comparison level2/modules/clock2_swatch.asm @ 0:6641a883d6b0

Initial revision
author boisy
date Thu, 04 Apr 2002 16:34:12 +0000
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:6641a883d6b0
1 ********************************************************************
2 * Clock2 - Dallas Semiconductor 1216E SmartWatch clock driver
3 *
4 * $Id$
5 *
6 * Ed. Comments Who YY/MM/DD
7 * ------------------------------------------------------------------
8 * 1 Created BGP 98/10/04
10 nam Clock2
11 ttl Dallas Semiconductor 1216E SmartWatch clock driver
13 ifp1
14 use defsfile
15 endc
17 rev set 1
18 edition set 1
20 RTC.Base equ $2000 We map the clock into this addr
21 RTC.Blok equ $FFA1 Address corresponding to map RTC ROM block into
22 RTCMPSlt equ $33 MPI Slot ($00-$33) where RTC is
24 mod CSize,CNam,Systm+Objct,ReEnt+rev,Entry,RTC.Base
26 CNam fcs "Clock2"
27 fcb edition edition byte
28 SlotSlct fcb RTCMPSlt slot constant for MPI select code
30 Entry bra Init clock hardware initialization
31 nop maintain 3 byte entry table spacing
32 * bra GetTime get hardware time
33 bra ReadSW get hardware time
34 nop save a couple cycles with short branch a
35 bra SetTime set hardware time
37 * SetTime is not implemented yet
38 SetTime clrb
39 rts
41 GetTime ldb <D.Sec get seconds
42 incb
43 cmpb #60
44 beq ReadSW if zero, get SmartWatch time
45 stb <D.Sec else update second
46 rts
48 Init
49 ReadSW pshs d,x,y,u save regs which will be altered
51 ldx #$003E
52 ldb #1
53 os9 F$MapBlk
54 * lbcs exx
56 pshs cc
58 * orcc #IntMasks disable interrupts
59 lda MPI.Slct get MPI slot
60 ldb <D.HINIT get GIME shadow of $FF90
61 pshs d
62 lda SlotSlct,pcr
63 sta MPI.Slct and select it
64 andb #$FC
65 stb $FF90 ROM mapping = 16k internal, 16k external
66 leay SWKey,pcr
67 *ROMRAM sta >$FFDE put CC3 in ROM mode
68 * Loop to write 64 bit key to SmartWatch
69 MapSW lda $04,u read ROM block (trigger SW)
70 LoopTop ldb #8 B = bit counter (8)
71 lda ,y+ get byte in key
72 beq ReadTime if zero, exit
73 BitLoop lsra move bit 0 to Carry
74 bcs Write1 if Carry set, write a 1 to SmartWatch
75 tst ,u else write 0 to SmartWatch
76 bra LoopCntl
77 Write1 tst 1,u
78 LoopCntl decb dec bit counter
79 beq LoopTop if more bits, continue
80 bra BitLoop else move to top of loop and get next byte in key
82 * Read Time from SmartWatch
83 ReadTime lda #8
84 L00CF ldb #8
85 pshs d
86 L00D3 ldb 4,u
87 lsrb
88 rora
89 dec 1,s dec count (B) on stack
90 bne L00D3
92 * Convert BCD to a normal number
93 BCD2Dec clrb
94 B2DLoop cmpa #$10
95 bcs B2DDone
96 suba #$10
97 addb #$0A
98 bra B2DLoop
99 B2DDone pshs a
100 addb ,s+
102 stb 1,s
103 puls a
104 deca
105 bne L00CF
106 * sta >$FFDF
107 * Restore original values and unmask interrupts ASAP
108 ldx #D.Time
109 ldd ,s get year/Month
110 std ,x save year/month
111 lda 2,s get day
112 sta 2,x save day
113 ldd 4,s get hour/min
114 std 3,x save hour/min
115 lda 6,s get seconds
116 sta 5,x save seconds
117 leas 8,s clean stack
118 puls d get DINIT/MPI slot
119 sta >MPI.Slct restore org MPI slot
120 stb >$FF90 restore org GIME INT0
122 puls cc
124 ldb #1
125 os9 F$ClrBlk
127 exx
128 puls pc,d,x,y,u
130 SWKey fcb %11000101,%00111010,%10100011,%01011100
131 fcb %11000101,%00111010,%10100011,%01011100
132 fcb $00
134 ifeq 1
137 * Read SmartWatch time
138 * Entry: Y=copy of stack pointer
139 ReadSW pshs cc Save interrupt status
140 orcc #IntMasks Disable interupts
142 lda >MPI.Slct Get current MPak slot
143 ldb <D.HINIT Get current GIME init register
144 pshs d Save current MPak slot & GIME init register
145 lda #RTCMPSlt Set MPak to slot 4 (both ROM & IRQ select)
146 sta >MPI.Slct
147 andb #$FC Set GIME to use 16K Internal/16K External ROM
148 stb $FF90
149 lda <D.TINIT Get task side
150 bita #$01 We in task 1? (either GRFDRV or user task)
151 bne L0207 Yes, adjust myself for it
152 * If we are in system state, map ROM block into block 2 of Task 0
153 ldb RTC.Blok Get current memory block to swap out
154 pshs d Save it
155 lda #$3E Get Disk ROM block #
156 sta RTC.Blok Swap it in
157 bra ROMRAM Go find Smart watch
158 * If we are in user state, map ROM block into block 2 of Task 1
159 L0207 ldb RTC.Blok+8 Get block # to save
160 pshs d Preserve Init1 register & block # currently mapped
161 lda #$3E Get Disk ROM block #
162 sta RTC.Blok+8 Swap it in
164 * Now, switch to ROM mode and swap Smartwatch in
165 ROMRAM clr $FFDE Switch to all ROM mode
166 * pshs dp Preserve DP
167 * lda #$20 Point DP to ROM/Smartwatch block
168 * tfr a,dp
169 lbsr MapSW Swap Smarwatch into beginning of ROM block
170 ldx #D.Sec Point to system seconds
171 lda #8 Get # registers to read
172 sta ,-s Save it on stack
173 * Read bits from SmartWatch
174 ReadSW ldb #8 Get # of bits
175 GetBit lda >RTC.Base+4 Get a bit off the smartwatch
176 lsra Shift it to carry
177 ror ,x Move it location
178 decb Done?
