1 ********************************************************************
2 * VRN - VIRQ/RAM/Nil device driver
3 *
4 * $Id$
5 *
6 * Copyright (C) 1989, 1990 Bruce Isted
7 *
8 * This program may be freely distributed as long as the copyright notice
9 * remains intact and the source, binary, and documentation files are
10 * distributed together.
11 *
12 * This program may not be sold for profit, individually or as part of a
13 * package without the prior written permission of the copyright holder.
14 *
15 * Ed. Comments Who YY/MM/DD
16 * ------------------------------------------------------------------
17 * 1 Created BRI ??/??/??
19 nam VRN
20 ttl VIRQ/RAM/Nil device driver
22 ifp1
23 use defsfile
24 use scfdefs
25 endc
27 VTCount equ 4 number of VIRQ tables
28 * VIRQ Table Data Layout
29 org 0
30 FS2.ID rmb 1 Flight Simulator 2 (and FS2+) VIRQ process ID
31 FS2.Pth rmb 1 path number
32 FS2.Sgl rmb 1 signal code
33 FS2.Tmr rmb 2 countdown timer (send signal on zero)
34 FS2.Rst rmb 2 reset count (no reset if zero)
35 FS2.STot rmb 1 signal counter
36 FS2.VTot rmb 4 total VIRQ counter
37 KQ3.ID rmb 1 King's Quest III VIRQ process ID
38 KQ3.Pth rmb 1 path number
39 VTSize equ . VIRQ table size
40 * RAM Table Data Layout
41 org 0
42 RAM.ID rmb 1 RAM process ID
43 RAM.Pth rmb 1 path number
44 RAM.Bks rmb 1 number of RAM blocks
45 RAM.StB rmb 2 starting RAM block number
46 RTSize equ . RAM table size
47 * Shared VIRQ/RAM Table Data Layout
48 org 0
49 All.ID rmb 1 all tables' process ID
50 All.Pth rmb 1 all tables' path number
51 org V.SCF
52 VIRQPckt rmb 5 VIRQ packet Counter(2),Reset(2),Status(1) bytes
53 PathNmbr rmb 1 current path number
54 ProcNmbr rmb 1 current process ID
55 VIRQTbls rmb VTCount*VTSize space for VIRQ tables
56 RTCount equ ($0100-.)/RTSize number of tables that fit in balance of page
57 RAMTbls rmb RTCount*RTSize space for RAM tables
58 VMem equ .
60 rev set $01
61 edition set 1
63 mod VEnd,VName,Drivr+Objct,ReEnt+rev,VEntry,VMem
65 fcb UPDAT. driver access mode(s)
67 VName fcs "VRN"
68 fcb edition edition byte
70 VEntry lbra VInit
71 lbra VRead
72 lbra VWrit
73 lbra VGStt
74 lbra VSStt
75 lbra VTerm
76 IRQPckt fcb $00,$01,$0A IRQ packet Flip(1),Mask(1),Priority(1) bytes
77 VInit equ *
78 * Note that all device memory except V.PAGE and
79 * V.PORT has already been cleared (zeroed).
80 leax VIRQPckt+Vi.Stat,u fake VIRQ status register
81 lda #$80 VIRQ flag clear, repeated VIRQs
82 sta ,x set it while we're here...
83 tfr x,d copy fake VIRQ status register address
84 leax IRQPckt,pc IRQ polling packet
85 leay IRQSvc,pc IRQ service entry
86 os9 F$IRQ
87 bcs InitExit go report error...
88 ldd #$0001 initial count
89 std VIRQPckt+Vi.Rst,u reset count
90 ldx #$0001 code to install new VIRQ
91 leay VIRQPckt,u VIRQ software registers
92 os9 F$VIRQ
93 bcc InitExit no error, go exit...
94 pshs cc,b save error info
95 bsr DumpIRQ go remove from IRQ polling
96 puls cc,b,pc recover error info & exit...
97 VRead equ *
98 comb
99 ldb #E$EOF
100 InitExit rts
101 VTerm equ *
102 ldx #$0000 code to delete VIRQ entry
103 leay VIRQPckt,u VIRQ software registers
104 os9 F$VIRQ remove from VIRQ polling
105 bcs Term.Err go report error...
106 DumpIRQ leax VIRQPckt+Vi.Stat,u fake VIRQ status register
107 tfr x,d copy address...
108 ldx #$0000 code to remove IRQ entry
109 leay IRQSvc,pc IRQ service routine
110 os9 F$IRQ
111 Term.Err rts
112 VGStt equ *
113 * [A] = call code
114 * call $01: SS.Ready (device never has data ready)
115 * call $80: return FS2/FS2+ total VIRQ counter
116 * call $81: return FS2/FS2+ number of signals sent
117 * all others return E$UnkSvc error
118 bsr GetInfo process+path and caller's stack info
119 cmpa #$01 SS.Ready?
120 bne Chk.GS80 no, go check next...
