1 /*
2 * Buffer management.
3 * Some of the functions are internal,
4 * and some are actually attached to user
5 * keys. Like everyone else, they set hints
6 * for the display system.
7 */
8 #include <stdio.h>
9 #include "ueed.h"
11 #ifndef OS9
12 /*
13 * Attach a buffer to a window. The
14 * values of dot and mark come from the buffer
15 * if the use count is 0. Otherwise, they come
16 * from some other window.
17 */
18 usebuffer(f, n)
19 {
20 register BUFFER *bp;
21 register WINDOW *wp;
22 register int s;
23 char bufn[NBUFN];
25 if ((s=mlreply("Use buffer: ", bufn, NBUFN)) != TRUE)
26 return (s);
27 if ((bp=bfind(bufn, TRUE, 0)) == NULL)
28 return (FALSE);
29 if (--curbp->b_nwnd == 0) { /* Last use. */
30 curbp->b_dotp = curwp->w_dotp;
31 curbp->b_doto = curwp->w_doto;
32 curbp->b_markp = curwp->w_markp;
33 curbp->b_marko = curwp->w_marko;
34 }
35 curbp = bp; /* Switch. */
36 curwp->w_bufp = bp;
37 curwp->w_linep = bp->b_linep; /* For macros, ignored. */
38 curwp->w_flag |= WFMODE|WFFORCE|WFHARD; /* Quite nasty. */
39 if (bp->b_nwnd++ == 0) { /* First use. */
40 curwp->w_dotp = bp->b_dotp;
41 curwp->w_doto = bp->b_doto;
42 curwp->w_markp = bp->b_markp;
43 curwp->w_marko = bp->b_marko;
44 return (TRUE);
45 }
46 wp = wheadp; /* Look for old. */
47 while (wp != NULL) {
48 if (wp!=curwp && wp->w_bufp==bp) {
49 curwp->w_dotp = wp->w_dotp;
50 curwp->w_doto = wp->w_doto;
51 curwp->w_markp = wp->w_markp;
52 curwp->w_marko = wp->w_marko;
53 break;
54 }
55 wp = wp->w_wndp;
56 }
57 return (TRUE);
58 }
60 /*
61 * Dispose of a buffer, by name.
62 * Ask for the name. Look it up (don't get too
63 * upset if it isn't there at all!). Get quite upset
64 * if the buffer is being displayed. Clear the buffer (ask
65 * if the buffer has been changed). Then free the header
66 * line and the buffer header. Bound to "C-X K".
67 */
68 killbuffer(f, n)
69 {
70 register BUFFER *bp;
71 register BUFFER *bp1;
72 register BUFFER *bp2;
73 register int s;
74 char bufn[NBUFN];
76 if ((s=mlreply("Kill buffer: ", bufn, NBUFN)) != TRUE)
77 return (s);
78 if ((bp=bfind(bufn, FALSE, 0)) == NULL) /* Easy if unknown. */
79 return (TRUE);
80 if (bp->b_nwnd != 0) { /* Error if on screen. */
81 mlwrite("Buffer is being displayed");
82 return (FALSE);
83 }
84 if ((s=bclear(bp)) != TRUE) /* Blow text away. */
85 return (s);
86 free((char *) bp->b_linep); /* Release header line. */
87 bp1 = NULL; /* Find the header. */
88 bp2 = bheadp;
89 while (bp2 != bp) {
90 bp1 = bp2;
91 bp2 = bp2->b_bufp;
92 }
93 bp2 = bp2->b_bufp; /* Next one in chain. */
94 if (bp1 == NULL) /* Unlink it. */
95 bheadp = bp2;
96 else
97 bp1->b_bufp = bp2;
98 free((char *) bp); /* Release buffer block */
99 return (TRUE);
100 }
102 /*
103 * List all of the active
104 * buffers. First update the special
105 * buffer that holds the list. Next make
106 * sure at least 1 window is displaying the
107 * buffer list, splitting the screen if this
108 * is what it takes. Lastly, repaint all of
109 * the windows that are displaying the
110 * list. Bound to "C-X C-B".
