1 <article>
2 <articleinfo>
3 <author><firstname>Bob</firstname><surname>Montowski</surname></author>
4 <title>An OS9 Tutorial</title>
5 </articleinfo>
6 <section>
7 <title>Lesson 1</title>
8 <para>
9 This will be my first tutorial on using
10 OS-9 and it will be for the beginners
11 who bought OS-9 and are now ripping
12 their hair out trying to figure out how
13 to use it now that they have it...
14 OS-9 is <emphasis>not</emphasis> a programming language.
15 It is totally different from BASIC and
16 if you wish to program in Basic then I
17 suggest you buy Basic09 after you are a
18 bit familiar with OS-9.
19 For people who have Disk Basic 1.0 you
20 will need to load the OS-9 BOOT disk
21 and RUN"*". This will then tell you to
22 put the OS-9 Master Disk in Drive 0 and
23 push any key to continue.
24 If you have Disk Basic 1.1 then all you
25 need to do is put the OS-9 Master Disk
26 in Drive 0 and type DOS...
27 Now that OS-9 has started up and given
28 you your Logo and license information it will
29 ask you for the DATE and TIME. This
30 information is <emphasis>very</emphasis> important and should
31 be given correctly each time you start
32 up OS-9. Do <emphasis>not</emphasis> just hit enter, give
33 a date and time. This information is added to
34 each file as it is saved to disk and
35 will be used by the OS-9 in the future
36 to keep track of current files. The
37 same information is also available to you to
38 help you keep tabs on the dates and
39 times of the files that you saved to
40 disk.
41 OS-9 runs on a 24 hour clock so when
42 giving the time you must remember that
43 times after 12 noon convert to the
44 following:
45 <literallayout>
46 1 pm-1300 hours
47 2 pm-1400 hours
48 3 pm-1500 hours
49 .
50 .
51 .
52 10 pm-2200 hours
53 11 pm-2300 hours
54 midnite-0000 hours
55 </literallayout>
57 To enter Dec 25, 1985...3:30 pm you
58 would type
59 <screen>
61 85/12/25 15:30:00
62 </screen>
64 After a date and time have been given
65 to OS-9 you may check this time anytime
66 you want from OS-9 by typing DATE T at
67 OS9: prompt. If you just say DATE that
68 is all you will get. You must say
69 DATE T to get the date and the time...
70 OS-9 has only a few commands already in
71 memory. All the rest of the commands
72 that you can use from OS-9 are on your
73 Master Disk. Each time you give a
74 command at the OS9: prompt the computer
75 will check to see if the command is in
76 memory and then it will go to the disk
77 in drive 0 and check the /D0/CMDS
78 directory to see if the command is in
79 there. You must remember to type the
80 command in correctly (SPELLING) or it
81 won't be found when the computer goes
82 to the /D0/CMDS directory looking for it.
83 OS-9 can be a bit slow as it has to go
84 to the /D0/CMDS directory each time you
85 type a command at the OS-9 prompt but
86 you can speed this up a bit by loading
87 some of the commands that you will use
88 the most in OS-9. So you could type:
89 <screen>
90 OS9:load dir list del attr copy
91 </screen>
92 You will now have the commands <command>dir</command>,
93 <command>list</command>, <command>del</command>,
94 <command>attr</command>, <command>copy</command> all in memory and
95 they are ready for quick access. The
96 drawback is that they are taking up
97 memory that you might need later. The
98 only way around this right now is to
99 either set your drives to run at a new
100 faster step rate (another tutorial) or
101 to get a Hard Disk Drive for use with
102 your OS-9. Radio Shack had OS-9 coded
103 to run the disk drives at 30 MS. track
104 to track and to format the disk as 35
105 tracks. Both of these can be changed
106 with a little knowledge of OS-9 or by
107 buying some commercial software that
108 will make the changes in OS-9 for you.
109 Another way to speed up OS-9 is to add
110 a 256K Ram Disk to your CoCo. With the
111 256K Ram board installed and the right
112 software added to OS-9 the extra memory
113 will act like a <emphasis>very</emphasis> fast 40 track
114 disk drive.
115 </para>
116 <para>
117 OS-9 always has 2 directories that it
118 keeps track of. One is the DATA and the
119 other is the EXECUTION directory. When
120 you type a command OS-9 will check the
121 current EXECUTION directory which is
122 /D0/CMDS at startup for the command you
123 just typed in. When you go to do a
124 list, dir, del, rename, etc... OS-9 is
125 going to do to the current DATA
126 directory and look for your file there.
127 The current DATA directory at startup
128 is /D0.
129 So if you just type <userinput>DIR</userinput>, OS-9 will go
130 and assume you meant DIR /D0. If you
131 wish to get a directory of say the
132 DEFS directory you must give OS-9 the
133 whole pathlist (NAME) to the directory.
134 In this case you would type:
135 <userinput>DIR /D0/DEFS</userinput> and OS-9 will know which
136 directory you are talking about.
137 So how do you know what is a command?
138 Or what is a data file? Or what is a
139 directory? You can get this information by
140 typing:
141 <userinput>DIR E /D0</userinput>
142 and OS-9 will give you a directory
143 of everything that is in the /D0
144 directory with exact information on each entry
145 in that directory. You will get the
146 date and time the entry was put on the
147 disk and the user number (0 which means
148 you), the entry's name, the attributes
149 of the entry and the size of the entry
150 in hexadecimal.
151 It is the attributes of an entry that
152 we will want to check. They list across
153 like this:
154 <screen>
156 EWR
157 --------
158 </screen>
159 That is 8 slots that can have a letter
160 in it. If the <command>dir e</command> command shows this
161 on a line
162 <screen>
163 D--RW-RW
164 </screen>
165 It would mean that it is a directory
166 and that you and any timesharing users
167 you had on your system could read and
168 write to that directory...
169 If the entry gives this back:
170 <screen>
171 --E--ERW
172 </screen>
173 It would mean that it is a command that
174 can be used by you and your timesharing
175 users and that you have the right to
176 say copy that file, rename that file or
177 delete that file. The timesharing user
178 would only be able to execute the file.
179 </para>
180 <para>
181 If you don't want to do a <command>dir e</command> on a
182 whole disk than you can get the information
183 you need on a single entry by typing:
184 <screen>
185 ATTR /D0/startup
186 </screen>
187 this will printout the attributes in
188 the same manner as the <command>dir e</command> command
189 did, but you now have the option of
190 changing the attributes of a file on
191 the disk.
192 We'll use the /D0/startup file for an
193 example. say the <userinput>ATTR /D0/startup</userinput>
194 prints this
195 <screen>
196 ------rw
197 </screen>
198 This means that the file can be read
199 and written to. But say you don't want
200 to accidently delete or rename the file
201 in the future? You can type:
202 <screen>
203 ATTR /D0/startup -w
204 </screen>
205 and the write ability to that file will
206 be taken away. If you tried to delete
207 that file now you would get an error
208 message. You can use this <command>attr</command> command
209 to change the attributes on all your
210 important files so that they will not
211 be deleted by accident in the future.
212 This is kind of like having a write
213 protect tab on your disk like in Disk
214 Basic. But you can protect single files
215 on the disk. Or even lock out a DATA
216 directory from having files written or
217 deleted from it.
218 </para>
219 <para>
220 When I told you that OS-9 will check
221 to see if a command is in memory and
222 then check for it in the EXECUTION
223 directory I left out a final thing that
224 it does. It will go to the DATA
225 directory and check to see if there is
226 a DATA file there with the same name as
227 what you typed in at the OS-9 prompt.
