diff level2/modules/os9p1.asm @ 0:6641a883d6b0

Initial revision
author boisy
date Thu, 04 Apr 2002 16:34:12 +0000
children a17a5e753f14
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/level2/modules/os9p1.asm	Thu Apr 04 16:34:12 2002 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,2387 @@
+* OS9p1 - OS-9 Level Two V3 P1 module
+* $Id$
+* Ed.    Comments                                       Who YY/MM/DD
+* ------------------------------------------------------------------
+* ??     Cleaned up some formatting                     KDM 87/05/15
+* ??     Added comments and added new defines           KDM 87/03/31
+* 18a    Added time of creation to process descriptor   BRI 88/11/18
+* 18b    Added F$AllTsk call error exit to F$Chain      BRI 88/12/05
+* 18c    Changed time tag to use F$Time - No ticks      BRI 88/12/08
+* 18h    Removed bogus assumptions regarding init       BGP 98/10/05
+*        module in order to shrink code size, added
+*        check for CRC bit in compabibility byte of
+*        init module.
+* 18i    Made minor optimizations as per Curtis Boyle's BGP 98/10/10
+*        optimization document
+         nam   OS9p1
+         ttl   OS9 Level Two V3 P1 module
+* FastBoot flag turns off module CRC checking during boot
+FastBoot equ   1
+         ifp1  
+         use   defsfile
+         use   scfdefs
+         endc  
+rev      set   $09
+edition  set   18
+         mod   eom,name,Systm,ReEnt+rev,entry,msiz ++
+         org   $0000
+msiz     equ   .
+name     fcs   "OS9p1"
+         fcb   edition
+*                OS9p1 begins here:
+entry    ldx   #$100      clear rest of first 8k Block: ++
+         ldy   #8192-$100 ++
+         clra  
+         clrb  
+L001C    std   ,x++
+         leay  -2,y
+         bne   L001C
+         inca  
+         std   D.Tasks    =$0100 task flags (32)
+         addb  #$20       (DAT.TkCt) ++
+         std   D.TskIPt   =$0120 temporary images ++
+         inca  
+         aslb  
+         std   D.BlkMap+2 =$0240 end of block map
+         clrb  
+         std   D.BlkMap   =$0200 mem block map (64)
+         inca             ++
+         std   D.SysDis   =$0300 sys dispatch table
+         inca  
+         std   D.UsrDis   =$0400 usr dispatch table
+         inca  
+         std   D.PrcDBT   =$0500 proc desc pointers
+         inca  
+         std   D.SysPrc   =$0600 original sys proc
+         std   D.Proc     =$0600 original proc
+         adda  #P$Size/256 desc
+         tfr   d,s        SP=$0800 sys SP within sys desc
+         inca  
+         std   D.SysStk   =$0900 main sys stack ptr
+         std   D.SysMem   =$0900 sys memmap
+         inca  
+         std   D.ModDir   =$0A00 module dir
+         std   D.ModEnd   =$0A00  (grows upward)
+         adda  #$06
+         std   D.ModDir+2 =$1000 module DAT images
+         std   D.ModDAT   =$1000  (grows downward)
+         std   D.CCMem    =$1000 CC3IO static memory ++
+         asla             d=$2000 GrfDrv stack area ++
+         std   D.CCStk    ++
+         leax  Vectors,pcr put jmp[,x] vectors:
+         tfr   x,d
+         ldx   #D.SWI3
+* used by top 256 to jmp to sys.
+L0065    std   ,x++
+         cmpx  #D.NMI
+         bls   L0065
+         leax  >eo,pcr    move secondary vectors
+         pshs  x          from end of rom:
+         leay  >D.VECTRS,pcr
+         ldx   #D.Clock   (Tick-NMI)
+L0079    ldd   ,y++       get vector
+         addd  ,s         add offset
+         std   ,x++       store
+         cmpx  #D.XNMI    done?
+         bls   L0079      ..no
+         leas  2,s        drop offset
+         ldx   D.XSWI2    set calls to sys
+         stx   D.UsrSvc
+         ldx   D.XIRQ     set IRQ to sys
+         stx   D.UsrIRQ
+         leax  SysCall,pcr set syscall handler
+         stx   D.SysSvc
+         stx   D.XSWI2
+         leax  S.SysIRQ,pcr set sysirq handler
+         stx   D.SysIRQ
+         stx   D.XIRQ
+         leax  >S.SvcIRQ,pcr IRQ svc handler
+         stx   D.SvcIRQ
+         leax  >S.POLL,pcr default poll 'til IOMan
+         stx   D.Poll
+         leax  S.AltIRQ,pcr default keyboard till CC3io ++
+         stx   D.AltIRQ   ++
+         leax  S.Flip0,pcr Grfdrv return vector ++
+         stx   D.Flip0    ++
+         leax  S.Flip1,pcr GrfDrv exec vector ++
+         stx   D.Flip1    ++
+         leay  SysCalls,pcr enter os9p1 svc calls:
+         lbsr  InstSSvc
+         ldu   D.PrcDBT   set up first proc desc:
+         ldx   D.SysPrc
+         stx   0,u        proc table entries
+         stx   1,u        zero and one
+         lda   #1         sys proc id=01
+         sta   P$ID,x
+         lda   #SysState  set sys state
+         sta   P$State,x
+         lda   #SysTask   sys task # ++
+         sta   D.SysTsk
+         sta   P$Task,x
+* optimization below saves one byte
+         ldd   #$FFFF     top priority/age
+         std   P$Prior,x  store it
+*         lda   #$FF
+*         sta   P$Prior,x
+*         sta   P$Age,x
+         leax  P$DATImg,x point sysdat -> sys proc
+         stx   D.SysDAT
+         clra  
+         clrb  
+         std   ,x++       first block always sys
+* DAT.BlCt-ROMCount-RAMCount:
+         ldy   #6         next 6 are unused ++
+         ldd   #DAT.Free
+L00EF    std   ,x++
+         leay  -1,y
+         bne   L00EF
+         ldd   #IOBlock   last one is Kernel ++
+         std   ,x++
+         ldx   D.Tasks    first task# is sys's
+         inc   0,x
+         inc   1,x        Task 1 is GrfDrv ++
+* set 1st 8K sys mem used
+         ldx   D.SysMem
+         ldb   D.CCStk    (=$20) ++
+L0104    inc   ,x+
+         decb  
+         bne   L0104
+* determine size of CoCo's memory (128K/512K)
+         clr   D.MemSz    default is 128k ++
+         ldd   #$0313     blocks $03 and $13 ++
+         std   DAT.Regs+5 map at logical $A000 ++
+         ldx   #$A000     point to first block ++
+         ldd   #$DC78     get inverted sync bytes ++
+         std   ,x         store at start of first block ++
+         cmpd  8192,x     in second block too? ++
+         beq   L0122      yes, just 128k ++
+         inc   D.MemSz    else set 512k flag ++
+L0122    ldy   #$2000     point to second block in map ++
+         ldx   D.BlkMap   X=$0200
+* Check Memory Blocks Loop:
+L0128    pshs  x          save current map pointer
+         ldd   ,s         D=map ptr
+         subd  D.BlkMap   D=block number
+         cmpb  #IOBlock   is it sys?
+         bne   L0136      ..no, test for 512k ++
+         ldb   #RAMinUse  load marker ++
+         bra   L015B      go set in map ++
+L0136    lda   D.MemSz    512k memory? ++
+         bne   L013E      yes, continue ++
+         cmpb  #$0F       end of 128k mem? ++
+         bhs   L0159      yes, set notram ++
+L013E    stb   >DAT.Regs+1 set block at $2000 for test ++
+         ldu   ,y         get two bytes
+         ldx   #$00FF     store test bytes
+         stx   ,y
+         cmpx  ,y         same on read
+         bne   L0159      ..end if no mem here
+         ldx   #$FF00     make sure again
+         stx   ,y
+         cmpx  ,y
+         bne   L0159      ..bad mem
+         stu   ,y         restore original bytes
+         bra   L015D      do next
+* End of Memory:
+L0159    ldb   #NotRAM    set non-mem flag
+L015B    stb   [,s]       store at ,X in table ++
+L015D    puls  x          get current map pointer
+         leax  1,x        next block
+         cmpx  D.BlkMap+2 end of map?
