1 ********************************************************************
2 * PadROM - ROM padding utility
3 *
4 * $Id$
5 *
6 * Edt/Rev YYYY/MM/DD Modified by
7 * Comment
8 * ------------------------------------------------------------------
9 * 1 2003/09/06 Boisy G. Pitre
10 * Started.
12 nam PadROM
13 ttl ROM padding utility
15 ifp1
16 use defsfile
17 endc
19 * Here are some tweakable options
20 DOHELP set 0 1 = include help info
21 STACKSZ set 128 estimated stack size in bytes
22 PARMSZ set 256 estimated parameter size in bytes
24 * Module header definitions
25 tylg set Prgrm+Objct
26 atrv set ReEnt+rev
27 rev set $00
28 edition set 1
30 mod eom,name,tylg,atrv,start,size
32 * Your utility's static storage vars go here
33 org 0
34 * These vars are used by the base template and shouldn't be removed
35 parmptr rmb 2 pointer to our command line params
36 filecnt rmb 1
37 * These vars are used for this example, it will probably change for you
38 hexcnt rmb 1 used by hex routine
39 hexvalue rmb 2 maximum size is $FFFF
40 openmode rmb 1
41 openpath rmb 1
42 filesize rmb 2
43 gota rmb 1
44 gotb rmb 1
45 padbyte rmb 1
46 padpage rmb 256
47 cleartop equ .
49 size equ .
51 * The utility name and edition goes here
52 name fcs /PadROM/
53 fcb edition
55 * Place constant strings here
57 HlpMsg fcb C$LF
58 fcc /Use: NGU [<opts>] <path> [<path>] [<opts>]/
59 fcb C$LF
60 fcc / -a option 1/
61 fcb C$LF
62 fcc / -b option 2/
63 fcb C$LF
64 fcc / -c=f option 3/
65 fcb C$LF
66 CR fcb C$CR
67 HlpMsgL equ *-HlpMsg
69 BadSize fcc /padrom only pads up to $FFFF bytes/
70 fcb C$CR
71 BadSizeL equ *-BadSize
72 BadPad fcc /file size exceeds pad size/
73 fcb C$CR
74 BadPadL equ *-BadPad
75 UnkOpt fcc /unknown option: /
76 UnkOptL equ *-UnkOpt
78 * Here's how registers are set when this process is forked:
79 *
80 * +-----------------+ <-- Y (highest address)
81 * ! Parameter !
82 * ! Area !
83 * +-----------------+ <-- X, SP
84 * ! Data Area !
85 * +-----------------+
86 * ! Direct Page !
87 * +-----------------+ <-- U, DP (lowest address)
88 *
89 * D = parameter area size
90 * PC = module entry point abs. address
91 * CC = F=0, I=0, others undefined
93 * The start of the program is here.
94 * Before any command line processing is done, we clear out
95 * our static memory from U to cleartop, then determine the
96 * size of our data area (minus the stack).
97 start subd #$0001 subtract 1 from D (param length)
98 lbeq ShowHelp if zero, no params were on line
100 pshs u,x save registers for later
101 leax cleartop,u point to end of area to zero out
102 IFNE H6309
103 subr u,x subtract U from X
104 tfr x,w and put X in W
105 clr ,-s put a zero on the stack
106 tfm s,u+ and use TFM to clear starting at U
107 leas 1,s clean up the stack
108 ELSE
109 pshs x save end pointer on stack
110 clrnxt clr ,u+ clear out
111 cmpu ,s done?
112 bne clrnxt branch if not
113 leas 2,s else clear stack
114 ENDC
115 puls x,u and restore our earlier saved registers
117 InitVars stx <parmptr save parameter pointer
118 lda #UPDAT. get default open mode
119 sta <openmode and save it
120 lda #$FF
121 sta <padbyte assume a default pad byte
123 * At this point we have determined our buffer space and saved pointers
124 * for later use. Now we will parse the command line for options that
125 * begin with a dash.
126 * Note that X will NOT point to a space, but to either a CR (if no
127 * parameters were passed) or the first non-space character of the
128 * parameter.
129 * Here we merely grab the byte at X into A and test for end of line,
130 * exiting if so. Utilities that don't require arguments should
131 * comment out the following three lines.
132 GetChar lda ,x+ get next character on cmd line
133 cmpa #C$CR CR?
134 beq DoPadROM if so, do whatever this utility does
135 cmpa #'- is it an option?