228 You can check this out yourself. LIST
229 the file startup like this:
230 <screen>
231 list /D0/startup
232 </screen>
233 You will see this:
234 <screen>
235 setime <term
236 </screen>
237 it looks like a command right? Well it
238 is what OS-9 calls a procedure file.
239 OS-9 will take the command you type in
240 and first check to see if it is in
241 memory, if that fails it will go to the
242 EXECUTION directory and see if the
243 command is there, if that fails it will
244 go to the DATA directory and see if
245 there is a procedure file there with
246 the name you typed in. If there is it
247 will read one line at a time from that
248 file and treat it like you were typing
249 in the lines from the keyboard. If
250 you want to try this, just type startup
251 at any OS-9 prompt and the system will
252 ask you again for the DATE and TIME to
253 use on the system.
254 You can build a procedure file of your
255 own that does a little more than the
256 startup file does. <emphasis>Do this</emphasis> at the OS-9
257 prompt:
258 <screen>
259 OS9:build /d0/myfile
260 </screen>
261 you will then see a (?)
262 at each (?) type these lines
263 <screen>
264 ? dir /d0
265 ? dir /d0/cmds
266 ? mfree
267 ? free
268 ? (enter)
269 </screen>
270 You will now have a data file on /D0
271 called myfile. If you were to type
272 myfile at an OS-9 prompt you will then
273 see a DIR of /D0 and then a DIR of
274 /D0/CMDS and then you will get a mfree
275 (memory free), and finally you will get
276 a free (free disk space) all listed to
277 your screen one at a time. OS-9 did
278 all the commands in the data file as if
279 you just typed them in at the keyboard.
280 Not bad huh?
281 </para>
282 <para>
283 Now the next important thing to worry
284 about with OS-9 is how does it keep
285 tabs on free space in memory and on the
286 disks? Memory in the computer is
287 split up in blocks of 256 bytes. If
288 you do a <command>mfree</command> you will get back about
289 159 to 162 blocks of memory. If you
290 know that 4 blocks of 256 bytes makes
291 one K (kilobyte) then you know you have
292 about 40K free in memory for your
293 programs and commands. This same idea
294 is carried over to the disk drive. All
295 writes to the disk are done in blocks
296 of 256 bytes or 1 sector. A newly
297 formatted disk will have about 630
298 sectors on it. But 10 of these sectors
299 are taken away for use as directory
300 pointers. As OS-9 only writes out to
301 the disk in blocks of 256 bytes you will
302 be able to get more information on an OS-9
303 disk than a Radio Shack DOS disk which
304 stores data to the disk in blocks of
305 9 sectors (9*256=2304 bytes). Write 1
306 character to an OS-9 disk and you lose 1
307 sector. Write 1 character to a RS DOS disk
308 and you lose 9 sectors!!!
309 </para>
310 <para>
311 Now do a <userinput>dir /D0/CMDS</userinput> and you will see
312 quite a long list of commands that are
313 available to you. Don't worry about all
314 those titles because as you learn OS-9
315 you will become familiar with all of
316 them and probably not use all of them.
317 The nice thing about OS-9 that was so
318 different from RS Disk Basic was that
319 it is so easy to add <emphasis>more</emphasis> commands to
320 OS-9 than it was to add commands to the
321 RS DOS. If you know 6809 machine
322 language you might even write some
323 commands that you will find useful and
324 might want to sell or trade with other
325 OS-9 users. If you aren't all that
326 familiar with machine language then you
327 can buy some new commands for OS-9 from
328 companies like Frank Hogg or from
329 Computerware or D.P. Johnson. These
330 are commands that are so easy to
331 install on your OS-9 disk! All you
332 need to do is copy them to your
333 EXECUTION directory which is usually
334 the /D0/CMDS directory. They are then
335 available for your use. No worry on
336 your part as to will they work with
337 your OS-9! Some of these programs
338 are actual commands that you call from
339 OS-9 and other programs are what are
340 called <emphasis>filters</emphasis> that you pipe data through
341 under OS-9.
342 </para>
343 <para>
344 And now one final thing to cover on
345 OS-9 before I end this lesson. Is
346 there a difference between upper and lower
347 case when you type in commands? The
348 answer is no... no... no...
349 If you type in <userinput>DIR /D0</userinput> or <userinput>dir /d0</userinput> they
350 will both act correctly... if you type
351 <userinput>LIST /D0/STARTUP</userinput> or <userinput>list /d0/startup</userinput>
352 they will both work correctly. OS-9
353 doesn't care about the case of the
354 commands you type in. But here is a
355 standard that you might wish to keep to
356 so that what is on your disk are a bit
357 easier to understand. It is felt that
358 if you keep all directory names in
359 capital letters and all data/command
360 files in lower case you will have a
361 better idea of what is on your disk
362 when you use the <command>dir</command> command. I find
363 this a useful tip and try to follow it
364 strictly when I work with OS-9.
365 </para>
366 <para>
367 The next lesson in the tutorial series
368 will be on nested directories and on
369 pipe and filters and how they are most
370 useful under OS-9.
371 </para>
372 </section>
373 <section>
374 <title>Lesson 2</title>
375 <para>
376 OK, glad to see that you are back for
377 lesson #2. I'll cover the way the OS-9
378 has multiple directories and how each
379 directory can have directories within
380 that. What is this good for and how can
381 you use this on your OS-9 system? Well,
382 first it makes it very easy to put your
383 files on your disks in a manner that
384 will make it easy for you to find those
385 files again in the future...
386 Let's take a blank disk and format it.
387 If you have one drive do this:
388 <screen>
389 OS9:load format dir makdir build free
390 </screen>
391 take your Master Disk out of drive 0
392 and put in a blank disk. Now at the OS9
393 prompt you type format /d0. You will
394 be asked if you really want to format
395 the disk in drive 0? Type Y for yes.
396 When the format is done you will be
397 asked for a name to put on the disk.
398 Each disk you format under OS-9 will
399 have a NAME on the disk. For the time
400 being we'll call this disk JUNK DISK.
401 OS-9 will check the disk to be sure all
402 the sectors are good and if not OS-9
403 will lock out the bad sectors from the
404 directory. This means that you could
405 use a scratched disk that you were not
406 able to format under RS DOS... But you
407 should beware of doing this if you
408 intend to put anything <emphasis>really</emphasis>
409 important on this disk.
410 Now that the format is done at
411 the OS-9 prompt. Type:
412 <screen>
413 OS9:free /d0.
414 </screen>
415 This will check the disk you just did
416 the format on in drive 0 and it will
417 tell you the name of the disk... how many
418 total sectors there are on the disk and
419 how many of those sectors are available
420 for you to store data in. OS-9 is set
421 up for a 35 track system with 18 sectors
422 per track. This gives you 630 sectors
423 total on the disk and OS-9 will take 10
424 of those sectors for its Directory
425 information. If you do not see 620
426 sectors free for use than the disk had
427 some bad sectors on it and you might
428 not want to put anything important on
429 this disk. But for now we will just
430 experiment with the disk.
