1 *************************************************************************
2 *
3 * Buffered input routines
4 *
5 * I_Open - Opens file. X -> filename, A has permissions
6 * I_Read - Read Y bytes from file into [X]
7 * I_GetByte - Returns one byte from file in A.
8 * I_Close - Closes file.
9 * I_Size - returns file size, truncated to $FFFF
10 *
11 * Terminal output routines
12 *
13 * O_Write - Uses I$WritLn to output null-terminated string.
14 *
15 * Note: as with OS9 I$ system calls, all calls return Carry clear if
16 * no error. If there is an error, Carry is set, and the error code is in B
17 *
18 * Global var:
19 * FilePos: 2-byte total number of bytes returned by I_Read or I_GetByte
20 *
21 *************************************************************************
23 ifp1
24 use os9defs.a
25 endc
27 StdIn equ 0
28 StdOut equ 1
29 StdErr equ 2
31 psect View_IO_a,0,0,0,0,0
34 vsect dp
35 FilePos: rmb 2 Current File position
36 Buffsize rmb 2 Size of buffer area
37 Buffer rmb 2 Start of buffer
38 Buffstart rmb 2 Start of data in buffer
39 Buffend rmb 2 End of data in buffer
40 Path rmb 1 Path number of file
41 errorno rmb 1 Last error number.
42 endsect
44 *
45 * Open file, initialize buffering
46 *
47 I_Open:
48 pshs x,a,b
49 clr errorno
50 ldd <MemSiz Use as much memory as is free.
51 cmpd <MaxBuff But in no case use more than MaxBuff space.
52 blo IO1
53 ldd <MaxBuff
54 IO1
55 std Buffsize
56 ldx <MemTop Buffer starts at MemTop
57 stx Buffer
58 stx Buffend
59 stx Buffstart
60 leax d,x
61 stx <MemTop Move MemTop up
62 pshs d
63 ldd <MemSiz Decrease MemSiz accordingly
64 subd ,s++
65 std <MemSiz
66 puls x,a,b
67 cmpx #0000
68 bne IO2
69 lda #StdIn
70 bra IO3
71 IO2
72 os9 I$Open
73 bcs IOexit
74 IO3
75 sta Path
76 IOexit
77 rts
79 *
80 * Return Y bytes from input file, to [X]
81 *
82 I_Read:
83 cmpy #0
84 beq _I_R_quit
85 tst errorno If there's an error from the last operation,
86 beq _I_Read return that as an error code.
87 ldb errorno
88 orcc #Carry Set carry.
89 _I_R_quit
90 rts
92 _I_Read
93 pshs a,b,x,u
94 pshs x Extra copy of initial pointer, for final calculation
95 IR_Again
96 ldu Buffstart Get start of data
97 IR_Loop
98 cmpu Buffend Is this the end?
99 bne IR_go
100 bsr fillBuff Yes, fill buffer from file
101 bcc IR_Again
102 stb errorno store error if any
103 andcc #^Carry clear carry
104 bra IR_exit return
105 IR_go
106 lda ,u+ move one byte
107 sta ,x+
108 leay -1,y Does this fill the request?
109 bne IR_Loop No, keep going.
110 andcc #^Carry
111 IR_exit
112 pshs cc Save condition codes, especially Carry
113 stu Buffstart Save new start of buffer
114 tfr x,d Calculate number of bytes copied.
115 subd 1,s
116 tfr d,y Y has number of bytes copied
117 addd FilePos Update FilePos counter.
118 std FilePos
119 puls cc Restore CC
120 puls d Clean up stack.
121 puls a,b,x,u,pc
124 *
125 * Return a single byte from input file, return in A
126 *
127 I_GetByte:
128 tst errorno If there's an error from the last operation,
129 beq _I_GetByte return that as an error code.
130 ldb errorno
131 orcc #Carry Set carry.
132 rts
133 _I_GetByte
134 pshs x,b
135 ldx Buffstart Get start of data
136 cmpx Buffend Is this the end?
137 bne IG_go
138 bsr fillBuff Yes, fill buffer from file
139 bcc IG_go
140 stb errorno store error if any
141 andcc #^Carry clear carry
142 bra IG_exit return
143 IG_go
144 ldx Buffstart
145 lda ,x+ move one byte
146 stx Buffstart
147 ldx FilePos
148 leax 1,x
149 stx FilePos
150 andcc #^Carry
151 IG_exit
152 puls b,x,pc
154 fillBuff
155 pshs a,x,y
156 lda Path
157 ldy Buffsize Maximum number of characters we can buffer
158 ldx Buffer Location of buffer
159 stx Buffstart First char in buffer
160 os9 I$Read
161 bcs fillexit
162 pshs b
163 tfr y,d
164 leax d,x
165 stx Buffend Set end of buffer
166 puls b
167 andcc #^Carry
168 fillexit
169 puls a,x,y,pc
171 *
172 * Close input file
173 *
174 I_Close:
175 pshs a
176 lda Path
177 os9 I$Close
178 puls a,pc
180 *
181 * Return size of file in D (truncated to $ffff)
182 *
183 I_Size:
184 pshs x,u
185 lda Path
186 ldb #SS.Size
187 os9 I$GetStt
188 bcs ISexit
189 tfr u,d
190 cmpx #0000 Is top 16 bits = 0000 ??
191 beq ISexit
192 ldd #$ffff No, return file size = $ffff
193 ISexit
194 puls x,u,pc
196 *
197 * Input: X points to null-terminated string, possibly containing embedded
198 * CR characters.
199 * String is output to StdOut, with full line editing a la I$WritLn
200 *
201 O_Write:
202 pshs a,x,y
203 pshs x
204 ldy #0
205 lda ,x+
206 beq OWexit
207 OWloop
208 leay 1,y
209 lda ,x+
210 bne OWloop
211 ldx ,s
213 OWloop1
214 sty ,s
215 lda #StdOut
216 os9 I$WritLn
217 bcs OWexit
218 pshs y
219 ldd ,s
220 leax d,x
221 ldd 2,s
222 subd ,s++
223 tfr d,y
224 bne OWloop1
226 OWokay
227 andcc #^Carry
228 OWexit
229 puls x
230 puls a,x,y,pc
232 endsect