1 <article>
2 <articleinfo>
3 <title>OS-9 System Extension Modules</title>
4 <author><firstname>Boisy</firstname>
5 <othername role="mi">G</othername>
6 <surname>Pitre</surname>
7 </author>
8 </articleinfo>
9 <para>
10 The technical information, especially in the OS-9 Level Two manuals,
11 is brimming with details and information that can unlock a wealth
12 of understanding about how OS-9 works. Unfortunately, some of this
13 information can be hard to digest without proper background and some
14 help along the way. This series of articles is intended to take a
15 close look at the internals of OS-9/6809, both Level One and Level Two.
16 So along with this article, grab your OS-9 Technical Manual, sit down
17 in a comfortable chair or recliner, grab a beverage, relax and let's
18 delve into the deep waters!
19 </para>
20 <section><title>Assemble Your Gear</title>
21 <para>
22 For successful comprehension of the topics presented
23 in this and future articles, I recommend that you have the following
24 items handy:
25 </para>
26 <itemizedlist>
27 <listitem><para>
28 OS-9 Level Two Technical Reference Manual <emphasis>or</emphasis>
29 </para></listitem>
30 <listitem><para>
31 OS-9 Level One Technical Information Manual (light blue book) and the
32 OS-9 Addendum Upgrade to Version 02.00.00 Manual
33 </para></listitem>
34 <listitem><para>
35 A printout of the <literal>os9defs</literal> file for your respective operating system.
36 This file can be found
37 in the DEFS directory of the OS-9 Level One Version 02.00.00
38 System Master (OS-9 Level One) or the DEFS directory of
39 the OS-9 Development System (OS-9 Level Two).
40 </para></listitem>
41 </itemizedlist>
42 <para>
43 In this article, we will look at a rarely explored, yet intriguing OS-9
44 topic: system extensions, a.k.a. P2 modules. When performing an <literal>mdir</literal>
45 command, you have no doubt seen modules with names like <literal>OS9p1</literal> and <literal>OS9p2</literal>
46 in OS-9 Level Two (or <literal>OS9</literal> and <literal>OS9p2</literal> in OS-9 Level One). These modules
47 are essentially the OS-9 operating system itself; they contain the
48 code for the system calls that are documented in the OS-9 Technical
49 Reference documentation. In the case of OS-9 Level One, the modules <literal>OS9</literal>
50 and <literal>OS9p2</literal> are located in the boot track of your boot disk (track 34).
51 In OS-9 Level Two, <literal>OS9p1</literal> (equivalent to the <literal>OS9</literal> module in Level One) is
52 found in the boot track while <literal>OS9p2</literal> is located in the bootfile. Both of
53 the modules are of module type <literal>Systm</literal> and define the basic behavior
54 and structure of OS-9. Even the module IOMan is a system extension,
55 containing code for the I/O calls in the operating system.
56 </para><para>
57 While drivers and file managers have been the most common area to expand
58 the capabilities of OS-9, they are pretty much limited to expanding the
59 functionality of I/O. What system extensions allow you to do is even more
60 powerful: they can add new system calls or even replace existing ones.
61 Such functionality allows you to change the behavior of OS-9 in a very
62 fundamental way. Of course, with such power, caution must be exercised.
63 It is not wise to radically modify the behavior of an existing system
64 call; such an action could break compatibility with existing applications.
65 </para><para>
66 What we aim to do in this article is not to replace an existing system
67 call, but rather to add a new system call by looking at the example
68 provided in Tandy's OS-9 Level Two documentation. Although the example
69 is written for OS-9 Level Two, we will look at how it can be changed
70 to run under OS-9 Level One as well. But first, let's get a little
71 background on system calls and how they are constructed in OS-9.
