1 ********************************************************************
2 * Clock - OS-9 Level Two V3.00 Clock part 1
3 *
4 * $Id$
5 *
6 * Ed. Comments Who YY/MM/DD
7 * ------------------------------------------------------------------
8 * Original version KKD 87/01/01
9 * Fixed labels KDM 87/05/22
10 * Break into 2 modules KKD 88/09/29
11 * Fixed GIME IRQ toggle BRI 88/10/05
12 * Changed to TSlice = 3 BRI 88/11/12
13 * Changed to TSlice = 2 BRI 88/11/16
14 * Added F$TPS, chopped size BRI 88/12/09
15 * 14 Added F$TPS, chopped size BRI 88/12/09
16 * 15 Fixed bug where F$Link to Clock2 BRI ??/??/??
17 * was being done without switching D.Proc to the
18 * system state D.SysPrc first. This bug caused
19 * crashes in certain situations.
20 * 16 The only change in this edition is that BRI 90/04/15
21 * Simmy's F$TimAlm call has been combined into
22 * the standard F$Alarm call, with a few enhancements.
23 * The best documentation for this (it would probably
24 * be a good start on a manual page) is the comments
25 * from the source code.
26 * 17 Fixed bug where jmp [D.Crash] should instead BGP 98/10/20
27 * jmp D.Crash
30 nam Clock
31 ttl OS-9 Level Two V3.00 Clock part 1
33 ifp1
34 use defsfile
35 endc
37 edition equ 17
39 *******************************************************
41 mod len,name,systm+objct,reent+1,Init,0
43 *******************************************************
45 name fcs "Clock"
46 fcb edition
48 * Svc Calls:
50 SvcTbl fcb F$Time
51 fdb FTime-*-2
52 fcb F$STime
53 fdb FSTime-*-2
54 fcb F$VIRQ
55 fdb FVIRQ-*-2
56 fcb F$Alarm
57 fdb FAlarm-*-2
58 fcb F$TPS *** new BRI ***
59 fdb FTPS-*-2 *** new BRI ***
60 * fcb $26
61 * fdb FUnk-*-2
62 fcb $80
64 *---------------------------------
65 * IRQ Handler:
66 * Note NO STACK HERE!
68 IRQChek lda >IRQEnR get GIME irq status
69 ora <D.IRQS save it
70 bita #$08 was it VBORD irq?
71 bne L0035 ..yes, increment time
72 sta <D.IRQS
73 ldd <D.GPoll set D.SvcIRQ to GIME polling
74 bra L0043 ..and jmp D.XIRQ
76 * WAS VBORD IRQ so increment Time Vars:
77 L0035 anda #^$08 drop vbord irq
78 sta <D.IRQS
79 dec <D.Tick ticks-1
80 bne L0041 ..skip if not yet
81 lda #TkPerSec reset ticks to start of second
82 sta <D.Tick (also F$Alarm check flag!!)
83 L0041 ldd <D.VIRQ set alternate IRQ
84 L0043 std <D.SvcIrq for system state
85 jmp [D.XIRQ] and finish irq handling.
87 *---------------------------------
88 * NEW GIME irq register reset:
90 GPoll jsr [>D.Poll] do regular polling
91 bcc GPoll
92 GFix lda #$FE get enabled bits
93 anda <D.IRQS
94 sta <D.IRQS
95 lda <D.IRQER
96 tfr a,b copy it for GIME IRQ re-trigger
97 anda #^$01 select GIME IRQ input(s) to toggle
98 sta >IrqEnR disable selected GIME input(s)
99 stb >IrqEnR trigger GIME again
100 clrb
101 rts
103 *------------------------------
104 * VIRQ Handler:
106 VIRQChek clr ,-s clear found flag
107 lda <D.IRQS check for other irqs
108 bita #$37 any others?
109 beq L006D ..no
110 inc ,s yes, set flag
111 L006D ldy <D.CLTb point to virqtable
112 bra L008A ..begin search
114 * Main Loop:
116 L0072 ldd ,x get virq counter
117 subd #$0001 decrement
118 bne L0088 ..skip if not ready
119 inc ,s
120 lda $04,x check kill flag
121 bne L0082 ..nope
122 lbsr L01D9 ..yep, delete entry
123 L0082 ora #$01 set software irq bit
124 sta $04,x
125 ldd $02,x reset counter
126 L0088 std ,x
127 L008A ldx ,y++ last entry?
128 bne L0072 ..no
129 lda ,s+ else any found?