111 */
112 listbuffers(f, n)
113 {
114 register WINDOW *wp;
115 register BUFFER *bp;
116 register int s;
118 if ((s=makelist()) != TRUE)
119 return (s);
120 if (blistp->b_nwnd == 0) { /* Not on screen yet. */
121 if ((wp=wpopup()) == NULL)
122 return (FALSE);
123 bp = wp->w_bufp;
124 if (--bp->b_nwnd == 0) {
125 bp->b_dotp = wp->w_dotp;
126 bp->b_doto = wp->w_doto;
127 bp->b_markp = wp->w_markp;
128 bp->b_marko = wp->w_marko;
129 }
130 wp->w_bufp = blistp;
131 ++blistp->b_nwnd;
132 }
133 wp = wheadp;
134 while (wp != NULL) {
135 if (wp->w_bufp == blistp) {
136 wp->w_linep = lforw(blistp->b_linep);
137 wp->w_dotp = lforw(blistp->b_linep);
138 wp->w_doto = 0;
139 wp->w_markp = NULL;
140 wp->w_marko = 0;
141 wp->w_flag |= WFMODE|WFHARD;
142 }
143 wp = wp->w_wndp;
144 }
145 return (TRUE);
146 }
148 /*
149 * This routine rebuilds the
150 * text in the special secret buffer
151 * that holds the buffer list. It is called
152 * by the list buffers command. Return TRUE
153 * if everything works. Return FALSE if there
154 * is an error (if there is no memory).
155 */
156 makelist()
157 {
158 register char *cp1;
159 register char *cp2;
160 register int c;
161 register BUFFER *bp;
162 register LINE *lp;
163 register int nbytes;
164 register int s;
165 register int type;
166 char b[6+1];
167 char line[128];
169 blistp->b_flag &= ~BFCHG; /* Don't complain! */
170 if ((s=bclear(blistp)) != TRUE) /* Blow old text away */
171 return (s);
172 strcpy(blistp->b_fname, "");
173 if (addline("C Size Buffer File") == FALSE
174 || addline("- ---- ------ ----") == FALSE)
175 return (FALSE);
176 bp = bheadp; /* For all buffers */
177 while (bp != NULL) {
178 if ((bp->b_flag&BFTEMP) != 0) { /* Skip magic ones. */
179 bp = bp->b_bufp;
180 continue;
181 }
182 cp1 = &line[0]; /* Start at left edge */
183 if ((bp->b_flag&BFCHG) != 0) /* "*" if changed */
184 *cp1++ = '*';
185 else
186 *cp1++ = ' ';
187 *cp1++ = ' '; /* Gap. */
188 nbytes = 0; /* Count bytes in buf. */
189 lp = lforw(bp->b_linep);
190 while (lp != bp->b_linep) {
191 nbytes += llength(lp)+1;
192 lp = lforw(lp);
193 }
194 itoa(b, 6, nbytes); /* 6 digit buffer size. */
195 cp2 = &b[0];
196 while ((c = *cp2++) != 0)
197 *cp1++ = c;
198 *cp1++ = ' '; /* Gap. */
199 cp2 = &bp->b_bname[0]; /* Buffer name */
200 while ((c = *cp2++) != 0)
201 *cp1++ = c;
202 cp2 = &bp->b_fname[0]; /* File name */
203 if (*cp2 != 0) {
204 while (cp1 < &line[1+1+6+1+NBUFN+1])
205 *cp1++ = ' ';
206 while ((c = *cp2++) != 0) {
207 if (cp1 < &line[128-1])
208 *cp1++ = c;
209 }
210 }
211 *cp1 = 0; /* Add to the buffer. */
212 if (addline(line) == FALSE)
213 return (FALSE);
214 bp = bp->b_bufp;
215 }
216 return (TRUE); /* All done */
217 }
218 #endif