+         blo   L0128      ..no, keep trying
+* Search For ROM Modules:
+         ldx   D.BlkMap   X=map strt (X=$0200)
+         inc   ,x         mark as RAMinUse
+         ldx   D.BlkMap+2 start at end of map (X=$0240)
+         leax  -1,x       back up 1 (X=$023F)
+         tfr   x,d        else D=block number (D=$023F)
+         subd  D.BlkMap   make into block number (D=$003F)
+         pshs  d          save block number
+         leay  ,s         Y = var pointer for routine below
+         ldx   #$0D00     offset in block ++
+* Check Block for Modules Loop:
+L017F    pshs  x,y
+         lbsr  L0AF0      set up Y for X offset
+         ldb   1,y        B=block# from image
+         stb   >DAT.Regs  map into sys zero
+         lda   ,x         get byte from block
+         clr   >DAT.Regs  back to sys
+         puls  x,y
+         cmpa  #M$ID1     module?
+         bne   L01A7
+         lbsr  L0463      do verify
+         bcc   L019D
+         cmpb  #E$KwnMod  'Known Module'?
+         bne   L01A7      ..no, continue
+L019D    ldd   #M$Size    else get mod size
+         lbsr  lddxy
+         leax  d,x        skip over it
+         bra   L01A9
+* Not Known Module:
+L01A7    leax  1,x        byte ptr+1
+L01A9    cmpx  #$1E00     don't overrun vector page! ++
+         blo   L017F      ok to continue ++
+         bsr   L01D2      setup system mem map ++
+* OS9p1 init finished:
+L01B0    os9   F$Boot     boot!
+         bcs   Crash      crash if problem
+         leax  InitMod,pcr 'Init'
+         bsr   LinkSys    link to it
+         bcs   Crash      crash if error
+L01BF    stu   D.Init     save Init ptr
+L01C1    leax  OS9p2Nm,pcr 'OS9p2'
+         bsr   LinkSys    link to it
+         bcs   Crash      crash if not found...
+L01D0    jmp   ,y         ...else do OS9p2...
+Crash    jmp   D.Crash    report boot failed
+* Setup system memory map.
+L01D2    ldx   D.SysMem   point to map ++
+         leax  $ED00/256,x kernel offset in map ++
+         lda   #NotRam    mark IOPage ++
+         sta   18,x       as Not RAM ++
+         ldb   #$12       18 pages in kernel ++
+L01DF    lda   #RAMinUse  mark kernel ++
+L01E1    sta   ,x+        RAM as in use ++
+         decb             all done ++
+         bne   L01E1      no, continue
+         ldx   D.BlkMap+2 end of map++
+         sta   -1,x       mark block #3F ++
+         rts              exit ++
+* Link to Module (X = ptr to mod name):
+LinkSys  lda   #Systm     system module
+         os9   F$Link     try to find it
+         rts   
+*              System Service Calls
+SysCalls fcb   F$Link
+         fdb   FLink-*-2
+         fcb   F$PrsNam
+         fdb   FPrsNam-*-2
+         fcb   F$CmpNam
+         fdb   FCmpNam-*-2
+         fcb   F$CmpNam+$80 (sys)
+         fdb   SCmpNam-*-2
+         fcb   F$CRC
+         fdb   FCRC-*-2
+         fcb   F$SRqMem+$80
+         fdb   FSRqMem-*-2
+         fcb   F$SRtMem+$80
+         fdb   FSRtMem-*-2
+         fcb   F$AProc+$80
+         fdb   FAProc-*-2
+         fcb   F$NProc+$80
+         fdb   FNProc-*-2
+         fcb   F$VModul+$80
+         fdb   FVModul-*-2
+         fcb   F$SSvc
+         fdb   FSSvc-*-2
+         fcb   F$SLink+$80
+         fdb   FSLink-*-2
+         fcb   F$Boot+$80
+         fdb   FBoot-*-2
+         fcb   F$BtMem+$80
+         fdb   FBtMem-*-2
+         fcb   F$Move+$80
+         fdb   FMove-*-2
+         fcb   F$AllRam
+         fdb   FAllRam-*-2
+         fcb   F$AllImg+$80
+         fdb   FAllImg-*-2
+         fcb   F$SetImg+$80
+         fdb   FSetImg-*-2
+         fcb   F$FreeLB+$80
+         fdb   FFreeLB-*-2
+         fcb   F$FreeHB+$80
+         fdb   FFreeHB-*-2
+         fcb   F$AllTsk+$80
+         fdb   FAllTsk-*-2
+         fcb   F$DelTsk+$80
+         fdb   FDelTsk-*-2
+         fcb   F$SetTsk+$80
+         fdb   FSetTsk-*-2
+         fcb   F$ResTsk+$80
+         fdb   FResTsk-*-2
+         fcb   F$RelTsk+$80
+         fdb   FRelTsk-*-2
+         fcb   F$DATLog+$80
+         fdb   FDATLog-*-2
+         fcb   F$LDAXY+$80
+         fdb   FLDAXY-*-2
+         fcb   F$LDDDXY+$80
+         fdb   FLDDDXY-*-2
+         fcb   F$LDABX+$80
+         fdb   FLDABX-*-2
+         fcb   F$STABX+$80
+         fdb   FSTABX-*-2
+         fcb   F$ELink+$80
+         fdb   FELink-*-2
+         fcb   F$FModul+$80
+         fdb   FFModul-*-2
+         fcb   F$AlHRam+$80 new call ++
+         fdb   FAlHRam-*-2 for CoCo3 ++
+         fcb   $80        End of Table
+InitMod  fcs   "Init"
+OS9p2Nm  fcs   "OS9p2"
+BootMod  fcs   "Boot"
+Vectors  jmp   [-16,x]    goto irq routine
+*             User State SWI Vectors:
+XSWI3    ldx   D.Proc     proc desc
+         ldu   P$SWI3,x   diff swi3 vector?
+         beq   L028E      ..no, do normal
+L027B    lbra  L0E5E      else do usr call.
+XSWI2    ldx   D.Proc     X=proc desc
+         ldu   P$SWI2,x   swi2 svc ptr
+         beq   L028E      ..zero, do normal
+         bra   L027B      else do usr map
+XSWI     ldx   D.Proc     proc desc
+         ldu   P$SWI,x    swi ptr
+         bne   L027B      ..do user, else:
+* System SWI calls: (X=pd, U=svc)
+L028E    ldd   D.SysSvc   set system state:
+         std   D.XSWI2
+         ldd   D.SysIRQ
+         std   D.XIRQ
+         lda   P$State,x
+         ora   #SysState
+         sta   P$State,x
+         sts   P$SP,x     and save user stack
+         leas  P$Stack-R$Size,x get local sys stack
+         andcc  #^IntMasks okay interrupts
+         leau  ,s         U=sys reg stack
+         bsr   L02CB      copy user stack here
+         ldb   P$Task,x   B=task#
+         ldx   R$PC,u     X=PC ptr
+         lbsr  FLDBBX     get call byte from user map ++
+         leax  1,x        increment PC
+         stx   R$PC,u     past call
+         ldy   D.UsrDis   Y=user dispatch table
+         lbsr  L033B      do the call
+         ldb   R$CC,u     okay interrupts
+         andb  #^IntMasks on return
+         stb   R$CC,u     to user map
+         ldx   D.Proc
+         bsr   L02DA      copy back new user stack
+         lda   P$State,x  drop sys state
+         anda  #^SysState
+         lbra  L0D7C      and return to user.
+* Get Caller's Regs:
+L02CB    pshs  cc,x,y,u   ++
+         ldb   P$Task,x   A=user tsk# ++
+         ldx   P$SP,x     X=from user stack
+         lbsr  L0BF5      get offset in 8k space ++
+         leax  $A000,x    +$A000 =logical address ++
+         bra   L02E9      get regs & rts.