431 at the OS9 prompt type:
432 <screen>
433 OS9:makdir /d0/LETTERS
434 OS9:makdir /d0/BILLS
435 OS9:makdir /d0/LETTERS/FROM.JOE
436 OS9:makdir /d0/LETTERS/FROM.SUE
437 OS9:makdir /d0/LETTERS/FROM.TOM
438 OS9:makdir /d0/BILLS/PHONE
439 OS9:makdir /d0/BILLS/GAS
440 OS9:makdir /d0/BILLS/FOOD
441 OS9:chd /d0
442 OS9:dir /d0
443 </screen>
444 ....You will see that the <command>dir</command> returns
446 as what is on the disk in drive 0
447 But you made 6 directories... so where
448 are the other ones? Try this:
449 <screen>
450 OS9:dir /d0/BILLS
452 </screen>
453 is what you will get. See how you can
454 cluster important stuff in directories
455 so that it has a logical flow and you
456 can work your way down through the levels
457 of the directories to get the information you
458 want????
459 Try this:
460 <screen>
461 OS9:dir /d0/LETTERS
463 </screen>
464 is what you get... in a real life
465 situation... say the business world you
466 could then do this:
467 <screen>
468 OS9:dir /d0/LETTERS/FROM.TOM
469 </screen>
470 and you would see the letters you stored
471 from someone called TOM... A very neat,
472 logical way to store and retrieve data
473 from your disk. When you get into
474 owning double sided disks for storage
475 or even a Hard Disk drive for storage
476 you will see how this makes it easier
477 to get to your information. Imagine
478 having a Hard Disk under RS DOS? A Dir
479 of that drive might return a directory
480 listing some 100-500 lines long... It
481 would be a real pain to read all those
482 titles and try to find the file you
483 wanted to del or copy or rename...
484 </para>
485 <para>
486 If you have a two drive OS-9 system
487 then you can go through this exercize too
488 by just putting the disk you wish to
489 format in drive /d1 and changing all
490 the makedir and dir statements I gave
491 so they say /d1 instead of /d0.
492 </para>
493 <para>
494 Now in the prior example I showed you
495 the command chd... what is this? Well
496 OS-9 has two commands built into it and
497 you can call them to tell OS-9 that you
498 are changing your DATA directory or your
499 EXECUTION directory. Now this is very
500 important to remember!!! If you take
501 the Master Disk out of drive /d0 and
502 put in a new Master Disk that say has
503 more commands in its /D0/CMDS directory
504 you <emphasis>must</emphasis> tell OS-9 that you did
505 this... you do this by:
506 <screen>
507 OS9:chx /d0/cmds
508 OS9:chd /d0
509 </screen>
510 OS-9 will then check this disk so it
511 will know where the DATA directory is
512 on the disk and where the EXECUTION
513 directory is on the disk. It will <emphasis>not</emphasis>
514 always be in the same spot on each disk.
515 You might be used to RS DOS where the
516 directory was <emphasis>always</emphasis> on track 17,
517 but this is not true under OS-9. OS-9
518 must always know where these two
519 directories are before it will do a
520 read/write for that disk.
521 Another benefit of the chd and chx
522 command are to save you some typing.
523 So if you are not a quick or accurate
524 typist these commands are a real boon
525 to you. Take the example above where
526 we had directories within directories.
527 If you wished to copy files or delete
528 files or build files in the
529 /d0/letters/from.joe directory you would
530 think you would have to type that long
531 line each time. You could for your own
532 piece of mind but there is a shortcut
533 to all that typing... do this:
534 <screen>
535 OS9:chd /d0/letters/from.joe
536 </screen>
537 If you do a dir now you will see that
538 there are <emphasis>no</emphasis> files in the directory
539 you are in...
540 You could build a file in this new
541 DATA directory by typing
542 <screen>
543 OS9:build /d0/letters/from.joe/june.1st
544 </screen>
545 or you could just say:
546 <screen>
547 OS9:build june.1st
548 </screen>
549 as you used the chd command earlier OS-9
550 knows to add that whole string of characters
551 in front of june.1st to make the whole
552 pathlist to where you wish to build a
553 file. You see that there is less chance
554 of a typing error in this shorthand
555 method rather than typing out that long
556 string of characters each time....
557 </para>
558 <para>
559 When you go to makdir or build something
560 on the disk you have to keep in mind
561 that OS-9 expects titles of directories
562 and files to obey certain rules. The
563 names of these files/directories <emphasis>must</emphasis>
564 begin with a letter(upper/lower case)
565 and may have no spaces in the title.
566 If you wanted to build a file called:
567 a letter from my buddy
568 You would need to type it in as:
569 a.letter.from.my.buddy
570 for OS-9 to accept it... you could have
571 even typed it in as:
572 aletterfrommybuddy
573 But this is a bit harder to read...
574 Another character you can use to separate
575 words for easier reading is the left
576 arrow sign... this can be made by typing
577 the clear key/minus sign together...
578 depending on the type screen you are
579 reading OS-9 on you will see a left
580 arrow or an underline. They are both
581 the same ascii character. But the character. rom
582 on the CoCo was setup for the left
583 arrow sign. This clear key/minus key
584 is a bit hard to remember and harder
585 yet to type so I use the period(.) to
586 separate my words in my titles and
587 directories.
588 File names and directories can be up to
589 29 characters long... You can have numbers
590 mixed into this but the first characters of
591 each file/directory <emphasis>must</emphasis> be a letter!
592 so these names are perfectly legal:
593 <screen>
594 number11111111 jan281985
595 q1234567890 a2gggg8888cccc9999
596 </screen>
598 NAME OR A DIRECTORY NAME!!! This means
599 no !@#$%^&*+="'- are allowed in any
600 title. Some of these characters are used by
601 OS-9 to perform other useful functions
602 that will be covered in a future lesson.
603 </para>
604 <para>
605 OS-9 has the ability to take information
606 and pass it through a pipe into a filter to
607 change the information in some manner before
608 showing it on your screen or your
609 printer. The command for a pipe is the
610 exclamation point(!). A filter can be
611 thought of as a program that will take
612 data in and do something with it before
613 passing some data out. The ONLY filter
614 that you have with your original OS-9
615 is the filter called TEE. If you were
616 to do this:
617 <screen>
618 OS9:list startup ! tee /d0/f1 /d0/f2
619 </screen>
620 it would list the data in the file
621 called startup through the pipe (!) into
622 the filter TEE... this program would then
623 send the data out to two files that
624 are called /d0/f1 /d0/f2 and you would
625 have two perfect copies of the file
626 startup called f1 and f2... You could
627 have done this same thing by typing:
628 <screen>
629 OS9:copy /d0/startup /d0/f1
630 OS9:copy /d0/startup /d0/f2
631 </screen>
632 TEE will take any data that is piped
633 into it and send it to the list of
634 devices or files that are printed after
635 the tee command and separated by spaces.
636 so a line like this:
637 <screen>
638 OS9:dir /d0 ! TEE /d0/stuff /p /d0/s2
639 </screen>
640 will send a directory of /d0 to your
641 screen, a file called /d0/stuff, to the
642 printer, and to a file called /d0/s2.
643 This is a way to get some data to a lot
644 of different places all at about the
645 same time. There are other filters you
646 can buy that will do the following:
647 <screen>
648 OS9:list startup ! upper
649 </screen>
650 this will take any data in a file
651 called startup and send it through the
652 filter called upper... upper will take
653 ALL lower case letters and change them
654 to upper case before passing that information
655 on...
656 <screen>
657 OS9:list startup ! wc
658 </screen>
659 This command will list the file startup
660 through the pipe into the filter wc which
661 will count the # of lines, characters, and
662 words in the file which <command>wc</command> will then
663 print out to your screen. Imagine
664 doing that by hand?
665 There are a <emphasis>lot of filters</emphasis> that you can
666 buy. Check the Official OS-9 Tour
667 Guide out for a list of the filters you
668 can buy and who sells them.
