diff level1/modules/rbsuper.asm @ 2590:17d43fd29ee2

Integration of SuperDriver
author boisy
date Thu, 22 Dec 2011 18:23:47 +0000
children ebf319736e9c
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/level1/modules/rbsuper.asm	Thu Dec 22 18:23:47 2011 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,791 @@
+* rbsuper - RBF Super Caching Device Driver
+* $Id$
+* (C) 2004 Boisy G. Pitre - Licensed to Cloud-9
+* RBSuper is the framework for a new type of RBF device driver -- one
+* that fetches native-size, or PHYSICAL sectors.  A physical sector is
+* a sector that is sized to its device.  For example, all IDE drives and
+* pretty much all SCSI drives have 512 byte sectors; CD-ROMs have 2048
+* byte sectors.
+* As a high-level driver, this module is responsible for managing
+* the cache, verifying writes, etc.
+* The actual reading and writing of sectors is performed by the
+* low-level driver, which can be designed for any device.
+* Conditionals:
+*   H6309 - if set, assembles for 6309
+*   USECS - if set, uses critical section code (slows down driver)
+*   HDBDOS - if set, adds code to handle HDB-DOS partitions
+* Edt/Rev  YYYY/MM/DD  Modified by
+* Comment
+* ------------------------------------------------------------------
+*          2004/04/10  Boisy G. Pitre
+* Created due to Mark's constant harping about a NitrOS-9 driver for
+* the SuperIDE Interface.  Here ya go, Marlette.
+*          2005/12/12  Boisy G. Pitre
+* The SS.VarSect call has been moved from the low level driver to rbsuper
+* for efficiency.  Also it no longer calls SS.DSize every time it is called.
+* Instead, it only calls it the first time, then caches the sector size value
+* and returns that value on subsequent calls.
+*          2005/12/13  Boisy G. Pitre
+* Employed a trick to "shift" the idea of where the driver's static
+* data starts at the start of each entry point.  This saves about 200
+* bytes of memory.
+* 1        2006/08/20  Boisy G. Pitre
+* Fixed bug where linking to a non-existent module in Init would cause a crash
+* because IOMan calls the Term routine when Init returns an error.  Added a simple
+* one line test in Term to see if a value was non-zero which would indicate if Init
+* 2        2008/02/05  Boisy G. Pitre
+* Fixed bug where DNS HDB flag was being pulled from PD.TYP byte instead of PD.DNS.
+* 3        2011/12/22  Boisy G. Pitre
+* Made a "fast path" for 256 byte sector devices to read/write directly into PD.BUF
+* instead of using the cache, for performance reasons.
+* Conditionalized critical section code since it may not be needed, and affects performance.
+               NAM       rbsuper             
+               TTL       RBF Super Caching Device Driver
+               IFP1      
+               USE       defsfile
+               USE       rbsuper.d
+               ENDC      
+tylg           SET       Drivr+Objct
+atrv           SET       ReEnt+rev
+rev            SET       0
+edition        SET       2
+               MOD       eom,name,tylg,atrv,start,V.RBSuper
+               FCB       DIR.+SHARE.+PEXEC.+PREAD.+PWRIT.+EXEC.+UPDAT.
+name           FCS       /RBSuper/
+               FCB       edition
+start          lbra      Init
+               bra       Read
+               nop       
+               lbra      Write
+               lbra      GetStat
+               lbra      SetStat
+* Term
+* Entry:
+*    U  = address of device memory area
+* Exit:
+*    CC = carry set on error
+*    B  = error code
+Term           leau      UOFFSET,u
+* Free memory allocated for cache
+               lda       V.CchSize,u         get cache size into A
+* Note, the next line fixes a bug where the system would crash when F$Link in Init failed.
+* If it fails, V.CchSize will never get set, and since it is set to 0 initally, we assume
+* that init failed if V.CchSize is 0 and thus we simply return.