+* Return Regs to Caller:
+L02DA    pshs  cc,x,y,u   save state ++
+         ldb   P$Task,x   B=user tsk#
+         ldx   P$SP,x     X=to user stack
+         lbsr  L0BF5      get offset in 8k space ++
+         leax  $A000,x    +$A000 =logical address ++
+         exg   x,u        U=user, X=sys
+* move caller stack -->
+L02E9    pshs  u          save U ++
+         lbsr  L0C09      get DAT image pointer in U ++
+         leau  a,u        point to block # in image ++
+         leau  1,u        point to LSB ++
+*         lda   ,u++       first block # in A ++ --BGP
+*         ldb   ,u         second block # in B ++ --BGP
+         lda   ,u         first block # in A ++ ++BGP
+         ldb   2,u        second block # in B ++ ++BGP
+         ldu   #DAT.Regs+5 $A000 logical ++
+         orcc  #IntMasks  mask interrupts ++
+         std   ,u         set DAT ++
+         puls  u          recover U ++
+         ldy   #R$SIZE    register stack size ++
+L0303    ldd   ,x++       move them ++
+         std   ,u++       ++
+         leay  -2,y       done yet? ++
+         bne   L0303      no, continue ++
+         ldx   D.SysDAT   system DAT image ++
+         lda   11,x       get real ++
+         ldb   13,x       system blocks ++
+         std   DAT.Regs+5 and restore system map ++
+         puls  cc,x,y,u,pc clean up and rts ++
+*                Sys State OS Call:
+SysCall  leau  ,s         U=reg stack
+         lda   D.SSTskN   get task image ++
+         clr   D.SSTskN   set to system ++
+         pshs  a          save old task # ++
+         lda   R$CC,u
+         tfr   a,cc       set CC=user CC
+         ldx   R$PC,u     get call
+         ldb   ,s         is task sys? ++
+         beq   L032F      yes ++
+         lbsr  FLDBBX     get call from user space ++
+         leax  1,x        point past it ++
+         bra   L0331      set as PC ++
+L032F    ldb   ,x+        and increment PC
+L0331    stx   R$PC,u     past it
+         ldy   D.SysDis   Y=system dispatch table
+         bsr   L033B      do the call
+         lbra  L0E2B      end
+* Do Svc Call(B), Y=table:
+L033B    aslb             index
+         bcc   L0345      ..okay if not I/O
+* count I$ calls for current process (D.Proc)
+         pshs  b          save index into table
+         ldb   #P$ICalls  set up I$ counter
+         bsr   IncCount   go do it... (X is altered)
+         puls  b          recover index
+         rorb             else reset B
+         ldx   $00FE,y    else X=IOMan vector
+         bra   L034F      and do it.
+* count User Ticks, System Ticks, F$ calls, or I$ calls
+* for current process (D.Proc)  BRI
+IncCount ldx   <D.Proc    get pointer to current proc desc
+         beq   IncExit    no current proc, go return
+         abx              add offset to appropriate counter
+         inc   3,x        4 byte counter LSB
+         bne   IncExit    no overflow, go return
+         inc   2,x        4 byte counter lower middle byte
+         bne   IncExit    no overflow, go return
+         inc   1,x        4 byte counter upper middle byte
+         bne   IncExit    no overflow, go return
+         inc   ,x         4 byte counter MSB (ignore overflow)
+IncExit  rts   
+* (not I/O call)
+L0345    pshs  b          save index into table
+         ldb   #P$FCalls  set up F$ counter
+         bsr   IncCount   go do it... (X is altered)
+         puls  b          recover index
+         clra             A=00
+         ldx   d,y        X=vector from table
+         bne   L034F      ..ok if one
+         comb             else
+         ldb   #E$UnkSvc  'Unknown Service Call'
+         bra   L0355      bad end: return err
+* Do Call Vector (X)
+L034F    pshs  u          save reg ptr
+         jsr   ,x         do the call
+         puls  u          retrieve reg ptr
+L0355    tfr   cc,a       A=svc call CC
+         bcc   L035B      ..skip if no err
+         stb   R$B,u      else return err in reg.B
+L035B    ldb   R$CC,u     drop lsb nibble
+         andb  #(Entire!IntMasks)
+         stb   R$CC,u
+         anda  #^(Entire!IntMasks) put in call's CC lsnibble
+         ora   R$CC,u
+         sta   R$CC,u
+         rts              end service call.
+*                    F$SSvc
+FSSvc    ldy   R$Y,u      Y=table address
+         bra   InstSSvc   do check first...
+* SSvc Loop:
+L036D    clra             A=00
+         aslb             B=table index (set C if >=$80)
+         tfr   d,u        U=index
+         ldd   ,y++       D=new call vector offset
+         leax  d,y        X=actual vector
+         ldd   D.SysDis   D=sys dispatch table
+         stx   d,u        store new call vector
+         bcs   InstSSvc   ..skip if sys only
+         ldd   D.UsrDis   else put in user
+         stx   d,u        dispatch table also.
+*  End of Table Check:
+InstSSvc ldb   ,y+        get next call
+         cmpb  #$80       is it end-of-table?
+         bne   L036D      ..no
+         rts              yes, end.
+*                    F$SLink
+* Link modules into map.
+* A=type,X=name,Y=DAT image ptr
+FSLink   ldy   R$Y,u      get DAT image ptr
+         bra   SLink
+*                    F$ELink
+FELink   pshs  u
+         ldb   R$B,u      type
+         ldx   R$X,u      name of module
+         bra   L03AF      go link it
+*                    F$Link
+FLink    ldx   D.Proc     proc desc
+         leay  P$DATImg,x Y=DAT image ptr
+SLink    pshs  u          save reg ptr
+         ldx   R$X,u      X=module name
+         lda   R$A,u      A=module type
+         lbsr  L068D      search moddir
+         bcs   L041E      ..err
+         leay  ,u         Y=moddir entry
+         ldu   ,s         get back reg ptr
+         stx   R$X,u      return X
+         std   R$D,u      return type/lang
+         leax  ,y         X=moddir entry
+L03AF    bitb  #ReEnt     is it shareable?
+         bne   L03BB      ..yes
+         ldd   MD$Link,x  any links?
+         beq   L03BB      ..no:ok, else
+         ldb   #E$ModBsy  'Module Busy' err
+         bra   L041E      bad end.
+L03BB    ldd   MD$MPtr,x  D=module ptr
+         pshs  a,b,x      save ptr,entry
+         ldy   MD$MPDAT,x Y=DAT img for module
+         ldd   MD$MBSiz,x D=mem block size
+         addd  #$1FFF     round up A ++
+         tfr   a,b        to 8K block ++
+         lsrb             B/32
+         lsrb  
+         lsrb  
+         lsrb  
+         lsrb             ++
+         adda  #2         (A+2)/32 ++
+         lsra  
+         lsra  
+         lsra  
+         lsra  
+         lsra             ++
+         pshs  a          save blocks needed
+         leau  ,y         U=moddir entry
+         bsr   L0422      find it in callers map?
+         bcc   L03EB      ..yes
+         lda   ,s         blocks needed
+         lbsr  L0A33      room to map in?
+         bcc   L03E8      ..okay
+         leas  5,s        else drop junk
+         bra   L041E      bad end.
+L03E8    lbsr  L0A8C      set DAT image
+L03EB    leax  P$Links,x  link cnt tble
+         sta   ,s         save block #
+         asla             index
+         leau  a,x        U=link ptr
+         ldx   ,u         increment link cnt:
+         leax  1,x
+         beq   L03FC
+         stx   ,u
+L03FC    ldu   3,s        U=moddir entry
+         ldx   MD$Link,u  increment link cnt:
+         leax  1,x
+         beq   L0406
+         stx   MD$Link,u
+L0406    puls  b,x,y,u
+         lbsr  L0AB0      dattolog
+         stx   R$U,u      return module addrss
+         ldx   MD$MPtr,y  mod ptr
+         ldy   MD$MPDAT,y DAT image ptr
+         ldd   #M$Exec    get exec offset
+         lbsr  LDDXY
+         addd  R$U,u      plus mod addrss
+         std   R$Y,u      = exec address
+         clrb             okay
+         rts              end.
