1 <chapter>
2 <title>Advanced Features of the Shell</title>
3 <para>
4 The basic shell functions were introduced in Section 2 in order
5 to provide an understanding of how basic OS-9 commands work. In
6 this section the more advanced capabilities of the shell are
7 discussed. In addition to basic command line processing, the shell
8 has functions that facilitate:
9 </para>
11 <itemizedlist mark="square">
12 <listitem><para>
13 I/O redirection (including filters)
14 </para></listitem>
15 <listitem><para>
16 Memory Allocation
17 </para></listitem>
18 <listitem><para>
19 Multitasking (concurrent execution)
20 </para></listitem>
21 <listitem><para>
22 Procedure File Execution (background processing)
23 </para></listitem>
24 <listitem><para>
25 Execution Control (built-in commands)
26 </para></listitem>
27 </itemizedlist>
29 <para>
30 There is a virtually unlimited combination of ways these
31 capabilities can be used, and it is impossible to give more than a
32 representative set of examples in this manual. You are therefore
33 encouraged to study the basic rules, use your imagination, and
34 explore the possibilities on your own.
35 </para>
37 <section>
38 <title>A More Detailed Description Command Line Processing</title>
39 <para>
40 The shell is a program that reads and processes command lines one
41 at a time from its input path (usually your keyboard). Each line is
42 first scanned (or "parsed") in order to identify and process any of
43 the following parts which may be present:
44 </para>
46 <itemizedlist mark="square">
47 <listitem><para>
48 A program, procedure file, or built-in command name ("verbs")
49 </para></listitem>
50 <listitem><para>
51 Parameters to be passed to the program
52 </para></listitem>
53 <listitem><para>
54 Execution modifiers to be processed by the shell
55 </para></listitem>
56 </itemizedlist>
58 <para>
59 Note that only the verb (the program or command name) need be
60 present, the other parts are optional. After the verb has been
61 identified, the shell processes modifiers (if any). Any other text
62 not yet processed is assumed to be parameters and passed to the program called.
63 </para>
64 <para>
65 Unless the verb is a "built-in command", the shell will run the
66 program named as a new process (task). It then deactivates itself
67 until the program called eventually terminates, at which time it
68 gets another input line, then the process is repeated. This happens
69 over and over until an end-of-file condition is detected on the
70 shell's input path which causes the shell to terminate its own
71 execution.
72 </para>
73 <para>
74 Here is a sample shell line which calls the assembler:
75 </para>
76 <screen>
77 asm sourcefile l -o >/p #12k
78 </screen>
79 <para>
80 In this example:
81 </para>
83 <informaltable frame="none">
84 <tgroup cols="2">
85 <colspec colwidth="2in"/>
86 <colspec colwidth="3in"/>
87 <tbody>
88 <row>
89 <entry>asm</entry>
90 <entry>is the verb</entry>
91 </row>
92 <row>
93 <entry>sourcefile l -o</entry>
94 <entry>are parameters passed to "asm</entry>
95 </row>
96 <row>
97 <entry>>/p</entry>
98 <entry>is a modifier which redirects the output
99 (listing) to the system's printer</entry>
100 </row>
101 <row>
102 <entry>#12K</entry>
103 <entry>is a modifier which requests that the
104 process be assigned 12K bytes of memory
105 instead of its (smaller) default amount.</entry>
106 </row>
107 </tbody>
108 </tgroup>
109 </informaltable>
111 <para>
112 The verb must be the first name in the command line. After it
113 has been scanned, the shell first checks if it is a "built-in"
114 command. If it is, it is immediately executed. Otherwise, the shell
115 assumes it is a program name and attempts to locate and execute it
116 as described in Sections 5.3 and 5.4.1.
117 </para>
118 </section>
120 <section>
121 <title>Execution Modifiers</title>
122 <para>
123 Execution modifiers are processed by the shell before the program
124 is run. If an error is detected in any of the modifiers, the run
125 will be aborted and the error reported. Characters which comprise
126 modifiers are stripped from the part(s) of the command line passed
127 to the program as parameters, therefore, the characters reserved for
128 use as modifiers ( # ; ! < > & ) cannot be used inside parameters,
129 but can be used before or after the parameters.