+               beq       ret@
+               tfr       u,x                 move statics ptr into X for safety
+               ldu       V.CchAddr,u         and load U with cache address
+               beq       nofree@
+               os9       F$SRtMem            return cache memory to system
+nofree@        tfr       x,u                 and restore statics ptr
+* Call low-level driver term
+               ldx       V.LLTerm,u
+               lbsr      LLCall
+* Unlink low-level driver
+               IFGT      Level-1
+               ldx       D.Proc              get curr proc ptr
+               ldd       D.SysPrc            get system process desc ptr
+               std       D.Proc              and make current proc
+               ENDC      
+               ldu       V.LLAddr,u          get the address of the low-level module
+               os9       F$Unlink            unlink it
+               IFGT      Level-1
+               stx       D.Proc              restore
+               ENDC      
+ret@           rts                           return
+* Read
+* Entry:
+*    B  = MSB of the disk's LSN
+*    X  = LSB of the disk's LSN
+*    Y  = address of path descriptor
+*    U  = address of device memory area
+* Exit:
+*    CC = carry set on error
+*    B  = error code
+Read           leau      UOFFSET,u
+               cmpx      #$0000              LSN 0?
+               bne       ReadSect            branch if not
+               tstb                          LSN 0?
+               bne       ReadSect            branch if not
+               bsr       ReadSect            else read LSN0
+               bcs       bye                 if error, return
+* Code to deal with copying LSN0
+               leax      DRVBEG-UOFFSET,u    point X to start of drive table
+               ldb       PD.DRV,y            get drive number
+lsn@           beq       CopyLSN0            branch if zero
+               leax      DRVMEM,x            else increase X by drive table size
+               decb                          decrement drive number
+               bra       lsn@                branch to loop
+* X = drive table pointer for PD.DRV
+* Copy DD.SIZ bytes (LSN0) from buffer to drive table
+CopyLSN0       EQU       *
+               ldu       PD.BUF,y
+               IFNE      H6309
+               ldw       #DD.SIZ
+               tfm       u+,x+
+               ELSE      
+               ldb       #DD.SIZ
+CpyLSNLp       pulu      a                   one cycle less than lda ,u+
+               sta       ,x+
+               decb      
+               bne       CpyLSNLp
+               ENDC      
+rret           rts       
+               IFNE      HDBDOS
+* For HDB-DOS, we must add in drive number
+* First, multiply drive number in descriptor by $276 (630 sectors),
+* then, add the product to the PSect
+               IFNE      H6309
+               clra      
+               ldb       V.HDBDrive,u
+               muld      #$0276
+               addw      V.PhysSect+1,u
+               stw       V.PhysSect+1,u
+               adcb      V.PhysSect,u
+               stb       V.PhysSect,u
+               ELSE      
+               leas      -4,s                make a stack to store product of $276 * DriveNum
+               lda       V.HDBDrive,u        get drive number
+               ldb       #$76
+               mul       
+               std       2,s
+               lda       V.HDBDrive,u
+               ldb       #$02
+               mul       
+               std       ,s
+               clrb      
+               lda       1,s
+               addd      2,s
+               std       2,s
+               bcc       f@
+               inc       ,s
+f@             lda       ,s
+               sta       1,s
+               ldd       2,s
+               addd      V.PhysSect+1,u
+               std       V.PhysSect+1,u
+               lda       1,s
+               adca      V.PhysSect,u
+               sta       V.PhysSect,u
+               leas      4,s
+               ENDC      
+               ENDC      
+bye            rts       
+* 256 byte sector device: setup for low level driver to put 256 byte sector directly into PD.BUF
+               lbsr      Log2Phys
+* We may not have to do this (and disturb the cache as a result)
+*               lda       PD.DRV,y            get current drive number
+*               sta       V.LastDrv,u         and make this the current drive
+               lda       #1
+               sta       V.SectCnt,u
+               ldx       PD.BUF,y             put address of PD.BUF directly into cache spot
+               stx       V.CchPSpot,u
+* Call low-level driver read
+               ldx       V.LLRead,u
+               lbra      LLCall
+* Read Sector
+* The sector will be read from either the cache or the controller.
+* A cache "hit" is verified by two methods:
+* 1. Comparing the drive number of the drive for the current path to
+*    the drive number of the last path -- if they match, we *MAY*
+*    have a cache hit.  If not, we fill the cache
+* 2. If #1 matches, then we know the current drive and the last drive
+*    are the same.  We then check the logical sector to see if it is
+*    in the cache.
