1 /*
2 * SetMap - Palette creator for ViewGIF 2.0
3 * These routines are the heart of the color analysis. They take the
4 * global bitmap and, based on the dithering factor, produce a CoCo color
5 * palette.
6 */
8 #include "viewgif.h"
10 int toler2(), exact();
11 bool nearcolor();
13 /*
14 * setmap() -- determine whether, given the specified dithering factor,
15 * there are CLUTs for the screens we've been told to use that will let
16 * us come reasonably close to representing the colors in the GIF image.
17 * We change the semantics from the original version, returning FALSE
18 * if not all the CLUT etnries can be fit in, or TRUE if they all work.
19 *
20 * Method: look for approximations to each color in use in terms of colors
21 * already in the CLUTs. If none is close enough, then add the color
22 * (or some decomposition thereof, in the multiple screen case) to the
23 * CLUTs. If there's no room left to add the color, we return FALSE.
24 *
25 * Note: we're trying to trade space for speed in the innermost loop of
26 * doline() by always leaving an end marker, avoiding double testing in
27 * said loop. We'll see how it works out.
28 */
29 bool
30 setmap()
31 {
32 rgbcolor next;
33 register int add;
34 register rgbcolor *gcscan;
35 register xlate *trscan;
36 int numtrans, tolrnce, x, uplim, lowlim;
38 /* should be a loop if we really do change NSCREENS */
39 screen[0].clutsize = screen[1].clutsize = 0;
41 lowlim = low0;
42 uplim = up0;
44 if (dfactor > 0) {
45 tolrnce = 0;
46 lowlim -= dfactor;
47 } else
48 tolrnce = -dfactor;
50 if (dfactor > (int) flicker)
51 uplim += dfactor;
53 for (gcscan = globclut, x = 0; x < globcolors; gcscan++, x++) {
54 if (coloruse[x]) {
55 numtrans = 0;
56 trscan = &transtab[x][0];
57 for (add = lowlim; add < uplim; add = minadd(gcscan, add)) {
58 trscan->addval = add;
59 addoff(&next, gcscan, add);
60 if (!(*approx)(&next, trscan, tolrnce))
61 return FALSE;
62 if (++numtrans > 4)
63 fatal("BUG: numtrans>4");
64 trscan++;
65 }
66 /* mark end of transtab entries for this color */
67 trscan->addval = BOGUSDITH;
68 }
69 }
70 return TRUE;
71 }
73 addoff(color, color0, offset)
74 register BYTE *color, *color0;
75 int offset;
76 {
77 register int accum, x;
79 for (x = 3; --x >= 0; ) {
80 if ((accum = arith(*color0++) + offset) > 0xff)
81 accum = 0xff;
82 *color++ = accum;
83 }
84 }
86 /*
87 * approx1() -- the approximation seeker if there's only one screen
88 */
89 bool
90 approx1(goal, trans, toler)
91 rgbcolor *goal;
92 xlate *trans;
93 int toler;
94 {
95 register rgbcolor *cscan, *nearest;
96 int x, mintoler, tv;
98 mintoler = toler + 1;
99 nearest = NULL;
100 for (cscan = screen[0].clut, x = screen[0].clutsize; --x >= 0; cscan++) {
101 if ((tv = tolerval(cscan, goal)) < mintoler) {
102 nearest = cscan;
103 if ((mintoler = tv) == 0)
104 break;
105 }
106 }
108 if (nearest == NULL) {
109 if (++screen[0].clutsize > MCCLUT)
110 return FALSE;
111 cscan->red = arith(goal->red) / SCALE1;
112 cscan->green = arith(goal->green) / SCALE1;
113 cscan->blue = arith(goal->blue) / SCALE1;
114 nearest = cscan;
115 }
116 trans->clutval[0] = nearest - screen[0].clut;
117 return TRUE;
118 }
120 /*
121 * approx2() -- a two-screen approximator
122 *
123 * The general idea here takes multiple passes:
124 * 1. Iterate over sums of pairs of colors taken one from each screen.