+L041E    orcc  #Carry     set error
+         puls  u,pc
+*    See if moddir image in proc map already:
+* B=block img #, U=moddir ptr
+L0422    ldx   D.Proc     proc desc
+         leay  P$DATImg,x Y=DAT image ptr
+         clra             A=00
+         pshs  a,b,x,y    save #,proc,img
+         subb  #DAT.BlCt
+         negb  
+         aslb             index
+         leay  b,y
+* Image Compare Loop:
+L0430    ldx   ,s         X=block cnt
+         pshs  y,u
+L0434    ldd   ,y++       does proc img
+         cmpd  ,u++       match mod image?
+         bne   L0449      ..no
+         leax  -1,x       yes, cnt-1
+         bne   L0434      ..done?
+         puls  a,b,u      D=start ptr
+         subd  4,s        -block cnt = offset
+         lsrb             B/2 index
+         stb   ,s         save block #
+         clrb             okay
+         puls  a,b,x,y,pc rts.
+L0449    puls  y,u        Y=start ptr
+         leay  -2,y       back up one img
+         cmpy  4,s        too far?
+         bcc   L0430      ..no, try again
+         puls  a,b,x,y,pc error end.
+*                    F$VModul
+FVModul  pshs  u
+         ldx   R$X,u      X=mod offset
+         ldy   R$D,u      Y=DAT img ptr
+         bsr   L0463      do the verify
+         ldx   ,s
+         stu   R$U,x      return moddir ptr
+         puls  u,pc
+L0463    pshs  x,y
+         lbsr  L0586      check module crc
+         bcs   L0493      ..err
+         ldd   #M$Type
+         lbsr  LDDXY      get type/rev bytes
+         andb  #$0F       save rev
+         pshs  a,b
+         ldd   #M$Name    get name offset
+         lbsr  LDDXY
+         leax  d,x        X points to mod name
+         puls  a
+         lbsr  L068D
+         puls  a
+         bcs   L0497
+         pshs  a
+         andb  #$0F
+         subb  ,s+
+         bcs   L0497
+         ldb   #E$KwnMod  'Known Module'
+         bra   L0493
+L0491    ldb   #E$DirFul  'Module Dir Full'
+L0493    orcc  #Carry
+         puls  x,y,pc
+L0497    ldx   ,s         X=module addrss
+         lbsr  L0524
+         bcs   L0491
+         sty   MD$MPDAT,u insert DAT image ptr
+         stx   MD$MPtr,u  and module ptr
+         clra  
+         clrb  
+         std   MD$Link,u  link count=00
+         ldd   #M$Size
+         lbsr  LDDXY      get module size
+         pshs  x          mod addrss
+         addd  ,s++       plus size
+         std   MD$MBSiz,u
+         ldy   [MD$MPDAT,u] Y=mod images
+         ldx   D.ModDir   X=mod dir strt
+         pshs  u          save entry
+         bra   L04BE
+L04BC    leax  MD$ESize,x next moddir entry
+L04BE    cmpx  D.ModEnd   last one?
+         bcc   L04CD      ..yes, end
+         cmpx  ,s         same entry?
+         beq   L04BC      ..yes, try again
+         cmpy  [,x]       same image ptr?
+         bne   L04BC      ..no, try again
+         bsr   L04F2
+* Mark BlockMaps as Modules:
+L04CD    puls  u          U=dir entry
+         ldx   D.BlkMap   X=mem block map
+         ldd   MD$MBSiz,u D=mod block size
+         addd  #$1FFF     round up size ++
+         lsra             A/32 = number of blocks
+         lsra             (8K)
+         lsra  
+         lsra  
+         lsra             ++
+         ldy   MD$MPDAT,u Y=mod dat image
+L04DE    pshs  a,x        save block size, blkmap
+         ldd   ,y++       D=image block#
+         leax  d,x        X=blkmap ptr
+         ldb   ,x         get block marker
+         orb   #ModBlock  set module in block
+         stb   ,x         marker
+         puls  a,x        ..
+         deca             count-1
+         bne   L04DE      ..mark all blocks
+         clrb             okay
+         puls  x,y,pc     end.
+* Clear entries:
+L04F2    pshs  a,b,x,y,u
+         ldx   ,x
+         pshs  x
+         clra             D=0000
+         clrb  
+L04FA    ldy   ,x         last entry?
+         beq   L0503      ..yes
+         std   ,x++       no, clear
+         bra   L04FA      and loop
+L0503    puls  x
+         ldy   2,s
+         ldu   MD$MPDAT,u U=mod images
+         puls  a,b
+L050C    cmpx  ,y         same image?
+         bne   L051B      ..no, try next
+         stu   MD$MPDAT,y yes, set new image
+         cmpd  MD$MBSiz,y new size bigger?
+         bcc   L0519      ..yes, use it
+         ldd   MD$MBSiz,y else use old size
+L0519    std   MD$MBSiz,y set modblock size
+L051B    leay  MD$ESize,y next entry
+         cmpy  D.ModEnd   last?
+         bne   L050C      ..no
+         puls  x,y,u,pc   end.
+L0524    pshs  x,y,u      save mod adrs,img,
+         ldd   #M$Size    get module size
+         lbsr  LDDXY
+         addd  ,s         end = begin+size
+         addd  #$1FFF     round to block ++
+         lsra             A/32
+         lsra  
+         lsra  
+         lsra  
+         lsra             ++,
+         tfr   a,b        A,B=number of blocks
+         pshs  b          save num
+         incb  
+         aslb  
+         negb  
+         sex              sign extend into D
+         bsr   L054E      make new dir entry
+         bcc   L054C      ..okay rts
+         os9   F$GCMDir   else get task#
+         ldu   #$0000     set flag
+         stu   5,s
+         bsr   L054E      make new dir entry
+L054C    puls  b,x,y,u,pc rts.
+* Allocate module dir image:
+L054E    ldx   D.ModDAT   X+D = mod DAT img pointer
+         leax  d,x
+         cmpx  D.ModEnd   would it be below last dir?
+         bcs   L0583      ..yes, err
+         ldu   7,s        get back old U
+         bne   L056E      ..
+         pshs  x          save new moddat ptr
+         ldy   D.ModEnd   Y=end of dir
+         leay  MD$ESize,y plus new entry
+         cmpy  ,s++       collide with moddat?
+         bhi   L0583      ..yes, err
+         sty   D.ModEnd   store new dir end
+         leay  -MD$ESize,y Y=new dir entry ptr
+         sty   7,s        return it to caller
+L056E    stx   D.ModDAT   store new moddat ptr
+         ldy   5,s
+         ldb   2,s        B=block count
+         stx   5,s        return dir datimg ptr
+L0577    ldu   ,y++       copy images
+         stu   ,x++       to new mod dat entry
+         decb  
+         bne   L0577
+         clr   ,x         zero flag
+         clr   1,x
+         rts              end.
+L0583    orcc  #Carry     set err flag
+         rts              end.
+*             Calculate CRC of Module:
+L0586    pshs  x,y
+         clra             D=offset of zero
+         clrb  
+         lbsr  LDDXY      get 2 bytes
+         cmpd  #M$ID12    is it module?
+         beq   L0597      ..yes
+         ldb   #E$BMID    'Bad Module Header'
+         bra   L05F3      ..err end.
+* Check Module Header:
+L0597    leas  -1,s       make var
+         leax  2,x        X=past sync bytes
+         lbsr  L0AF0      set Y for X offset
+         ldb   #$07       seven bytes
+         lda   #$4A       header crc
+L05A2    sta   ,s         save crc
+         lbsr  LDAXY      get next byte
+         eora  ,s         do crc
+         decb             more?
+         bne   L05A2      ..loop
+         leas  1,s        drop var
+         inca             $FF+1 = 00
+         beq   L05B5      ..okay header
+         ldb   #E$BMHP    'Bad Module Header'
+         bra   L05F3      err end.
+* Do CRC across module:
+* Added code to check init module for CRC check flag
+         ldx   D.Init     get Init module addr ++ BGP
+* Here the FastBoot definition says that if the INIT module cannot
+* be found (as is the case when OS9p1 brings up the rest of the
+* system with F$Boot), then don't do CRC checking.  Note that
+* module header checking above is still performed in this case.
