1 1: Simple type expected.
2 2: Identifier expected.
3 3: PROGRAM expected.
4 4: Right parenthesis expected.
5 5: Colon expected.
6 6: Unexpected symbol found.
7 7: Parameter list expected.
8 8: OF expected.
9 9: Left parenthesis expected.
10 10: Type expected.
11 11: Left bracket expected.
12 12: Right bracket expected.
13 13: END expected.
14 14: Semicolon expected.
15 15: Integer expected.
16 16: Equal sign expected.
17 17: BEGIN expected.
18 18: Invalid declaration part.
19 19: Field list expected.
20 20: Comma expected.
21 21: Program terminating period expected here.
22 22: Invalid ASCII character.
23 23: Expected a hex digit.
24 24: Double period expected.
25 25: *COMPILER ERROR* Standard procedure number unknown.
26 26: Comma or colon expected.
27 27: Constant is out of range.
28 28: Identifier, VAR, PROCEDURE, or FUNCTION expected.
29 29: PROCEDURE or FUNCTION not allowed here (compiler restriction).
30 30: Error in real constant, digit expected.
31 31: String constant must be contained in a single source line.
32 32: Integer constant exceeds range.
33 33: Too many nested scopes of identifiers (compiler restriction).
34 34: Too many nested PROCEDUREs and/or FUNCTIONs (compiler restriction).
35 35* *
36 36: Too many errors detected for this source line.
37 37: Division by zero attempted.
38 38: Constant value must be greater than zero.
39 39: Element expression is out of range.
40 40: SHORTIO called with record size out of range.
41 41: FILESIZE called with file not open.
42 42: OS-9 error on FILESIZE call, OS-9 error number follows.
43 43: Undefined FORWARD procedures or functions found.
44 44: Unimplemented file function in support package.
45 45: IOABORT called with TRUE argument value, previous error not cleared.
46 46: Case selector is out of range of base type.
47 47* *
48 48* *
49 49* *
50 50: Constant expected.
51 51: ':=' expected.
52 52: THEN expected.
53 53: UNTIL expected.
54 54: DO expected.
55 55: TO or DOWNTO expected.
56 56* *
57 57* *
58 58: Factor expected.
59 59: Variable expected.
60 60: Attempted to load or store the value of an address.
61 61: Expected a file name.
62 62* *
63 63: OS-9 error on file close, OS-9 error number follows.
64 64: Read called with EOF true.
65 65: Read called with file not in inspection mode.
66 66: Read called with file not open.
67 67: OS-9 error on file read, OS-9 error number follows.
68 68: GET attempted on short record.
69 69: GET called with EOF true.
70 70: GET called with file not in inspection mode.
71 71: GET called with file not open.
72 72: Multiple decimal points encountered during READ of real number.
73 73: Digit expected during READ of real number.
74 74: Floating point overflow during READ of real number
75 75: WRITEEOF called with record number out of range.
76 76: OS-9 error on WRITEEOF call, OS-9 error number follows.
77 77: WRITEEOF called with file in inspection mode.
78 78: Invalid character found for READ of integer.
79 79: Integer overflow for READ of integer.
80 80: SEEKEOF called with invlaid file size.
81 81: OS-9 error on SEEKEOF call, OS-9 error number follows.
82 82: SEEKEOF called with file not open.
83 83: OS-9 error on file seek, OS-9 error number follows.
84 84: REPOSITION called with record number out of range.
85 85: GETINFO or PUTINFO called with file not open.
86 86: REPOSITION called with file not open.
87 87: OS-9 error on GETINFO or PUTINFO call, OS-9 error number follows.
88 88: POSITION called with file not open.
89 89: WRITEEOF called with file not open.
90 90* *
91 91: INTERACTIVE called with file not open.
92 92: OS-9 error on file write, OS-9 error number follows.
93 93: PUT called with EOF false.
94 94: PUT called with file not in generate mode.
95 95: PUT called with file not open.
96 96: OS-9 error on status call, OS-9 error number follows.
97 97: SHORTIO called with file not open.
98 98: OS-9 error on file open, OS-9 error number follows.
99 99: OS-9 error on file rewind, OS-9 error number follows.
100 100: String or character array expected.
101 101: Identifier is already declared.
102 102: Low bound exceeds high bound.
103 103: Identifier is not of the appropriate class.
104 104: Identifier is not declared.
105 105: Sign is not allowed here.
106 106: A number is expected.
107 107: Incompatible subrange types.
108 108: FILE is not allowed here.
109 109: Type must not be real.
110 110: Tagfield must be a scalar or a subrange.
111 111: Incompatible with tagfield type.
112 112: Unimplemented support package function.
113 113: Index type must be a scalar or a subrange.
114 114: Base type must not be real.
115 115: Base type must be a scalar or a subrange.
116 116: Error in type of standard procedure parameter.
117 117: Unsatified forward reference.
118 118: Machine code calls pcode but pcode doesn't exist.
119 119: Procedure was declared FORWARD, repetition of parameter list not allowed.
120 120: Function result type must be a scalar, a subrange, or a pointer.
121 121: FILE parameter type cannot be passed by value.