669 </para>
670 <para>
671 A piece of advice now. If you think you
672 are going to get into OS-9 you should
673 consider getting a 2nd disk drive if
674 you now only have 1 drive. OS-9 can be
675 run on a single drive CoCo but it is a
676 real PAIN IN THE BUTT!!! On a 2 drive
677 system you can keep all your commands on
678 drive /d0 and all your data on drive /d1
679 and should speed along just fine and not
680 worry about space being tight on your
681 drives when you go to build files in
682 the future.
683 </para>
684 <para>
685 Until you become familiar with OS-9 and
686 the way it gives error #'s instead of
687 letter codes for the errors you make
688 then do this:
689 <screen>
690 OS9:printerr
691 </screen>
692 this will then print the error # of any
693 error you have and give you a short
694 english(???) sentence of what was wrong.
695 As you use OS-9 more you will find that
696 you will likely get 4-6 error codes that
697 tend to repeat a lot. Most errors on
698 OS-9 are caused by typing errors when
699 entering directory names or file names.
700 </para>
701 <para>
702 I hope I don't appear to be jumping
703 about two much with these lessons but
704 I am trying to tackle the problems of
705 OS-9 in the same manner that I ran into
706 them and am sure other new users are
707 finding them. So I give this final bit
708 of advice... OS-9 comes with 3 books.
709 a red(purple) one, a blue one and a
710 yellow(orange)one. Don't even look at
711 the blue book yet. It has machine language information in
712 it that you <emphasis>may never</emphasis> use unless you
713 get into machine language programming under OS-9.
714 The red book will tell you all the
715 commands available under OS-9 and a bit
716 on how they work. READ THIS BOOK OVER
717 AND OVER AT LEAST 4 TIMES!!! The yellow
718 book has information on the text editor that
719 comes with OS-9. This is covered in
720 the 1st half of the book... READ THIS
722 but there are a lot of examples...
723 The 2nd half of the yellow manual also
724 has some machine language information in it for doing
725 assembly of machine language programs... If you are
726 not going to get into machine language ever then you
727 don't need to read this info. Even
728 though you have these 3 fine manuals, run
729 to the nearest RS store and buy the
730 Official OS-9 Tour Guide. It has more
731 information than these 3 manuals and it is
732 written in a lot friendlier manner than
733 these 3 manuals. It also gives better
734 examples on how to use the commands
735 available to you under OS-9 and give
736 a history of OS-9 and why it is such a
737 fine Operating System to run on your
738 CoCo.
739 </para>
740 <para>
741 Next lesson? I will tell you the
742 commands that you might never use and
743 how to delete them to make more space
744 on your Master Disk.
745 </para>
746 </section>
747 <section>
748 <title>Lesson 3</title>
749 <para>
750 Below is a list of the commands that you
751 may seldom use and therefore may delete
752 from your EXECUTION directory which is
753 /D0/CMDS...
759 OF YOUR MASTER DISK</para></note>
760 To make a backup of your OS-9 Master
761 disk do this:
762 For a single drive system you must at
763 the OS-9 prompt type this:
764 <screen>
765 OS9:load format free
766 </screen>
767 Take your OS-9 Master disk out of your
768 drive /d0... put a blank disk in drive
769 /d0... now at the OS-9 prompt type:
770 <screen>
771 OS9:format /d0
772 </screen>
773 When OS-9 asks if your really want to
774 format the disk in drive /d0 respond
775 Y for yes or R for ready... When the
776 format is done OS-9 will ask you for a
777 name to put on the disk. You may give
778 any name up to 32 characters. The name at
779 this point does not matter as when we
780 backup the original Master disk to this
781 disk... it will retain the name of the
782 original Master disk. So you can just
783 call the disk NEW.
784 When the format is done and the verify
785 pass is done the OS-9 prompt will return
786 At this point you want to type:
787 <screen>
788 OS9:free /d0
789 </screen>
790 If the free does not say...630 sectors
791 total on the disk... and 620 available
792 for use... <emphasis>Do not use this disk to do a
793 backup onto... it will <emphasis role="bold">not</emphasis> work!!!</emphasis>
794 Take the newly formatted disk out of
795 drive /d0 and put your original Master
796 disk back in drive /d0. At the OS-9
797 prompt you will type:
798 <screen>
799 OS9:unlink format free
800 </screen>
801 This will take the two commands out of
802 memory and give you more memory to work
803 with when you go to do your backup.
804 At the OS-9 prompt you will type:
805 <screen>
806 OS9:load backup
807 </screen>
808 Take your original Master disk out of
809 drive /d0 and put your newly formatted
810 disk in drive /d0...
811 at the OS-9 prompt you type:
812 <screen>
813 OS9:backup s /d0 #32k
814 </screen>
815 OS-9 will ask you if you are ready to
816 backup from /d0 to /d0... You type Y for
817 yes. OS-9 will now say ready the
818 destination disk... you already have it
819 in the drive. Hit any key to continue
820 ... OS-9 will list the name that was on
821 the disk and ask if it ok to write over
822 this disk... type Y for yes... OS-9 will
823 then say ready SOURCE disk hit a key...
824 Put your OS-9 Master disk back in drive
825 /d0 and hit any key... When OS-9 says to
826 ready the DESTINATION disk... Take your
827 Master disk out of drive /d0 and put the
828 newly formatted disk in drive /d0... hit
829 any key to continue... OS-9 will repeat
830 this prompting till the whole original
831 disk is copied exactly over to the new
832 disk...
833 <warning><para>If the disk that you did
834 the format on did not give you the whole
835 630 sectors on the disk and 620 free for
836 use when you did the
837 free /d0 on it... you may not backup to
838 that disk... backup is a mirror copy of
839 the original disk to the new disk... if
840 there was a bad sector on he new disk
841 the backup will not work... if there was
842 a bad sector on the original disk the
843 backup will not work... BOTH DISK MUST BE
853 THEY ARE NOT THE SAME TYPE/SIZE...</para></warning>
855 Put your original Master disk away. You
856 can leave the new Master disk in drive
857 /d0... but you must let OS-9 know that
858 there is a new disk in the drive...
859 so at the OS-9 prompt you will type:
860 <screen>
861 OS9:chd /d0
862 OS9:chx /d0/cmds
863 </screen>
864 OS-9 is now ready to continue... and we
865 can now delete some seldom used commands
866 and gain some disk space back for our
867 own files...
868 To delete these commands you will type:
869 <screen>
870 OS9:del /d0/cmds/command.name
871 </screen>
872 Where command name is the names of each
873 command you are deleting...
874 </para>
875 <variablelist>
876 <varlistentry><term>binex</term>
877 <term>exbin</term>
878 <listitem>
879 <para>
880 These two commands are
881 for turning a binary file into a text
882 file and vice/versa. I have never used
883 these two commands to date. While they
884 might be useful, I am not sure who
885 they are useful to?
886 </para>
887 </listitem>
888 </varlistentry>
889 <varlistentry><term>cmp</term>
890 <listitem>
891 <para>
892 This is for comparing two text
893 files together and listing where (with
894 an offset) the differences are. I find
895 it easier/quicker/more reliable to just
896 list the two files to my screen and look
897 for the differences...
898 </para>
899 </listitem>
900 </varlistentry>
901 <varlistentry><term>cobbler</term>
902 <listitem>
903 <para>
904 This is only used for making a
905 new os9boot file on your master disk.
906 You won't need to use this command till
907 later lessons to make a new boot disk.
