1 ********************************************************************
2 * Rammer - OS-9 Level Two RAM Disk
3 *
4 * $Id$
5 *
6 * Alan DeKok's version of RAMMER - Based on original Keving Darling version
7 *
8 * Ed. Comments Who YY/MM/DD
9 * ------------------------------------------------------------------
10 * 4 Original Kevin Darling Version
11 * 5 Several changes by L. Curtis Boyle LCB 00/03/14
12 * 1) Allowed driver to go past 400K 00/05/09
13 * 2) Attempted some fixes for handling /MD, so
14 * that setting vfy=0 on /R0 would not
15 * completely crash the system.
16 * 3) Fixed some error reporting bugs that would
17 * crash the system
18 * 4) Moved entry table to between READ/WRITE to
19 * allow short branches to both
20 *
21 * NOTE: For some reason, when DEINIZing /r0, the INIT routine gets called...
22 * but it still deallocates memory!
24 * Following CAN be set higher, but will take another page of system RAM then.
25 * 200 will allow maximum of 1,638,400 byte RAM drive.
26 MAXBLOCK set 201 Maximum # of MMU blocks allowed in RAM drive
28 nam Rammer
29 ttl OS-9 Level Two RAM Disk
31 ifp1
32 use defsfile
33 use rbfdefs
34 endc
36 tylg set Drivr+Objct
37 atrv set ReEnt+rev
38 rev set $02
39 edition set 5
41 mod eom,name,tylg,atrv,start,size
43 * Device mem stuff - can make MMUTable bigger, but will take 2 pages of system
44 * RAM then for device memory
45 u0000 rmb DRVBEG+DRVMEM Reserve room for 1 entry drive table
46 MDFlag rmb 1 0=R0 descriptor, <>0=MD descriptor
47 numofBlk rmb 1 # of MMU blocks allocated for RAM drive
48 MMUTable rmb MAXBLOCK Table of MMU Block #'s being used.
49 size equ .
53 name fcs /Rammer/
54 fcb edition
56 * Terminate routine - deallocates RAM
57 L0024 lda <numofBlk,u Get # blocks we had allocated
58 beq L003D If none, exit
59 leay <MMUTable,u Point to MMU block table
60 IFNE H6309
61 clre Hi byte of block # to allocate (always 0)
62 L002E ldf ,y Get block #
64 L002E ldb ,y
66 clr ,y+ Zero it out in table
67 IFNE H6309
68 tfr w,x Block # to deallocate
70 pshs a
71 clra
72 tfr d,x
73 puls a
75 ldb #$01 1 block to deallocate
76 os9 F$DelRAM Deallocate the block
77 deca Dec # of blocks to clean out
78 bne L002E Do until entire RAM drive is deallocated
79 L003D clrb Exit w/o error
80 rts
82 * Deallocate RAM allocated so far, exit with no RAM error
83 L003F bsr L0024 Deallocate all RAM Drive ram blocks
84 L0041 comb Exit no RAM left error
85 ldb #E$MemFul
86 rts
88 * Init routine - only gets called once per driver inited.
89 * Called if you INIZ the device as well
90 * Entry: Y=Address of device descriptor
91 * U=Device mem area
92 * NOTE: All of device mem (Except V.PORT) is cleared to 0's
93 Init lda #1
94 sta V.NDRV,u only can handle 1 drive descriptor
95 leax DRVBEG,u Point to start of drive table
96 sta DD.TOT+2,x Set DD.TOT to non 0 value
97 lda <M$Opt,y Get # of bytes in device descriptor table
98 deca
99 * Following is if 1st access to RAMMER is on /MD
100 beq GetStat 0 (/MD desciptor), then exit w/o error
101 ldb <IT.CYL+1,y Get LSB of # of cylinders
102 lda <IT.SID,y Get # of heads
103 mul Calculate # head/cyls total
104 lda <IT.SCT+1,y Get # of sectors/track
105 mul Calculate # of sectors for RAM drive
106 subd <IT.SCT,y Subtract 1 tracks worth
107 addd <IT.T0S,y Add in the special track 0's # sectors/track
108 std DD.TOT+1,x Save as # sectors on drive
109 addd #$001F Round up to nearest 8K block
110 IFNE H6309
111 rold Shift # of 8K blocks needed into A
112 rold
113 rold
114 ELSE
115 rolb
116 rola
117 rolb
118 rola
119 rolb
120 rola
121 ENDC
122 cmpa #MAXBLOCK If higher than max, exit with mem full error
123 bhi L0041
124 leax <MMUTable,u Point to RAM block table
125 IFNE H6309
126 tfr a,e # blocks left to allocate
127 ENDC
128 L0078 ldb #$01 Try to allocate 1 8K RAM block
129 IFEQ H6309
130 pshs a
131 ENDC
132 os9 F$AllRAM
133 IFEQ H6309
134 puls a
135 ENDC
136 bcs L003F If error, deallocate RAM, and exit
137 inc <numofBlk,u Bump up # of blocks allocated
138 stb ,x+ Save MMU block # allocated in table
139 IFNE H6309
140 dece Do until done all blocks requested
141 ELSE
142 deca
143 ENDC
144 bne L0078
145 clrb No error & return
146 rts
148 * Entry: B:X=LSN to read (only X will be used, even with 2 MB)
149 * Y=Path dsc. ptr
150 * U=Device mem ptr
151 Read pshs y,x Preserve path & device mem ptrs
152 bsr L00C8 Calculate MMU block & offset for sector
153 bcs L00A5 Error, exit with it
154 bsr L00AE Transfer sector from RAM drive to PD.BUF
155 puls y,x Restore ptrs
156 leax ,x Sector 0?