+         ifeq  FastBoot
+         beq   L05CX      if none, do CRC checking ++ BGP
+         else  
+         beq   NOCRC      if none, DON'T DO CRC checking ++ BGP
+         endc  
+         lda   Compat1,x  get compat1 byte ++BGP
+         bita  #CRCOn     test CRCOn bit ++BGP
+         bne   L05CX      if set, check CRC ++BGP
+NOCRC    clra             else clra ++BGP
+         clrb             and clrb ++BGP
+         bra   L05F5      branch to end of routine ++BGP
+L05CX    puls  x,y
+         ldd   #$0002
+         lbsr  LDDXY
+         pshs  a,b,x,y
+         ldd   #$FFFF     set temp CRC register
+         pshs  a,b
+         pshs  b
+         lbsr  L0AF0      set up Y for X offset
+         leau  ,s
+L05CB    tstb  
+         bne   L05D8
+         pshs  x
+         ldx   #$0001
+         os9   F$Sleep
+         puls  x
+L05D8    lbsr  LDAXY      get a byte
+         bsr   CRCCalc    pass it through the CRC calculator
+         ldd   3,s
+         subd  #$0001
+         std   3,s
+         bne   L05CB
+         puls  b,x,y
+         cmpb  #$80
+         bne   L05F1
+         cmpx  #$0FE3
+         beq   L05F5
+L05F1    ldb   #E$BMCRC   'Bad Module CRC'
+L05F3    orcc  #Carry
+L05F5    puls  x,y,pc
+*                  CRC Calculator:
+* A  = byte to be passed through accumulator
+CRCCalc  eora  ,u
+         pshs  a
+         ldd   1,u
+         std   ,u
+         clra  
+         ldb   ,s
+         aslb  
+         rola  
+         eora  1,u
+         std   1,u
+         clrb  
+         lda   ,s
+         lsra  
+         rorb  
+         lsra  
+         rorb  
+         eora  1,u
+         eorb  2,u
+         std   1,u
+         lda   ,s
+         asla  
+         eora  ,s
+         sta   ,s
+         asla  
+         asla  
+         eora  ,s
+         sta   ,s
+         asla  
+         asla  
+         asla  
+         asla  
+         eora  ,s+
+         bpl   L0635
+         ldd   #$8021
+         eora  ,u
+         sta   ,u
+         eorb  2,u
+         stb   2,u
+L0635    rts   
+*                    F$CRC
+FCRC     ldd   R$Y,u      get byte count
+         beq   L0677      ..zero
+         ldx   R$X,u      begin ptr
+         pshs  a,b,x
+         leas  -3,s
+         ldx   D.Proc
+         lda   P$Task,x
+         ldb   D.SysTsk
+         ldx   R$U,u
+         ldy   #$0003
+         leau  ,s
+         pshs  a,b,x,y
+         lbsr  L0B2C
+         ldx   D.Proc
+         leay  P$DATImg,x
+         ldx   11,s
+         lbsr  L0AF0
+L065D    lbsr  LDAXY
+         bsr   CRCCalc    pass byte through CRC calculator
+         ldd   9,s
+         subd  #$0001
+         std   9,s
+         bne   L065D
+         puls  a,b,x,y
+         exg   a,b
+         exg   x,u
+         lbsr  L0B2C
+         leas  7,s
+L0677    clrb  
+         rts   
+*                    F$FModul
+* Find the Module named (X) with type (A) in Y
+FFModul  pshs  u
+         lda   R$A,u      A=type request
+         ldx   R$X,u      X=name
+         ldy   R$Y,u      Y=DAT image ptr
+         bsr   L068D      find it
+         puls  y
+         std   R$D,y      return type/attr
+         stx   R$X,y      updated name ptr
+         stu   R$U,y      module offset
+         rts   
+L068D    ldu   #$0000     address flag
+         pshs  a,b,u
+         bsr   L0712      get first char
+         cmpa  #PDELIM    start with pathlist delimiter?
+         beq   L070B      ..bad name error
+         lbsr  L0741
+         bcs   L070E
+         ldu   D.ModEnd   U=mod end ++
+         bra   L0700
+* Main Loop:
+L06A1    pshs  a,b,x,y
+         pshs  x,y
+         ldy   MD$MPDAT,u Y=mod images
+         beq   L06F6
+         ldx   MD$MPtr,u  X=mod ptr
+         pshs  x,y
+         ldd   #M$Name    get mod name
+         lbsr  LDDXY      offset
+         leax  d,x        X=name address
+         pshs  x,y        save add,images
+         leax  8,s
+         ldb   13,s
+         leay  ,s
+         lbsr  L07DE
+         leas  4,s
+         puls  x,y
+         leas  4,s
+         bcs   L06FE
+         ldd   #M$Type    get mod type/lang
+         lbsr  LDDXY
+         sta   ,s
+         stb   7,s
+         lda   6,s
+         beq   L06ED
+         anda  #$F0
+         beq   L06E1
+         eora  ,s
+         anda  #$F0
+         bne   L06FE
+L06E1    lda   6,s
+         anda  #$0F
+         beq   L06ED
+         eora  ,s
+         anda  #$0F
+         bne   L06FE
+L06ED    puls  a,b,x,y
+         abx   
+         clrb  
+         ldb   1,s
+         leas  4,s
+         rts   
+L06F6    leas  4,s
+         ldd   8,s
+         bne   L06FE
+         stu   8,s
+L06FE    puls  a,b,x,y
+* Moved back one ++
+L0700    leau  -MD$ESize,u next dir entry ++
+         cmpu  D.ModDir   last one? ++
+         bcc   L06A1      ..no, loop ++
+         ldb   #E$MNF     'Module Not Found'
+         bra   L070E
+L070B    comb  
+         ldb   #E$BNam    'Bad Name' error
+L070E    stb   1,s        return err code
+         puls  a,b,u,pc
+* Get Module Name:
+L0712    pshs  y          save image strt
+L0714    lbsr  L0AF0      point X to name in img(Y)
+         lbsr  L0AC8      get char
+         leax  1,x        ptr+1
+         cmpa  #C$SPAC    was char space?
+         beq   L0714      ..yes, skip
+         leax  -1,x       ptr-1
+         pshs  a          save char
+         tfr   y,d        D=image ptr
+         subd  1,s        -images start
+         asrb             block#=image/2
+         lbsr  L0AB0      ??
+         puls  a,y,pc     rts.
+*                    F$PrsNam
+FPrsNam  ldx   D.Proc     proc desc
+         leay  P$DATImg,x Y=DAT image ptr
+         ldx   R$X,u      X=name string
+         bsr   L0741      get it and length
+         std   R$D,u      return length in D
+         bcs   L073E      ..err
+         stx   R$X,u      and X at name begin
+         abx              plus len
+L073E    stx   R$Y,u      return Y=end of name ptr
+         rts              end.
+* Parse Name:
+L0741    pshs  y          save image ptr
+         lbsr  L0AF0      find map block
+         pshs  x,y        save X offset within block and Y block pointer
+         lbsr  LDAXY      get A=byte(X)
+         cmpa  #PDELIM    is it a pathlist delimiter?
+         bne   L0756      ..no, go keep X offset and block Y
+         leas  4,s
+         pshs  x,y
+         lbsr  LDAXY      get next char
+L0756    bsr   L07A1      go check if valid first character...
+         bcs   L076A      not valid, go get next name start offset in X...
+         clrb             initialize character counter 
+L075B    incb             incb add one character
+         tsta             last character in name string?
+         bmi   L0766      yes, go return valid...
+         lbsr  LDAXY      go get next character...
+         bsr   L078A      go check if valid character...
+         bcc   L075B      valid, go check if last character...
+L0766    andcc  #^Carry
+         bra   L077C
+L076A    cmpa  #C$COMA    comma?
+         bne   L0775      no, check for next character
+L076E    leas  4,s
+         pshs  x,y
+         lbsr  LDAXY
+L0775    cmpa  #C$SPAC    is it a space?
+         beq   L076E      ..yes, go get next character
+         comb             error, set Carry
+         ldb   #E$BNam    'Bad Name' error
+L077C    puls  x,y        recover offset and pointer
+         pshs  cc,a,b     save Carry, character and count or error code
+         tfr   y,d        copy DAT image block pointer
+         subd  3,s        subtract original DAT image pointer
+         asrb             convert 2 byte/block count to block number
+         lbsr  L0AB0      go get true map offset in X...
