diff defs/vdgdefs @ 1587:5f18094d961d

kernel modules renamed to krn, updated makefiles, clock2_tc3 now clock2_cloud9...
author boisy
date Mon, 24 May 2004 14:51:21 +0000
parents 8d4b5ee1cee4
children 6e5fa42c2fb1
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/defs/vdgdefs	Sat May 22 03:54:25 2004 +0000
+++ b/defs/vdgdefs	Mon May 24 14:51:21 2004 +0000
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
          IFNE   VDGDEFS-1
 VDGDEFS  set    1
@@ -46,62 +45,65 @@
 * Total of 22 (150 in whole page) bytes unneeded or unused.
-VD.Start equ   $1E start of VD.XXXX data: number of VDG screens in use
-VD.Strt1 equ   $1F (2) and another start
-VD.Caps  equ   $21 caps lock info: $00=lower $FF=upper
-VD.DFlag equ   $23 0=current screen is valid, $01-$FF = update video
+         org   $1E
+VD.Start rmb   1  start of VD.XXXX data: number of VDG screens in use
+VD.Strt1 rmb   2  (2) and another start
+VD.Caps  rmb   2  caps lock info: $00=lower $FF=upper
+VD.DFlag rmb   1  0=current screen is valid, $01-$FF = update video
 * $24-$2B unused
-VD.NGChr equ   $2C number of additional characters to get
-VD.RTAdd equ   $2D (2) return address after getting characters
-VD.EPlt1 equ   $2F (2) pointer to where to put next character
-VD.EPlt2 equ   $31 (2) as above.
+         rmb   8
+VD.NGChr rmb   1  number of additional characters to get
+VD.RTAdd rmb   2  (2) return address after getting characters
+VD.EPlt1 rmb   2  (2) pointer to where to put next character
+VD.EPlt2 rmb   2  (2) as above.
 * $33-$34 unused
-VD.CFlag equ   $35 true lowercase flag $10=true, $00=false
-VD.CFlg1 equ   $36 VDG display code values
-VD.DGBuf equ   $37 number of currently displayed buffer
-VD.ScrnA equ   $38 (2) screen start address in system memory
-VD.ScrnE equ   $3A (2) address of end of screen
-VD.CrsrA equ   $3C (2) cursor address
-VD.CrsAL equ   $3D cursor address low
-VD.CChar equ   $3E value of character under cursor
-VD.Mode  equ   $3F mode: 0=256x192 x2, 1=128x192 x4
-VD.Chr1  equ   $40 same as under cursor character
-VD.CColr equ   $41 cursor color
-VD.Col   equ   $42 number of columns for this screen
-VD.Row   equ   $43 number of rows
-VD.TFlg1 equ   $44 see WRITE ($0E)
-VD.Alpha equ   $45 0 when in alpha mode
-VD.Rdy   equ   $46 device ready (see SS.DStat 0=not ready)
-VD.SBAdd equ   $47 (2) address of block screen is in
-VD.Blk   equ   $49 Block number of screen
-VD.GBuff equ   $4A allocation for graphics buffers (block#)
-VD.AGBuf equ   $4B (2) additional graphics buffer
-VD.HiRes equ   $4D hi-res screen table (block value)
-VD.NBlk  equ   $4E number of blocks in this screen
-VD.SType equ   $4F screen type 0-4
-VD.HR2   equ   $50 (3) for screen number 2
-VD.HR3   equ   $53 (3) for screen 3 (same 3 bytes as above)
-VD.FFMem equ   $56 (2) bottom of stack for flood fill
-VD.FFSPt equ   $58 (2) flood fill stack pointer
-VD.FFSTp equ   $5A (2) flood fill stack top pointer
-VD.FF6   equ   $5C  flood fill flag
-VD.MTabl equ   $5D (2) address of mask table for pixels in byte
-VD.PixBt equ   $5F bit mask for modes (0=$07, 1=$03 )#pixels/byte
-VD.GCrsX equ   $60 graphics cursor X value
-VD.GCrsY equ   $61 graphics cursor Y
-VD.Msk1  equ   $62 mask byte 1
-VD.Msk2  equ   $63 mask byte 2 (00,55,AA,FF)
-VD.MCol  equ   $64 color? (C003,8001)
-VD.MCol2 equ   $65 color
-VD.PMask equ   $66 pixel mask for colors (i.e. $55, $CC etc)
-VD.FF1   equ   $67 data for flood fill
-VD.FF2   equ   $68 data for flood fill
-VD.FFMsk equ   $69 flood fill mask
-VD.FFFlg equ   $6A flood fill flag
-VD.Palet equ   $6B (16) current palette values
-VD.PlFlg equ   $7B initialized to $08 by L00DB, and then unused!