+* Entry:
+*    Y = address of path descriptor
+*    U = address of device memory area
+*    B = Sector bits 23-16
+*    X = Sector bits 15-0
+ReadSect       bsr       PreXfr              to pre-transfer stuff
+               bcs       bye                 branch if error
+               IFNE      HDBDOS
+               tst       V.HDBPart,u         HDB-DOS partition?
+               beq       NotHDB
+* This is the HDB-DOS partition "read" code path.
+* As an HDB-DOS partition, we are interested ONLY in reading the first 256 bytes
+* regardless of the size of the cache.
+               lda       V.SectSize,u        get sector size (0=256,1=512,2=1024,etc)
+               leax      SCTTBL,pcr
+               lda       a,x
+               sta       V.Log2Phys,u        set logical sectors per phys
+               lda       #$01                get sector count
+               sta       V.SectCnt,u         and store it
+               sta       V.CchDirty,u        the cache will ALWAYS be dirty in HDB-DOS mode
+               lda       V.LogSect,u         get logical sector stored earlier
+               sta       V.PhysSect,u        save off logical sector as physical one
+               ldd       V.LogSect+1,u       get logical sector stored earlier
+               std       V.PhysSect+1,u      save off logical sector as physical sector
+               lbsr      AddSectorOffset     add in partition offset and HDB-DOS drive
+               bsr       ComputeHDB          and compute HDB-DOS offset
+* Set up the pointer to the buffer
+               ldx       V.CchAddr,u         get address of cache
+               stx       V.CchPSpot,u        save in current sector pointer
+* Call low-level driver
+               ldx       V.LLRead,u
+               lbsr      LLCall
+               bcs       bye
+               ldx       V.CchAddr,u         get cache pointer which holds HDB-DOS sector
+               bra       CopyXToPDBUF
+               ENDC      
+* New: Dec 20, 2011
+* Fast path opportunity: if sector size is 256 bytes, call LLRead right into PD.BUF
+               tst       V.SectSize,u        (0=256 byte sector device)
+               beq       Read256 
+               bsr       ValidateCache
+               bcs       ex@
+* Copy appropriate 256 byte sector from V.CchAddr to PD.BUF,y
+               lda       V.CchSize,u         get hi byte of cache size
+               deca      
+               anda      V.LogSect+2,u
+               clrb      
+               ldx       V.CchAddr,u
+               leax      d,x
+CopyXToPDBUF   pshs      y
+               ldy       PD.BUF,y
+               IFNE      H6309
+               ldw       #256
+               tfm       x+,y+
+               clrb      
+               puls      y,pc
+               ELSE      
+               clr       ,-s
+next@          ldd       ,x++
+               std       ,y++
+               inc       ,s
+               bpl       next@
+               clrb      
+               puls      a,y,pc
+               ENDC      
+ex@            rts       
+* ValidateCache
+* Check if the cache is coherent (i.e. contains requested sector).
+* If the cache is NOT coherent, it calls 'FillCache' to fill it.
+* We must determine if the currently requested sector is already in cache.
+* First, is this drive the same as the last drive that accessed the cache?
+* If not, then we need to fill the cache with sectors from the current drive.
+               tst       V.CchDirty,u        has cache been initialized?
+               bne       nomatch             branch if not
+               lda       PD.DRV,y            get current drive
+               cmpa      V.LastDrv,u         save as last drive to access cache?
+               bne       nomatch             if not, fill cache
+* Same drive as last access... is this sector in cache?
+               ldb       V.LogSect,u         save off logical sector
+               cmpb      V.CchBase,u         compare bits 23-16
+               bne       nomatch             branch if not the same
+               lda       V.LogSect+1,u       save off logical sector
+               ldb       V.CchSize,u         get hi byte of cache size
+               decb                          decrement (e.g. 8=7,4=3,2=1,1=0)
+               comb                          invert (e.g. 7=$F8,3=$FC,1=$FE,0=$FF)
+               andb      V.LogSect+2,u       mask out cached sectors
+               cmpd      V.CchBase+1,u       same as what's in cache?
+               beq       exok@               YES, WE HAVE A CACHE HIT!!!
+nomatch        bra       FillCache           no, we must fil the cache
+* PreXfr
+* Called at read/write to gather info from path descriptor and
+* device descriptor.
