1 **************************************************
2 * System Call: F$DelRAM
3 *
4 * Function: Deallocate RAM blocks
5 *
6 * Input: B = Number of blocks
7 * X = Beginning block number
8 *
9 * Output: None
10 *
11 * Error: CC = C bit set; B = error code
12 *
13 FDelRAM ldb R$B,u # of blocks to de-allocate
14 beq DelRAM.2 if none, exit
15 ldd <D.BlkMap+2 get end of the block map
16 subd <D.BlkMap subtract out start of the block map
17 subd R$X,u take out starting block number
18 bls DelRAM.2 exit if the starting block is ># of blocks available
19 tsta check high byte of RAM #
20 bne DelRAM.0 if not zero, skip it
21 cmpb R$B,u check against size of the block
22 bhs DelRAM.0 if size is >RAM available
23 stb R$B,u save actual # of blocks deleted
24 DelRAM.0 ldx <D.BlkMap get start address of the block map
25 ldd R$X,u starting address of the RAM to de-allocate
26 leax d,x slower, but smaller than ADDR
27 ldb R$B,u get actual # of blocks to de-allocate
28 DelRAM.1 equ *
29 IFNE H6309
30 aim #^RAMinUse,,x+ set to RAM not in use
32 lda ,x
33 anda #^RAMinUse
34 sta ,x+
36 decb count down a block
37 bne DelRAM.1 continue
38 DelRAM.2 clrb and exit
39 rts