130 </para>
132 <section>
133 <title>Alternate Memory Size Modifier</title>
134 <para>
135 When command programs are invoked by the shell, they are
136 allocated the minimum amount of working RAM memory specified in the
137 program's module header. A module header is part of all executable
138 programs and holds the program's name, size, memory requirements,
139 etc. (See 5.4). Sometimes it is desirable to increase this default
140 memory size. Memory can be assigned in 256-byte pages using the
141 modifier "#n" where n is the decimal number of pages, or in 1024
142 byte increments using the modifier "#nK". The two examples below
143 behave identically:
144 </para>
145 <screen>
146 OS9: copy #8 file1 file2 (gives 8*256 = 2048 bytes)
147 OS9: copy #2K file1 file2 (gives 2*1024 = 2048 bytes)
148 </screen>
149 </section>
151 <section>
152 <title>I/O Redirection Modifiers</title>
153 <para>
154 The second kind of modifier is used to redirect the program's
155 "standard I/O paths" to alternate files or devices. Well-written
156 OS-9 programs use these paths for routine I/O. Because the programs
157 do not use specific file or device names, it is fairly simple to
158 "redirect" the I/O to any file or device without altering the
159 program itself. Programs which normally receive input from a
160 terminal or send output to a terminal use one or more of the
161 standard I/O paths as defined below:
162 </para>
163 <para>
164 STANDARD INPUT: This path normally passes data from the
165 terminal's keyboard to the program.
166 </para>
167 <para>
168 STANDARD OUTPUT PATH: This path is normally used to output
169 data from the program to the terminal's display.
170 </para>
171 <para>
172 STANDARD ERROR OUTPUT PATH: This path is used to output
173 routine status messages such as prompts and errors to the
174 terminal's display (defaults to the same device as the
175 standard output path). NOTE: The name "error output" is
176 sometimes misleading since many other kinds of messages besides
177 errors are sent on this path.
178 </para>
179 <para>
180 When new processes are created, they inherit their parent process'
181 standard I/O paths (See 5.3). Therefore, when the shell
182 creates new processes, they usually inherit its standard I/O paths.
183 When you log-on the shell's standard input is the terminal keyboard;
184 the standard output and error output is the terminal's display.
185 When a redirection modifier is used on a shell command line, the
186 shell will open the corresponding paths and pass them to the new
187 process as its standard I/O paths. There are three redirection
188 modifiers as given below:
189 </para>
190 <informaltable frame="none">
191 <tgroup cols="2">
192 <colspec colwidth="0.4in"/>
193 <colspec colwidth="3in"/>
194 <tbody>
195 <row>
196 <entry><</entry>
197 <entry>Redirect the standard input path</entry>
198 </row>
199 <row>
200 <entry>></entry>
201 <entry>Redirect the standard output path</entry>
202 </row>
203 <row>
204 <entry>>></entry>
205 <entry>Redirect the standard error output path</entry>
206 </row>
207 </tbody>
208 </tgroup>
209 </informaltable>
211 <para>
212 When redirection modifiers are used on a command line, they must
213 be immediately followed by a pathlist describing the file or device
214 the I/O is to be redirected to or from. For example, the standard
215 output of "list" can be redirected to write to the system printer
216 instead of the terminal:
217 </para>
218 <screen>
219 OS9: LIST correspondence >/p
220 </screen>
221 <para>
222 Files referenced by I/O redirection modifiers are automatically
223 opened or created, and closed (as appropriate) by the shell. Here is
224 another example, the output of the DIR command is redirected to the
225 file "/D1/savelisting":
226 </para>
227 <screen>
228 OS9: DIR >/D1/savelisting
229 </screen>
230 <para>
231 If the LIST command is used on the file "/D1/savelisting", output
232 from the DIR command will be displayed as shown below:
233 </para>
234 <screen>
235 OS9: LIST /D1/savelisting
237 Directory of . 10:15:00
238 myfile savelisting file1
239 </screen>
240 <para>
241 Redirection modifiers can be used before and/or after the program's
242 parameters, but each modifier can only be used once.
