1 **************************************************
2 * System Call: F$Find64
3 *
4 * Function: Find a 64 byte memory block
5 *
6 * Input: X = Address of page table
7 * A = Block number
8 *
9 * Output: Y = Address of block
10 *
11 * Error: CC = C bit set; B = error code
12 *
13 FFind64 ldx R$X,u Get block tbl ptr
14 lda R$A,u get path block #
15 * Find a empty path block
16 beq L0A70 None, return error
17 clrb calculate address
18 IFNE H6309
19 lsrd (Divide by 4)
20 lsrd
22 lsra
23 rorb
24 lsra
25 rorb
27 lda a,x is that block allocated?
28 tfr d,x Move addr to X
29 beq L0A70 no, return error
30 tst ,x this the page table?
31 bne L0A71 no, we can use this one
32 L0A70 coma set carry & return
33 rts
34 L0A71 stx R$Y,u save address of block
35 rts return
38 **************************************************
39 * System Call: F$All64
40 *
41 * Function: Allocate a 64 byte memory block
42 *
43 * Input: X = Address of page table (0 if page table hasn't been allocated)
44 *
45 * Output: A = Block number
46 * X = Address of page table
47 * Y = Address of block
48 *
49 * Error: CC = C bit set; B = error code
50 *
51 *
52 FAll64 ldx R$X,u get base address of page table
53 bne L0A7F it's been allocated, skip ahead
54 bsr L0A89 allocate the page
55 bcs L0A88 error allocating, return
56 stx ,x save base address in page table
57 stx R$X,u save base address to caller's X
58 L0A7F bsr L0A9F find a empty spot in path table
59 bcs L0A88 couldn't find one, return error
60 sta R$A,u save block #
61 sty R$Y,u save address of block
62 L0A88 rts return
64 * Allocate a new base page
65 * Exit: X=Ptr to newly allocated 256 byte page
66 L0A89 pshs u preserve register stack pointer
67 IFNE H6309
68 ldq #$01000100 get block size (1 for SRqMem & 1 for TFM)
70 ldd #$0100
72 os9 F$SRqMem request mem for it
73 leax ,u point to it
74 ldu ,s restore register stack pointer
75 stx ,s save pointer to new page on stack
76 bcs L0A9E error on allocate, return
77 * Clear freshly allocated page to 0's
78 IFNE H6309
79 leay TFMNull,pc point to NULL byte
80 tfm y,x+
82 clrb
83 AllLoop clr ,x+
84 decb
85 bne AllLoop
87 L0A9E puls x,pc
89 IFNE H6309
90 TFMNull fcb 0 used to clear memory
93 * Search page table for a free 64 byte block
94 * Entry: X=Ptr to base page (the one with the 64 entry page index)
95 L0A9F pshs x,u preserve base page & register stack ptrs
96 clra Index entry #=0
97 * Main search loop
98 L0AA2 pshs a Save which index entry we are checking
99 clrb Set position within page we are checking to 0
100 lda a,x Is the current index entry used?
101 beq L0AB4 no, skip ahead
102 tfr d,y Yes, Move ptr to 256 byte block to Y
103 clra Clear offset for 64 byte blocks to 0
104 L0AAC tst d,y Is this 64 byte block allocated?
105 beq L0AB6 No, skip ahead
106 addb #$40 Yes, point to next 64 byte block in page
107 bcc L0AAC If not done checking entire page, keep going
109 * Index entry has a totally unused 256 byte page
110 L0AB4 orcc #Carry Set flag (didn't find one)
111 L0AB6 leay d,y
112 puls a Get which index entry we were checking
113 bcc L0AE1 If we found a blank entry, go allocate it
114 inca Didn't, move to next index entry
115 cmpa #64 Done entire index?
116 blo L0AA2 no, keep looking
118 clra Yes, clear out to first entry
119 L0AC2 tst a,x Is this one used?
120 beq L0AD0 No, skip ahead
121 inca Increment index entry #
122 cmpa #64 Done entire index?
123 blo L0AC2 No, continue looking
125 comb Done all of them, exit with Path table full error
126 ldb #E$PthFul
127 puls x,u,pc
128 * Found empty page
129 L0AD0 pshs x,a Preserve index ptr & index entry #
130 bsr L0A89 Allocate & clear out new 256 byte page
131 bcs L0AF0 If error,exit
132 leay ,x Point Y to start of new page
133 tfr x,d Also copy to D
134 tfr a,b Page # into B
135 puls x,a Get back index ptr & index entry #
136 stb a,x Save page # in proper index entry
137 clrb D=index entry #*256
139 * D = Block Address
140 L0AE1 equ *
141 IFNE H6309
142 lsld ???Calculate 256 byte page #?
143 lsld
144 tfr y,u U=Ptr to start of new page
145 ldw #$3f Clear out the 64 byte block we are using
146 leax TFMNull,pc
147 tfm x,u+
148 ELSE
149 aslb
150 rola
151 aslb
152 rola
153 ldb #$3f
154 ClrIt clr b,y
155 decb
156 bne ClrIt
157 ENDC
158 sta ,y Save 256 byte page # as 1st byte of block
159 puls x,u,pc
161 L0AF0 leas 3,s
162 puls x,u,pc
165 **************************************************
166 * System Call: F$Ret64
167 *
168 * Function: Deallocate a 64 byte memory block
169 *
170 * Input: X = Address of page table
171 * A = Block number
172 *
173 * Output: None
174 *
175 * Error: CC = C bit set; B = error code
176 *
177 FRet64 lda R$A,u
178 ldx R$X,u
179 pshs u,y,x,d
180 clrb
181 tsta
182 beq L0B22
183 IFNE H6309
184 lsrd (Divide by 4)
185 lsrd
186 ELSE
187 lsra
188 rorb
189 lsra
190 rorb
191 ENDC
192 pshs a
193 lda a,x
194 beq L0B20
195 tfr d,y
196 clr ,y
197 clrb
198 tfr d,u
199 clra
200 L0B10 tst d,u
201 bne L0B20
202 addb #$40
203 bne L0B10
204 inca
205 os9 F$SRtMem
206 lda ,s
207 clr a,x
208 L0B20 clr ,s+
209 L0B22 puls pc,u,y,x,d