1 ********************************************************************
2 * DirM - Show module directory
3 *
4 * $Id$
5 *
6 * Changes:
7 *
8 * Added internal print buffer, so an I$Write call is not performed for every
9 * byte printed out. Halves printout time.
10 *
11 * Added SS.ScSiz check, and goes to 32-column output if display is 40 columns
12 * or less.
13 *
14 * Edt/Rev YYYY/MM/DD Modified by
15 * Comment
16 * ------------------------------------------------------------------
17 * ? 1994/11/10 Alan DeKok
18 * Disassembled at 8:18:38
19 *
20 * 5 ????/??/?? Alan DeKok
21 * Added internal print buffer, so an I$Write call is not performed for
22 * every byte printed out. Halves printout time. Added SS.ScSiz check
23 * and goes to 32-column output if display is 40 columns or less.
25 nam DirM
26 ttl Show module directory
28 ifp1
29 use defsfile
30 endc
32 tylg set Prgrm+Objct
33 atrv set ReEnt+rev
34 rev set $00
35 edition set 5
37 Bound equ 40 width at which change is made to 32-col printing
40 mod eom,name,tylg,atrv,start,size
42 MD.DAT rmb 2
43 MD.Crnt rmb 2
44 MD.Strt rmb 2
45 MD.End rmb 2
46 MD.MPDAT rmb 5
47 PntCnt rmb 1
49 *Single rmb 1 single entry/line?
50 Width rmb 1 width of the output device
52 PBuffer rmb 31 internal print buffer
53 Buffer rmb 40 room for a name buffer
54 MD.Data rmb 2048 size of the module directory
55 rmb 200 for the stack
56 size equ .
57 name equ *
58 fcs /DirM/
59 fcb edition
61 H2 fcc / Bk Ofst Size Ty At Link Name/
62 fcb C$CR
63 H3 fcc / -- ---- ---- -- -- ---- -----/
64 H1 fcb C$CR
66 * Believe it or not, all this internal crap is still smaller than having
67 * a different version of the header for 32/80 columns.
68 Dump ldu #PBuffer output print buffer
69 lda ,x+ get first character
70 sta ,u+ move it over
71 ldb <Width get the width
73 D.01 cmpa #C$CR CR?
74 beq D.Print yup, dump it out
76 lda ,x+ grab a character
77 sta ,u+ save it
78 cmpa #C$SPAC was it a space?
79 bne D.01 no, just save it
81 cmpb #Bound 40-column screen?
82 bls D.01 yes, don't add the space
83 sta ,u+ if a space, save another copy of it
84 bra D.01
86 D.Print lda #$01 to STDOUT
87 ldx #PBuffer
88 ldy #50 max. size of data to print
89 OS9 I$WritLn dump it out
90 bcs Exit
91 rts
93 start equ *
94 stu <MD.DAT u=$0000 always on startup in OS-9 LII
95 ldd #$0100+SS.ScSiz stdout, get screen size
96 OS9 I$GetStt
97 bcs s.01
98 tfr x,d
99 bra s.02 save actual screen size
101 s.01 cmpb #E$UnkSvc
102 bne Exit
103 ldb #80 default to 80 columns if error
104 s.02 stb <Width
106 leax <H1,pcr print out initial CR
107 bsr Dump
108 leax >H2,pcr header of names
109 bsr Dump
110 leax <H3,pcr and hyphens
111 bsr Dump
113 ldx #MD.Data
114 os9 F$GModDr
115 bcs Exit
116 stu <MD.Strt save start address of system module dir
118 sty <MD.End save end of the module directory
119 bra L00B5
121 ClnExit clrb
122 Exit os9 F$Exit
124 L00AD ldx <MD.Crnt
125 leax MD$ESIZE,x go to the next entry
126 cmpx <MD.End
127 bcc ClnExit
129 L00B5 stx <MD.Crnt
130 ldu #PBuffer temporary print buffer
131 ldd MD$MPDAT,x get module DAT image
132 beq L00AD if zero, skip this entry
133 pshs d
134 cmpd <MD.DAT
135 beq L00CD
136 std <MD.DAT save the current DAT image
137 lda #'- start of this block
138 fcb $8C skip 2 bytes
140 L00CD lda #C$SPAC space
141 sta ,u+ store it in the data buffer
142 L00D0 puls d restore current DAT image
143 subd <MD.Strt take out start of the block
144 ldy #MD.Data point to module directory data
145 leay d,y to the DAT image within it
146 tfr y,d
147 std <MD.MPDAT save pointer to DAT
148 lda MD$MPtr,x module pointer
149 lsra
150 lsra
151 lsra
152 lsra turn address into block offset
153 anda #$0E keep low bits only
154 inca DAT image is (junk),(block)
155 lda a,y get the starting block number
156 bsr L0165 dump it out
157 ldd MD$MPtr,x get real pointer
158 anda #$1F get offset inside block
159 bsr L0159 print it out
160 ldx MD$MPtr,x and get pointer again
162 pshs u save print buffer pointer
163 ldu #Buffer to a name buffer
164 ldy #$000A move first 10 bytes of the module?