125 * 2. If that fails, then for each screen, try adding something that
126 * should come close with each of the colors in the CLUT for the
127 * other screen. (Try it with the smallest CLUT first, to save space.)
128 * 3. If *that* fails, extend both CLUTs with the new color (at half
129 * intensity).
130 *
131 * Since in step 1, which one would think eats the most time, viewgif was
132 * making repeated calls to nearcolor(), we've switched over to keeping
133 * a table remembering which colors in the palettes are near as determined
134 * by nearcolor(). (Donald Michie would be proud of us.)
135 */
137 static bool neartab[MCCLUT][MCCLUT];
139 #define ROW 1
140 #define COLUMN 2
142 bool
143 approx2(goal, trans, toler)
144 rgbcolor *goal;
145 xlate *trans;
146 int toler;
147 {
148 register int c1, c0;
149 rgbcolor *scan0, *scan1, *near0, *near1;
150 cocoscreen *extend, *exam, *temp;
151 int (*tolfun)();
152 char *near_row;
153 rgbcolor scalergb;
154 int mintoler, tv;
155 int x;
156 bool found;
158 scalergb.red = arith(goal->red) / SCALE2;
159 scalergb.green = arith(goal->green) / SCALE2;
160 scalergb.blue = arith(goal->blue) / SCALE2;
162 if (toler > 0)
163 tolfun = toler2;
164 else {
165 goal = &scalergb;
166 tolfun = exact;
167 }
169 found = FALSE;
170 mintoler = toler + 1;
172 for (scan0 = &screen[0].clut[c0 = screen[0].clutsize];
173 scan0--, --c0 >= 0; )
174 {
175 near_row = neartab[c0];
176 for (c1 = screen[1].clutsize; --c1 >= 0; ) {
177 if (near_row[c1]) {
178 scan1 = &screen[1].clut[c1];
179 if ((tv = (*tolfun)(scan0, scan1, goal)) < mintoler) {
180 near0 = scan0;
181 near1 = scan1;
182 found = TRUE;
183 if ((mintoler = tv) == 0)
184 goto out;
185 }
186 }
187 }
188 }
190 out:
191 if (!found) {
192 if (screen[1].clutsize < screen[0].clutsize) {
193 extend = &screen[1];
194 exam = &screen[0];
195 } else {
196 extend = &screen[0];
197 exam = &screen[1];
198 }
199 for (x = 2; --x >= 0; ) {
200 if (extend->clutsize < MCCLUT) {
201 near0 = &extend->clut[extend->clutsize];
202 for (scan1 = &exam->clut[c1 = exam->clutsize];
203 scan1--, --c1 >= 0; )
204 {
205 forcenear(near0, scan1, &scalergb);
206 if ((tv = (*tolfun)(near0, scan1, goal)) < mintoler) {
207 near1 = scan1;
208 found = TRUE;
209 if ((mintoler = tv) == 0)
210 break;
211 }
212 }
213 if (found)
214 break;
215 }
216 temp = extend;
217 extend = exam;
218 exam = temp;
219 }
221 if (found) {
222 if (mintoler > 0)
223 forcenear(near0, near1, &scalergb);
224 extend->clutsize++;
225 if (extend == &screen[0])
226 nearfill(ROW);
227 else {
228 temp = (cocoscreen *) near0;
229 near0 = near1;
230 near1 = (rgbcolor *) temp;
231 nearfill(COLUMN);
232 }
233 } else {
234 if (screen[0].clutsize >= MCCLUT ||
235 screen[1].clutsize >= MCCLUT)
236 return FALSE;
237 near0 = &screen[0].clut[screen[0].clutsize++];
238 near0->red = arith(scalergb.red) / 2;
239 near0->green = arith(scalergb.green) / 2;
240 near0->blue = arith(scalergb.blue) / 2;
241 near1 = &screen[1].clut[screen[1].clutsize++];
242 near1->red = (arith(scalergb.red) + 1) / 2;
243 near1->green = (arith(scalergb.green) + 1) / 2;
244 near1->blue = (arith(scalergb.blue) + 1) / 2;
245 nearfill(ROW | COLUMN);
246 }
247 }
248 trans->clutval[0] = near0 - screen[0].clut;
249 trans->clutval[1] = near1 - screen[1].clut;
250 return TRUE;
251 }
253 nearfill(section)
254 int section;
255 {
256 register int i, j;
257 rgbcolor *newrgb;
259 if (section & ROW) {
260 newrgb = &screen[0].clut[j = screen[0].clutsize - 1];
261 for (i = screen[1].clutsize; --i >= 0; )
262 neartab[j][i] = nearcolor(newrgb, &screen[1].clut[i]);
263 }
264 if (section & COLUMN) {
265 newrgb = &screen[1].clut[j = screen[1].clutsize - 1];
266 for (i = screen[0].clutsize; --i >= 0; )
267 neartab[i][j] = nearcolor(&screen[0].clut[i], newrgb);
268 }
269 }
271 /*
272 * nearcolor() -- tell approx2() whether two colors are close enough
273 * to be considered for approximate summation to a color in the GIF CLUT.