+PreXfr         stb       V.LogSect,u         save off logical sector
+               stx       V.LogSect+1,u       save off logical sector
+               lda       PD.STP,y            get possible HDB-DOS drive number
+               sta       V.HDBDrive,u        save off in our statics
+               lda       PD.TYP,y
+               anda      #TYPH.SSM           lob off all but sector size bits
+* SmartCache - check if our current cache can accommodate this sector size
+               cmpa      V.SectSize,u        do we need to expand?
+               bls       no@                 branch if not
+* Yes, we need to free our current cache mem and alloc more
+               pshs      a,u                 save regs
+               ldd       V.CchSize,u         get current cache size
+               ldu       V.CchAddr,u         and cache pointer
+               beq       nofree@
+               os9       F$SRtMem            return that memory
+nofree@        puls      a,u                 restore regs
+               lbsr      ExpandCache         go expand cache
+               bcs       ex@                 and branch if error
+               sta       V.SectSize,u        save new sector size
+               lda       PD.DNS,y            get DNS byte
+               anda      #DNS.HDB            isolate HDB-DOS flag
+               sta       V.HDBPart,u         and save state
+exok@          clrb                          clear carry
+               rts                           return
+ex@            clr       V.SectSize,u        clear sector size to force realloc
+               orcc      #Carry              set carry (indicates error)
+               rts                           return
+* FillCache
+* Fill the cache with sectors from the device.
+* Destroys: A, B, X
+               lda       V.LogSect,u         get logical sector bits 23-16
+               sta       V.CchBase,u         save as cached base
+               lda       V.LogSect+1,u       save off logical sector
+               ldb       V.CchSize,u         get hi byte of cache size (1, 2, 4 or 8)
+               decb                          decrement (e.g. 8=7,4=3,2=1,1=0)
+               comb                          invert (e.g. 7=$F8,3=$FC,1=$FE,0=$FF)
+               andb      V.LogSect+2,u       mask out cached sectors
+               std       V.CchBase+1,u       save as cached base
+               lbsr      Log2Phys            convert logical sectors to physical
+               lda       PD.DRV,y            get current drive number
+               sta       V.LastDrv,u         and make this the currently cached drive
+* Set up the transfer
+               ldb       V.CchSize,u         get upper 8 bits of cache size
+               lda       V.SectSize,u        get sector size (0=256,1=512,2=1024,etc)
+               leax      SCTTBL,pcr
+               lda       a,x
+               sta       V.Log2Phys,u
+               lda       V.SectSize,u        get sector size (0=256,1=512,2=1024,etc)
+               beq       ok@
+lsr@           lsrb                          divide by 2
+               deca                          decrement
+               bne       lsr@                else divide again
+ok@            stb       V.SectCnt,u         save sector count
+               decb      
+               comb      
+               andb      V.PhysSect+2,u
+               stb       V.PhysSect+2,u
+* Set up the pointer to the buffer
+               ldx       V.CchAddr,u         get pointer to big buffer
+               stx       V.CchPSpot,u        save in current sector pointer
+* Call low-level driver read
+               ldx       V.LLRead,u
+               bsr       LLCall
+               bcs       ex@
+               clr       V.CchDirty,u        cache is no longer dirty
+               clrb      
+               rts       
+ex@            stb       V.CchDirty,u        store error code as dirty flag
+               rts       
+SCTTBL         FCB       256/256
+               FCB       512/256
+               FCB       1024/256
+               FCB       2048/256
+* GetStat/SetStat
+* Entry:
+*    R$B = function code
+*    Y   = address of path descriptor
+*    U   = address of device memory area
+* Exit:
+*    CC = carry set on error
+*    B  = error code
+SetStat        leau      UOFFSET,u
+               ldx       V.LLStSt,u
+               bra       LLCall
+SSVarSect      ldb       PD.DRV,y            get drive number
+               leax      V.SSCache,u         point to sector size cache table
+               abx       
+               lda       ,x                  get sector size
+               bne       go2@                if not zero, use that value
+               pshs      x
+               ldx       PD.RGS,y
+               pshs      x
+               leas      -R$Size,s
+               sts       PD.RGS,y
+               lda       #SS.DSize
+               sta       R$B,s
+               bsr       gs2                 make a call to low level driver's SS.DSize
+* Be sure that no instructions from here to the bcs modify carry
+               lda       R$A,s
+               leas      R$Size,s
+               puls      x
+               stx       PD.RGS,y
+               puls      x
+               bcs       ex@
+               cmpa      #8                  2048 byte sector?
