, go on...
1306 ldx <V.PDLHd path descriptor list header
1307 beq StCDLost no list, go set DCD lost error...
1308 lda #PST.DCD DCD lost flag
1309 PDListLp sta PD.PST,x set path status flag
1310 ldx PD.PLP,x get next path descriptor in list
1311 bne PDListLp not end of list, go do another...
1312 StCDLost lda #DCDLstEr DCD lost error flag
1313 lbsr AccumErr go save accumulated errors...
1314 SgnlDCD lda <CDSigPID get process ID, send a DCD signal?
1315 beq CkSuspnd no, go check for suspended process...
1316 ldb <CDSigSig get DCD signal code
1317 clr <CDSigPID clear DCD signal
1318 os9 F$Send
1320 CkSuspnd clrb clear Carry (for exit) and LSB of process descriptor address
1321 lda <V.WAKE anybody waiting? ([D]=process descriptor address)
1322 beq IRQExit no, go return...
1323 stb <V.WAKE mark I/O done
1324 tfr d,x copy process descriptor pointer
1325 lda P$State,x get state flags
1326 anda #^Suspend clear suspend state
1327 sta P$State,x save state flags
1328 IRQExit puls dp,pc recover system DP, return...
1329 endc
1330 endc
1333 emod
1334 ModSize equ *
1335 end