157 bne GetStat No, exit without error
158 ldx PD.BUF,y Get buffer ptr
159 leay DRVBEG,u Point to start of drive table
160 IFNE H6309
161 ldw #DD.SIZ Copy the info we need into drive table
162 tfm x+,y+
163 ELSE
164 ldb #DD.SIZ Copy the info we need into drive table
165 ReadLp lda ,x+
166 sta ,y+
167 decb
168 bne ReadLp
169 ENDC
170 * GetStat/SetStat - no calls, just exit w/o error
171 GetStat clrb
172 L00A7 rts
174 L00A5 puls y,x,pc
176 start bra Init
177 nop
178 bra Read
179 nop
180 bra Write
181 nop
182 bra GetStat
183 nop
184 bra GetStat Actually SetStat (no calls, so same routine)
185 nop
186 lbra L0024 Terminate (returns memory)
188 * Entry: B:X = LSN to write
189 * Y=Path dsc. ptr
190 * U=Device mem ptr
191 Write bsr L00C8 Calculate MMU Block & offset for sector
192 bcs L00A7 Error,exit with it
193 exg x,y X=Sector buffer ptr, Y=Offset within MMU block
194 * Transfer between RBF sector buffer & RAM drive image sector buffer
195 * Called by both READ and WRITE (with X,Y swapping between the two)
196 L00AE orcc #IntMasks Shut IRQ's off
197 pshs x Preserve X
198 ldx <D.SysDAT Get ptr to system DAT image
199 ldb 1,x Get original System MMU block #0
200 puls x Get X back
201 sta >$FFA0 Map in RAM drive block into block #0
202 IFNE H6309
203 ldw #$0100 256 byte transfer
204 tfm x+,y+ Copy between the two buffers
205 ELSE
206 clrb
207 WriteLp lda ,x+
208 sta ,y+
209 decb
210 bne WriteLp
211 ENDC
212 stb >$FFA0 Remap in system block 0
213 andcc #^(IntMasks+Carry) Turn IRQ's back on & no error
214 rts
216 * Subroutine to calculate MMU block # and offset based on sector # requested
217 * Entry: Y=path dsc. ptr
218 * U=device mem ptr
219 * B:X=LSN to calculate for
220 * Exit: A=MMU block # we need to map in
221 * X=offset within MMU block to get sector from (always <8K)
222 * Y=Sector buffer ptr for RBF
223 * MDFlag,u=0 if NOT MD, else MD
224 L00C8 clr MDFlag,u Flag that we are on "real" RAM Drive
225 IFNE H6309
226 ldw PD.DEV,y Get our Device table entry ptr
227 ldw V$DESC,w Get device descriptor ptr
228 lda M$Opt,w Get size of options table
229 ELSE
230 pshs x
231 ldx PD.DEV,y Get our Device table entry ptr
232 ldx V$DESC,x Get device descriptor ptr
233 lda M$Opt,x Get size of options table
234 puls x
235 ENDC
236 deca
237 bne L00DB Not MD, skip ahead
238 inc MDFlag,u Flag we are on MD
239 sta <PD.SIZ,y
240 sta <PD.SIZ+3,y
241 sta <PD.SSZ,y
242 ldd <D.BlkMap+2 Get end of block memory ptr
243 subd <D.BlkMap Calc # of blocks of RAM
244 lda #32 * 32 for # of 'sectors'
245 mul
246 std <PD.SIZ+1,y Save as middle word of file size
247 std <PD.SSZ+1,y Save as segment size
248 bra L00DE Skip ahead (sector # will allow all 2 MB)
250 L00DB tstb Test MSB of sector #
251 bne L010F <>0, exit with Sector error
252 L00DE pshs x Preserve LSW of sector #
253 ldd ,s Load it again into D
254 tst MDFlag,u We on MD?
255 bne L00EE Yes, skip ahead
256 leax DRVBEG,u Point to drive table
257 cmpd DD.TOT+1,x LSW of sector compared to table's # of sectors
258 bhs L010E Sector # too large, exit with error
259 L00EE equ *
260 IFNE H6309
261 rold A=MMU block offset in RAM drive image
262 rold
263 rold
264 ELSE
265 rolb
266 rola
267 rolb
268 rola
269 rolb
270 rola
271 ENDC
272 tst MDFlag,u We on /MD?
273 bne L0100 Yup, skip calculating MMU stuff
274 leax <MMUTable,u Point to MMU table
275 lda a,x Get MMU block # we want
276 beq L010E If 0, exit with sector error
277 L0100 pshs a Save block #
278 clrb Calculate offset within 8k block we want
279 lda 2,s
280 anda #$1F Mask out all but within 8K address offset
281 std 1,s Save offset
282 ldy PD.BUF,y Get sector buffer address
283 puls x,a,pc Get offset, MMU block & return
285 L010E leas 2,s Eat X on stack
286 L010F comb Exit with bad sector #
287 ldb #E$Sect
288 rts
290 emod
291 eom equ *
292 end