+         puls  cc,a,b,y,pc recover registers and return...
+L078A    pshs  a          save character
+         anda  #$7F       drop msbit
+         cmpa  #PDIR      period?
+         beq   ValidChr   yes, go return valid character...
+         cmpa  #'0        is it control?
+         bcs   InvalChr   ..yes
+         cmpa  #'9        is it number?
+         bls   ValidChr   ..yes
+         cmpa  #'_        is it '_'?
+         bne   L07A5      ..no
+ValidChr clra             clear carry
+         puls  a,pc       recover original character and return
+L07A1    pshs  a
+         anda  #$7F       drop msbit
+L07A5    cmpa  #'A        less than "A"?
+         bcs   InvalChr   yes, go return invalid character...
+         cmpa  #'Z        less than or equal to "Z"?
+         bls   ValidChr   yes, go return valid character
+         cmpa  #'a        less than "a"?
+         bcs   InvalChr   yes, go return invalid character
+         cmpa  #'z        less than or equal to "z"?
+         bls   ValidChr   yes, go return valid character
+InvalChr coma  
+         puls  a,pc
+*                    F$CmpNam
+FCmpNam  ldx   D.Proc     proc desc
+         leay  P$DATImg,x Y=caller DAT image ptr
+         ldx   R$X,u      X=first name
+         pshs  x,y        save name,img
+         bra   L07CF      do it
+*                 F$CmpNam (sys)
+SCmpNam  ldx   D.Proc     proc desc
+         leay  P$DATImg,x Y=images
+         ldx   R$X,u      X=first name
+         pshs  x,y        save name,imgs
+         ldy   D.SysDAT   Y=system DAT image ptr
+L07CF    ldx   R$Y,u      X=second name
+         pshs  x,y        save name2,sysimg
+         ldd   R$D,u      D=match length
+         leax  4,s        [X]=name1
+         leay  ,s         [Y]=name2
+         bsr   L07DE      compare them
+         leas  8,s        drop vars
+         rts              end.
+* Compare two strings:
+L07DE    pshs  a,b,x,y,u  length,name1,name2,regs
+         ldu   2,s        U=name1 ptr
+         pulu  x,y        get name,images
+         lbsr  L0AF0      set X for img(Y)
+         pshu  x,y        save name1 offsets
+         ldu   4,s
+         pulu  x,y
+         lbsr  L0AF0
+         bra   L07F6
+L07F2    ldu   4,s
+         pulu  x,y
+L07F6    lbsr  LDAXY      get name2 char
+         pshu  x,y
+         pshs  a          save char
+         ldu   3,s
+         pulu  x,y
+         lbsr  LDAXY      get name1 char
+         pshu  x,y
+         eora  ,s         compare chars
+         tst   ,s+        check result
+         bmi   L0816      ..msb diff
+         decb             len-1
+         beq   L0813      last?
+         anda  #$DF
+         beq   L07F2      do next char
+L0813    comb             err
+         puls  a,b,x,y,u,pc end.
+L0816    decb             len-1
+         bne   L0813      ..err if >0
+         anda  #$5F
+         bne   L0813
+         clrb             okay
+         puls  a,b,x,y,u,pc end.
+*               F$SRqMem / F$BtMem
+FBtMem   ldd   R$D,u      get # bytes wanted
+         addd  #$00FF     round up
+         clrb             to page
+         std   R$D,u      return it
+         ldy   D.SysMem   Y=system mem map
+         leas  -2,s
+         stb   ,s
+L082F    ldx   D.SysDAT   X=system DAT image
+         aslb             index block
+         ldd   b,x        D=DAT marker
+         cmpd  #DAT.Free  is it free?
+         beq   L0847      ..yes
+         ldx   D.BlkMap   else look
+         lda   d,x        at block map byte
+         cmpa  #RAMinUse  is it in use?
+         bne   L0848      ..yes
+         leay  32,y       leave map ++
+         bra   L084F
+* Free Ram:
+L0847    clra  
+* Ram Not in Use:
+L0848    ldb   #32        count=32 pages ++
+L084A    sta   ,y+        mark the ram
+         decb  
+         bne   L084A
+L084F    inc   ,s
+         ldb   ,s
+         cmpb  #DAT.BlCt  all blocks done?
+         bcs   L082F
+L0857    ldb   R$A,u      page count
+L0859    cmpy  D.SysMem   back to map start?
+         bhi   L0863      ..not yet
+         comb  
+         ldb   #E$NoRam   was MemFul ++
+         bra   L0894
+L0863    lda   ,-y        free page?
+         bne   L0857      ..no,try again
+         decb             else got page+1
+         bne   L0859
+         sty   ,s
+         lda   1,s
+         lsra  
+         lsra  
+         lsra  
+         lsra  
+         lsra             ++
+         ldb   1,s
+         andb  #$1F       ++
+         addb  R$A,u
+         addb  #$1F       ++
+         lsrb  
+         lsrb  
+         lsrb  
+         lsrb  
+         lsrb             ++
+         ldx   D.SysPrc
+         lbsr  L09BE      allocate ram images
+         bcs   L0894
+         ldb   R$A,u
+L088A    inc   ,y+
+         decb  
+         bne   L088A
+         lda   1,s
+         std   R$U,u      return ptr to mem
+         clrb  
+L0894    leas  2,s
+         rts   
+*                    F$SRtMem
+FSRtMem  ldd   R$D,u
+         beq   L08F2
+         addd  #$00FF
+         ldb   R$U+1,u
+         beq   L08A6
+         comb  
+         ldb   #E$BPAddr  'Boundary Error'
+         rts   
+L08A6    ldb   R$U,u
+         beq   L08F2
+         ldx   D.SysMem
+         abx   
+L08AD    ldb   ,x
+         andb  #^RAMinUse
+         stb   ,x+
+         deca  
+         bne   L08AD
+         ldx   D.SysDAT
+         ldy   #DAT.BlCt  16 blocks/space
+L08BC    ldd   ,x
+         cmpd  #DAT.Free  free block?
+         beq   L08EC      ..yes
+         ldu   D.BlkMap
+         lda   d,u
+         cmpa  #$01
+         bne   L08EC
+         tfr   x,d
+         subd  D.SysDAT
+         aslb  
+         aslb  
+         aslb  
+         aslb             ++
+         ldu   D.SysMem
+         leau  d,u
+         ldb   #32        16 blocks in sys space ++
+L08DA    lda   ,u+
+         bne   L08EC
+         decb  
+         bne   L08DA
+         ldd   ,x
+         ldu   D.BlkMap
+         clr   d,u
+         ldd   #DAT.Free
+         std   ,x
+L08EC    leax  2,x
+         leay  -1,y
+         bne   L08BC
+L08F2    clrb  
+         rts   
+*                    F$Boot
+FBoot    comb  
+         lda   D.Boot     booted already?
+         bne   L0966      ..yes,rts.
+         inc   D.Boot     flag it
+*         ldx   D.Init     X=init module
+*         beq   L0908     ..use default if no Init
+*         ldd   BootStr,x  offset to Boot name
+*         beq   L0908     ..none
+*         leax  d,x       X=Init BootStrap name
+*         bra   L090C     use it
+L0908    leax  BootMod,pcr default 'Boot' name
+L090C    lbsr  LinkSys    link to module
+         bcs   L0966      ..err rts
+         jsr   ,y         do the boot
+         bcs   L0966      ..err
+         std   D.BtSz     Bootfile size ++
+         stx   D.BtPtr    Boot start address ++
+         leau  d,x
+         tfr   x,d
+         anda  #$E0       ++
+         clrb  
+         pshs  a,b,u
+         lsra  
+         lsra  
+         lsra  
+         lsra             ++
+         ldy   D.SysDAT
+         leay  a,y
+* Find & Verify Boot Modules:
+L092D    ldd   ,x         get header
+         cmpd  #M$ID12    (87CD) is it a module?
+         bne   L0954      ..no
+         tfr   x,d
+         subd  ,s
+         tfr   d,x
+         tfr   y,d
+         os9   F$VModul
+         pshs  b
+         ldd   1,s
+         leax  d,x
+         puls  b
+         bcc   L094E
+         cmpb  #E$KwnMod  'Known Module'?