136 beq GetDash if so, process it
137 inc <filecnt else must be a non-option argument (file)
138 lbsr SkipNSpc move past the argument
139 ChkDash lbsr SkipSpcs and any following spaces
140 bra GetChar start processing again
141 GetDash clr -1,x wipe out the dash from the cmd line
142 GetDash2 ldd ,x+ load option char and char following
143 ora #$20 make lowercase
144 IsItX cmpa #'x is it this option?
145 bne IsItC branch if not
146 lda #EXEC.+UPDAT.
147 sta <openmode
148 bra FixCmdLn
149 IsItC cmpa #'c is it this option?
150 bne BadOpt branch if not
151 cmpb #'= 2nd char =?
152 lbne ShowHelp show help if not
153 clr -$01,x write over c
154 clr ,x+ and = sign, inc X to dest dir
155 * check for valid char after -c=
156 lbsr Hex2Int get value of hex pad char
157 lda <hexvalue+1
158 sta <padbyte save pad character byte
159 lda ,x get char at X (should be space or CR)
160 cmpa #C$SPAC
161 beq ChkDash
162 cmpa #C$CR
163 beq ChkDash
164 lbra ShowHelp neither, so show help
166 FixCmdLn clr -$01,x wipe out option character
167 cmpb #'0
168 blt ChkDash start dash option processing again
169 bra GetDash possibly another option following?
171 * We branch here if we encounter an unknown option character
172 * A = bad option character
173 BadOpt leax UnkOpt,pcr
174 ldy #UnkOptL
175 ldb #C$CR
176 pshs d save bad option and CR on stack
177 lda #$02 stderr
178 os9 I$Write
179 leax ,s point X at option char on stack
180 os9 I$WritLn print option and CR
181 puls d clean up stack
182 lbra ShowHelp
185 * At this point options are processed.
186 * We load X with our parameter pointer and go down the command line
187 * looking at each file to process (options have been wiped out with
188 * spaces)
189 *
190 * Note, the following two instructions may not be needed, depending on
191 * if your utility requires a non-option on the command line.
192 DoPadROM
193 * Before processing any parameters, fill <padpage with <padchar
194 clrb
195 lda <padbyte
196 leax padpage,u
197 fillpage sta ,x+
198 decb
199 bne fillpage
201 * Get parameter pointer and skip leading spaces
202 ldx <parmptr get our parameter pointer
203 lbsr SkipSpcs skip any leading spaces
204 * First parameter should be a hex pad size (maximum 4 hex bytes)
205 lbsr Hex2Int get hex value
206 dec <filecnt decrement file count
207 lbeq ShowHelp if no other file, exit with error
208 DoLoop lbsr SkipSpcs skip any leading spaces
209 cmpa #C$CR end of parameters?
210 beq ExitOk if so, end the utility
211 pshs x save pointer to arg
212 bsr ProcFile process file at X
213 puls x get arg pointer
214 lbsr SkipNSpc skip the argument we just processed
215 bra DoLoop
217 * This routine processes one file at a time.
218 * Entry: X = ptr to argument on the command line.
219 * On exit, X can point to the argument or past it.
220 * Note that there are NO leading spaces.
221 * They have been skipped by the caller.
222 * The following code just echos the command line argument, followed
223 * by a carriage return.
224 ProcFile
225 lda <openmode get open mode
226 ldy #256
227 os9 I$Write
228 os9 I$Open open file
229 bcs Exit exit if error
230 sta <openpath save path
231 ldb #SS.Size we want the file size
232 pshs u,x save
233 os9 I$GetStt get the size
234 stu <filesize save file size
235 bcs Exit branch if error
236 cmpx #$0000 file bigger than 65535?
237 bne toobig yup
238 lda <openpath get path to file
239 os9 I$Seek seek to the end of the file
240 bcs Exit branch if error
241 puls x,u restore
242 * Expand the file out to the desired size
243 ldd <hexvalue get pad size
244 subd <filesize get remaining size left
245 bcs padbad
246 * D now holds the number of bytes we need to write
247 pshs d save count on stack
248 lda <openpath get path to file
249 leax padpage,u point to pad page
250 tst ,s greater than 256 bytes left?