122 122: Function was declared FORWARD, repetition of parameter list not allowed.
123 123: Missing result type in FUNCTION declaration.
124 124: F-format allowed for real values only.
125 125: Not enough parameters given.
126 126: Number of parameters does not agree with the declaration.
127 127: Pcode file was produced by wrong series of compiler.
128 128: Result type of parameter function does not agree with its declaration.
129 129: Operands are of incompatible types.
130 130: Expression must be a SET type.
131 131: Only equality and inequality test allowed for this type operand.
132 132: Strict inclusion test not allowed.
133 133: Comparison of file types is not allowed.
134 134: Illegal type of operand(s).
135 135: Type of operand must be BOOLEAN.
136 136: Element type of a set must be a scalar or a subrange.
137 137: Element type is not compatible with the set.
138 138: Attempt to index a non-array variable.
139 139: Index type is not compatible with the declaration.
140 140: Attempt to select a field of a non-record variable.
141 141: Type of variable must be a FILE or a POINTER.
142 142: Illegal parameter substitution.
143 143: Illegal type of control loop variable, must be a scalar or subrange.
144 144: Illegal type of expression.
145 145: Type conflict.
146 146: Assignment of files is not allowed.
147 147: Case selection type is incompatible with selecting expression.
148 148: Subrange bounds must be scalar.
149 149: Index type must not be INTEGER.
150 150: Assignment to a standard function is not allowed.
151 151: Assignment to a formal function is not allowed.
152 152: No such field in this record.
153 153* *
154 154: Actual parameter must be a variable name.
155 155: Control variable must not be declared at an intermediate level.
156 156: Multidefined case label.
157 157: Too many cases in CASE statement (compiler restriction).
158 158: Missing corresponding variant declaration.
159 159: Real or string tagfields are not allowed.
160 160: Previous declaraction was not FORWARD.
161 161: Attempt to declare FORWARD again.
162 162: Parameter must be a valid variant value.
163 163* *
164 164* *
165 165: Label is already defined.
166 166: Label is already declared.
167 167: Undeclared label.
168 168: Undefined label.
169 169: Error in base set.
170 170* *
171 171: Standard file was redeclared.
172 172* *
173 173: External procedure or function is expected.
174 174* *
175 175* *
176 176* *
177 177: Assignment to function identifier is not allowed here.
178 178: Record variant is already defined.
179 179: Unimplemented language feature.
180 180* *
181 181* *
182 182: OS-9 error on get heap call, OS-9 error number follows.
183 183: Integer divide by zero.
184 184: Integer multiply overflow.
185 185: Address multiply overflow.
186 186: Restore-heap range error.
187 187: Stack overflow.
188 188: MOD error, right argument is negative.
189 189: Pointer variable expected.
190 190: Invalid PCODE instruction.
191 191: Call-user-procedure range error.
192 192: Pointer range error.
193 193: Subscript or range error.
194 194: Case error.
195 195: Call-standard-procedure range error.
196 196* *
197 197: CHR function range error.
198 198* *
199 199: Integer overflow on add, subtract, or negate.
200 200: Invalid Pascal option specification.
201 201: Pascal option has a value greater than 65535.
202 202: Local or Extended default stack requirement greater then 65535.
203 203: OS-9 file error during processing of PCODE file, OS-9 error number follows
204 204: Invalid number of procedures in PCODE file, bad PCODE file.
205 205: Compile-time errors detected in PCODE file, cannot run program.
206 206: Not enough memory to run program.
207 207: Ran out of swap buffers.
208 208: Floating point overflow.
209 209: Floating point divide by zero.
210 210: Expected a boolean expression.
211 211: Cannot issue CLOSE to SYSERR file.
212 212: A text file is not allowed here.
213 213: Must be a 32 byte structure.
214 214: Procedure or function names may not be passed as parameters (comp restr).
215 215: Integer type variable name expected.
216 216: Must be type real or integer.
217 217: Must be type real.
218 218: Scalar expected.
219 219: GOTO's may not lead out of enclosing proc/func (compiler restriction).
220 220: Square root of negative number.
221 221: Range error on floating point fix.
222 222: OS-9 error during processing of EXTERNAL tables, OS-9 error number follows
223 223: Nonexistent procedure called from an EXTERNAL procedure.
224 224: Multiple decimal points encountered during CNVTREAL processing.
225 225: Digit expected during CNVTREAL processing.
226 226: Floating point overflow during CNVTREAL processing.
227 227: Pcode file has been altered! Cannot run program.
228 228: OS-9 error on restore heap call, OS-9 error number follows.
229 229: LN of a zero number.
230 230: Must be a text file type.
231 231: User scalar types not implemented for reading or writing.
232 232: Set has too many elements (compiler restriction).
233 233: Too many procedures have been declared (compiler restriction).
234 234: Integer value expected.
235 235* *
236 236: Type indicator is not defined for this object.
237 237: Variant or tagfield is not allowed here.
238 238: Period, BEGIN, PROCEDURE, or FUNCTION expected.
239 239: LN of a negative number.
240 240: EXP of a number greater than 88.0296919.
241 241: SIN of a number greater than 102942.13 or less than -102942.13.