1 IFGT Level-1
3 **************************************************
4 * System Call: F$SLink
5 *
6 * Function: System Link
7 *
8 * Input: A = Module type
9 * X = Module name string pointer
10 * Y = Name string DAT image pointer
11 *
12 * Output: A = Module type
13 * B = Module revision
14 * X = Updated name string pointer
15 * Y = Module entry point
16 * U = Module pointer
17 *
18 * Error: CC = C bit set; B = error code
19 *
20 FSLink ldy R$Y,u get DAT image pointer of name
21 bra L0398 skip ahead
24 **************************************************
25 * System Call: F$ELink
26 *
27 * Function: Link using module directory entry
28 *
29 * Input: B = Module type
30 * X = Pointer to module directory entry
31 *
32 * Output: None
33 *
34 * Error: CC = C bit set; B = error code
35 *
36 FELink pshs u preserve register stack pointer
37 ldb R$B,u get module type
38 ldx R$X,u get pointer to module directory entry
39 bra L03AF skip ahead
43 **************************************************
44 * System Call: F$Link
45 *
46 * Function: Link to a memory module
47 *
48 * Input: X = Address of module name
49 * A = Type/Language byte
50 *
51 * Output: X = Advanced past module name
52 * Y = Module entry point address
53 * U = Module header address
54 * A = Module type/language byte
55 * B = Module attributes/revision byte
56 *
57 * Error: CC = C bit set; B = error code
58 *
59 FLink equ *
60 IFGT Level-1
61 ldx <D.Proc get pointer to DAT image
62 leay P$DATImg,x point to process DAT image
64 L0398 pshs u preserve register stack pointer
65 ldx R$X,u get pointer to path name
66 lda R$A,u get module type
67 lbsr L068D search module directory
68 bcs LinkErr not there, exit with error
69 leay ,u point to module directory entry
70 ldu ,s get register stack pointer
71 stx R$X,u save updated module name pointer
72 std R$D,u save type/language
73 leax ,y point to directory entry
74 L03AF bitb #ReEnt is it re-entrant?
75 bne L03BB yes, skip ahead
76 ldd MD$Link,x is module busy?
77 beq L03BB no, go link it
78 ldb #E$ModBsy return module busy error
79 bra LinkErr return
80 L03BB ldd MD$MPtr,x get module pointer
81 pshs d,x preserve that & directory pointer
82 ldy MD$MPDAT,x get module DAT image pointer
83 ldd MD$MBSiz,x get block size
84 addd #$1FFF round it up
85 tfr a,b
86 lsrb
87 lsrb
88 lsrb
89 lsrb
90 lsrb
91 * adda #$02
92 lsra
93 inca instead of adda #2, above
94 lsra
95 lsra
96 lsra
97 lsra
98 pshs a
99 leau ,y point to module DAT image
100 bsr L0422 is it already linked in process space?
101 bcc L03EB yes, skip ahead
102 lda ,s
103 lbsr L0A33 find free low block in process DAT image
104 bcc L03E8 found some, skip ahead
105 leas 5,s purge stack
106 bra LinkErr return error
108 L03E8 lbsr L0A8C copy memory blocks into process DAT image
109 L03EB ldb #P$Links point to memory block link counts
110 abx smaller and faster than leax P$Links,x
111 sta ,s save block # on stack
112 lsla account for 2 bytes/entry
113 leau a,x point to block # we want
114 ldd ,u get link count for that block
115 IFNE H6309
116 incd bump up by 1
117 ELSE
118 addd #$0001
119 ENDC
120 beq L03FC If wraps to 0, leave at $FFFF
121 std ,u Otherwise, store new link count
122 L03FC ldu $03,s
123 ldd MD$Link,u
124 IFNE H6309
125 incd
126 ELSE
127 addd #$0001
128 ENDC
129 beq L0406
130 std MD$Link,u
131 L0406 puls b,x,y,u
132 lbsr CmpLBlk
133 stx R$U,u
134 ldx MD$MPtr,y
135 ldy ,y
136 ldd #M$Exec get offset to execution address
137 lbsr L0B02 get execution offset
138 addd R$U,u add it to start of module
139 std R$Y,u set execution entry point
140 clrb No error & return
141 rts
143 LinkErr orcc #Carry Error & return
144 puls u,pc
146 L0422 ldx <D.Proc get pointer to current process
147 leay P$DATImg,x point to process DAT image
148 clra
149 pshs d,x,y
150 subb #DAT.BlCt
151 negb
152 lslb
153 leay b,y
154 IFNE H6309
155 L0430 ldw ,s Get counter
156 ELSE
157 L0430 ldx ,s
158 ENDC
159 pshs u,y
160 L0434 ldd ,y++
161 cmpd ,u++
162 bne L0449
163 IFNE H6309
164 decw Dec counter
165 ELSE
166 leax -1,x
167 ENDC
168 bne L0434 If not done, keep going
169 puls d,u
170 subd 4,s
171 lsrb
172 stb ,s
173 clrb
174 puls d,x,y,pc Restore regs & return
176 L0449 puls u,y
177 leay -2,y
178 cmpy 4,s
179 bcc L0430
180 puls d,x,y,pc