251 beq cont2 no, write remaining
252 ldy #256 for 256 bytes
253 cont os9 I$Write write it out
254 bcs Exit branch if error
255 dec ,s decrement page count
256 bne cont
257 cont2 puls y get count off stack into Y
258 os9 I$Write write out remaining bytes
259 bcs Exit branch if error
261 * Now close the file and return
262 os9 I$Close close it
263 rts
265 toobig lda #$02 stdout
266 ldy #BadSizeL get length of bad size message
267 leax BadSize,pcr and point to it
268 os9 I$WritLn send out the message
269 bra error1
271 padbad lda #$02
272 ldy #BadPadL
273 leax BadPad,pcr
274 os9 I$WritLn
275 error1 ldb #$01
276 bra Exit
278 ShowHelp equ *
280 leax >HlpMsg,pcr point to help message
281 ldy #HlpMsgL get length
282 lda #$02 std error
283 os9 I$WritLn write it
284 ENDC
285 ExitOk clrb clear carry
286 Exit os9 F$Exit and exit
289 * This routine skip over spaces and nul bytes
290 *
291 * Entry:
292 * X = ptr to data to parse
293 * Exit:
294 * X = ptr to first non-whitespace char
295 * A = non-whitespace char
296 SkipSpcs lda ,x+
297 beq SkipSpcs
298 cmpa #C$SPAC
299 beq SkipSpcs
300 leax -1,x
301 rts
303 * This routine skips over everything but spaces, nul bytes and CRs
304 *
305 * Entry:
306 * X = ptr to data to parse
307 * Exit:
308 * X = ptr to first whitespace char
309 * A = whitespace char
310 SkipNSpc lda ,x+
311 beq EatOut
312 cmpa #C$SPAC
313 beq EatOut
314 cmpa #C$CR
315 bne SkipNSpc
316 EatOut leax -1,x
317 rts
320 * Hex2Int
321 *
322 * Entry:
323 * X = address of hex string (1-4 bytes)
324 * Exit:
325 * <hexvalue = value of hex string
326 * X = address of character after hex string
327 Hex2Int clr <hexcnt clear our counter
328 lda ,x
329 cmpa #'$ hex sign?
330 bne Hex2Int2
331 clr ,x+ clear it and move to next char
332 Hex2Int2 bsr Hex2Nib get hex nibble at ,X
333 bcs HexW2 branch if done
334 pshs b save good hex byte on stack
335 inc <hexcnt increment counter
336 lda <hexcnt get counter
337 cmpa #$04 max size?
338 beq HexW3
339 bra Hex2Int2 and continue
341 * Here, <hexcnt contains a count of the bytes on the stack that contain
342 * hex values
343 HexW2 tst <hexcnt any valid hex data?
344 beq HexWDone no, exit
346 HexW3 clra clear out return hex value
347 clrb
348 std <hexvalue
350 puls b get nibble off the stack
351 stb <hexvalue+1
352 dec <hexcnt decrement counter
353 beq HexWDone branch if done
354 lsl ,s else move lo-nib on stack to hi-nib
355 lsl ,s
356 lsl ,s
357 lsl ,s
358 addb ,s+ and add it to lonibble in B
359 stb <hexvalue+1
360 dec <hexcnt decrement counter
361 beq HexWDone
362 puls b get nibble off the stack
363 stb <hexvalue+0
364 dec <hexcnt decrement counter
365 beq HexWDone
366 lsl ,s else move lo-nib on stack to hi-nib
367 lsl ,s
368 lsl ,s
369 lsl ,s
370 addb ,s+ and add it to lonibble in A
371 stb <hexvalue+0
373 HexWDone rts
377 * Hex2Nib - Convert byte at X from hex to byte integer
378 *
379 * Entry:
380 * X = address of byte to convert
381 * Exit:
382 * A = ASCII value of char at X
383 * B = byte value of hex char at X (if carry clear)
384 * OR error (if carry set)
385 Hex2Nib lda ,x get char at X
386 tfr a,b transfer it to working reg (B)
387 subb #$30 subtract '0
388 cmpb #$09 compare against 9
389 bls L02B1 branch if valid number
390 cmpb #$31 uppercase?
391 bcs L02A7 branch if so
392 subb #$20 else make uppercase
393 L02A7 subb #$07 subtract
394 cmpb #$0F compare against 0x0F
395 bhi L02B6 branch if higher
396 cmpb #$0A compare against 0x0A
397 bcs L02B6
398 L02B1 andcc #^Carry clear carry
399 clr ,x clear byte on cmd line
400 leax $01,x move X to next char
401 rts return
402 L02B6 comb
403 rts
405 emod
406 eom equ *
407 end