1 ********************************************************************
2 * Clock2 - Real-Time Clock Subroutines
3 *
4 * $Id$
5 *
6 * Edt/Rev YYYY/MM/DD Modified by
7 * Comment
8 * ------------------------------------------------------------------
9 * 1 2003/08/18 Boisy G. Pitre
10 * Stripped from clock.asm in order to modularize clocks.
12 nam Clock2
13 ttl Real-Time Clock Subroutines
15 ifp1
16 use defsfile
17 endc
19 *
20 * Setup for specific RTC chip
21 *
22 IFNE RTCDriveWire
23 RTC.Base equ $0000
27 RTC.Sped equ $20 32.768 KHz, rate=0
28 RTC.Strt equ $06 binary, 24 Hour, DST disabled
29 RTC.Stop equ $86 bit 7 set stops clock to allow setting time
30 RTC.Base equ $FF72 I don't know base for this chip.
33 IFNE RTCDsto2+RTCDsto4
34 RTC.Base equ $FF50 Base address of clock
39 RTC.Base equ $FF5C In SCS* Decode
41 RTC.Base equ $FF7C Fully decoded RTC
43 RTC.Zero equ -4 Send zero bit by writing this offset
44 RTC.One equ -3 Send one bit by writing this offset
45 RTC.Read equ 0 Read data from this offset
48 IFNE RTCSmart
49 RTC.Base equ $4004 We map the clock into this addr
50 RTC.Zero equ -4 Send zero bit by writing this offset
51 RTC.One equ -3 Send one bit by writing this offset
52 RTC.Read equ 0 Read data from this offset
55 IFNE RTCHarrs
56 RTC.Base equ $FF60 Base address for clock
60 RTC.Base equ 0 Have to have one defined.
63 *------------------------------------------------------------
64 *
65 * Start of module
66 *
67 mod len,name,Systm+Objct,ReEnt+0,JmpTable,RTC.Base
69 name fcs "Clock2"
70 fcb 1
73 SlotSlct fcb MPI.Slot-1 Slot constant for MPI select code
76 * Jump table for RTC
77 *
78 * Entry points:
79 * - Init
80 * - SetTime
81 * - GetTime
82 JmpTable
83 lbra Init
84 bra GetTime
85 nop
86 lbra SetTime
88 *
89 * GetTime Subroutine
90 *
91 * This subroutine is called by the main clock module.
92 *
94 *
95 * Eliminator time update (lacks MPI slot select ability)
96 *
97 GetTime equ *
99 ldx M$Mem,pcr get RTC base address from fake memory requirement
100 ldb #$0A UIP status register address
101 stb ,x generate address strobe
102 lda 1,x get UIP status
103 bpl NoUIP Update In Progress, go shift next RTC read
104 lda #TkPerSec/2 set up next RTC read attempt in 1/2 second
105 sta <D.Tick save tick
106 bra UpdTExit and return
108 NoUIP decb year register address
109 stb ,x generate address strobe
110 lda 1,x get year
111 sta <D.Year
112 decb month register address
113 stb ,x
114 lda 1,x
115 sta <D.Month
116 decb day of month register address
117 stb ,x
118 lda 1,x
119 sta <D.Day
120 ldb #4 hour register address
121 stb ,x
122 lda 1,x
123 sta <D.Hour
124 ldb #2 minute register address
125 stb ,x
126 lda 1,x
127 sta <D.Min
128 clrb second register address
129 stb ,x
130 lda 1,x
131 SaveSec sta <D.Sec
132 UpdTExit rts
133 ENDC
135 *
136 * Disto 2-in-1 RTC time update
137 *
138 IFNE RTCDsto2
139 pshs a,cc Save old interrupt status and mask IRQs
140 bsr RTCPre
142 bsr GetVal Get Year
143 bsr GetVal Get Month
144 bsr GetVal Get Day
145 decb ldb #5
146 stb 2,x
147 decb
148 lda ,x
149 anda #3
150 bsr GetVal1 Get Hour
151 bsr GetVal Get Minute
152 bsr GetVal Get Second