+               beq       go@
+               lsra                          else shift right
+               FCB       $8C                 skip next two bytes (cmpx...)
+go@            lda       #3
+               sta       ,x                  save newly acquired value off into cached size table
+go2@           pshs      a
+               lda       PD.TYP,y
+               anda      #^TYPH.SSM
+               ora       ,s+
+* Boisy's Notes 3/27/06:
+* Notice that we save the true sector size of the device in the PD.TYP byte of
+* the path descriptor EACH TIME SS.VarSect is called.  This is important,
+* because it alleviates the user from having to set this value in the device
+* descriptor in a situation where the device being accessed has a larger sector
+* size than what is in the device descriptor.
+* Note that the value in the device descriptor IS used to initially determine
+* the size of the cache at INIT time since we haven't even talked to the
+* controller at that time yet to query it for its size.
+*               sta       PD.TYP,y            and in path descriptor
+               clrb      
+ex@            rts       
+GetStat        leau      UOFFSET,u
+               ldx       PD.RGS,y            get registers
+               ldb       R$B,x               get caller's B
+               cmpb      #SS.VarSect
+               beq       SSVarSect
+gs2            ldx       V.LLGtSt,u
+* Entry: Y = path desc ptr
+*        U = statics ptr
+*        X = address of routine to call
+               IFEQ      USECS-1
+               pshs      a                   preserve A for duration of csacq_wait
+               lda       #255                wait the maximum number of counts
+               bsr       csacq_wait          acquire the critical section
+               tsta                          test A for zero
+               puls      a                   restore A
+               beq       cserr               return if A was zero (semaphore wasn't acquired)
+               ENDC
+               pshs      u,y                 save U and Y
+               jsr       ,x                  call low level routine
+               puls      y,u                 restore U and Y
+               IFEQ      USECS-1
+* Critical Section Release - clear the critial section to zero, allowing others to use it
+csrel          pshs      cc                  preserve CC
+               clr       V.LLSema,u          clear critical section
+               puls      cc,pc               restore CC and return
+cserr          comb                          set the carry
+               ldb       #111                and load B with error indicating a semaphore timeout
+               ENDC
+               rts       
+               IFEQ      USECS-1
+* Critical Section Acquire With Wait
+* Entry:
+*    A = number of times to check before giving up
+* Exit:
+*    A = status (>0 = Critical section acquired, 0 = Critical section not acquired)
+csacq_wait     pshs      cc                  save CC on stack
+               orcc      #IntMasks           mask interrupts
+               tst       V.LLSema,u          does someone already have the critical section?
+               bne       w@                  if so, then branch
+               inc       V.LLSema,u          else claim critical section (0->1)
+e@             puls      cc,pc               restore CC and return
+w@             deca                          decrement our timeout counter
+               beq       e@                  if zero, we've timed out, return
+               puls      cc                  give interrupts a chance to breathe
+               IFGT      Level-1
+* Give up timeslice unless this is the system
+               pshs      x
+               ldx       D.Proc              get proc descriptor
+               cmpx      D.SysPrc            system?
+               beq       wd@                 yep, system cannot sleep
+*               ldx       D.AProcQ            get active proc queue
+*               beq       wd@                 if empty, return
+               ldx       #$0001
+               os9       F$Sleep             give up timeslice
+wd@            puls      x                   return to caller
+               ENDC      
+               bra       csacq_wait          and try again
+               ENDC
+* Log2Phys - Convert logical sector to physical sector
+* Stores V.PhysSect,u from V.LogSect,u based on V.SectSize,u
+* Also adds IT.SOFF1-IT.SOFF3 to V.PhysSect,u for partitioning.
+* Results are placed in V.PhysSect,u
+Log2Phys       lda       V.LogSect,u
+               sta       V.PhysSect,u
+               ldd       V.LogSect+1,u
+               std       V.PhysSect+1,u
+               lda       V.SectSize,u
+               beq       AddSectorOffset
+DivBy2         lsr       V.PhysSect,u
+               ror       V.PhysSect+1,u
+               ror       V.PhysSect+2,u
+               deca      
+               bne       DivBy2
+* This routine adds the 3 byte sector offset in the
+* device descriptor to the physical sector.
