1 **************************************************
2 * System Call: F$VModul
3 *
4 * Function: Verify a module
5 *
6 * Input: X = Address of module to verify
7 *
8 * Output: U = Address of module directory entry
9 *
10 * Error: CC = C bit set; B = error code
11 *
12 FVModul pshs u preserve register stack pointer
13 ldx R$X,u get block offset
14 ldy R$D,u get DAT image pointer
15 bsr L0463 validate it
16 ldx ,s get register stack pointer
17 stu R$U,x save address of module directory entry
18 puls u,pc restore & return
20 * Validate module - shortcut for calls within OS9p1 go here (ex. OS9Boot)
21 * Entry: X=Module block offset
22 * Y=Module DAT image pointer
23 L0463 pshs x,y save block offset & DAT Image ptr
24 lbsr L0586 Go check module ID & header parity
25 bcs L0495 Error, exit
26 ldd #M$Type Get offset to module type
27 lbsr L0B02 get it
28 andb #LangMask Just keep language mask
29 pshs d Preserve ??? & language
30 ldd #M$Name get offset to module name
31 lbsr L0B02
32 leax d,x Point X to module name
33 puls a Restore type/language
34 lbsr L068D
35 puls a
36 bcs L0497
37 andb #$0F
38 IFNE H6309
39 subr a,b
41 pshs a
42 subb ,s+
44 blo L0497 If wrapped, skip ahead
45 ldb #E$KwnMod
46 fcb $8C skip 2 bytes
47 L0491 ldb #E$DirFul
48 L0493 orcc #Carry
49 L0495 puls x,y,pc
51 L0497 ldx ,s
52 lbsr L0524
53 bcs L0491
54 sty ,u
55 stx MD$MPtr,u
56 IFNE H6309
57 clrd
59 clra
60 clrb
62 std MD$Link,u
63 ldd #M$Size Get offset to size of module
64 lbsr L0B02
65 IFNE H6309
66 addr x,d Add it to module ptr
68 pshs x
69 addd ,s++
71 std MD$MBSiz,u
72 ldy [MD$MPDAT,u] get pointer to module DAT
73 ldx <D.ModDir get module directory pointer
74 pshs u save module pointer
75 fcb $8C skip 2 bytes
77 L04BC leax MD$ESize,x move to next entry
78 L04BE cmpx <D.ModEnd
79 bcc L04CD
80 cmpx ,s match?
81 beq L04BC no, keep looking
82 cmpy [MD$MPDAT,x] DAT match?