243 </para>
244 </section>
245 </section>
247 <section>
248 <title>Command Separators</title>
249 <para>
250 A single shell input line can request execution of more than one
251 program. These programs may be executed sequentially or
252 concurrently. Sequential execution means that one program must
253 complete its function and terminate before the next program is
254 allowed to begin execution. Concurrent execution means that several
255 programs are allowed to begin execution and run simultaneously.
257 </para>
259 <section>
260 <title>Sequential Execution</title>
261 <para>
262 Programs are executed sequentially when each is entered on a
263 separate line. More than one program can be specified on a single
264 shell command line by separating each
265 &replstart;program name&replend; &replstart;parameters&replend;
266 from the next one with a ";" character. For example:
267 </para>
268 <screen>
269 OS9: COPY myfile /D1/newfile ; DIR >/p
270 </screen>
271 <para>
272 This command line will first execute the COPY command and then the
273 DIR command.
274 </para>
275 <para>
276 If an error is returned by any program, subsequent commands on
277 the same line are not executed (regardless of the state of the "x"
278 option), otherwise, ";" and "return" are identical
279 separators.
280 </para>
281 <para>
282 Here are some more examples:
283 </para>
284 <screen>
285 OS9: copy oldfile newfile; del oldfile; list newfile
287 OS9: dir >/d1/myfile ; list temp >/p; del temp
288 </screen>
289 <para>
290 All programs executed sequentially are in fact separate, child
291 processes of the shell (See 5.3). After initiating execution of a
292 program to be executed sequentially, the shell enters the "wait"
293 state (See 5.2) until execution of the called program terminates.
294 </para>
295 </section>
297 <section>
298 <title>Concurrent Execution</title>
299 <para>
300 The second kind of separator is the "&" which implies concurrent
301 execution, meaning that the program is run (as a separate, child
302 process, see 5.3), but the shell does not wait for it to complete
303 before processing the next command.
304 </para>
305 <para>
306 The concurrent execution separator is therefore the means by
307 which multiprogramming (running two or more programs simultaneously)
308 is accomplished. The number of programs that can run at the same
309 time is not fixed: it depends upon the amount of free memory in the
310 system versus the memory requirements of the specific programs.
311 Here is an example:
312 </para>
313 <screen>
314 OS9: DIR >/P&
315 &007
317 OS9:
318 </screen>
319 <para>
320 This command line will cause shell to start the DIR command
321 executing, print the process ID number (&007), and then immediately
322 display the "OS9:" prompt and wait for another command to be
323 entered. Meanwhile the DIR command will be busy sending a directory
324 listing to the printer. You can display a "status summary" of all
325 processes you have created by using the PROCS command. Below is
326 another example:
327 </para>
328 <screen>
329 OS9: DIR >/P& LIST file1& COPY file1 file2 ; DEL temp
330 </screen>
331 <para>
333 </para>
334 <para>
335 Because they were followed by "&" separators, the DIR, LIST, and
336 COPY programs will run concurrently, but the DEL program will not
337 run until the COPY program has terminated because sequential
338 execution (";") was specified.
339 </para>
340 </section>
342 <section>
343 <title>Pipes and Filters</title>
344 <para>
345 The third kind of separator is the "!" character which is used to
346 construct "pipelines". Pipelines consist of two or more concurrent
347 programs whose standard input and/or output paths connect to each
348 other using "pipes".
349 </para>
350 <para>
351 Pipes are the primary means-by which data is transferred from
352 process to process (interprocess communications). Pipes are first-in,
353 first-out buffers that behave like mass-storage files.
354 </para>
355 <para>
356 I/O transfers using pipes are automatically buffered and
357 synchronized. A single pipe may have several "readers" and several
358 "writers". Multiple writers send, and multiple readers accept, data
359 to/from the pipe on a first-come, first-serve basis. An end-of-file
360 will occur if an attempt is made to read from a pipe but there are
361 no writers available to send data. Conversely, a write error will
362 occur if an attempt is made to write to a pipe having no readers.
363 </para>
364 <para>
365 Pipelines are created by the shell when an input line having one
366 or more "!" separators is processed. For each "!", the standard
367 output of the program named to the left of the "!" is redirected via
368 a pipe to the standard input of the program named to the right of
369 the "!". Individual pipes are created for each "!" present.