130 beq L0092 ..no
131 bsr GPoll
132 bra L0094
133 L0092 bsr GFix
134 L0094 jsr [>D.AltIRQ] poll keyboard
135 lda #TkPerSec
136 cmpa <D.Tick new second starting?
137 bne L011D ..not yet
138 ldd #3 gettime vector
139 lbsr L0125
140 lda <$002D
141 cmpa #$10
142 bhi L011D
143 beq L00E5
144 ldx #$1016
145 ldb ,x
146 beq L011D
147 leay -$07,x
148 bsr L00CE
149 bne L011D
150 lda <$002D
151 cmpa #$0F
152 bcs L00C5
153 tstb
154 bpl L00C5
155 clr ,x
156 L00C5 ldx >$1017
157 beq L011D
158 jsr ,x
159 bra L011D
160 L00CE ldb #$04
161 pshs x,b
162 ldx #$0028
163 L00D5 lda b,y
164 bmi L00DF
165 dec ,s
166 cmpa b,x
167 bne L00E3
168 L00DF decb
169 bpl L00D5
170 clrb
171 L00E3 puls pc,x,b
172 L00E5 ldx <$0048
173 leax <$21,x
174 L00EA lda ,-x
175 beq L0119
176 ldb #$C3
177 tfr d,y
178 lda $06,y
179 beq L0119
180 bsr L00CE
181 bne L0119
182 pshs b
183 ldd $06,y
184 exg d,y
185 clrb
186 exg d,y
187 pshs x
188 ldx <D.Proc
189 sty <D.Proc
190 os9 F$Send
191 stx <D.Proc
192 puls x
193 tst ,s+
194 bpl L0119
195 clra
196 clrb
197 std $06,y
198 L0119 cmpx <$0048
199 bhi L00EA
200 L011D jmp [D.Clock] continue w/multitasking
202 *--------------------------------- new!
203 * F$STime
205 FSTime ldx #D.Time
206 bsr Copy6
207 ldd #06 do setime in clock2:
209 *---------------------------------
210 * CALL CLOCK2: D=offset
211 L0125 ldx <D.Clock2 else update time vars
212 jmp d,x do it and rts
214 *---------------------------------
215 * F$Time
216 * Note that time is already here
217 * from once/second clock polling!
219 FTime ldx #D.Time point to time packet Moved ****
220 L012C ldy <D.Proc user process
221 lda <D.SysTsk from sys map
222 ldb P$Task,y to user map
223 ldu R$X,u destination=user(X)
224 bra L015B
226 Copy6 ldy <D.Proc calling process *** changed BRI ***
227 lda P$Task,y from user map *** changed BRI ***
228 ldb <D.SysTsk
229 ldu R$X,u packet
230 exg x,u
231 L015B ldy #6 number bytes
232 os9 F$Move get them
233 rts
237 *--------------------------------------------
238 * F$Alarm
239 *
240 * Note: The time packet is standard F$Time format, except seconds are always
241 * set to zero and $80 through $FF are wild cards that will match any
242 * time constant. Use of wild cards to replace one or more time
243 * constants in a time packet results in a repetitive alarm. The BELL
244 * alarm sounds once per second up to and including the 15th second in
245 * the alarm minute. Signal alarms are sent on the 16th second of the
246 * alarm minute to avoid misses when using a real-time Clock2, which may
247 * be out of sync with the internal VBORD (60 Hz) tick count.
248 * EG1: X=>$5A0216000000 sets an alarm at midnight on Feb. 22, 1990.
249 * EG2: X=>$5AFFFF0D0000 sets an alarm at 1:00 PM every day in 1990.
250 * EG3: X=>$FFFFFFFFFF00 sets an alarm at every minute.