+         bne   L0954      ..no
+L094E    ldd   2,x
+         leax  d,x
+         bra   L0956
+L0954    leax  1,x
+L0956    cmpx  2,s        end of boot mem?
+         bcs   L092D      ..no, try more
+         leas  4,s
+         ldx   D.SysDAT   ++
+         ldb   13,x       ++
+         incb             ++
+         ldx   D.BlkMap   ++
+         lbra  L01DF      ++
+L0966    rts   
+*                    F$AllRam
+FAllRam  ldb   R$B,u      get # ram blocks desired
+         bsr   L0970
+         bcs   L096F
+         std   R$D,u
+L096F    rts   
+L0970    pshs  a,b,x,y
+         ldx   D.BlkMap   X=block map start
+* Start at new block begin:
+L0974    leay  ,x         Y=start
+         ldb   1,s        B=count
+L0978    cmpx  D.BlkMap+2 at end of block map?
+         bcc   L0995      ..yes,end.
+         lda   ,x+        is block free?
+         bne   L0974      ..no, try new start
+         decb             yes, count-1
+         bne   L0978      keep trying
+L0983    tfr   y,d        D=begin block ptr ++
+         subd  D.BlkMap   D=begin block number
+         sta   R$A-1,s    return number on ,S
+         lda   R$B-1,s    A=count
+         stb   R$B-1,s
+* mark off blocks
+L098D    inc   ,y+        mark as ram in use
+         deca  
+         bne   L098D
+         clrb  
+         puls  a,b,x,y,pc okay end.
+L0995    comb  
+         ldb   #E$NoRam   'Sys Ram Full'
+         stb   1,s        return err
+         puls  a,b,x,y,pc bad end.
+*                    F$AlHRam
+FALHRAM  ldb   R$B,u      get block count ++
+         bsr   L09A5      find blocks ++
+         bcs   L09A4      error ++
+         std   R$D,u      return count in D ++
+L09A4    rts              ++
+L09A5    pshs  a,b,x,y    match up stack ++
+         ldx   D.BlkMap+2 point to end of map ++
+L09A9    ldb   R$B-1,s    get block count ++
+L09AB    cmpx  D.BlkMap   at bottom of map? ++
+         bls   L0995      yes, error ++
+         lda   ,-x        block free? ++
+         bne   L09A9      no ++
+         decb             found them all? ++
+         bne   L09AB      no, continue ++
+         tfr   x,y        match up registers ++
+         bra   L0983      allocate blocks ++
+*                    F$AllImg
+FAllImg  ldd   R$D,u      A=begin blk#, B=# of blocks
+         ldx   R$X,u      X=proc desc
+L09BE    pshs  a,b,x,y,u
+         asla  
+         leay  P$DATImg,x Y=DAT image ptr
+         leay  a,y        Y=image ptr
+         clra  
+         tfr   d,x
+         ldu   D.BlkMap
+         pshs  a,b,x,y,u
+L09CD    ldd   ,y++       D=image
+         cmpd  #DAT.Free  unused?
+         beq   L09E2      ..yes
+         lda   d,u        else what is it?
+         cmpa  #RAMinUse  ram?
+         puls  a,b
+         bne   L09F7      ..no
+         subd  #$0001
+         pshs  a,b
+L09E2    leax  -1,x
+         bne   L09CD
+         ldx   ,s++
+         beq   L0A00
+L09EA    lda   ,u+
+         bne   L09F2
+         leax  -1,x
+         beq   L0A00
+L09F2    cmpu  D.BlkMap+2
+         bcs   L09EA
+L09F7    ldb   #E$MemFul  'Proc Memory Full' (207)
+         leas  6,s
+         stb   R$B-1,s
+         comb  
+         puls  a,b,x,y,u,pc
+L0A00    puls  x,y,u
+L0A02    ldd   ,y++
+         cmpd  #DAT.Free
+         bne   L0A16
+L0A0A    lda   ,u+
+         bne   L0A0A
+         inc   ,-u
+         tfr   u,d
+         subd  D.BlkMap
+         std   -2,y
+L0A16    leax  -1,x
+         bne   L0A02
+         ldx   2,s
+         lda   P$State,x  get proc state &
+         ora   #ImgChg    flag image change
+         sta   P$State,x  .
+         clrb  
+         puls  a,b,x,y,u,pc
+*                    F$FreeHB
+FFreeHB  ldb   R$B,u      B=block count
+         ldy   R$Y,u
+         bsr   L0A31
+         bcs   L0A30
+         sta   R$A,u
+L0A30    rts   
+L0A31    tfr   b,a
+L0A33    suba  #$09
+         nega  
+         pshs  x,b,a
+         ldd   #$FFFF
+         pshs  b,a
+         bra   L0A58
+FFreeLB  ldb   R$B,u
+         ldy   R$Y,u
+         bsr   L0A4B
+         bcs   L0A4A
+         sta   R$A,u
+L0A4A    rts   
+L0A4B    lda   #$FF
+         pshs  x,b,a
+         lda   #$01
+         subb  #$09
+         negb  
+         pshs  b,a
+         bra   L0A58
+L0A58    clra  
+         ldb   $02,s
+         addb  ,s
+         stb   $02,s
+         cmpb  $01,s
+         bne   L0A75
+         ldb   #$CF
+         cmpy  <D.SysDAT
+         bne   L0A6C
+         ldb   #$ED
+L0A6C    stb   $03,s
+         comb  
+         bra   L0A82
+L0A71    tfr   a,b
+         addb  $02,s
+L0A75    lslb  
+         ldx   b,y
+         cmpx  #DAT.Free
+         bne   L0A58
+         inca  
+         cmpa  $03,s
+         bne   L0A71
+L0A82    leas  $02,s
+         puls  pc,x,b,a
+FSetImg  ldd   R$A,u
+         ldx   R$X,u
+         ldu   R$U,u
+L0A8C    pshs  u,y,x,b,a
+         leay  P$DATImg,x
+         lsla  
+         leay  a,y
+L0A94    ldx   ,u++
+         stx   ,y++
+         decb  
+         bne   L0A94
+         ldx   $02,s      get proc desc ptr
+         lda   P$State,x
+         ora   #ImgChg
+         sta   P$State,x
+         clrb  
+         puls  pc,u,y,x,b,a
+FDATLog  ldb   R$B,u
+         ldx   R$X,u
+         bsr   L0AB0
+         stx   R$X,u
+         clrb  
+         rts   
+*L0AB0    pshs  x,b,a --BGP
+L0AB0    pshs  x,b        ++BGP
+         lslb  
+         lslb  
+         lslb  
+         lslb  
+         lslb  
+*         addb  $02,s  --BGP
+*         stb   $02,s  --BGP
+         addb  1,s        ++BGP
+         stb   1,s        ++BGP
+*         puls  pc,x,b,a --BGP
+         puls  pc,x,b     ++BGP
+FLDAXY   ldx   R$X,u
+         ldy   R$Y,u
+         bsr   L0AC8
+         sta   R$A,u
+         clrb  
+         rts   
+L0AC8    pshs  cc
+         lda   $01,y
+         orcc  #IntMasks
+         sta   >DAT.Regs
+         lda   ,x
+         clr   >DAT.Regs
+         puls  pc,cc
+LDAXY    bsr   L0AC8
+         leax  $01,x
+         bra   L0AF0
+L0AEA    leax  >-$2000,x
+         leay  $02,y
+L0AF0    cmpx  #$2000
+         bcc   L0AEA
+         rts   
+FLDDDXY  ldd   R$D,u
+         leau  R$X,u
+         pulu  y,x
+         bsr   LDDXY
+         std   -$07,u
+         clrb  
+         rts   
+LDDXY    pshs  y,x
+         leax  d,x
+         bsr   L0AF0
+         bsr   LDAXY
+         pshs  a
+         bsr   L0AC8
+         tfr   a,b
+         puls  pc,y,x,a
+FLDABX   ldb   R$B,u
+         ldx   R$X,u
+         lbsr  L0C12
+         sta   R$A,u
+         rts   
+FSTABX   ldd   R$D,u
+         ldx   R$X,u