370 For example:
371 </para>
372 <screen>
373 OS9: update <master_file ! sort ! write_report >/p
374 </screen>
375 <para>
376 In the example above, the program "update" has its input redirected
377 from a path called "master_file". Its standard output becomes the
378 standard input for the program "sort". Its output, in turn, becomes
379 the standard input for the program "write_report", which has its
380 standard output redirected to the printer.
381 </para>
382 <para>
383 All programs in a pipeline are executed concurrently. The pipes
384 automatically synchronize the programs so the output of one never
385 "gets ahead" of the input request of the next program in the
386 pipeline. This implies that data cannot flow through a pipeline any
387 faster than the slowest program can process it. Some of the most
388 useful applications of pipelines are jobs like character set
389 conversion, print file formatting, data compression/decompression,
390 etc. Programs which are designed to process data as components of a
391 pipeline are often called "filters".
392 The "tee" command, which uses
393 pipes to allow data to be simultaneously "broadcast" from a single
394 input path to several output paths, is a useful filter.
395 </para>
396 </section>
397 </section>
399 <section>
400 <title>Command Grouping</title>
401 <para>
402 Sections of shell input lines can be enclosed in parentheses
403 which permits modifiers and separators to be applied to an entire
404 set of programs. The shell processes them by calling itself
405 recursively (as a new process) to execute the enclosed program list.
406 For example:
407 <screen>
408 OS9: (dir /d0; dir /d1) >/p
409 </screen>
410 gives the same result as:
411 <screen>
412 OS9: dir /d0 >/p; dir /d1 >/p
413 </screen>
414 except for the subtle difference that the printer is "kept"
415 continuously in the first example; in the second case another user
416 could "steal" the printer in between the "dir" commands.
417 </para>
418 <para>
419 Command grouping can be used to cause a group of programs to be
420 executed sequentially, but also concurrently with respect to the
421 shell that initiated them, such as:
422 </para>
423 <screen>
424 OS9: (del file1; del file2; del file3)&
425 </screen>
426 <para>
427 A useful extension of this form is to construct pipelines consisting
428 of sequential and/or concurrent programs. For example:
429 </para>
430 <screen>
431 OS9: (dir CMDS; dir SYS) ! makeuppercase ! transmit
432 </screen>
433 <para>
434 Here is a very practical example of the use of pipelines. Recall
435 that the "DSAVE" command generates a procedure file to copy all the
436 files in a directory. The example below shows how the output of
437 "DSAVE" can be pipelined to a shell which will execute the OS-9
438 commands as they are generated by DSAVE. Assume that we want to
439 copy all files from a directory called WORKING to a directory called
441 </para>
442 <screen>
443 OS9: chd /d0/WORKING; dsave ! (chd /d0/ARCHIVE)
444 </screen>
445 </section>
447 <section>
448 <title>Built-in Shell Commands and Options</title>
449 <para>
450 When processing input lines, the shell looks for several special
451 names of commands or option switches that are built-in the shell.
452 These commands are executed without loading a program and creating a
453 new process, and generally affect how the shell operates. They can
454 be used at the beginning of a line, or following any program
455 separator (";", "&", or "!").
456 Two or more adjacent built-in
457 commands can be separated by spaces or commas.