72 </para>
73 </section>
74 <section><title>The System Call</title>
75 <para>
76 As an operating system, OS-9 provides system level
77 functions, or system calls to applications. These system calls give
78 applications a base by which they can operate consistently and without
79 fear of incompatibility from one OS-9 system to the next. The system
80 call in OS-9/6809 evaluates to an SWI2 instruction on the 6809, which
81 is a software interrupt. Suffice it to say that when this instruction
82 is encountered by the CPU, control is routed to OS-9, which interprets
83 and performs the system call on behalf of the calling process.
84 </para><para>
85 While system calls are generally hidden by wrapper functions or procedures
86 in high-level languages such as Basic09 and C, we can see the system call
87 in its native form by looking at 6809 assembly language. Consider the
88 following assembly source fragment:
89 </para>
90 <programlisting>
91 lda #1
92 leax mess,pcr
93 ldy #5
94 os9 I$Write
95 rts
96 mess fcc "Hello"
97 </programlisting>
98 <para>
99 In the middle of what appears to be normal 6809 assembly language
100 source code is a mnemonic called <literal>os9</literal>. This is a pseudo mnemonic, since
101 Motorola did not place an <literal>os9</literal> instruction in the 6809 instruction set.
102 The OS-9 assembler actually recognizes this pseudo mnemonic as a special
103 case, along with the <literal>I$Write</literal> string, and translates the above piece of
104 code into:
105 </para>
106 <programlisting>
107 lda #1
108 leax mess,pcr
109 ldy #5
110 swi2
111 fcb $8A
112 rts
113 mess fcc "Hello"
114 </programlisting>
115 <para>
116 The $8A which follows the <literal>swi2</literal> instruction is the constant representation
117 of the I/O system call <literal>I$Write</literal>. Since the <literal>swi2</literal> instruction calls into
118 the OS-9 kernel, the code in the kernel looks for the byte following
119 the <literal>swi2</literal> instruction in the module (the $8A) and interprets that as
120 the system call code. Using that code, OS-9 jumps to the appropriate
121 routine in order to execute the <literal>I$Write</literal>.
122 </para><para>
123 Since the system call code following the swi2 instruction is a byte,
124 in theory this would allow OS-9 to have up to 256 different system calls
125 that can be executed on behalf of an application. Under OS-9 Level Two,
126 this is the case; however under OS-9 Level One there are restrictions
127 placed on exactly which codes are available. The following tables show
128 the range of system call codes.
129 </para>
130 <table frame="all">
131 <title>OS-9 Level One System Call Ranges</title>
132 <tgroup cols="2">
133 <thead>
134 <row>
135 <entry>System call range</entry>
136 <entry>Function</entry>
137 </row>
138 </thead>
139 <tbody>
140 <row>
141 <entry>$00-$27</entry>
142 <entry>User mode system call codes</entry>
143 </row>
144 <row>
145 <entry>$29-$34</entry>
146 <entry>Privileged system mode call codes</entry>
147 </row>
148 <row>
149 <entry>$80-$8F</entry>
150 <entry>I/O system call codes</entry>
151 </row>
152 </tbody>
153 </tgroup>
154 </table>
156 <table frame="all">
157 <title>OS-9 Level Two System Call Ranges</title>
158 <tgroup cols="2">
159 <thead>
160 <row>
161 <entry>System call range</entry>
162 <entry>Function</entry>
163 </row>
164 </thead>
165 <tbody>
166 <row>
167 <entry>$00-$7F</entry>
168 <entry>User mode system call codes</entry>
169 </row>
170 <row>
171 <entry>$80-$8F</entry>
172 <entry>I/O system call codes</entry>
173 </row>
174 <row>
175 <entry>$90-$FF</entry>
176 <entry>Privileged mode system call codes</entry>
177 </row>
178 </tbody>
179 </tgroup>
180 </table>
181 <para>
182 The idea behind <emphasis>User mode</emphasis> vs. <emphasis>System mode</emphasis>
183 is to allow two different points
184 of execution for the same system call, depending on whether the calling
185 process is running in user state or system state. OS-9 controls this
186 by maintaining two system call tables: one for user state and one for
187 system state. When installing a system call, as we'll soon see, we can
188 specify whether our system call should only be called from system state
189 (hence only updating the system table) or from both user and system state
190 (updating both the user and system tables).