+               ldx       PD.DEV,y
+               ldx       V$DESC,x
+               ldd       IT.SOFF2,x
+               addd      V.PhysSect+1,u
+               std       V.PhysSect+1,u
+               lda       IT.SOFF1,x
+               adca      V.PhysSect,u
+               sta       V.PhysSect,u
+logex          rts       
+* 256 byte sector device: setup for low level driver to put 256 byte sector directly into PD.BUF
+               bsr      Log2Phys
+* We may not have to do this (and disturb the cache as a result)
+*               lda       PD.DRV,y            get current drive number
+*               sta       V.LastDrv,u         and make this the current drive
+               lda       #1
+               sta       V.SectCnt,u
+               ldx       PD.BUF,y             put address of PD.BUF directly into cache spot
+               stx       V.CchPSpot,u
+* Call low-level driver read
+               ldx       V.LLWrite,u
+               bra       LLCall
+* Write
+* Entry:
+*    B  = MSB of the disk's LSN
+*    X  = LSB of the disk's LSN
+*    Y  = address of path descriptor
+*    U  = address of device memory area
+* Exit:
+*    CC = carry set on error
+*    B  = error code
+Write          leau      UOFFSET,u
+               lbsr      PreXfr              to pre-transfer stuff
+               bcs       logex               branch if error
+               IFNE      HDBDOS
+               lda       V.HDBPart,u         HDB-DOS partition?
+               beq       h@
+* HDB-DOS partition code path
+               sta       V.CchDirty,u        cache is dirty
+               lda       V.SectSize,u        get sector size (0=256,1=512,2=1024,3=2048)
+               leax      SCTTBL,pcr
+               lda       a,x
+               sta       V.Log2Phys,u        set logical sectors per phys
+               lda       V.LogSect,u
+               sta       V.PhysSect,u
+               ldd       V.LogSect+1,u
+               std       V.PhysSect+1,u
+               bsr       AddSectorOffset     add in partition offset and HDB-DOS drive
+               lbsr      ComputeHDB          and compute HDB-DOS offset
+               ldx       PD.BUF,y            get path desc buffer
+               stx       V.CchPSpot,u        we write directly from PD.BUF
+               bra       writeit
+               ENDC      
+* New: Dec 20, 2011
+* Fast path opportunity: if sector size is 256 bytes, call LLRead right into PD.BUF
+               tst       V.SectSize,u        (0=256 byte sector device)
+               beq       Write256
+               lbsr      ValidateCache
+               bcs       logex
+* Copy appropriate 256 byte sector from PD.BUF,y to V.CchAddr,u
+* Determine where in the cache we copy this 256 byte sector
+               bsr       Log2Phys            compute physical sector from logical sector
+               lda       V.CchSize,u         get hi byte of cache size
+               deca      
+               anda      V.LogSect+2,u
+               clrb      
+               ldx       V.CchAddr,u
+               leax      d,x
+               stx       V.CchLSpot,u        save for possible verify later
+               pshs      y                   save path desc for now
+               ldy       PD.BUF,y
+               IFNE      H6309
+               ldw       #256
+               tfm       y+,x+
+               puls      y
+               ELSE      
+               clr       ,-s
+loop@          ldd       ,y++
+               std       ,x++
+               inc       ,s
+               bpl       loop@
+               puls      a,y
+               ENDC      
+* Now that sector is copied, determine where in cache we start
+               lda       V.LogSect+2,u       get logical sector bits 7-0
+               leax      MASKTBL,pcr         point to base of cache
+               ldb       V.SectSize,u        get sector size in B
+               anda      b,x
+               pshs      a
+               lda       V.CchSize,u         get upper 8 bits of cache size
+               deca      
+               anda      ,s+
+               clrb      
+               ldx       V.CchAddr,u         point to base of cache
+               leax      d,x
+               stx       V.CchPSpot,u
+* Call low-level driver write routine
+writeit        lda       #$01
+               sta       V.SectCnt,u
+               ldx       V.LLWrite,u
+               lbsr      LLCall
+* If verify flag is on, read back and compare
+               tst       PD.VFY,y            verify flag set?