908 So you can delete it from the /D0/CMDS
909 directory for now.
910 </para>
911 </listitem>
912 </varlistentry>
913 <varlistentry><term>dcheck</term>
914 <listitem>
915 <para>
916 This command does a total
917 search of the disk it is called to check
918 and will report if any files on the disk
919 have been destroyed in some manner. You
920 will only need to use this command on
921 a disk that is used a lot and is almost
922 full. If you ever try to use a command
923 or file and get an error, try the ATTR
924 command on the file/command to see if
925 you have permission to use the file or
926 command. If the ATTR says you do and
927 you still can't get to the file/command
928 then I would use the dcheck on the disk
929 to see if the disk was damaged in some
930 manner. Dcheck is very powerful but it
931 will usually be the case that when you
932 need to use it is when the sh*t has
933 already hit the fan and some of the
934 files on your disk have been damaged in
935 some manner. For this reason you may
936 want to feel safe and keep this command
937 in your /D0/CMDS directory.
938 </para>
939 </listitem>
940 </varlistentry>
941 <varlistentry><term>display</term>
942 <listitem>
943 <para>
944 If you don't have a printer
945 hooked up to your OS-9 system than you
946 probably won't need the display command.
947 It is meant for sending some series of
948 hex codes to a device... if you do this:
949 <screen>
950 OS9:display 0c
951 </screen>
952 the screen will clear... this is sending
953 a control-l to the screen... if you did
954 this:
955 <screen>
956 OS9:display 0c >/p
957 </screen>
958 it will send a control-L to your printer
959 which in most cases will do a form feed
960 on your printer. If you have a decent
961 printer you may use the display command
962 with the (>) redirect sign to send hex
963 codes to your printer for setting it for
964 double strike, emphasized, underline,
965 and any other special features your
966 printer might support. As far as being
967 able to send all the codes from 0 to 255
968 to your screen? I haven't found much
969 use for this. I have only used the
970 display Oc to clear the screen so far.
971 </para>
972 </listitem>
973 </varlistentry>
974 <varlistentry><term>kill</term>
975 <listitem>
976 <para>
977 This command is only used to kill
978 off some multi-process command that you
979 may have started up to run in the
980 background... if you did this:
981 <screen>
982 OS9:dir e /d0/cmds >/p&
983 </screen>
984 OS-9 will do a dir e of your EXECUTION
985 directory and send it to the printer.
986 The OS-9 prompt will return and the list
987 will continue in the background. If you
988 did a procs e command at this point you
989 will see that there is a process 3 or 4
990 or 5 running in the background and it is
991 called list. To stop the list from
992 continuing..you would have to type:
993 <screen>
994 OS9:kill 3
995 </screen>
996 or
997 <screen>
998 OS9:kill 4
999 </screen>
1000 or whatever the process # is that you
1001 wish to stop... You won't be doing a lot
1002 of multi-processing while you learn
1003 OS-9 so you should not need this command
1004 in your /D0/CMDS right now...
1005 </para>
1006 </listitem>
1007 </varlistentry>
1008 <varlistentry><term>link</term>
1009 <listitem>
1010 <para>
1011 This one is hard to explain right
1012 now... let's just say that when you do
1013 a load command... the computer does a
1014 link for you... so this command should
1015 not be really necessary for now. If you
1016 do a mdir e and see that a commands link
1017 count is say 3 or 4... then you would
1018 have to unlink the command 3 or 4 times
1019 to get it <emphasis>out</emphasis> of memory!!!
1020 </para>
1021 </listitem>
1022 </varlistentry>
1023 <varlistentry><term>login</term>
1024 <listitem>
1025 <para>
1026 This is only needed if you are
1027 going to hook up your OS-9 system so
1028 that outside people can link into your
1029 CoCo and use the computer at the same
1030 time you are using it... When you delete
1031 this command you may also delete the 2
1032 files in the /d0/sys directory called
1033 /d0/sys/motd and /d0/sys/password...
1034 </para>
1035 </listitem>
1036 </varlistentry>
1037 <varlistentry><term>merge</term>
1038 <listitem>
1039 <para>
1040 This is used for putting two
1041 data files into a single data file with
1042 a new name... this can also be done with
1043 the list command like this:
1044 <screen>
1045 OS9:list data1 data2 >/data3
1046 </screen>
1047 so the merge command is not needed right
1048 now...
1049 </para>
1050 </listitem>
1051 </varlistentry>
1052 <varlistentry><term>os9gen</term>
1053 <listitem>
1054 <para>
1055 This command is used for making
1056 a new boot disk... the new boot disk
1057 might have more/less commands that it
1058 will load into memory when it starts up.
1059 For the time being you won't need this
1060 command until the next lesson where I
1061 will try to teach you how to make a new
1062 and better boot disk...
1063 </para>
1064 </listitem>
1065 </varlistentry>
1066 <varlistentry><term>printerr</term>
1067 <listitem>
1068 <para>
1069 When you are first learning
1070 OS-9 you will find this command most
1071 useful... when you start to learn the
1072 error numbers by heart you will be able
1073 to delete this command. You can also
1074 delete the /d0/sys/errmsg file also.
1075 </para>
1076 </listitem>
1077 </varlistentry>
1078 <varlistentry><term>procs</term>
1079 <listitem>
1080 <para>
1081 You will only need this command
1082 if you do multi-processing... it will
1083 show you what is running in the computer
1084 and who is running it and how much of a
1085 priority it has... for now you will not
1086 use this command often.
1087 </para>
1088 </listitem>
1089 </varlistentry>
1090 <varlistentry><term>setpr</term>
1091 <listitem>
1092 <para>
1093 This is for resetting the
1094 priority of a multi-process that you
1095 have running in the background... you
1096 won't need this command until you get
1097 into multi-process running.
1098 </para>
1099 </listitem>
1100 </varlistentry>
1101 <varlistentry><term>sleep</term>
1102 <listitem>
1103 <para>
1104 This is for making a process
1105 stop doing what it was doing for a set
1106 period of time... I have never used this
1107 command... if used wrong it will seem
1108 like you locked up your computer as it
1109 counts down its sleep time.
1110 </para>
1111 </listitem>
1112 </varlistentry>
1113 <varlistentry><term>tsmon</term>
1114 <listitem>
1115 <para>
1116 This command is used to make
1117 OS-9 scan the built in rs232 port for
1118 a carrier ready signal... it is used to
1119 set the computer up for another caller
1120 usually calling over a phone line... it
1121 is the basics of setting your OS-9
1122 system up as a bbs.
1123 </para>
1124 </listitem>
1125 </varlistentry>
1126 </variablelist>
1127 <para>
1128 Read over the commands in your red OS-9
1129 book and decide for yourself how often
1130 you might use the commands listed above.
1131 If you think you will not need the
1132 commands often then delete them on your
1133 backup master disk. This will give you
1134 more space to store your own files on
1135 that disk, and if you are working with
1136 as single drive system then this is
1137 <emphasis>very</emphasis> important...
1138 You may also delete the asm command from
1139 your /d0/cmds directory if you <emphasis>never</emphasis>
1140 intend to do any machine language work... If you do
1141 delete the /d0/cmds/asm command then you
1142 can also get rid of the data files in
1143 the defs directory that the asm
1144 command works with. Do this by typing:
1145 <screen>
1146 OS9:deldir /d0/defs
1147 </screen>
1148 OS-9 will than say deleting a directory
1149 and offer you a list, delete or quit
1150 option... if you choose to list... it will
1151 show you what is in the directory that
1152 you wish to delete... if you choose to
1153 delete the directory... you will not be
1154 prompted again unless there is another
1155 directory found in the directory...
