1 *+
2 * O S 9 p 3 . a
3 * -- printerr functionality for Level II
4 *
6 * Peter E. Durham
7 * The New Wentworth Timesharing System
8 * summer: 6 Twin Brook Circle school: Quincy House D-24
9 * Andover, MA 01810 58 Plympton St.
10 * (617) 475-4243 Cambridge, MA 02138
11 * (617) 498-3209
12 * cis: 73177,1215 delphi: PEDXING
13 * unix: harvard!husc4!durham_2 intnet: durham_2@husc4.harvard.edu
14 *
16 * 01.00.00 (PED) 87/06/23 -- First release
17 *
18 * COPYRIGHT (C) 1987 by Peter Durham
19 * Permission is given to all members of the OS-9 community to use,
20 * modify, and share this program for their personal enjoyment.
21 * Commercial use of this program, which was written for fun to share with
22 * the community, is prohibited without the consent of the author.
23 * Please share any extensions or modifications with the author, who
24 * would be interested in hearing about them.
25 *
26 * NOTE
27 * Quick poll... how does the above sound as a copyright notice? Clearly,
28 * authors like to share their work while maintaining some control on it.
29 * And it doesn't seem fair for someone else to make $ from something
30 * someone else made for fun. I think the above conditions are what most
31 * people want. Let me know what you think.
32 *
33 * NOTE
34 * The inspiration for this utility was the os9p3 example in
35 * the Tandy Level II manual. Tandy deserves praise for
36 * including examples such as this one in their manuals.
37 *
38 * NOTE
39 * There is something funny about OS9p3 modules... some versions
40 * are not liked, others are. When developing this module, often
41 * a version would fail... but if I added a "leas 0,s" right before
42 * the "rts" in PrinBuf, it would work! Probably the location and
43 * operation are not significant. This version here has never failed
44 * to boot on my system; however, if it does on yours (or you change
45 * it), try putting such things in.
46 *
47 * NOTE
48 * For those people who just can't have enough... OS9p3 will look for
49 * a module called OS9p4, and link to it, and execute it. Thanks to
50 * Kev for this idea. Now we can keep additions to the kernel in nice
51 * separate chunks. (How long 'til OS9p11 comes around...?)
52 *-
53 nam OS9p3
54 ttl Printerr functionality for Level II
55 opt w79
56 *+
57 * C o n s t a n t s
58 * (so we don't need a level II DEFS file)
59 *-
60 *+
61 * Service calls
62 *-
64 ifp1
65 use defsfile
66 endc
67 *+
68 * C o d e
69 *-
70 *+
71 * Module header
72 *-
73 Type set Systm ;System module, 6809 object code
74 Revs set Reent+1 ;Sharable, first revision
75 edition set 1
77 mod OS9End,OS9Name,Type,Revs,Entry,256
78 OS9Name fcs "OS9p3" ;Name
79 fcb edition
80 *+
81 * Initialization routine and table
82 *-
83 Entry equ *
84 leay SvcTbl,pcr ;Get address of table
85 os9 F$SSvc ;Install services in table
86 lda #Type ;Get system module type for OS9p4
87 leax P4Name,pcr ;Get name for OS9p4
88 os9 F$Link ;Try to link to it
89 bcs Exit ;If not found, exit
90 jsr ,y ;Go execute it!
91 Exit rts ;Return to os9p2
92 SvcTbl equ *
93 fcb F$PErr ;System call number
94 fdb PErr-*-2 ;Offset to code
95 fcb $80 ;End of table
96 *+
97 * The new F$Perr service call
98 *-
99 *+
100 * Data (in user space!)
