1 ********************************************************************************
2 *
3 * SUBS for MGE picture formats
4 *
5 * MGEshowpic -- displays picture on screen
6 *
7 ********************************************************************************
9 ifp1
10 use os9defs.d
11 endc
13 StdOut equ 1
14 StdErr equ 2
16 psect view_mge_a,0,0,0,0,0
18 vsect
19 picname rmb 30
20 endsect
22 MGEshowpic:
23 bsr header
24 lbsr setscreen
25 lbsr setpals
26 lbsr setbuffer
27 lbsr showname
29 ldd <Skiplines
30 beq skip01
31 skip00
32 lbsr getline
33 subd #1
34 bne skip00
35 skip01
37 ldd #00
38 showpicouter
39 ldx #25
40 showpicloop
41 lbsr getline
42 tst <Size
43 bne showpic2
44 leax -1,x
45 beq showpicouter
46 showpic2
48 lbsr putline
49 addd #1
50 cmpd #192
51 bne showpicloop
52 rts
54 *
55 * read header info from file, and set window type information
56 * Uses altbuff to read header info into.
57 *
58 vsect dp
59 compressed rmb 1 0=Compressed format in use
60 count rmb 1 Count/value is used for compressed format
61 value rmb 1
62 endoffile fcb 0 T= EOF reached, so always return linebuff all 0
63 endsect
65 header
66 pshs a,b,x,y,u
67 leax altbuff,y read in type and palettes
68 pshs y
69 ldy #51
70 lbsr I_Read
71 lbcs _error
72 puls y
73 leax altbuff,y
74 lda ,x+ This byte must be zero.
75 lbne E$Format
76 leau palette,y
77 ldb #16
78 headloop
79 lda ,x+
80 sta ,u+
81 decb
82 bne headloop
84 lda ,x+
85 beq headrgb
86 lbsr cmpconv
87 headrgb
89 lda <type
90 bne headtype
91 lda #8 Std MGE defaults to type 8
92 sta <type
93 ldb <format
94 cmpb #MGE640Format 640 defaults to type 7
95 bne headtype
96 lda #7
97 sta <type
98 headtype
100 lda ,x+
101 sta compressed
102 clr count
104 ldb #30
105 leau picname,y
106 headname
107 lda ,x+
108 sta ,u+
109 decb
110 bne headname
112 * Set rotation speed
113 ldb ,x+
114 clra
115 std <cyclerate
117 * Set limits for palette rotation
118 lda ,x+
119 tfr a,b
120 lsra
121 lsra
122 lsra
123 lsra
124 sta <cyclestart
125 andb #$0f
126 stb <cycleend
128 * Set default Skiplines.
129 ldd <Skiplines
130 cmpd #$ffff
131 bne headskip
132 ldd #0
133 std <Skiplines
134 headskip
136 * Set default Size
137 lda <Size
138 bpl headsize Default to Small size
139 lda #0
140 sta <Size
141 headsize
143 puls a,b,x,y,u,pc
145 *
146 * Getpair
147 *
148 getpair
149 pshs x,y
150 leax count,y
151 ldy #2
152 lbsr I_Read
153 lbcc getpair1 No error, don't worry.
154 cmpb #E$EOF Was it EOF?
155 beq getpair2
156 lbra _error No, error.
157 getpair2
158 ldd #0 Yes, translate into compressed MGE 0,0 EOF marker
159 std count
160 getpair1
161 puls x,y
162 ldd count
163 rts
165 *
166 * Getline
167 *
168 getline
169 pshs a,b,x,y,u
170 leau linebuff,y
171 ldb #160
172 getl1
173 clr ,u+
174 decb
175 bne getl1
177 tst endoffile Are we at end-of-file?
178 bne getline1
180 tst compressed Is it compressed mode?
181 bne getnormal 0 -> compressed.
182 * Get a line from compressed file
183 leau linebuff,y Where we'll put the line.
184 ldx #160 Number of bytes in one line.
185 ldd count Get count/value
186 getl2
187 tsta Count non-zero?
188 bne getl3
189 lbsr getpair Yes, get another count/value pair.
190 cmpa #0 Zero count -> EOF
191 bne getl3
192 com endoffile Set end-of-file flag
193 bra getline1
194 getl3
195 stb ,u+ Store a copy of current value
196 deca Count down number of reps
197 leax -1,x Count down size of line
198 bne getl2 If not end of line, continue
199 std count Otherwise, store remaining count.
200 bra getline1
201 * Get a line from uncompressed file
202 getnormal
203 leax linebuff,y read in one line of screen
204 ldy #160 Warning! Y munged.
205 lbsr I_Read
206 lbcc getline1
207 cmpb #E$EOF We have a special message for premature EOF
208 bne getnor1
209 com endoffile Flag end-of-file condition
210 bra getline1 Keep on going.
211 getnor1
212 lbra _error If not EOF, just exit with error.
213 getline1
214 puls a,b,x,y,u,pc
216 CurPos fcb $1b,$32,$0f,$02,$25,$37 Set foreground to pal#15, position cursor
217 showname
218 pshs a,b,x,y,u
219 leau picname,y
221 tfr u,x
222 clr 29,x Just to make sure we do hit a null...
223 ldy #0
224 shownloop
225 leay 1,y
226 ldb ,x+
227 cmpb #$20
228 bge shownloop
230 pshs y
232 leax CurPos,pcr Position the cursor to the bottom of the screen.
233 tfr y,d
234 subb #40
235 negb
236 lsrb
237 addb #$20
238 stb 4,x
239 ldy #6
240 lda <outpath
241 os9 I$Write
242 lbcs _error
244 puls y
245 tfr u,x
246 lda <outpath
247 os9 I$Write
248 lbcs _error
249 puls a,b,x,y,u,pc
251 endsect