1 * F$GProcP entry point
2 FGProcP lda R$A,u get process #
3 bsr L0B2E Get ptr to process descriptor
4 bcs L0B2D If error, exit with it
5 sty R$Y,u Save ptr in caller's Y
6 L0B2D rts Return
8 * Entry: A=Process #
9 * Exit: Y=Ptr to process descriptor
10 * All others preserved
11 L0B2E pshs d,x Preserve regs
12 ldb ,s Get process # into B
13 beq L0B40 0, skip ahead
14 ldx <D.PrcDBT Get ptr to process descriptor block table
15 abx Point to specific process' entry
16 lda ,x Get MSB of process dsc. ptr
17 beq L0B40 None there, exit with error
18 clrb Clear LSB of process dsc. ptr (always fall on $200
19 tfr d,y boundaries) & move ptr to Y
20 puls d,x,pc Restore regs & return
22 L0B40 puls d,x Get regs back
23 comb Exit with Bad process ID error
24 ldb #E$BPrcID
25 rts