101 *-
102 BufLen equ 80
103 Buf rmb BufLen
104 HunDig equ Buf+7
105 TenDig equ Buf+8
106 OneDig equ Buf+9
107 DataMem equ .
108 *+
110 * PURPOSE Top level routine
111 * REGISTERS B = Error code (after Setup)
112 * U = User memory area (after Setup)
113 * Y = User process descriptor (after Setup)
114 * A = Error file path number (after OpenFil)
115 * X = Pointer to strings
116 *-
117 PErr equ *
118 bsr Setup ;Go set up registers
119 leax ErrMsg,pcr ;Get pointer to "Error #000"
120 bsr MoveBuf ;Go copy it over
121 bsr WritNum ;Go copy the number into it
122 lbsr PrinMsg ;Go print the message
123 bcs PErrBye ;If error, abort
124 leax FilNam,pcr ;Get pointer to "/dd/sys/errmsg"
125 bsr MoveBuf ;Go copy it over
126 lbsr OpenFil ;Go open the file
127 bcs PErrBye ;If error, abort
128 Loop lbsr RdBuf ;Go read a line from the file
129 bcs Error ;If error, print CR, and abort
130 pshs b ;Save error code
131 pshs b ;Save error code again for compare
132 bsr CalcNum ;What number is on this line?
133 cmpb ,s+ ;Is this line the right line?
134 puls b ;Restore error code
135 bne Loop ;If not right line, loop again
136 lbsr PrinBuf ;If right line, write line out
137 bra Close ;Done, so close the file
138 Error lbsr DoCR ;Go print a carriage return
139 Close lbsr ClosFil ;Go close the file
140 PErrBye rts ;Return from system call
141 *+
142 * FUNCTION SetUp
143 * PURPOSE Sets up registers
144 * GIVES B = Error code
145 * U = Pointer to data memory on user stack in user space
146 * Y = Pointer to user process descriptor in system space
147 *-
148 SetUp equ *
149 ldb R$B,u ;Get error code
150 ldy D.Proc ;Get user's process descriptor
151 ldu P$SP,y ;Get user's stack pointer
152 leau -DataMem,u ;Reserve a little space
153 rts
154 *+
155 * FUNCTION MoveBuf
156 * PURPOSE Copies string to user space
157 * TAKES X = location of string in system space
158 *-
159 MoveBuf equ *
160 pshs u,y,d ;Save registers
161 lda D.SysTsk ;Get system process task number
162 ldb P$Task,y ;Get user process task number
163 leau Buf,u ;Get pointer to destination buffer
164 ldy #BufLen ;Copy BufLen characters over (extras, oh well)
165 os9 F$Move ;Move string to user space
166 puls d,y,u,pc ;Restore registers and return
167 *+
168 * FUNCTION WriteNum
169 * PURPOSE Puts the ASCII value of the error code in user space
170 * TAKES B = error code
171 *-
172 WritNum equ *
173 pshs x,d ;Save registers
174 clra ;Start A as 0
175 Huns cmpb #100 ;Is B >= 100?
176 blo HunDone ;If not, go do Tens
177 inca ;Increment hundreds digit
178 subb #100 ;Subtract 100 from B
179 bra Huns ;Go do again
180 HunDone leax HunDig,u ;Where to put digit
181 bsr WritDig ;Go put it there
182 clra ;Start A again as 0
183 Tens cmpb #10 ;Is B >= 10?
184 blo TenDone ;If not, go do Ones
185 inca ;Increment hundreds digit
186 subb #10 ;Subtract 10 from B
187 bra Tens ;Go do again
188 TenDone leax TenDig,u ;Where to put digit
189 bsr WritDig ;Go put it there
190 tfr b,a ;Get ones digit
191 leax OneDig,u ;Where to put digit
192 bsr WritDig ;Go put it there
193 puls d,x,pc ;Restore registers and return
194 *+
195 * FUNCTION WritDig
196 * PURPOSE Copy digit into user space
197 * TAKES A = digit to copy (not in ASCII yet)
198 * X = where to put digit
199 *-
200 WritDig equ *
201 pshs d ;Save registers
202 adda #'0 ;Convert A to ASCII
203 ldb P$Task,y ;Get task number
204 os9 F$StABX ;Write that digit to user space
205 puls d,pc ;Restore registers and return
206 *+
207 * FUNCTION CalcNum
208 * PURPOSE Converts ASCII number in user space to binary
209 * TAKES Buf (in user space) = ASCII number
210 * GIVES B = number converted
211 * X = points to first nonnumeric character
212 *-
213 CalcNum equ *
214 pshs a ;Save register
215 leax Buf,u ;Get pointer to buffer
216 clrb ;Set accumulator to zero
217 NextDig bsr LoadDig ;Get digit from user space
218 suba #'0 ;Convert to binary; is it less than zero?