251 *
252 * INPUT: A = alarm type or process ID
253 * B = action or signal code (depending on A)
254 * X = pointer to caller's time packet (if alarm set or return)
255 *
256 * OUTPUT: Alarm set, cleared, or returned, as follows:
257 *
258 * - if A=0:
259 * - if B=0, clear alarm
260 * - if B=1, set "BELL" alarm
261 * - D = alarm info
262 * - X = pointer to caller's 6 byte time packet
263 * - if B=2, return alarm info
264 * - D = alarm info
265 * - X = pointer to caller's 6 byte time packet
266 *
267 * - if A<>0:
268 * - A = process ID to be signalled
269 * - B = signal code to be sent
270 * - X = pointer to caller's 6 byte time packet
271 *
272 * ERROR OUTPUT: CC = Carry set
273 * B = error code
275 FAlarm ldx <D.Proc
276 leax >$00C3,x
277 ldd $01,u
278 beq L0167
279 tsta
280 bne L017C
281 cmpb #$01
282 beq L0179
283 cmpb #$02
284 beq L0170
285 comb
286 ldb #$BB
287 rts
288 L0167 tst $06,x
289 bne L0188
290 ldx #$100F
291 bra L0188
292 L0170 ldx #$100F
293 ldd $06,x
294 std $01,u
295 bra L012C
296 L0179 ldx #$100F
297 L017C pshs x,b,a
298 clra
299 clrb
300 std $06,x
301 bsr Copy6
302 puls x,b,a
303 clr $05,x
304 L0188 std $06,x
305 clrb
306 rts
308 *--------------------------------- *** new ***
309 * get ticks per second:
311 FTPS ldd #TkPerSec number of ticks per second
312 std R$D,u save it to caller's reg stack
313 clrb no error...
314 rts
316 *---------------------------------
317 FVIRQ pshs cc save irq status
318 orcc #IntMasks stop irq/firqs
319 ldy <D.CLTb point to virq table
320 ldx <D.Init and Init module
321 ldb PollCnt,x get max devices
322 ldx R$X,u get X parameter
323 beq L01C3 ..remove entry
324 tst ,y first entry empty?
325 beq L01B9 ..yes
326 subb #$02 else point to last
327 lslb entry in table
328 leay b,y
329 tst ,y empty?
330 bne L01D3 ..no, error
331 L01B3 tst ,--y found spot?
332 beq L01B3 ..no, back up
333 leay $02,y yes, reset ptr
334 L01B9 ldx R$Y,u get packet ptr
335 stx ,y set entry
336 ldd R$D,u get first count *** changed BRI ***
337 std ,x set it *** changed BRI ***
338 bra L01CF return okay.
339 L01C3 ldx R$Y,u get entry
340 L01C5 tst ,y return if
341 beq L01CF no entries
342 cmpx ,y++ else search for
343 bne L01C5 this entry
344 bsr L01D9 then remove it
345 L01CF puls cc restore intrpt status
346 clrb ok
347 rts .
348 L01D3 puls cc retrieve CC reg
349 comb set error bit
350 ldb #E$Poll 'Polling Table Full'
351 rts .
353 *--------------------------
354 * delete virq entry:
356 L01D9 pshs y,x save regs
357 L01DB ldx ,y++ move entries
358 stx -$04,y up in table
359 bne L01DB until last one (0000)
360 puls y,x
361 leay -$02,y reset table ptr
362 rts
365 *---------------------------------
366 * Clock Init:
368 Init clrb necessary???
369 pshs cc save intpt status
370 ldd #(TkPerSec*256)+02
371 sta <D.Tick
372 stb <D.TSlice two ticks/time slice
373 stb <D.Slice and first slice
374 orcc #IntMasks stop interrupts
375 leax >IRQChek,pcr set IRQ handler
376 stx <D.IRQ
377 leax >VIRQChek,pcr set VIRQ handler
378 stx <D.VIRQ
379 leax >GPoll,pcr set GIME irq reset
380 stx <D.GPoll
381 * install system calls
382 leay >SvcTbl,pcr insert syscalls
383 os9 F$SSvc
384 clra
385 ldx #PIA0Base point to PIA0
386 sta $01,x dir register
387 sta ,x side A are inputs
388 sta $03,x dir register
389 coma
390 sta $02,x side B outputs
391 ldd #$343C reset D
392 sta $01,x control reg
393 stb $03,x set up irq from VBORD
394 lda $02,x dummy reset
395 lda #$08
396 ora <D.IRQER get GIME IRQ reg/enable VBord irqs
397 sta <D.IRQER save shadow reg
398 sta >IRQEnR set VBorder irqs
400 ldx <D.Proc save user proc
401 pshs x
402 ldx <D.SysPrc make sys for link
403 stx <D.Proc
405 leax <Clock2,pcr
406 lda #Systm+Objct
407 os9 F$Link
409 * And here, we restore the original D.Proc value
410 puls x
411 stx <D.Proc restore user proc
413 bcs err
414 sty <D.Clock2 save exec vector
415 jsr ,y do init of clock (ignore errs)
416 puls pc,cc
418 err ldb #5 "no clock2" err
419 jmp D.Crash tell user the booterr
421 Clock2 fcs "Clock2"
423 emod
424 len equ *
425 end