458 </para>
459 <para>
460 The built-in commands and their functions are:
461 </para>
462 <informaltable frame="none">
463 <tgroup cols="2">
464 <colspec colwidth="1.5in"/>
465 <colspec colwidth="3.5in"/>
466 <tbody>
467 <row>
468 <entry>chd &replstart;pathlist&replend;</entry>
469 <entry>change the working data directory to the directory
470 specified by the pathlist (see 3.6).</entry>
471 </row>
472 <row>
473 <entry>chx &replstart;pathlist&replend;</entry>
474 <entry>change the working execution directory to the
475 directory specified by the pathlist (see 3.6).</entry>
476 </row>
477 <row>
478 <entry>ex name</entry>
479 <entry>directly execute the module named. This
480 transforms the shell process so it ceases
481 to exist and a new module begins execution in
482 its place.</entry>
483 </row>
484 <row>
485 <entry>w</entry>
486 <entry>wait for any process to terminate.</entry>
487 </row>
488 <row>
489 <entry>* text</entry>
490 <entry>comment: "text" is not processed.</entry>
491 </row>
492 <row>
493 <entry>kill &replstart;Proc ID&replend;</entry>
494 <entry>abort the process specified.</entry>
495 </row>
496 <row>
497 <entry>setpr &replstart;proc ID&replend; &replstart;priority&replend;</entry>
498 <entry>changes process' priority (see 5.1).</entry>
499 </row>
500 <row>
501 <entry>x</entry>
502 <entry>causes shell to abort on any error (default)</entry>
503 </row>
504 <row>
505 <entry>-x</entry>
506 <entry>causes shell not to abort on error (See 4.7)</entry>
507 </row>
508 <row>
509 <entry>p</entry>
510 <entry>turns shell prompt and messages on (default)</entry>
511 </row>
512 <row>
513 <entry>-p</entry>
514 <entry>inhibits shell prompt and messages</entry>
515 </row>
516 <row>
517 <entry>t</entry>
518 <entry>makes shell copy all input lines to output</entry>
519 </row>
520 <row>
521 <entry>-t</entry>
522 <entry>does not copy input lines to output (default)</entry>
523 </row>
524 </tbody>
525 </tgroup>
526 </informaltable>
529 <para>
530 The change directory commands switch the shell's working directory
531 and, by inheritance, any subsequently created child process. The
532 "ex" command is used where the shell is needed to initiate execution
533 of a program without the overhead of a suspended "shell" process.
534 The name used is processed according to standard shell operation,
535 and modifiers can be used.
536 </para>
537 </section>
539 <section>
540 <title>Shell Procedure Files</title>
541 <para>
542 The shell is a reentrant program that can be simultaneously
543 executed by more than one process at a time. As is the case with
544 most other OS-9 programs, it uses standard I/O paths for routine
545 input and output (see 4.2.3). specifically, it requests command
546 lines from the standard input path and writes its prompts and other
547 data to the standard error path.
548 </para>
549 <para>
550 The shell can start up another process also running the shell by
551 means of the "shell" command. If the standard input path is
552 redirected to a mass storage file, the new "incarnation" of the
553 shell can accept and execute command lines from the file instead of
554 a terminal keyboard. The text file (see 3.9.2) to be processed is
555 called a "procedure file". It contains one or more command lines
556 that are identical to command lines that are manually entered from
557 the keyboard. This technique is sometimes called "batch" or
558 "background" processing.
559 </para>
560 <para>
561 If the &replstart;program name&replend; specified on a shell command line can not be
562 found in memory or in the execution directory, shell will search the
563 data directory for a file with the desired name. If one is found,
564 shell will automatically execute it as a procedure file (see 2.0).
565 </para>
566 <para>
567 Execution of procedure files have a number of valuable
568 applications. It can eliminate repetitive manual entry of commonly-used
569 sequences of commands. It can allow the computer to execute a
570 lengthy series of programs "in the background" while the computer is
571 unattended or while the user is running other programs "in the
572 foreground".
573 </para>
574 <para>
575 In addition to redirecting the shell's standard input to a
576 procedure file, the standard output and standard error output can be
577 redirected to another file which can record output for later review
578 or printing. This can also eliminate the sometimes-annoying output
579 of shell messages to your terminal at random times.
580 </para>
581 <para>
582 Here are two simple ways to use the shell to create another
583 shell:
584 </para>
585 <screen>
586 OS9: shell <procfile
588 OS9: procfile
589 </screen>
590 <para>
591 Both do exactly the same thing: execute the commands of the file
592 "procfile". To run the procedure file in a "background" mode you
593 simply add the ampersand operator:
594 </para>
595 <screen>
596 OS9: procfile&
597 </screen>
598 <para>
599 OS-9 does not have any constraints on the number of jobs that can be
600 simultaneously executed as long as there is memory available (see
601 5.4). Also, the procedure files can themselves cause sequential or
602 concurrent execution of additional procedure files. Here's a more
603 complex example of initiating two processing streams with
604 redirection of each shell's output to files:
605 </para>
606 <screen>
607 OS9: proc1 T >>stat1& proc2 T >>stat2&
608 </screen>
609 <para>
610 Note that the built-in command "T" (copy input lines to error
611 output) was used above. They make the output file contain a record
612 of all lines executed, but without useless "OS9" prompts intermixed.
