1 *
2 *
3 * SUBS for pix picture format
4 *
5 * PIXshowpic -- Displays picture, using putline routine
6 *
7 *
9 check macro
10 pshs b,cc
11 ldb #\1
12 os9 F$PErr
13 puls b,cc
14 endm
16 ifp1
17 use os9defs.a
18 endc
20 psect view_pix_a,0,0,0,0,0
22 vsect dp
23 pixfirstcol: rmb 2
24 pictwidth rmb 2
25 linesize rmb 2
26 linecount rmb 2
27 updown rmb 2
28 pixsize rmb 2
29 endsect
31 PIXshowpic:
32 bsr header Get header info
33 lbsr setscreen Set up screen
34 lbsr setpals Set up palettes
35 lbsr setvert Set up Get/Put Buffer
36 std linesize Store size of line in bytes.
38 lbsr getline
39 ldd #0
40 std updown
41 showpicloop
42 std linecount
44 ldd updown If necessary, get a new line
45 cmpd pictwidth
46 blo spl1
47 lbsr getline
48 subd pictwidth Subtract 640.
49 std updown
50 spl1
52 * Now, dither it and put it on the screen
53 leax altbuff,y Read from altbuff
54 leau linebuff,y ... into linebuff.
55 ldd linesize
56 lbsr pixditherline
58 ldd updown Add 256 to count.
59 addd pixsize
60 std updown
62 ldd linecount
63 addd #1
64 cmpd pictwidth
65 bne showpicloop
67 lbsr endvert Trash Get/Put buffer.
69 rts
71 *
72 * read header info from file, and set window type information
73 *
74 vsect dp
75 endoffile fcb 0
76 double fcb 0 T=128x128, so we need to double things
77 count rmb 1 Counts down lines
78 endsect
81 header
82 pshs a,b,x,y,u
83 lda <format
84 cmpa #PIX256Format Is this definitely 256x256?
85 beq headbig
86 cmpa #PIX128Format Is it definitely 128x128?
87 beq headsmall
88 lbsr I_Size If neither of those was specified, let's try to use file size
89 lbcs _error to determine the format.
90 cmpd #10000 If it's over 10000 bytes, we'll take it as 256x256
91 bhi headbig Yes, treat it as a 256x256.
92 com double Otherwise, treat it as a 128x128 picture.
93 headsmall
94 ldd #128
95 std pixsize
96 bra headend
97 headbig
98 ldd #256
99 std pixsize
100 headend
101 * Set screen type
102 lda #7
103 sta <type
104 * Set some miscellaneous variables
105 lda #0
106 sta <cyclestart
107 sta <cycleend
108 * Set palettes
109 leax ourpals,pcr
110 leau palette,y
111 ldd ,x++
112 std ,u++
113 ldd ,x++
114 std ,u++
115 * Set Skiplines default
116 ldd <Skiplines
117 cmpd #$ffff
118 bne head27
119 ldd #20
120 std <Skiplines
121 head27
122 cmpd #64 Is it too big?
123 blo head28
124 ldd #64
125 std <Skiplines
126 head28
127 * Set Size default to BIG
128 lda <Size
129 bpl headsize
130 lda #1
131 sta <Size
132 headsize
133 * Set picture width
134 ldd #600 Default picture width
135 tst <Size
136 bne head30
137 ldd #450 width for fitted picture
138 head30
139 std pictwidth
140 * Set the first column to (640-pictwidth)/2
141 ldd #640
142 subd pictwidth
143 lsra
144 rorb
145 andb #$fc Force it to a multiple of 4 for put speed
146 std pixfirstcol
148 puls a,b,x,y,u,pc
150 ourpals fcb 0,7,56,63
152 *
153 * Getline
154 *
155 getline
156 pshs a,b,x,y,u
157 * First, fill buffers with all zeros
158 leau alt2buff,y
159 leax altbuff,y
160 ldb #200
161 getline3
162 clr ,u+
163 clr ,x+
164 decb
165 bne getline3
166 * If at end of file, leave it that way
167 tst endoffile
168 bne getline1
169 * Get a line into alt2buff
170 leax alt2buff,y
171 pshs y
172 ldd pixsize
173 lsra
174 rorb
175 tfr d,y Number of bytes is 1/2 picture size
176 lbsr I_Read
177 puls y
178 lbcc getline2
179 cmpb #E$EOF
180 bne getline4
181 com endoffile
182 getline2
183 * Now, expand it into altbuff
184 leax alt2buff,y
185 leau altbuff,y
186 ldd #128 Get number of bytes in altbuff to expand into D.
187 tst double If we're doubling, only expand half as many bytes.
188 beq getline21
189 lsra
190 rorb
191 getline21
192 bsr expandline
193 bsr scrunchline Scrunch it down to 192 pixels.
194 bra getline1
195 * Error exit point
196 getline4
197 lbra _error If not EOF, just exit with error.
198 getline1
199 puls a,b,x,y,u,pc
201 *
202 * Expand line by nybbles.
203 *
204 * Take buffer [X], copy each nybble to a separate byte in [U].
205 * Number of bytes in [X] is in D.
206 *
207 expandline
208 pshs a,b,x,y,u
209 tfr d,y
210 expand1
211 lda ,x+
212 tfr a,b
213 andb #$0f
214 lsra
215 lsra
216 lsra
217 lsra
218 tst <double
219 beq expand2
220 sta ,u+
221 sta ,u+
222 stb ,u+
223 stb ,u+
224 bra expand3
225 expand2
226 std ,u++
227 expand3
228 leay -1,y
229 bne expand1
230 puls a,b,x,y,u,pc
232 *
233 * Take data in altbuff, and either remove bytes to "fit" it down to
234 * 192 bytes, or remove "Skiplines" number from beginning.
235 scrunchline
236 pshs a,b,x,y,u
237 leax altbuff,y
238 tfr x,u
239 tst <Size
240 bne scrbegin
241 * Fit the data into 192 bytes
242 ldb #192
243 scrloop
244 lda ,u+ Take 4 bytes, and copy 3 of them.
245 sta ,x+
246 lda ,u+
247 sta ,x+
248 lda ,u+
249 sta ,x+
250 lda ,u+
251 subb #3
252 bne scrloop
253 bra scrend
254 * Remove bytes from beginning.
255 scrbegin
256 ldd <Skiplines
257 leau d,u
258 ldb #192
259 scrloop2
260 lda ,u+
261 sta ,x+
262 decb
263 bne scrloop2
264 scrend
265 puls a,b,x,y,u,pc
267 endsect