219 bmi CalcBye ;If so, return
220 cmpa #9 ;Is the digit more than nine?
221 bhi CalcBye ;If so, return
222 pshs a ;Save the digit while we multiply
223 lda #10 ;Multiply current number by 10
224 mul ;Do it
225 addb ,s+ ;Add new digit to number
226 leax 1,x ;Advance X to next digit
227 bra NextDig ;Go get the next digit
228 CalcBye puls a,pc ;Restore register and return
229 *+
230 * FUNCTION LoadDig
231 * PURPOSE Get digit from user space
232 * TAKES X = pointer to digit in user space
233 * GIVES A = digit in user space
234 *-
235 LoadDig equ *
236 pshs b ;Save register
237 ldb P$Task,y ;Get user process task number
238 os9 F$LdABX ;Get digit
239 puls b,pc ;Restore register and return
240 *+
241 * FUNCTION PrinMsg
242 * PURPOSE Prints out the Error #xxx message
243 *-
244 PrinMsg equ *
245 pshs y,x,a ;Save registers
246 lda P$Path+2,y ;Get StdErr path number
247 leax Buf,u ;Get pointer to message
248 ldy #ErrLen ;Maximum ErrLen characters to print
249 os9 I$Write ;Write out error message
250 puls a,x,y,pc ;Restore registers and return
251 *+
253 * PURPOSE Prints a carriage return
254 *-
255 DoCR equ *
256 pshs x,d ;Save registers
257 ldb P$Task,y ;Get user task number
258 lda #$0D ;Load A with a CR
259 leax Buf,u ;Get pointer to buffer
260 os9 F$StABX ;Move the CR to the buffer
261 bsr PrinBuf ;Go print it
262 puls d,x,pc ;Restore registers and return
263 *+
264 * FUNCTION PrinBuf
265 * PURPOSE Prints out the string from user space
266 * TAKES X (in user space) = String to print
267 *-
268 PrinBuf equ *
269 pshs y,a ;Save registers
270 lda P$Path+2,y ;Get StdErr path number
271 ldy #BufLen ;Maximum BufLen characters to print
272 os9 I$WritLn ;Write out message
273 puls a,y,pc ;Restore registers and return
274 *+
275 * FUNCTION RdBuf
276 * PURPOSE Reads in a string from file to user space
277 * TAKES A = path number
278 * GIVES Buf (in user space) = String read in
279 *-
280 RdBuf equ *
281 pshs y,x ;Save registers
282 leax Buf,u ;Get pointer to buffer
283 ldy #BufLen ;Maximum BufLen characters to read
284 os9 I$ReadLn ;Read in line from file
285 puls x,y,pc ;Restore registers and return
286 *+
287 * FUNCTION OpenFil
288 * PURPOSE Open path to error message file
289 * TAKES Buf (in user space) = name of file
290 * GIVES A = Path number
291 *-
292 OpenFil equ *
293 pshs x ;Save register
294 lda #READ. ;Open path for read access
295 leax Buf,u ;Get pointer to string
296 os9 I$Open ;Open path
297 puls x,pc ;Restore registers and return A
298 *+
299 * FUNCTION ClosFil
300 * PURPOSE Close path to error message file
301 * TAKES A = Path number
302 *-
303 ClosFil equ *
304 os9 I$Close ;Close file
305 rts ;Return
306 P4Name fcc "OS9p4"
307 fcb $D
308 ErrMsg fcc "Error #000"
309 ErrLen equ *-ErrMsg
310 FilNam fcc "/dd/sys/errmsg"
311 fcb $D
312 FilLen equ *-FilNam
313 emod
314 OS9End equ *
315 end