121 comb
122 ldb #E$NotRdy
123 rts
124 UnitErr ldb #E$Unit
125 rts
126 * get process+path info, [Y] --> caller's register stack
127 * do not alter [A] or [U]
128 GetInfo ldb PD.PD,y path number
129 stb PathNmbr,u save it...
130 ldb PD.CPR,y current process ID (can't depend on V.BUSY)
131 stb ProcNmbr,u save it...
132 ldy PD.RGS,y caller's register stack address
133 rts
134 Chk.GS80 cmpa #$80 return & clear total VIRQs?
135 bne Chk.GS81 no, go check next...
136 bsr FPTFS2 find process+path entry
137 bcs UnitErr not in tables, go return error...
138 ldd FS2.VTot,x total VIRQ counter MSBs
139 std R$X,y return them to caller
140 ldd FS2.VTot+2,x total VIRQ counter LSBs
141 std R$Y,y return them to caller
142 ClrVTot clra
143 clrb no error...
144 std FS2.VTot,x *clear total
145 std FS2.VTot+2,x *VIRQ counter
146 rts
147 Chk.GS81 cmpa #$81 return & clear signals sent?
148 lbne USvcErr not supported, go report error...
149 bsr FPTFS2 find process+path entry
150 bcs UnitErr not in tables, go return error...
151 lda FS2.STot,x number of signals sent
152 sta R$A,y return it to caller
153 clr FS2.STot,x clear signal counter
154 rts
155 VSStt equ *
156 * [A] = call code
157 * call $2A: SS.Close (clear all process+path entries)
158 * call $81: set process+path FS2 VIRQ, clear process+path FS2/FS2+ VIRQ
159 * call $C7: set process+path FS2+ VIRQ
160 * call $C8: set process+path KQ3 VIRQ
161 * call $C9: clear process+path KQ3 VIRQ
162 * call $CA: allocate process+path RAM blocks
163 * call $CB: de-allocate process+path RAM blocks
164 * all others return E$UnkSvc error
165 bsr GetInfo process+path and caller's stack info
166 cmpa #$2A SS.Close?
167 bne Chk.SSC9 no, go check next...
168 bsr FPTFS2 check for existing FS2/FS2+ VIRQ entry...
169 bcs Chk.KV2A none, go check for KQ3 VIRQ...
170 clr All.ID,x de-allocate FS2/FS2+ entry
171 Chk.KV2A bsr SS2A.KQ3 check/de-allocate KQ3 VIRQ...
172 bra SS2A.RAM go return RAM blocks, return from there...
173 Chk.SSC9 cmpa #$C9 clear KQ3 VIRQ?
174 bne Chk.SSCB no, go check next...
175 SS2A.KQ3 bsr FPTKQ3 existing KQ3 VIRQ is ours?
176 bcs SS.OK no, go exit clean...
177 clr All.ID,x de-allocate KQ3 VIRQ
178 rts
179 Chk.SSCB cmpa #$CB return process+path RAM blocks?
180 bne Chk.SSC8 no, go check next...
181 SS2A.RAM bsr FPTRAM go find RAM table entry
182 bcs SS.OK no entry, go exit clean...
183 clr All.ID,x de-allocate table entry
184 ldb RAM.Bks,x number of RAM blocks
185 beq SS.OK no RAM to return, go exit clean...
186 ldx RAM.StB,x first block number
187 os9 F$DelRAM
188 rts
189 * Find Current Process+Path Table Entry
190 FPTRAM leax RAMTbls,u first RAM table
191 ldd #RTCount*256+RTSize [A]=loop count, [B]=table size
192 bra FPT01
193 FPTKQ3 leax VIRQTbls+KQ3.ID,u first KQ3 VIRQ entry
194 bra FPT00
195 FPTFS2 leax VIRQTbls+FS2.ID,u first FS2/FS2+ VIRQ entry
196 FPT00 ldd #VTCount*256+VTSize [A]=loop count, [B]=table size
197 FPT01 pshs a save loop count
198 FPTLoop lda ProcNmbr,u current process ID
199 cmpa All.ID,x same?
200 bne FPTNext no, go check next...
201 lda PathNmbr,u current path number
202 cmpa All.Pth,x same?
203 bne FPTNext no, go check next...
204 clrb table found, clear Carry
205 puls a,pc clean up stack, return
206 FPTNext abx next table
207 dec ,s done yet?
208 bne FPTLoop no, go check next...
209 comb table not found, set Carry
210 puls a,pc clean up stack, return
211 Chk.SSC8 cmpa #$C8 set KQ3 VIRQ?
212 bne Chk.SSCA no, go check next...
213 bsr FPTKQ3 existing KQ3 VIRQ?
214 bcc SS.OK yes, go exit clean...
215 bsr FETKQ3 KQ3 VIRQ available?
216 bcs BusyErr no, go report error...
217 SS.OK clrb no error...
218 rts
219 Chk.SSCA cmpa #$CA allocate process+path RAM blocks?
220 bne Chk.SS81 no, go check next...
221 bsr FPTRAM go check for existing process+path RAM table entry
222 bcc BusyErr found it, go report error...
223 bsr FETRAM go find empty RAM table entry...