191 </para><para>
192 An example of a system call that can be executed in both user and
193 privileged modes is the <literal>F$Load</literal> function code (pp. 8-25 in the OS-9 Level
194 Two Technical Reference manual; pp. 106 in the OS-9 Level
195 One Technical Information manual). Since <literal>F$Load</literal> can be called from a user
196 state process as well as from a driver or other module running in system
197 state, OS-9 installs this system call in both the user and system tables.
198 On the other hand, a privileged mode system call such as <literal>F$AProc</literal> (Level
199 Two: pp. 8-74; Level One: pp. 141) can only be called from system state
200 and therefore a user state process attempting to call it will receive
201 an error.
202 </para><para>
203 Notice that in both OS-9 Level One and OS-9 Level Two, codes $80-$8F are
204 reserved for I/O system call codes. When the OS-9 kernel receives one of
205 these codes, it passes the code along to <literal>IOMan</literal> for processing. I/O system
206 calls cannot be added since they are under the control of <literal>IOMan</literal>.
207 </para><para>
208 Installing a new system call involves selecting a free system call code,
209 determining whether the call will be accessible from both user/system
210 state or from system state only, and building a table in assembly language
211 that will be used to install the system call. Interestingly enough,
212 the method of installing a system call is by calling a system call!
213 It's called <literal>F$SSvc</literal> and is documented in your respective OS-9 Technical
214 manual.
215 </para>
216 </section>
217 <section>
218 <title>Installing a System Call in OS-9 Level Two</title>
219 <para>
220 The source code in Listing
221 1 is the system extension module, os9p3.a, which contains the code
222 to install the system call, as well as the system call code itself.
223 Incidentally, this is virtually the same code that is found in the OS-9
224 Level Two Technical Reference Manual on pp. 2-2 to 2-4. I've eliminated
225 the comments for brevity since they are already in your manual, as well
226 as changed the <literal>use</literal> directive. Instead of including <literal>/dd/defs/os9defs</literal>, I
227 include <literal>/dd/defs/os9defs.l2</literal>. The reason for this is that I do compiling
228 of both OS-9 Level One and OS-9 Level Two modules on my CoCo 3 development
229 system. Since the OS-9 definitions are different for each operating
230 system, I have renamed their respective <literal>os9defs</literal> files with an extension
231 indicating which operating system they belong to. Even if you just develop
232 for one operating system or the other, I strongly suggest following the
233 same naming convention; it will save you headaches in the long run.
234 </para><para>
235 This module, called <literal>OS9p3</literal>, installs the <literal>F$SAYHI</literal> system call. A process
236 making this call can either pass a pointer to a string of up to 40 bytes
237 (carriage return terminated) in register X, or set X to 0, in which case
238 the system call will print a default message. In either case, the message
239 goes to the calling process' standard error path. While not very useful,
240 this system call is a good example of how to write a system extension.
241 </para><para>
242 The asm program is used to assemble this source code file. Notice that
243 the entry point for the module is the label <literal>Cold</literal>, where Y is set to the
244 address of the service table, <literal>SvcTbl</literal>. Each entry in this table contains
245 three bytes. The first is the system call code that we have selected
246 from a range that Microware says is safe to use for new system calls,
247 and the remaining two are the address of the first instruction of the
248 system call. The table, which can contain any number of entries, is
249 terminated by byte $80. After setting Y to the address of the service
250 table, a system call to <literal>F$SSvc</literal> is made, which takes the table pointed
251 to by Y and installs the system calls.
