1 From: jimomura@lsuc.UUCP (Jim Omura)
2 Newsgroups: net.micro.6809
3 Subject: MicroEMACS OS-9 Part 1 of 7
4 Message-ID: <1197@lsuc.UUCP>
5 Date: Sun, 4-May-86 12:51:35 EDT
6 Article-I.D.: lsuc.1197
7 Posted: Sun May 4 12:51:35 1986
8 Date-Received: Sun, 4-May-86 15:07:58 EDT
9 Reply-To: jimomura@lsuc.UUCP (Jim Omura)
10 Organization: Barrister & Solicitor, Toronto
11 Lines: 414
12 Summary:
16 These files are the best I could do to get 'microEMACS' for OS-9
17 'here'. This is the now legendary Bob Santy/Bob Larson port which time
18 and luck have conspired to keep out of the hands of most OS-9'ers.
19 As it is, it's being brought to you from Usenet, to my Color Computer,
20 to BIX, to Bob Santy, to Bob Larson, to me, to BIX again, to my
21 Spectravideo CP/M machine, to 'lsuc', to the net. That's only part
22 of the story and doesn't even go into the *days* I wasted just trying
23 to upload it from my Color Computer to 'lsuc' and other fiascos.
25 Please, someone, use it. That's make me feel much better about
26 the whole mess.
28 Cheers! -- Jim Omura