1156 This command will take a bit of time to
1157 get rid of the directory /d0/defs...
1158 but it will clear up a LOTTTTTTT of
1159 space for your own use....
1160 </para>
1161 <para>
1162 OK, I saved you a bit of disk space now
1163 let me save you a bit of a headache!!!
1164 Radio Shack now has two versions of the
1165 OS-9 operating system. These are the
1166 1.00.00 and the 1.01.00 versions. The
1167 1.01.00 has some new stuff added to it
1168 but it is basicly the same as 1.00.00
1169 It is not exactly the same... close but
1170 not exact. For this reason if you see
1171 any articles in say Rainbow mag that say
1172 you can change your OS-9 to have 6 ms.
1173 step rates on your drives or 40 tracks
1174 on your disk... you should be <emphasis>very</emphasis>
1175 careful that the instructions refer to
1176 your version of OS-9. Some of the early
1177 articles in Rainbow refer to making
1178 changes to OS-9 1.00.00... The most
1179 recent articles in Rainbow will usually
1180 say that these patches are for 1.00.00
1181 or 1.01.00... With Radio Shack getting
1182 ready to come out with OS-9 2.00.00 it
1183 is very important you know what OS-9
1184 you have when you read any articles that
1185 say how to change your OS-9 to add some
1186 new features to it.
1187 </para>
1188 <para>
1189 If you have the original OS-9 1.00.00
1190 then you can get the OS-9 upgrade from
1191 Radio Shack to 1.01.00 for about $15.
1192 The upgrade to OS-9 2.00.00 will cost
1193 about $25. These upgrades are only
1194 available to original owners of OS-9
1195 1.00.00 or 1.01.00.
1196 </para>
1197 <para>
1198 Let's talk about the devices that are
1199 available for you to use under OS-9.
1200 </para>
1202 <variablelist>
1203 <varlistentry><term>/p</term>
1204 <listitem>
1205 <para>
1206 this is for your serial printer
1207 </para>
1208 </listitem>
1209 </varlistentry>
1210 <varlistentry><term>/t1</term>
1211 <listitem>
1212 <para>
1213 this is for the built in RS232 port
1214 </para>
1215 </listitem>
1216 </varlistentry>
1217 <varlistentry><term>/t2</term>
1218 <listitem>
1219 <para>
1220 this is for the RS232 cartridge
1221 </para>
1222 </listitem>
1223 </varlistentry>
1224 <varlistentry><term>/d0</term>
1225 <listitem>
1226 <para>
1227 this is drive 0
1228 </para>
1229 </listitem>
1230 </varlistentry>
1231 <varlistentry><term>/d1</term>
1232 <listitem>
1233 <para>
1234 this is drive 1
1235 </para>
1236 </listitem>
1237 </varlistentry>
1238 <varlistentry><term>/d2</term>
1239 <listitem>
1240 <para>
1241 this is drive 2
1242 </para>
1243 </listitem>
1244 </varlistentry>
1245 <varlistentry><term>/d3</term>
1246 <listitem>
1247 <para>
1248 this is drive 3
1249 </para>
1250 </listitem>
1251 </varlistentry>
1252 <varlistentry><term>/term</term>
1253 <listitem>
1254 <para>
1255 this is for your keyboard and video screen
1256 </para>
1257 </listitem>
1258 </varlistentry>
1259 </variablelist>
1260 <para>
1261 On my system I have a /H0 and /R0 which
1262 tell the OS-9 that I have a hard disk
1263 drive and a ram disk drive. If you
1264 are good at machine language you can write your own
1265 code to add your own hardware onto your
1266 OS-9 system. I understand that OS-9
1267 2.00.00 has a device called /ssp and it
1268 is for the Radio Shack Speech Sound Pak
1269 and will let you send a text file through
1270 it and it will speak the file out.
1271 So you could do this:
1272 <screen>
1273 OS9:dir /d0 >/ssp
1274 </screen>
1275 and you would hear your directory. This
1276 could be very useful for anyone with
1277 impaired sight.
1278 While I have been talking about how you
1279 can add devices to your OS-9 system I
1280 also need to say that you can delete
1281 devices from your system also. This
1282 will free up ram for other programs you
1283 might wish to run. In OS-9 2.00.00 you
1284 can usually get rid of /d2, /d3 and the
1285 /t2 drivers. Most people don't have
1286 the drive 2 and 3 and don't have the
1287 Radio Shack RS232 pak so why keep these
1288 modules in memory wasting space?
1289 So you can delete them and save some space
1290 that is badly need in the 64K CoCo.
1291 How do you do this? We'll cover that
1292 in our next lesson; Making a new boot
1293 disk.
1294 </para>
1295 </section>
1296 <section>
1297 <title>Lesson 4</title>
1298 <para>
1299 Today we are going to make a new OS-9
1300 boot disk. we can do this several
1301 different ways. First type this:
1302 <screen>
1303 OS9:mdir
1304 </screen>
1305 this will show you all the programs and
1306 descriptors that are in memory... you
1307 should see something like this:
1308 <screen>
1309 OS9 OS9P2 INIT
1311 D1 D2 D3
1317 </screen>
1318 These are all modules that are loaded
1319 into memory from the OS9boot file and
1320 you can change the OS9boot file so that
1321 it will load in more or less of these
1322 modules at boot time. For now we will
1323 just make a new boot disk that will load
1324 in all of the above modules exactly the
1325 same way. We can do this one of two
1326 ways... First let's format a new disk
1327 and we'll put our new OS9boot on it. At
1328 the OS-9 prompt type:
1329 <screen>
1330 OS9:load format free
1331 </screen>
1332 take your OS-9 master disk out of drive
1333 /d0, and install a blank disk in /d0
1334 now at the OS-9 prompt type:
1335 <screen>
1336 OS9:format /d0
1337 </screen>
1338 when OS-9 asks if you are ready... type
1339 R for ready or Y for yes. When OS-9
1340 asks you for a name to put on the disk
1341 give it the name NEW BOOT DISK. When
1342 the format is done at the OS-9 prompt
1343 type:
1344 <screen>
1345 OS9:free /d0
1346 </screen>
1347 and you should get 630 sectors on the
1348 disk with 620 available for use. This
1349 lets you know that the format was good
1350 with no bad sectors that needed to be
1351 locked out. Take the new disk out of
1352 drive /d0 and put your OS-9 master disk
1353 back in. Now type:
1354 <screen>
1355 OS9:load cobbler makdir save os9gen build echo
1356 </screen>
1357 You should now have the commands <command>format</command>,
1358 <command>free</command>, <command>cobbler</command>,
1359 <command>makdir</command>, <command>build</command>, <command>os9gen</command>,
1360 <command>save</command> and <command>echo</command> in your memory...
1361 Take your master disk out of drive /d0
1362 and put the new disk in. Now at the
1363 OS-9 prompt type:
1364 <screen>
1365 OS9:cobbler /d0
1366 </screen>
1367 This will put the file OS9boot on the
1368 disk in drive /d0 and it will contain
1369 all the modules that were loaded into
1370 memory from the <emphasis>last</emphasis> boot. To get all
1371 the other files/commands/directories
1372 over onto this new boot disk you need
1373 to be very patient because you will
1374 have to go through a lot of typing,
1375 copying and swapping.