-VD.NChar equ   $7C character to process
-VD.NChr2 equ   $7D and the next one
+         rmb   2
+VD.CFlag rmb   1  true lowercase flag $10=true, $00=false
+VD.CFlg1 rmb   1  VDG display code values
+VD.DGBuf rmb   1  number of currently displayed buffer
+VD.ScrnA rmb   2  (2) screen start address in system memory
+VD.ScrnE rmb   2  (2) address of end of screen
+VD.CrsrA rmb   1  (2) cursor address
+VD.CrsAL rmb   1  cursor address low
+VD.CChar rmb   1  value of character under cursor
+VD.Mode  rmb   1  mode: 0=256x192 x2, 1=128x192 x4
+VD.Chr1  rmb   1  same as under cursor character
+VD.CColr rmb   1  cursor color
+VD.Col   rmb   1  number of columns for this screen
+VD.Row   rmb   1  number of rows
+VD.TFlg1 rmb   1  see WRITE ($0E)
+VD.Alpha rmb   1  0 when in alpha mode
+VD.Rdy   rmb   1  device ready (see SS.DStat 0=not ready)
+VD.SBAdd rmb   2  (2) address of block screen is in
+VD.Blk   rmb   1  Block number of screen
+VD.GBuff rmb   1  allocation for graphics buffers (block#)
+VD.AGBuf rmb   2  (2) additional graphics buffer
+VD.HiRes rmb   1  hi-res screen table (block value)
+VD.NBlk  rmb   1  number of blocks in this screen
+VD.SType rmb   1  screen type 0-4
+VD.HR2   rmb   3  (3) for screen number 2
+VD.HR3   rmb   3  (3) for screen 3 (same 3 bytes as above)
+VD.FFMem rmb   2  (2) bottom of stack for flood fill
+VD.FFSPt rmb   2  (2) flood fill stack pointer
+VD.FFSTp rmb   2  (2) flood fill stack top pointer
+VD.FF6   rmb   1   flood fill flag
+VD.MTabl rmb   2  (2) address of mask table for pixels in byte
+VD.PixBt rmb   1  bit mask for modes (0=$07, 1=$03 )#pixels/byte
+VD.GCrsX rmb   1  graphics cursor X value
+VD.GCrsY rmb   1  graphics cursor Y
+VD.Msk1  rmb   1  mask byte 1
+VD.Msk2  rmb   1  mask byte 2 (00,55,AA,FF)
+VD.MCol  rmb   1  color? (C003,8001)
+VD.MCol2 rmb   1  color
+VD.PMask rmb   1  pixel mask for colors (i.e. $55, $CC etc)
+VD.FF1   rmb   1  data for flood fill
+VD.FF2   rmb   1  data for flood fill
+VD.FFMsk rmb   1  flood fill mask
+VD.FFFlg rmb   1  flood fill flag
+VD.Palet rmb   16 (16) current palette values
+VD.PlFlg rmb   1  initialized to $08 by L00DB, and then unused!
+VD.NChar rmb   1  character to process
+VD.NChr2 rmb   1  and the next one
 * and RMB until we get 256 bytes reserved