224 bcs BusyErr tables full, go report error...
225 ldb R$X+1,y RAM blocks to allocate
226 stb RAM.Bks,x save it...
227 os9 F$AllRAM
228 bcs SSCA.Err go report error...
229 std RAM.StB,x save first block number
230 std R$X,y return it to caller, too
231 SS.Err rts
232 SSCA.Err pshs cc,b save error info
233 clr All.ID,x de-allocate table entry
234 puls cc,b,pc recover error info, return
235 GetFS2 bsr FPTFS2 check for existing FS2/FS2+ entry...
236 bcc GotFS2 found it...
237 bsr FETFS2 check for empty FS2/FS2+ table...
238 bcs BusyErr none left, go report error...
239 lbsr ClrVTot go clear VIRQ total counter
240 GotFS2 ldd R$X,y FS2/FS2+ timer count
241 std FS2.Tmr,x save it...
242 std FS2.Rst,x FS2 reset count
243 clr FS2.STot,x no signals sent yet...
244 rts
245 * Find Empty Table Entry
246 FETRAM leax RAMTbls,u first RAM table
247 ldd #RTCount*256+RTSize [A]=loop count, [B]=table size
248 bra FET01
249 FETKQ3 leax VIRQTbls+KQ3.ID,u first KQ3 VIRQ entry
250 bra FET00
251 FETFS2 leax VIRQTbls+FS2.ID,u first FS2/FS2+ VIRQ entry
252 FET00 ldd #VTCount*256+VTSize [A]=loop count, [B]=table size
253 FET01 pshs a save loop count
254 FETLoop lda All.ID,x table allocated?
255 bne FETNext yes, go check next...
256 lda ProcNmbr,u current process ID
257 sta All.ID,x allocate table
258 lda PathNmbr,u current path number
259 sta All.Pth,x set path number
260 clrb table found, clear Carry
261 puls a,pc clean up stack, return
262 FETNext abx next table
263 dec ,s done yet?
264 bne FETLoop no, go check next...
265 comb table not found, set Carry
266 puls a,pc clean up stack, return
267 BusyErr comb
268 ldb #E$DevBsy
269 rts
270 Chk.SS81 cmpa #$81 set FS2 VIRQ or clear FS2/FS2+ VIRQ?
271 bne Chk.SSC7 no, go check next...
272 bsr GetFS2 go get FS2/FS2+ VIRQ entry
273 bcs SS.Err go report error...
274 ldb #$80 standard FS2 signal
275 stb FS2.Sgl,x save it...
276 ldb R$Y+1,y FS2 VIRQ enable/disable flag
277 bne SS.OK set VIRQ flag, go exit clean...
278 ClrID clr All.ID,x de-allocate entry
279 rts
280 Chk.SSC7 cmpa #$C7 set FS2+ VIRQ?
281 bne USvcErr not supported, go report error...
282 bsr GetFS2 go get FS2/FS2+ VIRQ entry
283 bcs SS.Err go report error...
284 ldd R$Y,y FS2+ reset count (one shot VIRQ if zero)
285 std FS2.Rst,x save it...
286 ldb R$U+1,y LSB = caller's signal code
287 stb FS2.Sgl,x save it...
288 rts
289 USvcErr comb
290 ldb #E$UnkSvc
291 rts
292 IRQSvc equ *
293 lda VIRQPckt+Vi.Stat,u VIRQ status register
294 anda #^Vi.IFlag clear flag in VIRQ status register
295 sta VIRQPckt+Vi.Stat,u save it...
296 leau VIRQTbls,u VIRQ tables
297 ldy #VTCount loop count
298 IRQLoop lda KQ3.ID,u KQ3 VIRQ process ID
299 beq NoKQ3Sgl none, skip signal...
300 ldb #$80 signal code
301 os9 F$Send send signal, ignore error (if any)
302 NoKQ3Sgl lda FS2.ID,u process ID
303 beq NoFS2Sgl unallocated entry, skip everything...
304 inc FS2.VTot+3,u *increment
305 bne DoneVTot *total
306 inc FS2.VTot+2,u *VIRQ
307 bne DoneVTot *counter
308 inc FS2.VTot+1,u *
309 bne DoneVTot *
310 inc FS2.VTot,u *
311 DoneVTot ldx FS2.Tmr,u timer count
312 leax -1,x less one...
313 stx FS2.Tmr,u done yet?
314 bne NoFS2Sgl no, skip signal...
315 inc FS2.STot,u one more signal...
316 ldx FS2.Rst,u reset timer count (one shot VIRQ?)
317 stx FS2.Tmr,u set counter
318 bne KeepID not zero, go on...
319 clr FS2.ID,u de-allocate entry
320 KeepID ldb FS2.Sgl,u signal code
321 os9 F$Send send signal, ignore error (if any)
322 NoFS2Sgl leau VTSize,u next table
323 leay -1,y done all tables?
324 bne IRQLoop no, go check next...
325 VWrit equ *
326 clrb no error...
327 rts
328 emod
329 VEnd equ *
330 end