613 The "-x" built-in command can be used if you do
614 <emphasis>not</emphasis> want processing
615 to stop if an error occurs. Note that the built-in commands only
616 affect the shell that executes them, and not any others that may
617 exist.
618 </para>
619 </section>
621 <section>
622 <title>Error Reporting</title>
623 <para>
624 Many programs (including the shell) use OS-9's standard error
625 reporting function, which displays an error number on the error
626 output path. The standard error codes are listed in the Appendix of
627 this manual. If desired, the "printerr" command can be executed,
628 which replaces the smaller, built-in error display routine with a
629 larger (and slower) routine that looks up descriptive error messages
630 from a text file called "/d0/sys/errmsg".
631 Once the "printerr"
632 command has been run it cannot be turned off. Also, its effect is
633 system-wide.
634 </para>
635 <para>
636 Programs called by the shell can return an error code in the MPU
637 "B" register (otherwise B should be cleared) upon termination. This
638 type of error, as well as errors detected by the shell itself, will
639 cause an error message to be displayed and processing of the command
640 line or procedure file to be terminated unless the "-x" built-in
641 command has been previously executed (See 4.5).
642 </para>
643 </section>
645 <section>
646 <title>Running Compiled Intermediate Code Programs</title>
647 <para>
648 Before the shell executes a program, it checks the program
649 module's language type. If its type is not 6809 machine language,
650 shell will call the appropriate run-time system for that module.
651 Versions of the shell supplied for various systems are capable of
652 calling different run-time systems. Most versions of shell call
653 Basic09 when appropriate, and Level Two versions of shell can also
654 call the Pascal P-code interpreter (PascalN), or the CIS Cobol
655 runtime system (RunC).
656 </para>
657 <para>
658 For example, if you wanted to run a BASIC09 I-code module called
659 "adventure", you could type the command given below:
660 </para>
661 <screen>
662 OS9: BASIC09 adventure
663 </screen>
664 <para>
665 Or you could accomplish the same thing by typing the following:
666 </para>
667 <screen>
668 OS9: adventure
669 </screen>
670 </section>
672 <section>
673 <title>Setting Up Timesharing System Procedure Files</title>
675 <para>
676 OS-9 systems used for timesharing usually have a procedure file
677 that brings the system up by means of one simple command or by using
678 the system "startup" file. A procedure file which initiates the
679 timesharing monitor for each terminal is executed to start up the
680 system. The procedure file first starts the system clock, then
681 initiates concurrent execution of a number of processes that have
682 their I/O redirected to each timesharing terminal.
683 </para>
684 <para>
685 Usually one TSMON command program is started up concurrently for
686 each terminal in the system. This is a special program which
687 monitors a terminal for activity. When a carriage return character
688 is typed on any of these terminals, the TSMON command initiates the
689 LOGIN command program. If a user does not enter a correct password
690 or user number in three tries, the LOGIN command will be aborted.
691 Here's a sample procedure file for a 4-terminal timesharing system
692 having terminals names "TERM", "T1",
693 "T2", and "T3".
694 </para>
695 <programlisting>
696 * system startup procedure file
697 echo Please Enter the Date and Time
698 setime </term
699 printerr
700 tsmon /t1&
701 tsmon /t2&
702 tsmon /t3&
703 </programlisting>
704 <para>
705 NOTE: This LOGIN procedure will not work until a password file
706 called "/D0/SYS/PASSWORD" has been created. For more information,
707 please see the LOGIN command description.
708 </para>
709 <para>
710 The example above deserves special attention. Note that the
711 "setime" command has its input redirected to the system console
712 "term", which is necessary because it would otherwise attempt to
713 read the time information from its current standard input path,
714 which is the procedure file and not the keyboard.
715 </para>
716 </section>
717 </chapter>