165 ldd <MD.MPDAT
166 os9 F$CpyMem copy it over
167 puls u restore print buffer ptr
168 bcs Exit
170 ldd <Buffer+M$Size
171 bsr L0159 print out the size of the module
172 lda <Buffer+M$Type
173 bsr L0165 print out the Ty/Lg
174 lda <Buffer+M$Revs
175 bsr L0165 print out At/Rv
176 ldx <MD.Crnt get current module pointer
177 ldd MD$Link,x link count
178 bsr L0159
179 ldd <Buffer+M$Name
180 ldx <MD.Crnt
181 ldx MD$MPtr,x start address of the module
182 leax d,x point to the name
184 pshs u save print buffer ptr
185 ldu #Buffer to the buffer again
186 lda <Width
187 cmpa #Bound
188 bhi n.01
189 leau -6,u discount 6 spaces
191 n.01 ldd <MD.MPDAT
192 ldy #40 copy over 40 bytes of the name
193 os9 F$CpyMem
194 tfr u,x save copy of the start of the buffer
195 puls u restore print buffer ptr
196 lbcs Exit
198 ldb #39 maximum number of characters to check
199 L013F lda ,x+ get a character
200 bpl L013F if it's OK
201 anda #$7F force it to be printable
202 sta -1,x save it again
203 lda #C$CR drop a CR after the last character of the name
205 sta ,x save it
206 ldx #PBuffer point to the start of the buffer
207 ldy #64 64 characters
208 lda #$01
209 os9 I$WritLn print out the name
210 lbra L00AD start all over again
212 * Print out a 2-byte hex number in D
213 L0159 pshs b save low order character
214 ldb #3 3 digits to print out
215 bsr L0171 print out A
216 puls a restore low byte
217 bsr L0173 print it, too
218 bra L0167 and dump out 2 spaces
220 * print out a 1-digit hex number in A
221 L0165 bsr L016F
222 L0167 lda <Width check the width
223 cmpa #Bound
224 bls L016B if 40 columns or smaller, don't print extra space
225 lda #C$SPAC space
226 sta ,u+
227 L016B lda #C$SPAC and another space
228 sta ,u+
229 rts
231 L016F ldb #$01
232 L0171 stb <PntCnt
233 L0173 tfr a,b save a copy of the number in B
234 lsra
235 lsra
236 lsra
237 lsra move high nibble into the lower nibble
238 bsr L017D print out lower nibble of A as hex number
239 tfr b,a restore lower nibble
241 L017D anda #$0F make 0-15
242 beq L019C if zero, skip printing it out
243 clr <PntCnt
244 cmpa #$0A higher than A?
245 bcs L0189 no, add in ascii zero
246 adda #$07 yes, add difference between 9 and A
247 L0189 adda #'0 turn it into an ascii number
249 Print sta ,u+ save the character in the buffer
250 rts
252 L019C dec <PntCnt count down of number of characters to print
253 bmi L0189 if last one, print out a zero
254 bra L016B otherwise print out a space
256 emod
257 eom equ *
258 end