154 RTCPost clr >$FFD9 2 MHz (Really should check $A0 first)
155 puls cc,b
157 IFNE MPIFlag
158 stb >MPI.Slct Restore saved "currently" selected MPak slot
159 ENDC
161 clrb
162 rts
164 RTCPre orcc #IntMasks
166 IFNE MPIFlag
167 ldb >MPI.Slct Save currently selected MPak slot on stack
168 stb 3,s
169 andb #$F0
170 orb >SlotSlct,pcr Get slot to select
171 stb >MPI.Slct Select MPak slot for clock
172 ENDC
174 ldy #D.Time
175 ldx M$Mem,pcr
176 clr 1,x
177 ldb #12
178 clr >$FFD8 1 MHz
179 rts
181 GetVal stb 2,x
182 decb
183 lda ,x read tens digit from clock
184 anda #$0f
185 GetVal1 pshs b save b
186 ldb #10
187 mul multiply by 10 to get value
188 stb ,y save 10s value
189 puls b set up clock for ones digit
190 stb 2,x
191 decb
192 lda ,x read ones digit from clock
193 anda #$0f
194 adda ,y add ones + tens
195 sta ,y+ store clock value into time packet
196 rts
198 ENDC
200 *
201 * Disto 4-in-1 RTC time update
202 *
203 IFNE RTCDsto4
204 IFNE MPIFlag
205 pshs cc Save old interrupt status and mask IRQs
206 orcc #IntMasks
207 ldb >MPI.Slct Save currently selected MPak slot on stack
208 pshs b
209 andb #$F0
210 orb >SlotSlct,pcr Select MPak slot for clock
211 stb >MPI.Slct
212 ENDC
214 ldx M$Mem,pcr
215 ldy #D.Time Start with seconds
217 ldb #11
218 bsr GetVal Get Year
219 bsr GetVal Get Month
220 bsr GetVal Get Day
221 lda #3 Mask tens digit of hour to remove AM/PM bit
222 bsr GetVal1 Get Hour
223 bsr GetVal Get Minute
224 bsr GetVal Get Second
226 IFNE MPIFlag
227 puls b Restore saved "currently" selected MPak slot
228 stb >MPI.Slct
229 puls cc,pc Restore previous IRQ status
230 ELSE
231 rts No MPI, don't need to mess with slot, CC
232 ENDC
234 GetVal lda #$0f Mask to apply to tens digit
235 GetVal1 stb 1,x
236 decb
237 anda ,x read ones digit from clock
238 pshs b save b
239 ldb #10
240 mul multiply by 10 to get value
241 stb ,y Add to ones digit
242 puls b
243 stb 1,x
244 decb
245 lda ,x read tens digit from clock and mask it
246 anda #$0f
247 adda ,y
248 sta ,y+
249 rts
251 ENDC
254 *
255 * Update time from DriveWire
256 *
257 IFNE RTCDriveWire
259 lbra DoDW
261 use bbwrite.asm
263 DoDW pshs y,x,cc
264 lda #'# Time packet
265 orcc #IntMasks Disable interrupts
266 lbsr SerWrite
267 bsr SerRead Read year byte
268 bcs UpdLeave
269 sta <D.Year
270 bsr SerRead Read month byte
271 bcs UpdLeave
272 sta <D.Month
273 bsr SerRead Read day byte
274 bcs UpdLeave
275 sta <D.Day
276 bsr SerRead Read hour byte
277 bcs UpdLeave
278 sta <D.Hour
279 bsr SerRead Read minute byte
280 bcs UpdLeave
281 sta <D.Min
282 bsr SerRead Read second byte
283 bcs UpdLeave
284 sta <D.Sec
285 bsr SerRead Read day of week (0-6) byte
286 UpdLeave puls cc,x,y,pc
288 use bbread.asm
290 ENDC
292 *
293 * Update time from B&B RTC
294 *
296 pshs u,y,cc
297 leay ReadBCD,pcr Read bytes of clock
299 TfrTime orcc #IntMasks turn off interrupts
300 ldu M$Mem,pcr Get base address
302 IFNE MPIFlag
303 ldb >MPI.Slct Select slot
304 pshs b
305 andb #$F0
306 orb SlotSlct,pcr
307 stb >MPI.Slct
308 ENDC
310 lbsr SendMsg Initialize clock
311 ldx #D.Sec
312 ldb #8 Tfr 8 bytes
314 tfrloop jsr ,y Tfr 1 byte
316 bitb #$03
317 beq skipstuf Skip over day-of-week, etc.