1376 Essentially what you have to do is:
1377 Use the <command>makdir</command> command to make all the
1378 directories on this new disk that were
1379 on the old Master disk. So you will
1380 have to do this:
1381 <screen>
1382 OS9:makdir /d0/sys
1383 OS9:makdir /d0/cmds
1384 OS9:makdir /d0/defs
1385 </screen>
1386 Then you will need to use the <command>copy</command>
1387 command to move all the files/commands
1388 over from the old Master disk to this
1389 NEW Master disk. We are talking about
1390 a <emphasis>lot</emphasis> of disk swapping here and you
1391 just might not be up to going through
1392 all this work. Read on... there are 2
1393 easier ways to do this and I will let
1394 you decide which you like better.
1395 </para>
1396 <para>
1397 While <command>cobbler</command> will help us to make a new
1398 boot disk there is no flexibility to it
1399 and you are stuck with a mirror image
1400 of the modules from the last boot you
1401 did. To give us total control of what
1402 goes in the <filename>OS9boot</filename> file we will need
1403 to use the <command>OS9gen</command> command.
1404 Leave the new boot disk in drive /d0 and
1405 format it again... then do the free on
1406 it to be sure the total sectors and free
1407 sectors works out to 630 and 620. We
1408 will now type:
1409 <screen>
1410 OS9:makdir /d0/modules
1411 OS9:save /d0/modules/ccdisk ccdisk
1412 OS9:save /d0/modules/d0 d0
1413 OS9:save /d0/modules/d1 d1
1414 </screen>
1415 <note><para>if you only have a 2 drive system
1416 you can leave out the next two lines</para></note>
1417 <screen>
1418 OS9:save /d0/modules/d2 /d2
1419 OS9:save /d0/modules/d3 /d3
1421 OS9:save /d0/modules/ccio ccio
1422 OS9:save /d0/modules/term term
1423 OS9:save /d0/modules/ioman ioman
1424 OS9:save /d0/modules/rbf rbf
1425 OS9:save /d0/modules/scf scf
1426 OS9:save /d0/modules/sysgo sysgo
1427 OS9:save /d0/modules/clock clock
1428 OS9:save /d0/modules/shell shell
1429 </screen>
1430 <note><para>if you never intend to let an
1431 outside user link with your CoCo
1432 by an outside phone line then
1433 leave out the next 2 lines</para></note>
1434 <screen>
1435 OS9:save /d0/modules/rs232 rs232
1436 OS9:save /d0/modules/t1 t1
1437 </screen>
1439 <note><para>if you don't have a printer you may
1440 leave out the next two lines</para></note>
1441 <screen>
1442 OS9:save /d0/modules/printer printer
1443 OS9:save /d0/modules/p p
1445 OS9:save /d0/modules/pipeman pipeman
1446 OS9:save /d0/modules/piper piper
1447 OS9:save /d0/modules/pipe pipe
1448 </screen>
1450 <note><para>if you don't have the Radio Shack
1451 RS232 pak than you can leave out the
1452 next two lines</para></note>
1453 <screen>
1454 OS9:save /d0/modules/acia acia
1455 OS9:save /d0/modules/t2 t2
1456 </screen>
1458 We have moved an image of the modules
1459 that are in memory over to the disk in
1460 drive /d0. If you did not have a
1461 printer or did not have drives /d2 and
1462 /d3 then you did not save the listed
1463 modules over to the disk. If you did
1464 not intend to have an outside user then
1465 you did not save rs232, t1, acia, and
1466 t2 over to the disk.
1467 </para>
1468 <para>
1469 We are now going to build a data file
1470 that is going to tell OS9gen what
1471 modules it is to put into the OS9boot
1472 file that we are going to put on this
1473 disk. It is very important that the
1474 spellings you used in the <command>save</command> command
1475 are the same as the modules are spelled
1476 in memory... The new OS9boot we are
1477 going to make might not work if you
1478 spell any of the saved modules names
1479 wrong!
1480 OK, now at the OS-9 prompt you type:
1481 <screen>
1482 OS9:build /d0/bootlist
1483 </screen>
1484 You will then see a (?) for the prompt.
1485 at each (?) prompt type in the following
1486 lines... <emphasis>without the (?) marks!!!</emphasis>
1487 <screen>
1488 ? ccdisk
1489 ? d0
1490 ? d1
1491 </screen>
1492 <note><para>if you did not save <emphasis>d2</emphasis> and <emphasis>d3</emphasis> in the
1493 save operation leave the next two lines
1494 out!!!</para></note>
1495 <screen>
1496 ? d2
1497 ? d3
1498 ? ccio
1499 ? term
1500 ? ioman
1501 ? rbf
1502 ? scf
1503 ? sysgo
1504 ? clock
1505 ? shell
1506 </screen>
1507 <note><para>if you did not save <emphasis>rs232</emphasis> and <emphasis>t1</emphasis> in
1508 the save operation leave the next two
1509 lines out!!!</para></note>
1510 <screen>
1511 ? rs232
1512 ? t1
1513 </screen>
1514 <note><para>if you don't have a printer and left
1515 <emphasis>printer</emphasis> and <emphasis>p</emphasis> out of the save operation
1516 then leave the next two lines out!!!</para></note>
1517 <screen>
1518 ? printer
1519 ? p
1520 ? pipeman
1521 ? piper
1522 ? pipe
1523 </screen>
1524 <note><para>if you did not save <emphasis>acia</emphasis> and <emphasis>t2</emphasis>
1525 in the save operation leave the next
1526 two lines out!!!</para></note>
1527 <screen>
1528 ? acia
1529 ? t2
1530 ? (enter)
1531 </screen>
1532 We now have everything we need on the
1533 disk in drive /d0 to make <command>os9gen</command> put an
1534 <filename>os9boot</filename> file on that disk...
1535 At the OS-9 prompt type:
1536 <screen>
1537 OS9:chd /d0/modules
1538 OS9:os9gen /d0 </d0/bootlist
1539 </screen>
1540 You will then have a working <filename>os9boot</filename>
1541 file on the disk in drive /d0. Now if
1542 you left out the <emphasis>d2</emphasis>, <emphasis>d3</emphasis>, <emphasis>printer</emphasis>, <emphasis>p</emphasis>,
1543 <emphasis>rs232</emphasis>, <emphasis>t1</emphasis>, <emphasis>acia</emphasis> and <emphasis>t2</emphasis> modules when you
1544 did your <command>save</command> and when you built your
1545 bootlist... those modules will not be in
1546 memory when you use this disk to do
1547 your next boot... <emphasis>But don't
1548 boot with this disk yet. It has no
1549 command directory on it.</emphasis> You will need
1550 to copy all the data files and commands
1551 off your master disk to this disk by
1552 the same method explained in the start
1553 of this tutorial where I talk about the
1554 <command>cobbler</command> command.
1555 </para>
1556 <para>
1557 Now I also said earlier that there was
1558 2 other ways to make this boot disk and
1559 you have to decide if they suit your
1560 taste. The first way is to make the
1561 new <filename>OS9boot</filename> file with either <command>cobbler</command>
1562 or <command>os9gen</command> in the same way that I have
1563 already explained. Now that the boot
1564 file is on that disk... Don't copy the
1565 whole Master disk over to this new disk!
1566 Instead only do this:
1567 <screen>
1568 OS9:makdir /d0/cmds
1569 </screen>
1570 Copy the commands <command>setime</command>,
1571 <command>dir</command>,
1572 <command>free</command> and <command>echo</command>
1573 over to the /d0/cmds directory on this
1574 new disk from /d0/cmds on the old disk.