252 </para><para>
253 The code for the <literal>F$SAYHI</literal> system call in listing 1 is for OS-9 Level
254 Two only. It determines whether or not a valid string pointer has been
255 passed in register X. If indeed the caller has passed a valid pointer,
256 then control is routed to the label <literal>SayHi6</literal> where Y is loaded with the
257 maximum byte count and the process descriptor of the calling process is
258 used to obtain the system path number of the process' standard error
259 in register A. The separation of user and system state paths is an
260 important concept to understand; however, we will discuss it in detail
261 in another article. For now, let's continue analyzing the code.
262 </para><para>
263 The <literal>I$WritLn</literal> system call then prints the string at register X to the
264 caller's standard error path. If on the other hand, register X contains
265 a zero, then room is made on the caller's stack for the default message,
266 which is then copied into the caller's address space using the <literal>F$Move</literal>
267 system call. The moving of the default message from the system address
268 space to the caller's address space is necessary due to the separation
269 of a process' address space in OS-9 Level Two.
270 </para><para>
271 Once the module has been compiled, it should be included in your OS-9
272 Level Two bootfile. Reboot with the new bootfile, and the <literal>OS9p2</literal> module
273 will find <literal>OS9p3</literal> then jump into the execution offset (the <literal>Cold</literal> label
274 in this case). This will install the <literal>F$SAYHI</literal> system call and make it
275 available for programs immediately.
276 </para>
277 </section>
278 <section>
279 <title>Installing a System Call in OS-9 Level One</title>
280 <para>
281 Listing 2 is similar to the
282 code in Listing 1, except that the code to move the default message
283 from system space to the caller's address space has been removed. Also,
284 the code to install the system call has changed, and the module type is
285 not of type <literal>Systm</literal>, but instead of type <literal>Prgrm</literal>. This is due to the lack
286 of separation of address space in Level One, which makes writing system
287 extension modules much easier than in Level Two.
288 </para><para>
289 The common address space between the system and all processes in OS-9
290 Level One also makes the <literal>F$SSvc</literal> system call available from user state
291 as well as from system state. Unlike OS-9 Level Two, where the system
292 extension module must be placed in the bootfile, installing a system
293 extension in OS-9 Level One takes a different approach. Placing a
294 module called <literal>OS9p3</literal> in an OS-9 Level One bootfile will NOT cause the
295 system extension to be called because there are no provisions for that
296 in the kernel. Instead, system extensions are installed by creating a
297 module of type <literal>Prog</literal> that contains both code to install the system call
298 and the system call itself. Installing the system call entails executing
299 the module from the command line.
300 </para><para>
301 Besides the <literal>sayhi.a</literal> source in listing 2, another example of the this
302 is the <literal>Printerr</literal> command that comes with OS-9 Level One. This is a
303 program that actually installs a newer version of the <literal>F$PErr</literal> system call.
304 To install the new system call, you simply run <literal>Printerr</literal> from the command
305 line. It then installs the call and exits. There is an advantage to
306 OS-9 Level One's approach to installing system calls: it can be done
307 at run-time without making a new bootfile and rebooting the system.
308 However, additional care must be taken not to unlink the <literal>Printerr</literal> module
309 from memory. Why? Because the code for the replacement <literal>F$PErr</literal> call is
310 in that module, and if the module is unlinked, the memory it occupied
311 is made available subsequent reallocation and at some point, a system
312 crash will ensue.
313 </para>
314 </section>
315 <section>
316 <title>Exercising Our New System Call</title>
317 <para>
318 Listing 3 is a small assembly language
319 program, <literal>tsayhi</literal>, which calls the <literal>F$SAYHI</literal> routine. It will work fine
320 under both OS-9 Level One and Level Two. If you fork the <literal>tsayhi</literal> program
321 without any parameters, then the <literal>F$SAYHI</literal> system call is called with
322 register X set to $0000, which will cause the system call to print the
323 default message. Otherwise, you can pass a message on the command line
324 as a parameter and up to 40 of the message's characters will be printed
325 to the standard error path.