318 leax -1,x
319 skipstuf decb
320 bne tfrloop
322 IFNE MPIFlag
323 puls b
324 stb >MPI.Slct restore MPAK slot
325 ENDC
327 puls u,y,cc,pc
329 ClkMsg fcb $C5,$3A,$A3,$5C,$C5,$3A,$A3,$5C
330 * Enable clock with message $C53AA35CC53AA35C
331 SendMsg lda RTC.Read,u Send Initialization message to clock
332 leax <ClkMsg,pcr
333 ldb #8
334 msgloop lda ,x+
335 bsr SendByte
336 decb
337 bne msgloop
338 rts
340 SendBCD pshs b Send byte to clock, first converting to BCD
341 bitb #$03
342 bne BCDskip Send zero for day-of-week, etc.
343 lda #0
344 bra SndBCDGo
345 BCDskip lda ,x
346 SndBCDGo tfr a,b
347 bra binenter
348 binloop adda #6
349 binenter subb #10
350 bhs binloop
351 puls b
352 SendByte coma Send one byte to clock
353 rora
354 bcc sendone
355 sendzero tst RTC.Zero,u
356 lsra
357 bcc sendone
358 bne sendzero
359 rts
360 sendone tst RTC.One,u
361 lsra
362 bcc sendone
363 bne sendzero
364 rts
367 ReadBCD pshs b
368 ldb #$80 High bit will rotate out after we read 8 bits
369 readbit lda RTC.Read,u Read a bit
370 lsra
371 rorb Shift it into B
372 bcc readbit Stop when marker bit appears
373 tfr b,a
374 bra BCDEnter Convert BCD number to Binary
375 BCDLoop subb #6 by subtracting 6 for each $10
376 BCDEnter suba #$10
377 bhs BCDLoop
378 stb ,x
379 puls b,pc
381 ENDC
384 *
385 * Update time from Smartwatch RTC
386 *
387 IFNE RTCSmart
388 pshs cc
389 orcc #IntMasks Disable interrupts
390 lda >MPI.Slct Get MPI slot
391 ldb <$90 Get GIME shadow of $FF90
392 pshs b,a
393 anda #$F0
394 ora >SlotSlct,pcr Get new slot to select
395 anda #$03 *** TEST ***
396 sta >MPI.Slct And select it
397 andb #$FC
398 stb >$FF90 ROM mapping = 16k internal, 16k external
399 ldb >$FFA2 Read GIME for $4000-$5fff
400 pshs b
401 lda #$3E
402 sta >$FFA2 Put block $3E at $4000-$5fff
403 clr >$FFDE Map RAM/ROM, to map in external ROM
404 lbsr SendMsg Initialize clock
405 ldx #D.Sec Start with seconds
406 lda #$08
407 sta ,-s Set up loop counter = 8
408 L021E ldb #$08
409 L0220 lda >RTC.Read+RTC.Base Read one bit
410 lsra
411 ror ,x Put bit into time
412 decb End of bit loop
413 bne L0220
414 lda ,s Check loop counter
415 cmpa #$08
416 beq L023D Fill "seconds" twice (ignore 1st value)
417 cmpa #$04
418 bne L0239
419 ldb ,x Save 4th value read at $34 (day of week?)
420 stb $0A,x
421 bra L023D And overwrite "day" with day
422 L0239 leax -$01,x Go to next time to read
423 bsr BCD2Dec Convert 1,x from BCD to decimal
424 L023D dec ,s
425 bne L021E End of loop for reading time
426 leas $01,s Done with loop counter
427 clr >$FFDF Map all RAM
428 puls b
429 stb >$FFA2 Put back original memory block
430 puls b,a
431 sta >MPI.Slct
432 stb >$FF90 Restore original ROM mapping
433 puls cc,pc Re-enable interrupts
435 * Convert BCD to a normal number
437 BCD2Dec lda $01,x
438 clrb
439 B2DLoop cmpa #$10
440 bcs B2DDone
441 suba #$10
442 addb #$0A
443 bra B2DLoop
444 B2DDone pshs a
445 addb ,s+
446 stb $01,x
447 rts
449 ClkMsg fcb $C5,$3A,$A3,$5C,$C5,$3A,$A3,$5C
451 * Send above "string" to smartwatch, one bit at a time
453 SendMsg leax <ClkMsg,pcr
454 lda >RTC.Read+RTC.Base Tell clock we're going to start???
