1 ********************************************************************
2 * Emudsk - Virtual disk driver for CoCo emulators
3 *
4 * $Id$
5 *
6 * Ed. Comments Who YY/MM/DD
7 * ------------------------------------------------------------------
8 * 01 Modified to compile under OS9Source tjl 02/08/28
10 * EmuDisk floppy disk controller driver
11 * Edition #1
12 * 04/18/96 : Written from scratch by Alan DeKok
13 * aland@sandelman.ocunix.on.ca
14 *
15 * This program is Copyright (C) 1996 by Alan DeKok,
16 * All Rights Reserved.
17 * License is given to individuals for personal use only.
18 *
19 *
20 * Comments: Ensure that device descriptors mark it as a hard drive
21 *
22 *
23 * $FF80-$FF82: logical record number
24 LSN equ $FF80 where to put the logical sector number
26 *
27 * $FF83: command/status register.
28 * Output: 0=read, 1=write, 2=close.
29 * Input: 0=no error, non-zero=error codes (see below).
30 command equ $FF83 where to put the commands
32 *
33 * $FF84-$FF85: 6809's 16-bit buffer address (cannot cross an 8K boundary due
34 * to interference from the MMU emulation).
35 buffer equ $FF84 pointer to the buffer
37 *
38 * Returns:
39 *
40 * 0=successful
41 * 2=not enabled
42 * 4=too many MS-DOS files open,
43 * 5=access denied (virtual HD file locked by another program
44 * or MS-DOS read-only status)
45 * 6/12=internal error
46 * 254=invalid command byte
47 * 255=power-on state or closed.
48 *
49 * The "close" command just flushes all the read/write buffers and
50 * restores the metacontroller to its power-up state. The hard drive must be
51 * enabled by the user using the MS-DOS command "ECHO >COCO3.VHD" (another
52 * crash safeguard), so error code 2 indicates this has not been done.
55 nam EmuDsk
56 ttl os9 device driver
58 ifp1
59 use os9defs
60 use rbfdefs
61 endc
63 tylg set Drivr+Objct
64 atrv set ReEnt+rev
65 rev set $01
67 mod eom,name,tylg,atrv,start,size
68 fcb $ff
70 org 0
71 u0000 rmb $FF Normal RBF device mem for 4 drives
72 size equ .
74 fcb $FF This byte is the driver permissions
75 name fcs /EmuDsk/
76 fcb 1 edition #1
79 * Entry: Y=Ptr to device descriptor
80 * U=Ptr to device mem
81 *
82 * Default to only one drive supported, there's really no need for more.
83 INIT lda #$FF 'Invalid' value & # of drives
84 leax DRVBEG,u Point to start of drive tables
85 sta ,x DD.TOT MSB to bogus value
86 sta <V.TRAK,x Init current track # to bogus value
88 * for now, TERM routine goes here. Perhaps it should be pointing to the
89 * park routine? ... probably not.
91 GETSTA clrb no GetStt calls - return, no error, ignore
92 L0086 rts
94 start lbra INIT 3 bytes per entry to keep RBF happy
95 lbra READ
96 lbra WRITE
97 lbra GETSTA
98 lbra SETSTA
99 lbra TERM
101 * Entry: B:X = LSN
102 * Y = path dsc. ptr
103 * U = Device mem ptr
104 READ clra READ the sector
105 bsr GetSect Go read the sector, exiting if there's an error
106 tstb
107 bne GETSTA if not sector 0, return
108 leax ,x sets CC.Z bit
109 bne GETSTA if not sector zero, return
111 * LSN0, standard OS-9 format
112 * Actually, this isn't really necessary for a HD, as the information in
113 * LSN0 never changes after it's read in once. But we'll do it anyhow
114 ldx PD.BUF,y Get ptr to sector buffer
115 leau DRVBEG,u point to the beginning of the drive tables
116 ldb #DD.SIZ copy bytes over
117 copy.0 lda ,x+ grab from LSN0
118 sta ,u+ save into device static storage
119 decb
120 bne copy.0
121 clrb
122 rts
124 WRITE lda #$01 WRITE to emulator disk, and fall thru to GetSect
126 * Get Sector comes here with:
127 * Entry: A = read/write command code (0/1)
128 * B,X = LSN to read/write
129 * Y = path dsc. ptr
130 * U = Device static storage ptr
131 * Exit: A = error status from command register
132 GetSect tst <PD.DRV,y get drive number requested
133 bne DrivErr only one drive allowed, return error
135 pshs x,b save LSN for later
136 stb >LSN
137 stx >LSN+1
139 ldx PD.BUF,y where the 256-byte LSN should go
140 * Note: OS-9 allocates buffers from system memory on page boundaries, so
141 * the low byte of X should now be $00, ensuring that the sector is not
142 * falling over an 8K MMU block boundary.
144 stx >buffer set up the buffer address
145 sta >command get the emulator to blast over the sector
146 lda >command restore the error status
147 bne FixErr if non-zero, go fix the error and exit
148 puls b,x,pc restore LSN and exit
150 DrivErr leas 2,s kill address of calling routine (Read/Write)
151 comb
153 * ldb #E$ find appropriate error code...
154 ldb #E$NotRdy not ready
155 rts
157 * Emulator error codes translated to OS-9 error codes.
158 *
159 * 2=not enabled
160 * E$NotRDy - drive is not ready
161 *
162 * 4=too many MS-DOS files open,
163 * E$
164 *
165 * 5=access denied (virtual HD file locked by another program
166 * or MS-DOS read-only status)
167 * E$WP - write protect
168 *
169 * 6/12=internal error
170 * E$CRC - CRC error
171 *
172 * 254=invalid command byte
173 * E$
174 *
175 * 255=power-on state or closed.
176 * E$NotRdy - drive is not ready
177 *
178 FixErr leas 5,s kill B,X,PC from GetSect routine
179 cmpa #02
180 beq NotRdy
181 cmpa #255
182 beq NotRdy
183 cmpa #5
184 beq WP
185 cmpa #6
186 beq CRC
187 cmpa #12
188 beq CRC
190 * if it's something we don't recognize, it's a seek error
191 comb
192 ldb #E$Seek seek error
193 rts
195 NotRdy comb
196 ldb #E$NotRdy not ready
197 rts
199 WP comb
200 ldb #E$WP write protect
201 rts
203 CRC comb
204 ldb #E$CRC CRC error
205 rts
207 L03D4 comb
208 ldb #E$Write write error
209 rts
212 L03E0 comb
213 ldb #E$Read Read error
214 rts
216 SETSTA ldx PD.RGS,y Get caller's register stack ptr
217 ldb R$B,x Get function code
218 cmpb #SS.WTrk Write track?
219 beq format Yes, ignore it
220 cmpb #SS.Reset Restore head to track 0?
221 beq format Yes, ignore it
222 cmpb #SS.SQD sequence down the drive (i.e. park it)?
223 beq park
224 comb set carry for error
225 ldb #E$UnkSvc return illegal service request error
226 rts
228 park ldb #$02 close the drive
229 stb >command save in command register
231 format clrb ignore physical formats. They're not
232 rts necessary
234 emod
236 eom equ *