83 bne L04BC no, keep looking
84 bsr L04F2
86 L04CD puls u
87 ldx <D.BlkMap Get ptr to block map
88 ldd MD$MBSiz,u Get size of module
89 addd #$1FFF Round up to nearest 8K block
90 lsra Divide by 32
91 lsra
92 lsra
93 lsra
94 lsra
95 ldy MD$MPDAT,u
97 IFNE H6309
98 tfr a,e
99 L04DE ldd ,y++
100 oim #ModBlock,d,x
101 dece
102 ELSE
103 L04DE pshs a,x save block size, blkmap
104 ldd ,y++ D = image block #
105 leax d,x X = blkmap ptr
106 ldb ,x get block marker
107 orb #ModBlock set module in block
108 stb ,x marker
109 puls x,a
110 deca count--
111 ENDC
112 bne L04DE no, keep going
114 clrb clear carry
115 puls x,y,pc return
117 L04F2 pshs d,x,y,u
118 ldx ,x
120 IFNE H6309
121 tfr x,w Dupe to faster index register
122 clrd
123 L04FA ldy ,w
124 beq L0503
125 std ,w++
126 bra L04FA
127 L0503 ldy 2,s
128 ELSE
129 pshs x
130 clra D=0000
131 clrb
132 L04FA ldy ,x last entry?
133 beq L0503 ..yes
134 std ,x++ no, clear
135 bra L04FA and loop
136 L0503 puls x
137 ldy 2,s
138 ENDC
140 ldu MD$MPDAT,u
141 puls d
143 L050C cmpx MD$MPDAT,y
144 bne L051B
145 stu MD$MPDAT,y
146 cmpd MD$MBSiz,y
147 bcc L0519
148 ldd MD$MBSiz,y
149 L0519 std MD$MBSiz,y
150 L051B leay MD$ESize,y
151 cmpy <D.ModEnd
152 bne L050C
153 puls x,y,u,pc
155 L0524 pshs x,y,u
156 ldd #M$Size
157 lbsr L0B02
158 addd ,s
159 addd #$1FFF
160 lsra
161 lsra
162 lsra
163 lsra
164 lsra
165 tfr a,b
166 pshs b
167 * incb
168 comb one byte shorter than incb;lslg;negb
169 lslb
170 * negb
171 sex
172 bsr L054E
173 bcc L054C
174 os9 F$GCMDir get rid of empty slots in module directory
175 IFNE H6309
176 tfr 0,u
177 ELSE
178 ldu #$0000
179 ENDC
180 stu $05,s
181 bsr L054E
182 L054C puls b,x,y,u,pc
184 L054E ldx <D.ModDAT
185 leax d,x
186 cmpx <D.ModEnd
187 bcs S.Poll
188 ldu 7,s
189 bne L056E
190 ldy <D.ModEnd
191 leay MD$ESize,y
192 IFNE H6309
193 cmpr x,y
194 ELSE
195 pshs x
196 cmpy ,s++
197 ENDC
198 bhi S.Poll
199 sty <D.ModEnd
200 leay -MD$ESize,y
201 sty $07,s
202 L056E stx <D.ModDAT
203 IFNE H6309
204 ldd $05,s Get source ptr
205 stx $05,s
206 ldf 2,s
207 clre
208 rolw
209 tfm d+,x+
210 stw ,x Save 0
211 ELSE
212 ldy 5,s
213 ldb 2,s B=block count
214 stx 5,s return dir datimg ptr
215 L0577 ldu ,y++ copy images
216 stu ,x++ to new mod dat entry
217 decb
218 bne L0577
219 clr ,x zero flag
220 clr 1,x
221 ENDC
222 rts
224 * Default interrupt handling routine on first booting OS9p1
225 S.Poll orcc #Carry
226 rts
228 * Check module ID & calculate module header parity & CRC
229 * Entry: X=Block offset of module
230 * Y=DAT image pointer of module
231 L0586 pshs x,y save block offset & DAT pointer
232 IFNE H6309
233 clrd
234 ELSE
235 clra
236 clrb
237 ENDC
238 lbsr L0B02 get module ID
239 cmpd #M$ID12 legal module?
240 beq L0597 yes, calculate header parity
241 ldb #E$BMID get bad module ID error
242 bra L05F3 return error
243 * Calculate module header parity
244 L0597 leax 2,x point to start location of header calc
245 lbsr AdjBlk0 adjust it for block 0
246 IFNE H6309
247 ldw #($4A*256+M$Revs) Get initial value & count (7 bytes of header)
248 L05A2 lbsr LDAXY get a byte from module
249 eorr a,e add it into running parity
250 decf done full header?
251 bne L05A2 no, keep going
252 ince valid parity?
253 ELSE
254 leas -1,s make var
255 ldd #($4A*256+M$Revs) Get initial value & count (7 bytes of header)
256 L05A2 sta ,s save crc
257 lbsr LDAXY get next byte
258 eora ,s do crc
259 decb more?
260 bne L05A2 ..loop
261 leas 1,s drop var
262 inca $FF+1 = 00
263 ENDC
264 beq L05B5 yes, skip ahead
265 ldb #E$BMHP get module header parity error
266 bra L05F3 return with error
267 L05B5 puls x,y restore module pointer & DAT pointer
268 * this checks if the module CRC checking is on or off
269 lda <D.CRC is CRC checking on?
270 bne L05BA yes - go check it
271 IFNE H6309
272 clrd no, clear out
273 ELSE
274 clra
275 clrb
276 ENDC
277 rts and return
278 * Begin checking Module CRC
279 * Entry: X=Module pointer
280 * Y=DAT image pointer of module
281 L05BA ldd #M$Size get offset to module size
282 lbsr L0B02 get module size
283 IFNE H6309
284 tfr d,w move length to W
285 pshs y,x preserve [X]=Buffer pointer,[Y]=DAT pointer
286 ELSE
287 pshs y,x,b,a preserve [X]=Buffer pointer,[Y]=DAT pointer
288 ENDC
289 ldd #$FFFF initial CRC value of $FFFFFF
290 pshs d set up local 24 bit variable
291 pshs b
292 lbsr AdjBlk0 adjust module pointer into block 0 for mapping
293 leau ,s point to CRC accumulator
294 * Loop: W=# bytes left to use in CRC calc
295 L05CB equ *
296 IFNE H6309
297 tstf on 256 byte boundary?