326 </para>
327 </section>
328 <section>
329 <title>Summary</title>
330 <para>
331 Extension modules give us an effective way of altering the
332 behavior of OS-9 by allowing us to add a new system call or modify the
333 behavior of an existing one. Writing extension modules requires an
334 extremely good understanding of the internals of OS-9. The particulars
335 of writing a system extension vary under OS- 9 Level One and Level Two
336 primarily due to the differences between memory addressing.
337 </para>
339 <example><title>Source for os9p3.a for OS-9 Level Two</title>
340 <programlisting>
341 Type set Systm+Objct
342 Revs set ReEnt+1
343 mod OS9End, OS9Name,Type,Revs,Cold,256
344 OS9Name fcs "OS9p3"
346 fcb 1 edition number
348 ifp1
349 use /dd/defs/os9defs.l2
350 endc
352 level equ 2
353 opt -c
354 opt f
356 * routine cold
357 Cold leay SvcTbl,pcr
358 os9 F$SSvc
359 rts
361 F$SAYHI equ $25
363 SvcTbl equ *
364 fcb F$SAYHI
365 fdb SayHi-*-2
366 fcb $80
369 SayHi ldx R$X,u
370 bne SayHi6
371 ldy D.Proc
372 ldu P$SP,y
373 leau -40,u
374 lda D.SysTsk
375 ldb P$TASK,y
376 ldy #40
377 leax Hello,pcr
378 os9 F$Move
379 leax 0,u
380 SayHi6 ldy #40
381 ldu D.Proc
382 lda P$PATH+2,u
383 os9 I$WritLn
384 rts
386 Hello fcc "Hello there user."
387 fcb $0D
389 emod
391 OS9End equ *
393 end
394 </programlisting>
395 </example>
396 <example><title>Source for sayhi.a for OS-9 Level One</title>
397 <programlisting>
398 Type set Prgrm+Objct
399 Revs set ReEnt+1
400 mod OS9End, OS9Name,Type,Revs,Cold,256
401 OS9Name fcs "SayHi"
403 fcb 1 edition number
405 ifp1
406 use /dd/defs/os9defs.l1
407 endc
409 level equ 1
410 opt -c
411 opt f
413 * routine cold
414 Cold equ *
415 * The following three instructions are important. They cause the link
416 * count of this module to increase by 1. This insures that the module
417 * stays in memory, even if forked from disk.
418 leax OS9Name,pcr
419 clra
420 os9 F$Link
422 leay SvcTbl,pcr
423 os9 F$SSvc
424 bcs Exit
425 clrb
426 Exit os9 F$Exit
428 F$SAYHI equ $25
430 SvcTbl equ *
431 fcb F$SAYHI
432 fdb SayHi-*-2
433 fcb $80
435 * Entry point to F$SAYHI system call
436 SayHi ldx R$X,u
437 bne SayHi6
438 leax Hello,pcr
439 SayHi6 ldy #40
440 ldu D.Proc
441 lda P$PATH+2,u
442 os9 I$WritLn
443 rts
445 Hello fcc "Hello there user."
446 fcb $0D
448 emod
449 OS9End equ *
450 end
451 </programlisting>
452 </example>
453 <example><title>Source for tsayhi.a</title>
454 <programlisting>
455 Type set Prgrm+Objct
456 Revs set ReEnt+1
457 mod OS9End, OS9Name,Type,Revs,start,256
458 OS9Name fcs "TSayHi"
460 fcb 1 edition number
462 ifp1
463 use /dd/defs/os9defs
464 endc
466 level equ 2
467 opt -c
468 opt f
470 F$SAYHI equ $25
472 * routine cold
473 start equ *
474 lda ,x
475 cmpa #$0D
476 bne SayHi
477 ldx #$0000
478 SayHi os9 F$SAYHI
479 bcs error
480 clrb
481 error os9 F$Exit
483 emod
485 OS9End equ *
486 end
487 </programlisting>
488 </example>
489 </section>
490 </article>