179 bne GetBit No, keep going
180 lda ,s Get register #
181 cmpa #$08 Was it the 1/10th second register?
182 beq L023D Yes skip it and do it again
183 cmpa #$04 Was it day of week register?
184 bne L0239 No, go on to next register
185 ldb ,x Get the day of week
186 stb <D.Daywk Save it
187 bra L023D Move to next register
189 L0239 leax -1,x Move time packet pointer back
190 bsr BCD2Dec Convert BCD to hex for current register
191 L023D dec ,s Done all registers?
192 bne ReadSW No, go back
193 leas 1,s Purge stack
194 * puls dp Get back real DP
195 clr $FFDF Swap back to all RAM mode
196 puls d Restore block #
197 bita #$01 In task 1?
198 bne L0251 Yes, save block to task 1
199 stb RTC.Blok Save block to task 0
200 bra L0254 Continue on
201 L0251 stb RTC.Blok+8 Save block to task 1
202 L0254 puls d Restore MPak slot # & GIME init register
203 sta >MPI.Slct Switch MPak back
204 stb $FF90 Restore GIME
205 puls cc,pc Restore interupts & return
207 * Convert BCD to Hex
208 BCD2Dec lda 1,x Get BCD byte
209 clrb Clear out destination byte
210 L0261 cmpa #16 0-15?
211 blo L026B Yes, it's fine
212 suba #16 Subtract 16 from BCD byte
213 addb #10 Add 10 to destination byte
214 bra L0261 keep doing until we are done
215 L026B pshs a Push leftover onto stack
216 addb ,s+ Add to current destination byte
217 stb 1,x Store it back
218 rts return
235 * Enable SmartWatch
236 * Entry: S is a new stack ptr for temporary use. ROM has been mapped into
237 * block 2, which will have the Smartwatch mapped into the beginning of
238 * it after we send out the 'map in Smartwatch' 64 bit sequence
239 * Y=original stack pointer, DO NOT MODIFY!
240 * DP must be $20, for direct page addressing
241 *
242 * 6809 optomization: Preserve DP on the stack, and then set it for $20
243 * Use for $2000/$2001 ops in direct page mode, saving 50+ cycles
244 * (especially considering interrupts are disabled this whole time!)
245 * NOTE: all accesses to smartwatch except the init pattern have to be
246 * READS ONLY, not writes
247 * 6309: do above, and use LDE instead of TST, as well as F as the counter
248 * instead of the stack
249 *
251 SWBits fcb %11000101,%00111010,%10100011,%01011100
252 fcb %11000101,%00111010,%10100011,%01011100
254 MapSW leax SWBits,pc point to coding table
255 lda >RTC.Base+4 Reset Smarwatch to expect the map in sequence
256 lda #8 byte counter
257 sta ,-s onto stack
259 ByteLoop ldb #8 bit counter
260 lda ,x+ get code byte
261 BitLoop lsra shift LSBit out
262 bcs Write1 if a 1 bit, skip ahead
263 tst >RTC.Base if 0, test 1st byte of ROM we mapped in
264 bra DecLoop
265 Write1 tst >RTC.Base+1 if 1 bit, test 2nd byte of ROM we mapped in
266 DecLoop decb dec bit counter
267 bne BitLoop keep reading alternate signals until byte is done
268 dec ,s dec byte counter
269 bne ByteLoop keep going until entire 64 bit read pattern done
270 puls a,pc restore regs & return
274 endc
276 emod
277 CSize equ *
278 end