455 lda #$08
456 sta ,-s Store counter = 8
457 L006B ldb #$08 Start of outer loop, 8 bytes to send
458 lda ,x+ Get byte to send
459 L006F lsra Start of inner loop, 8 bits to send
460 bcs L0077
461 tst >RTC.Zero+RTC.Base Send a "zero" bit
462 bra L007A
463 L0077 tst >RTC.One+RTC.Base Send a "one" bit
464 L007A decb
465 bne L006F End of inner loop
466 dec ,s End of outer loop
467 bne L006B
468 puls pc,a
470 ENDC
472 *
473 * Update time from Harris RTC
474 *
475 IFNE RTCHarrs
476 pshs cc
477 orcc #IntMasks Disable interrupts
479 ldu M$Mem,pcr Get base address
480 ldy #D.Time Pointer to time in system map
482 lda #%00001100 Init command register (Normal,Int. Disabled,
483 sta $11,u Run,24-hour mode, 32kHz)
485 lda ,u Read base address to set-up clock regs for read
486 lda 6,u Get year
487 sta ,y+
488 lda 4,u Get month
489 sta ,y+
490 lda 5,u Get day
491 sta ,y+
492 lda 1,u Get hour
493 sta ,y+
494 lda 2,u Get minute
495 sta ,y+
496 lda 3,u Get second
497 sta ,y+
499 puls cc,pc Re-enable interrupts
500 ENDC
501 *
502 *
503 * Software time update
504 *
505 *
507 IFNE RTCSoft
508 lda <D.Min grab current minute
509 inca minute+1
510 cmpa #60 End of hour?
511 blo UpdMin no, Set start of minute
512 ldd <D.Day get day, hour
513 incb hour+1
514 cmpb #24 End of Day?
515 blo UpdHour ..no
516 inca day+1
517 leax months-1,pcr point to months table with offset-1: Jan = +1
518 ldb <D.Month this month
519 cmpa b,x end of month?
520 bls UpdDay ..no, update the day
521 cmpb #2 yes, is it Feb?
522 bne NoLeap ..no, ok
523 ldb <D.Year else get year
524 andb #$03 check for leap year: good until 2099
525 cmpd #$1D00 29th on leap year?
526 beq UpdDay ..yes, skip it
527 NoLeap ldd <D.Year else month+1
528 incb month+1
529 cmpb #13 end of year?
530 blo UpdMonth ..no
531 inca year+1
532 ldb #$01 set month to jan
533 UpdMonth std <D.Year save year, month
534 lda #$01 day=1st
535 UpdDay clrb hour=midnite
536 UpdHour std <D.Day save day,hour
537 clra minute=00
538 UpdMin clrb seconds=00
539 std <D.Min save min,secs
540 UpdTExit rts
541 ENDC
543 months fcb 31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31 Days in each month
546 SetTime equ *
547 *
548 * Set Eliminator RTC from D.Time
549 *
550 IFNE RTCElim
551 pshs cc save interrupt status
552 orcc #IntMasks disable IRQs
553 ldx M$Mem,pcr get RTC base address from fake memory requirement
554 ldy #D.Time point [Y] to time variables in DP
555 ldd #$0B*256+RTC.Stop
556 bsr UpdatCk0 stop clock before setting it
557 ldb #RTC.Sped
558 bsr UpdatCk0 set crystal speed, output rate
559 bsr UpdatClk go set year
560 bsr UpdatClk go set month
561 bsr UpdatClk go set day of month
562 bsr UpdatCk0 go set day of week (value doesn't matter)
563 bsr UpdatCk0 go set hours alarm (value doesn't matter)
564 bsr UpdatClk go set hour
565 bsr UpdatCk0 go set minutes alarm (value doesn't matter)
566 bsr UpdatClk go set minute
567 bsr UpdatCk0 go set seconds alarm (value doesn't matter)
568 bsr UpdatClk go set second
569 ldd #$0B*256+RTC.Strt
570 bsr UpdatCk0 go start clock
571 puls cc Recover IRQ status
572 clrb
573 rts
575 UpdatClk ldb ,y+ get data from D.Time variables in DP
576 UpdatCk0 std ,x generate address strobe, save data
577 deca set [A] to next register down
578 rts
580 IFGT Level-1
581 * OS-9 Level Two code only (for now)
582 NewSvc fcb F$NVRAM Eliminator adds one new service call
583 fdb F.NVRAM-*-2
584 fcb $80 end of service call installation table
586 *------------------------------------------------------------
587 * read/write RTC Non Volatile RAM (NVRAM)
588 *
589 * INPUT: [U] = pointer to caller's register stack
590 * R$A = access mode (1 = read, 2 = write, other = error)
591 * R$B = byte count (1 through 50 here, but in other implementations
592 * may be 1 through 256 where 0 implies 256)
593 * R$X = address of buffer in user map
594 * R$Y = start address in NVRAM
595 *
596 * OUTPUT: RTC NVRAM read/written
597 *
598 * ERROR OUTPUT: [CC] = Carry set
599 * [B] = error code
600 F.NVRAM tfr u,y copy caller's register stack pointer
601 ldd #$0100 ask for one page
602 os9 F$SRqMem
603 bcs NVR.Exit go report error...
