1 **************************************************
2 * System Call: F$Fork
3 *
4 * Function: Starts a new child process
5 *
6 * Input: X = Address of module or filename
7 * Y = Parameter area size (256 byte pages)
8 * U = Address of parameter area
9 * A = Language/Type code
10 * B = Optional data area size (256 byte pages)
11 *
12 * Output: X = Updated past the name string
13 * A = Child's process ID
14 *
15 * Error: CC = C bit set; B = error code
16 *
17 FFork pshs u preserve register stack pointer
18 lbsr AllPrc setup a new process descriptor
19 bcc GotNPrc went ok, keep going
20 puls u,pc restore & return with error
22 * Copy user # & priority
23 GotNPrc pshs u save pointer to new descriptor
24 ldx <D.Proc get current process pointer
25 IFNE H6309
26 ldq P$User,x Get user # & priority from forking process
27 std P$User,u Save user # in new process
28 ste P$Prior,u Save priority in new process
30 ldd P$User,x
31 std P$User,u
32 lda P$Prior,x
33 sta P$Prior,u
35 * Copy network I/O pointers to new descriptor
36 IFEQ Network-1
37 pshs x,u
38 leax >P$NIO,x point to current NIO pointers
39 leau >P$NIO,u point to buffer for new ones
40 IFNE H6309
41 ldw #NefIOSiz get size
42 tfm x+,u+ move 'em
44 ldb #NefIOSiz
45 L0250 lda ,x+
46 sta ,u+
47 decb
48 bne L0250
50 puls x,u restore pointers to descriptors
52 * Copy I/O pointers to new descriptor
53 leax P$DIO,x
54 leau P$DIO,u
55 IFNE H6309
56 ldw #DefIOSiz
57 tfm x+,u+
58 * Copy Standard paths to new descriptor
59 lde #3 get # paths
61 ldb #DefIOSiz
62 L0261 lda ,x+
63 sta ,u+
64 decb
65 bne L0261
66 ldy #3
69 * Duplicate 1st 3 paths
70 GetOPth lda ,x+ get a path #
71 beq SveNPth don't exist, go on
72 os9 I$Dup dupe it
73 bcc SveNPth no error, go on
74 clra clear it
76 * As std in/out/err
77 SveNPth sta ,u+ save new path #
78 IFNE H6309
79 dece done?
81 leay -1,y
83 bne GetOPth no, keep going
84 * Link to new module & setup task map
85 ldx ,s get pointer to new descriptor
86 ldu 2,s get pointer to register stack
87 lbsr L04B1 link to module & setup register stack
88 bcs L02CF exit if error
89 pshs d
90 os9 F$AllTsk allocate the task & setup MMU
91 bcs L02CF Error, skip ahead
93 * Copy parameters to new process
94 lda P$PagCnt,x get memory page count
95 clrb
96 subd ,s calculate destination
97 tfr d,u set parameter destination pointer
98 ldb P$Task,x get source task #
99 ldx <D.Proc get destination task #
100 lda P$Task,x
101 leax ,y point to parameters
102 puls y restore parameter count
103 os9 F$Move move parameters to new process
105 * Setup the new stack
106 ldx ,s get pointer to process descriptor
107 lda <D.SysTsk get task #
108 ldu P$SP,x get new stack pointer
109 leax >(P$Stack-R$Size),x point to register stack
110 ldy #R$Size get size of register stack
111 os9 F$Move move the register stack over
112 puls u,x
113 os9 F$DelTsk
114 ldy <D.Proc
115 lda P$ID,x
116 sta R$A,u
117 ldb P$CID,y
118 sta P$CID,y
119 lda P$ID,y
120 std P$PID,x
121 IFNE H6309
122 aim #^SysState,P$State,x switch to non-system state
123 ELSE
124 lda P$State,x
125 anda #^SysState
126 sta P$State,x
127 ENDC
128 * Put date & time of creation into descriptor
129 * pshs x preserve process pointer
130 * leax P$DatBeg,x point to time buffer
131 * os9 F$Time put date/time into it
132 * puls x restore pointer
133 os9 F$AProc and start the process
134 rts return
136 * Fork error goes here
137 L02CF puls x
138 pshs b save error
139 lbsr L05A5 close paths & unlink mem
140 lda P$ID,x get bad ID
141 lbsr L0386 delete proc desc & task #
142 comb set carry
143 puls pc,u,b pull error code & u & return