1575 Use the <command>build</command> command to build a new
1576 startup file on this disk...
1577 <screen>
1578 OS9:build /d0/startup
1579 </screen>
1580 and enter these lines in the file:
1581 <screen>
1582 ? setime </term
1583 ? echo take the disk out of drive 0
1584 ? echo and put your working disk in
1585 ? echo drive 0... This is ONLY A BOOT
1586 ? echo DISK!!!
1587 ? (enter)
1588 </screen>
1591 So now when you wish to BOOT OS9 you can use
1592 this disk. After OS-9 boots ok you
1593 will take this disk out of /d0 and put
1594 in your Master disk. Then type:
1595 <screen>
1596 OS9:chd /d0
1597 OS9:chx /d0/cmds
1598 </screen>
1599 and you will be up and running. This
1600 will be your working disk and the other
1601 disk will be used each time you wish to
1602 BOOT OS-9.
1603 </para>
1604 <para>
1605 Another way to make a new BOOT disk is
1606 to do this: Backup the old master disk
1607 to a newly formatted disk. Leave this
1608 new disk in /d0. Now type:
1609 <screen>
1610 OS9:chd /d0
1611 OS9:chx /d0/cmds
1612 </screen>
1613 This will let OS-9 know that you have changed disks.
1614 Use the <command>makdir</command> command to make a new
1615 directory called /d0/modules...
1616 Follow all the <command>save</command> commands listed
1617 earlier in this tutorial. Use the
1618 <command>build</command> command to build a file called
1619 <filename>/d0/bootlist</filename>. Type in all the lines as
1620 listed earlier in this tutorial.
1621 When this is all done, you will use
1622 the <command>del</command> command to:
1624 <screen>
1625 OS9:del /d0/os9boot
1626 </screen>
1627 at this point you will:
1629 <screen>
1630 OS9:chd /d0/modules
1631 OS9:os9gen /d0 </d0/bootlist
1632 </screen>
1633 and your new BOOT file will go on this
1634 disk with more/less modules as you told
1635 it to put in the BOOT file.
1636 <emphasis>Both</emphasis> of these methods will give you a
1637 new BOOT disk but they both have their
1638 drawbacks. The first method gives you
1639 a boot disk but with little else on it
1640 in the way of commands. The 2nd way
1641 will give you a boot disk that has all
1642 your commands on it and all your
1643 working files. But the 2nd way to make
1644 a new BOOT disk will not work 100% of
1645 the time. When you go to <command>cobbler</command> or
1646 <command>os9gen</command> a new os9boot file on a new disk
1647 it will write that file out to track 34
1648 of that disk. It <emphasis>must</emphasis> have an
1649 unbroken number of sectors on track 34
1650 to put this bootfile. If you go to
1651 <command>cobbler</command> or <command>os9gen</command> on a disk that is
1652 pretty full the <command>cobbler</command> or <command>os9gen</command> might
1653 fail. <emphasis>if</emphasis> you use <command>os9gen</command> to make a new
1654 os9boot file and it has <emphasis>less</emphasis> modules in
1655 it then before the 2nd method will work just
1656 fine. <emphasis>But</emphasis> if the new os9boot file will
1657 have <emphasis>more</emphasis> modules in it then this 2nd
1658 method will not work 100% of the time.
1659 </para>
1660 <para>
1661 It is for this reason that I
1662 suggest you <command>os9gen</command> on a disk that only
1663 had the /d0/bootlist file on it and
1664 the /d0/modules directory on it. You
1665 can then copy over to this new disk
1666 the few commands you think you will
1667 need and after you boot with this disk
1668 take it out of /d0 and put in the disk
1669 you intend to work with. A disk that
1670 has <emphasis>all</emphasis> the commands you know you
1671 will need!!!
1672 </para>
1673 <para>
1674 You might also want to add some commands
1675 to the os9boot file so that they will
1676 be in memory at bootup time. Some very
1677 useful commands to have in memory all the
1678 time are <command>dir</command>, <command>build</command>,
1679 <command>del</command>, <command>mfree</command> and
1680 <command>free</command>.
1681 The only disadvantage of having these
1682 modules in the os9boot file is that once
1683 you boot and these modules are in memory
1684 all the unlink-ing in the world will <emphasis>not</emphasis>
1685 get them out of memory. So you have to
1686 decide if you want them in memory that
1687 bad. It should not cause too much of a
1688 memory problem if you have left out the
1689 <emphasis>d2</emphasis>, <emphasis>d3</emphasis>, <emphasis>rs232</emphasis>,
1690 <emphasis>t1</emphasis>, <emphasis>acia</emphasis>,
1691 <emphasis>t2</emphasis>, <emphasis>printer</emphasis>, and
1692 <emphasis>p</emphasis> modules.
1693 </para>
1694 <para>
1695 One of the advantages to making a
1696 tailored os9boot file is that it gets
1697 rid of modules that you were never going
1698 to use and cleans up some RAM for you to
1699 use also. Not a lot of RAM but enough
1700 to make all this worthwile. The most
1701 important thing to remember though when
1702 using the <command>os9gen</command> command is that you
1703 must move the modules from memory out
1704 to a directory where you will
1705 put all the modules you wish in the new
1706 os9boot file. Then you must build a
1707 data file with the names of all the
1708 modules you saved; change your data
1709 directory to the directory that has all
1710 the modules in it; then invoke the
1711 <command>os9gen</command> command telling it where to put
1712 the os9boot file and where it is to
1713 get the list of the modules it is to
1714 put in the os9boot file.
1715 </para>
1716 <para>
1717 You may have noticed way back in the
1718 beginning that there were some modules
1719 in memory that were called:
1720 <literallayout>
1721 os9 os9p2 init boot
1722 </literallayout>
1723 and we did not save them out to the
1724 /d0/modules directory and we did not put
1725 them in our bootlist. You don't need
1726 to. OS-9 knows to put those 4 modules
1727 in each new os9boot file it makes. It is
1728 something you <emphasis>should not try to do.</emphasis>
1729 </para>
1730 <para>
1731 Right about this time you may be saying
1732 to yourself that it sure is a pain to
1733 go about making a new boot disk? Well
1734 on a single disk drive system it <emphasis>is</emphasis>.
1735 There is no getting around this. If you
1736 had two disk drives you could have
1737 formatted the disk in drive /d1. Then
1738 used the <command>cobbler</command> or <command>os9gen</command> command to
1739 put os9boot on that disk. You could
1740 have then used the <command>dsave</command> command to
1741 move all the directories/files from
1742 /d0 over to /d1 and you would have
1743 saved a lot of time and typing. So I
1744 now repeat that OS-9 will run on a 1
1745 drive system but it sure runs a lot
1746 better on a 2 drive system!
1747 </para>
1748 <para>
1749 You probably read this whole tutorial
1750 and said to yourself that you are
1751 <emphasis>never</emphasis> going to use cobbler or os9gen
1752 to make a new boot disk. Sounds like
1753 too much work. Well after reading this
1754 all over I tend to agree with you. I
1755 had OS-9 for about 1 year before I got
1756 around to using os9gen to make a
1757 tailored os9boot file. Why did I use
1758 it? I saw some fine articles in
1759 Rainbow magazine telling how to make my
1760 disk drives run at 6ms. under OS-9 and
1761 how to make OS-9 use the full 40 tracks
1762 that my drives were capable of. It was
1763 then I decided how great a command
1764 <command>os9gen</command> was and learned how to use it.
1765 </para>
1766 </section>
1767 </article>