+               bne       ex@                 if so, we don't verify -- just exit
+* Read back physical sector into cache
+               tst       V.HDBPart,u         HDB-DOS partition?
+               beq       o@
+* If in HDB-DOS mode, we simply place the base address of the cache into 
+* V.CchPSpot... and V.CchLSpot for later verify
+               ldx       V.CchAddr,u
+               stx       V.CchPSpot,u
+               stx       V.CchLSpot,u
+o@             lda       #$01
+               sta       V.SectCnt,u
+               ldx       V.LLRead,u
+               lbsr      LLCall
+* Now compare PD.BUF to sector in cache just re-read         
+               ldx       V.CchLSpot,u        get spot in cache where 256 byte sector is.
+               ldy       PD.BUF,y            get pointer to buffer
+               clra      
+a@             ldb       ,x+                 get byte in cache
+               cmpb      ,y+                 compare against byte in PD.BUF
+               bne       err@
+               deca      
+               bne       a@
+ex@            clrb      
+               rts       
+err@           comb      
+               ldb       #E$Write
+               stb       V.CchDirty,u        make cache dirty due to error
+               rts       
+* Init
+* Entry:
+*    Y  = address of device descriptor
+*    U  = address of device memory area
+* Exit:
+*    CC = carry set on error
+*    B  = error code
+Init           pshs      y                   save device descriptor ptr on stack
+               ldb       #DrvCount           get maximum drives supported
+               stb       V.NDRV,u            save in our device memory
+               leax      DRVBEG,u            point X to the drive tables
+               lda       #$FF
+* Invalidate V.NDRV drive tables
+drvx           sta       DD.TOT,x
+               sta       DD.TOT+1,x
+               sta       DD.TOT+2,x
+               leax      DRVMEM,x            point to next drive table
+               decb                          decrement counter
+               bne       drvx                if not zero, continue
+* Link to low-level driver
+               ldd       IT.LLDRV,y          point to name in descriptor
+               leax      d,y                 point to name in descriptor
+               pshs      u
+               IFGT      Level-1
+               ldd       D.Proc              get curr proc ptr
+               pshs      d                   save on stack
+               ldd       D.SysPrc            get system process desc ptr
+               std       D.Proc              and make current proc
+               ENDC      
+               lda       #Sbrtn+Objct
+               os9       F$Link              link to it
+               IFGT      Level-1
+               puls      x                   get curr proc ptr
+               stx       D.Proc              restore
+               ENDC      
+               tfr       u,x                 transfer module address to X
+               puls      u                   restore U
+               leau      UOFFSET,u
+               bcs       ret@
+               stx       V.LLAddr,u          else save module address
+* setup entry points to low-level module
+               leax      V.LLInit,u
+               lda       #6                  number of entry points
+l@             sty       ,x++
+               leay      3,y
+               deca      
+               bne       l@
+* Call low-level driver init
+               ldy       ,s                  grab path desc ptr
+               ldx       V.LLInit,u
+               lbsr      LLCall
+               bcc       r@
+ret@           puls      y,pc
+* Allocate cache memory
+r@             lda       IT.TYP,y            get type byte
+               anda      #TYPH.SSM           mask out all but sector size
+* Added Dec 20, 2011: save off to V.SectSize (never got initialized until now!)
+               sta       V.SectSize,u        clear out V.SectSize
+               puls      y
+* Fall through to ExpandCache
+* Entry: A = cache size to expand to (1 = 512, 2 = 1024, 3 = 2048)
+* Exit:  D is destroyed
+* Note: any previously allocated cache memory must have been
+* freed before this call!
+               pshs      a,x
+               leax      CCHTBL,pcr
+               lda       a,x                 get 1, 2, 4 or 8 
+               sta       V.CchDirty,u        make cache dirty since we will expand it
+               clrb      
+               std       V.CchSize,u         save cache size (256, 512, 1024 or 2048)
+               tfr       u,x
+               os9       F$SRqMem            allocate cache memory
+               stu       V.CchAddr,x         save cache ptr
+               tfr       x,u                 restore mem pointer
+ex@            puls      a,x,pc
+CCHTBL         FCB       256/256
+               FCB       512/256
+               FCB       1024/256
+               FCB       2048/256
+MASKTBL        FCB       $07,$06,$04,$00
+               EMOD      
+eom            EQU       *
+               END