298 ELSE
299 tstb
300 ENDC
301 bne L05D8 no, keep going
302 pshs x give up some time to system
303 ldx #1
304 os9 F$Sleep
305 puls x restore module pointer
306 L05D8 lbsr LDAXY get a byte from module into A
307 bsr CRCCalc add it to running CRC
308 IFNE H6309
309 decw Dec # bytes left to calculate CRC with
310 ELSE
311 ldd 3,s
312 subd #$0001
313 std 3,s
314 ENDC
315 bne L05CB Still more, continue
316 IFNE H6309
317 puls b,x yes, restore CRC
318 ELSE
319 puls b,x,y yes, restore CRC
320 ENDC
321 cmpb #CRCCon1 CRC MSB match constant?
322 bne L05F1 no, exit with error
323 cmpx #CRCCon23 LSW match constant?
324 beq L05F5 yes, skip ahead
325 L05F1 ldb #E$BMCRC Bad Module CRC error
326 L05F3 orcc #Carry Set up for error
327 L05F5 puls x,y,pc exit
329 * Calculate 24 bit CRC
330 * Entry: A=Byte to add to CRC
331 * U=Pointer to 24 bit CRC accumulator
332 *
333 * Future reference note: Do not use W unless preserved, contains module
334 * byte counts from routines that come here!!
335 CRCCalc eora ,u
336 pshs a
337 ldd 1,u
338 std ,u
339 clra
340 ldb ,s
341 IFNE H6309
342 lsld
343 ELSE
344 aslb
345 rola
346 ENDC
347 eora 1,u
348 std 1,u
349 clrb
350 lda ,s
351 IFNE H6309
352 lsrd
353 lsrd
354 eord 1,u
355 ELSE
356 lsra
357 rorb
358 lsra
359 rorb
360 eora 1,u
361 eorb 2,u
362 ENDC
363 std 1,u
364 lda ,s
365 lsla
366 eora ,s
367 sta ,s
368 lsla
369 lsla
370 eora ,s
371 sta ,s
372 lsla
373 lsla
374 lsla
375 lsla
376 eora ,s+
377 bpl L0635
378 IFNE H6309
379 eim #$80,,u
380 eim #$21,2,u
381 ELSE
382 ldd #$8021
383 eora ,u
384 sta ,u
385 eorb 2,u
386 stb 2,u
387 ENDC
388 L0635 rts
391 **************************************************
392 * System Call: F$CRC
393 *
394 * Function: Compute CRC
395 *
396 * Input: X = Address to start computation
397 * Y = Byte count
398 * U = Address of 3 byte CRC accumulator
399 *
400 * Output: CRC accumulator is updated
401 *
402 * Error: CC = C bit set; B = error code
403 *
404 FCRC ldd R$Y,u get # bytes to do
405 beq L0677 nothing there, so nothing to do, return
406 ldx R$X,u get caller's buffer pointer
407 pshs d,x save # bytes & buffer pointer
408 leas -3,s allocate a 3 byte buffer
409 ldx <D.Proc point to current process descriptor
410 lda P$Task,x get its task number
411 ldb <D.SysTsk get the system task number
412 ldx R$U,u point to user's 24 bit CRC accumulator
413 ldy #3 number of bytes to move
414 leau ,s point to our temp buffer
415 pshs d,x,y save [D]=task #'s,[X]=Buff,[Y]=3
416 lbsr L0B2C move CRC accumulator to temp buffer
417 ldx <D.Proc point to current process descriptor
418 leay <P$DATImg,x point to its DAT image
419 ldx 11,s restore the buffer pointer
420 lbsr AdjBlk0 make callers buffer visible
421 IFNE H6309
422 ldw 9,s get byte count
423 ENDC
424 L065D lbsr LDAXY get byte from callers buffer
425 bsr CRCCalc add it to CRC
426 IFNE H6309
427 decw done?
428 ELSE
429 ldd 9,s
430 subd #$0001
431 std 9,s
432 ENDC
433 bne L065D no, keep going
434 puls d,x,y restore pointers
435 exg a,b swap around the task numbers
436 exg x,u and the pointers
437 lbsr L0B2C move accumulator back to user
438 leas 7,s clean up stack
439 L0677 clrb no error
440 rts