604 pshs y,u save caller's stack and data buffer pointers
605 ldx R$Y,y get NVRAM start address
606 cmpx #50 too high?
607 bhs Arg.Err yes, go return error...
608 ldb R$B,y get NVRAM byte count
609 beq Arg.Err
610 abx check end address
611 cmpx #50 too high?
612 bhi Arg.Err yes, go return error...
613 lda R$A,y get direction flag
614 cmpa #WRITE. put caller's data into NVRAM?
615 bne ChkRead no, go check if read...
616 clra [D]=byte count
617 pshs d save it...
618 ldx <D.Proc get caller's process descriptor address
619 lda P$Task,x caller is source task
620 ldb <D.SysTsk system is destination task
621 ldx R$X,y get caller's source pointer
622 puls y recover byte count
623 os9 F$Move go MOVE data
624 bcs NVR.Err
625 ldy ,s get caller's register stack pointer from stack
626 lda R$Y+1,y get NVRAM start address
627 adda #$0E add offset to first RTC NVRAM address
628 ldb R$B,y get byte count
629 ldx M$Mem,pcr get clock base address from fake memory requirement
630 pshs cc,b save IRQ enable status and byte counter
631 orcc #IntMasks disable IRQs
632 WrNVR.Lp ldb ,u+ get caller's data
633 std ,x generate RTC address strobe and save data to NVRAM
634 inca next NVRAM address
635 dec 1,s done yet?
636 bne WrNVR.Lp no, go save another byte
637 puls cc,b recover IRQ enable status and clean up stack
638 NVR.RtM puls y,u recover register stack & data buffer pointers
639 ldd #$0100 return one page
640 os9 F$SRtMem
641 NVR.Exit rts
643 Arg.Err ldb #E$IllArg Illegal Argument error
644 bra NVR.Err
646 ChkRead cmpa #READ. return NVRAM data to caller?
647 bne Arg.Err illegal access mode, go return error...
648 lda R$Y+1,y get NVRAM start address
649 adda #$0E add offset to first RTC NVRAM address
650 ldx M$Mem,pcr get clock base address from fake memory requirement
651 pshs cc,b save IRQ enable status and byte counter
652 orcc #IntMasks disable IRQs
653 RdNVR.Lp sta ,x generate RTC address strobe
654 ldb 1,x get NVRAM data
655 stb ,u+ save it to buffer
656 inca next NVRAM address
657 dec 1,s done yet?
658 bne RdNVR.Lp no, go get another byte
659 puls cc,a recover IRQ enable status, clean up stack ([A]=0)
660 ldb R$B,y [D]=byte count
661 pshs d save it...
662 ldx <D.Proc get caller's process descriptor address
663 ldb P$Task,x caller is source task
664 lda <D.SysTsk system is destination task
665 ldu R$X,y get caller's source pointer
666 puls y recover byte count
667 ldx 2,s get data buffer (source) pointer
668 os9 F$Move go MOVE data
669 bcc NVR.RtM
670 NVR.Err puls y,u recover caller's stack and data pointers
671 pshs b save error code
672 ldd #$0100 return one page
673 os9 F$SRtMem
674 comb set Carry for error
675 puls b,pc recover error code, return...