274 */
275 bool
276 nearcolor(c1, c2)
277 register rgbcolor *c1, *c2;
278 {
279 return abs(arith(c2->red) - arith(c1->red)) < 2 &&
280 abs(arith(c2->green) - arith(c1->green)) < 2 &&
281 abs(arith(c2->blue) - arith(c1->blue)) < 2;
282 }
284 /*
285 * forcenear() -- stuff a color into a CLUT that is guaranteed to
286 * pass the nearcolor test with the other fixed color (so we don't
287 * have to call nearcolor() explicitly), and should come close to
288 * adding to the fixed color (already in the other screen's CLUT)
289 * to give a specified goal color from the GIF CLUT.
290 */
291 forcenear(vary, fixed, goal)
292 register BYTE vary[], fixed[], goal[];
293 {
294 register int d, x;
296 for (x = 3; --x >= 0; ) {
297 if ((d = arith(*vary = *goal++ - *fixed) - arith(*fixed)) < 0)
298 d = -1;
299 else if (d > 0)
300 d = 1;
301 *vary++ = *fixed++ + d;
302 }
303 }
305 int
306 minadd(color, add)
307 register BYTE *color;
308 int add;
309 {
310 int maxval, tryadd, x;
312 maxval = 0;
313 for (x = 3; --x >= 0; ) {
314 if ((tryadd = (arith(*color++) + add) % minmod) > maxval)
315 maxval = tryadd;
316 }
317 return minmod - maxval + add;
318 }
320 int
321 tolerval(ccolor, gcolor)
322 register BYTE *ccolor, *gcolor;
323 {
324 int x, v, mv;
326 mv = 0;
327 for (x = 3; --x >= 0; ) {
328 v = abs(SCALE1 * *ccolor++ + SCALE1 / 2 - arith(*gcolor++)) -
329 SCALE1 / 2;
330 if (v > mv)
331 mv = v;
332 }
333 return mv;
334 }
336 int
337 toler2(ccolor1, ccolor2, gcolor)
338 register BYTE *ccolor1, *ccolor2, *gcolor;
339 {
340 int x, v, mv;
342 mv = 0;
343 for (x = 3; --x >= 0; ) {
344 v = abs(SCALE2 * (*ccolor1++ + *ccolor2++) + SCALE2 / 2 -
345 arith(*gcolor++)) - SCALE2 / 2;
346 if (v > mv)
347 mv = v;
348 }
349 return mv;
350 }
352 int
353 exact(ccolor1, ccolor2, gcolor)
354 register BYTE *ccolor1, *ccolor2, *gcolor;
355 {
356 if (arith(ccolor1[0]) + arith(ccolor2[0]) != arith(gcolor[0]))
357 return 2;
358 if (arith(ccolor1[1]) + arith(ccolor2[1]) != arith(gcolor[1]))
359 return 2;
360 if (arith(ccolor1[2]) + arith(ccolor2[2]) != arith(gcolor[2]))
361 return 2;
362 return 0;
363 }