1 The Index Cards Main Screen
2 is used to quickly locate
3 cards in the file, and to
4 access the functions that
5 may be performed on the
6 file.~`CLOSE` returns to the
7 DeskMate main menu.
9 `PRINT` the entire file,
10 or all the "marked" cards.~`VIEW` the highlighted card.
12 `INSERT` new cards into the
13 file.
15 `DELETE` the currently marked
16 card.
18 `MARK` the card for printing
19 or deleting.
21 `FORMAT` - view or edit the
22 current card format.~The Format Screen is used
23 to create and edit the form
24 on which data is displayed.
26 A form has two parts: the
27 labels, and the data areas.
28 Create a label by editing
29 the 12 character label area
30 and hit [ENTER] when
31 finished. Then, create a
32 data area by using the up
33 and down arrows to make the
34 data area larger or smaller
35 and hit [ENTER] when\finished.
37 New data fields may be
38 added by moving the marker
39 to the end of the form. Quit
40 creating new fields by
41 moving the marker up.~`DELETE FIELD` deletes the
42 highlighted field and all
43 data associated with it.
45 `SORT ORDER` changes the sort
46 order of the file. Move the
47 cursor with the up and down
48 arrows, and type the sort
49 order number that you wish
50 to re-assign to each field.
51 Hit [ENTER] to re-sort.
53 `EXIT` to the Index Cards main
54 screen.~The Insert Screen presents
55 a blank card on which new
56 data may be typed and
57 entered into the file.~`ADD` the card to the file.
59 `EXIT` to the Index Cards
60 main screen.~The View Screen is used to
61 view, edit, print, and
62 delete existing cards in
63 the file. Searching is also
64 performed from this screen.~`EXIT` returns to the Index
65 Cards main screen.
67 `FIND` enters the Find Screen
68 where you may specify search
69 criteria and begin a file
70 search.~`DELETE` the currently
71 displayed record.
73 `PRINT` the currently
74 displayed record.~The Find Screen is used
75 to enter search criteria,
76 and from which searches
77 may be initiated.~`LESS` sets the search
78 operator for the highlighted
79 field to less-than.
81 `GREATER` sets the search
82 operator for the highlighted
83 field to greater-than.
85 `EQUAL` sets the search
86 operator for the highlighted
87 field to equal-to.
89 `FIND` begins the search
90 using the current search
91 criteria.\`CLEAR` will clear all the
92 search criteria to blank
93 and end a search.
95 `MARK` the highlighted field
96 as printable during print
97 operations.
99 `EXIT` abandons a search and
100 returns to the view screen.
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