677 ENDC
678 ENDC
680 *
681 * Set Disto 2-in-1 RTC from Time variables
682 *
683 IFNE RTCDsto2
684 pshs a,cc
685 lbsr RTCPre Initialize
687 bsr SetVal Set Year
688 bsr SetVal Set Month
689 bsr SetVal Set Day
690 ldd #$0805 $08 in A, $05 in B
691 bsr SetVal1 Set Hour (OR value in A ($08) with hour)
692 bsr SetVal Set Minute
693 bsr SetVal Set Second
695 lbra RTCPost Clean up + return
697 SetVal clra
698 SetVal1 stb 2,x Set Clock address
699 decb
700 pshs b
701 ldb ,y+ Get current value
702 DvLoop subb #10 Get Tens digit in A, ones digit in B
703 bcs DvDone
704 inca
705 bra DvLoop
706 DvDone addb #10
707 sta ,x Store tens digit
708 tfr b,a
709 puls b Get back original clock address
710 stb 2,x
711 decb
712 sta ,x Store ones digit
713 rts
714 ENDC
716 *
717 * Set Disto 4-in-1 RTC from Time variables
718 *
719 IFNE RTCDsto4
720 pshs cc
721 orcc #IntMasks
723 IFNE MPIFlag
724 ldb >MPI.Slct Save currently selected MPak slot
725 pshs b
726 andb #$F0
727 orb >SlotSlct,pcr Get slot to select
728 stb >MPI.Slct Select MPak slot for clock
729 ENDC
731 ldy #D.Time+6
732 ldx M$Mem,pcr
733 clrb
734 bsr SetVal Set Second
735 bsr SetVal Set Minute
736 bsr SetVal Set Hour
737 bsr SetVal Set Day
738 bsr SetVal Set Month
739 bsr SetVal Set Year
741 IFNE MPIFlag
742 puls b Restore old MPAK slot
743 stb >MPI.Slct
744 ENDC
746 puls cc
747 clrb No error
748 rts
750 SetVal clr ,-s Create variable for tens digit
751 lda ,-y Get current value
752 DvLoop suba #10 Get Tens digit on stack, ones digit in A
753 bcs DvDone
754 inc ,s
755 bra DvLoop
756 DvDone adda #10
757 stb 1,x Set Clock address
758 incb
759 sta ,x Store ones digit
760 stb 1,x
761 incb
762 puls a
763 sta ,x Store tens digit
764 rts
765 ENDC
767 *
768 * Set B&B RTC from Time variables
769 *
771 pshs u,y,cc
772 leay SendBCD,pcr Send bytes of clock
773 lbra TfrTime
774 ENDC
776 *
777 * Set Harris 1770 RTC from Time variables
778 *
779 IFNE RTCHarrs
780 pshs cc
781 orcc #IntMasks Disable interrupts
783 ldu M$Mem,pcr Get base address
784 ldy #D.Time Pointer to time in system map
786 lda #%00000100 Init command register (Normal,Int. Disabled,
787 sta $11,u STOP clock,24-hour mode, 32kHz)
789 lda ,y+ Get year
790 sta 6,u
791 lda ,y+ Get month
792 sta 4,u
793 lda ,y+ Get day
794 sta 5,u
795 lda ,y+ Get hour
796 sta 1,u
797 lda ,y+ Get minute
798 sta 2,u
799 lda ,y Get second
800 sta 3,u
802 lda #%00001100 Init command register (Normal,Int. Disabled,
803 sta $11,u START clock,24-hour mode, 32kHz)
805 puls cc,pc Re-enable interrupts
806 ENDC
809 *
810 * RTC-specific initializations here
811 *
812 Init equ *
813 IFNE RTCDsto4
814 * Disto 4-N-1 RTC specific initialization
815 ldx M$Mem,pcr
816 ldd #$010F Set mode for RTC chip
817 stb 1,x
818 sta ,x
819 ldd #$0504
820 sta ,x
821 stb ,x
822 ENDC
824 IFNE RTCElim
825 IFGT Level-1
826 * Eliminator will install specific system calls
827 leay NewSvc,pcr insert syscalls
828 os9 F$SSvc
829 ENDC
830 ENDC
832 rts
834 emod
835 len equ *
836 end