+         lbra  L0C28
+FMove    ldd   R$D,u
+         ldx   R$X,u
+         ldy   R$Y,u
+         ldu   R$U,u
+L0B2C    pshs  u,y,x,b,a
+         leay  ,y
+         lbeq  L0BF2
+         pshs  y,b,a
+         tfr   a,b
+         lbsr  L0C0F
+         leay  a,u
+         pshs  y,x
+         ldb   $09,s
+         ldx   $0E,s
+         lbsr  L0C0F
+         leay  a,u
+         pshs  y,x
+         ldd   #$2000
+         subd  ,s
+         pshs  b,a
+         ldd   #$2000
+         subd  $06,s
+         pshs  b,a
+         ldx   $08,s
+         leax  >-$6000,x
+         ldu   $04,s
+         leau  >-$4000,u
+L0B6A    pshs  cc
+         ldd   [<$07,s]
+         pshs  b
+         ldd   [<$0C,s]
+         pshs  b
+         ldd   <$11,s
+         cmpd  $03,s
+         bls   L0B82
+         ldd   $03,s
+L0B82    cmpd  $05,s
+         bls   L0B89
+         ldd   $05,s
+L0B89    cmpd  #$0040
+         bls   L0B84
+         ldd   #$0040
+L0B84    std   $0F,s
+         puls  y
+         orcc  #IntMasks
+         sty   >$FFA5
+         andb  #$07
+         beq   L0B99
+L0B92    lda   ,x+
+         sta   ,u+
+         decb  
+         bne   L0B92
+L0B99    ldb   $0E,s
+         lsrb  
+         lsrb  
+         lsrb  
+         beq   L0BBC
+         pshs  b
+         exg   x,u
+L0BA4    pulu  y,b,a
+         std   ,x
+         sty   $02,x
+         pulu  y,b,a
+         std   $04,x
+         sty   $06,x
+         leax  $08,x
+         dec   ,s
+         bne   L0BA4
+         leas  $01,s
+         exg   x,u
+L0BBC    ldy   <D.SysDAT
+         lda   $0B,y
+         ldb   $0D,y
+         std   >$FFA5
+         puls  cc
+         ldd   $0E,s
+         subd  $0C,s
+         beq   L0BEF
+         std   $0E,s
+         ldd   ,s
+         subd  $0C,s
+         bne   L0BD7
+         ldd   #$2000
+         leax  >-$2000,x
+         inc   $0B,s
+         inc   $0B,s
+L0BD7    std   ,s
+         ldd   $02,s
+         subd  $0C,s
+         bne   L0BEA
+         ldd   #$2000
+         leau  >-$2000,u
+         inc   $07,s
+         inc   $07,s
+L0BEA    std   $02,s
+         lbra  L0B6A
+L0BEF    leas  <$10,s
+L0BF2    clrb  
+         puls  pc,u,y,x,b,a
+L0BF5    pshs  b
+         tfr   x,d
+         anda  #$1F
+         exg   d,x
+         anda  #$E0
+         lsra  
+         lsra  
+         lsra  
+         lsra  
+L0C07    puls  pc,b
+L0C0F    bsr   L0BF5
+*L0C09    pshs  b --BGP
+         ldu   <D.TskIPt
+         lslb  
+         ldu   b,u
+         rorb             ++BGP
+*         puls  pc,b  --BGP
+         rts              ++BGP
+L0C12    andcc  #^Carry
+         pshs  u,x,b,cc
+         bsr   L0C0F
+         ldd   a,u
+         orcc  #IntMasks
+         stb   >DAT.Regs
+         lda   ,x
+         clr   >DAT.Regs
+         puls  pc,u,x,b,cc
+L0C28    andcc  #^Carry
+         pshs  u,x,b,a,cc
+         bsr   L0C0F
+         ldd   a,u
+         lda   $01,s
+         orcc  #IntMasks
+         stb   >DAT.Regs
+         sta   ,x
+         clr   >DAT.Regs
+         puls  pc,u,x,b,a,cc
+FLDBBX   andcc  #^Carry
+         pshs  u,x,a,cc
+         bsr   L0C0F
+         ldd   a,u
+         orcc  #IntMasks
+         stb   >DAT.Regs
+         ldb   ,x
+         clr   >DAT.Regs
+         puls  pc,u,x,a,cc
+FAllTsk  ldx   R$X,u
+L0C58    ldb   P$Task,x
+         bne   L0C64
+         cmpx  <$004A
+         beq   L0C64
+         bsr   L0CA6
+         bcs   L0C65
+         stb   P$Task,x
+         bsr   L0C79
+L0C64    clrb  
+L0C65    rts   
+FDelTsk  ldx   R$X,u      get proc desc ptr
+L0C68    ldb   P$Task,x
+         beq   L0C65
+         clr   P$Task,x
+         bra   L0CC3
+L0C70    lda   P$State,x
+         bita  #ImgChg
+         bne   L0C79
+         rts   
+FSetTsk  ldx   R$X,u
+L0C79    lda   P$State,x
+         anda  #^ImgChg
+         sta   P$State,x
+         andcc  #^Carry
+         pshs  u,y,x,b,a,cc
+         ldb   P$Task,x
+         leax  P$DATImg,x
+         ldu   <D.TskIPt
+         lslb  
+         stx   b,u
+         cmpb  #$02
+         bgt   L0C9F
+         ldu   #DAT.Regs
+         leax  1,x
+         ldb   #$08
+L0C98    lda   ,x++
+         sta   ,u+
+         decb  
+         bne   L0C98
+L0C9F    puls  pc,u,y,x,b,a,cc
+FResTsk  bsr   L0CA6
+         stb   R$B,u
+         rts   
+L0CA6    pshs  x
+         ldb   #$02
+         ldx   <D.Tasks
+L0CAC    lda   b,x
+         beq   L0CBA
+         incb  
+         cmpb  #$20
+         bne   L0CAC
+         comb  
+         ldb   #$EF
+         bra   L0CBF
+L0CBA    inc   b,x
+         clra  
+L0CBF    puls  pc,x
+FRelTsk  ldb   R$B,u
+L0CC3    pshs  x,b
+         tstb  
+         beq   L0CD0
+         ldx   <D.Tasks
+         clr   b,x
+L0CD0    puls  pc,x,b
+* Control goes here when a tick interrupt comes in
+Clock    ldb   #P$STicks  assume system state
+         ldx   <D.Proc    get curr process
+         lda   P$State,x  get process state
+         bmi   L0CDC      branch if SysState
+         ldb   #P$UTicks  otherwise user state
+L0CDC    lbsr  IncCount   count ticks
+         ldx   <D.SProcQ  point to sleep queue
+         beq   L0CFD      branch if no process sleeping
+* Process sleep queue here!
+* Sleep queue is sorted by process closest to wake first, all the way
+* to processes that are sleeping forever.
+         lda   P$State,x  get process' state
+         bita  #TimSleep  sleeping forever?
+         beq   L0CFD      yep, finished
+         ldu   P$SP,x     else get process' stack pointer
+         ldd   R$X,u      and get process' sleep tick counter
+         subd  #$0001     subtract 1 from tick counter
+         std   R$X,u      save back to process' X
+         bne   L0CFD      branch if not ready to wake
+L0CE7    ldu   P$Queue,x  else time to wake up! so...
+         bsr   L0D11      activate this process
+         leax  ,u         point to next process
+         beq   L0CFB
+         lda   P$State,x
+         bita  #TimSleep
+         beq   L0CFB
+         ldu   P$SP,x
+         ldd   R$X,u
+         beq   L0CE7
+L0CFB    stx   <D.SProcQ  store new process pointer
+L0CFD    dec   <D.Slice   decrement slice
+         bne   L0D0D      branch if not at end of timeslice
+         inc   <D.Slice
+         ldx   <D.Proc    get current process
+         beq   L0D0D      branch if none
+         lda   P$State,x  ...else get state
+         ora   #TimOut    and indicate it's out of time
+         sta   P$State,x  then restore it
+L0D0D    clrb  
+         rts   
+* X  = address of process descriptor to put in active queue
+FAProc   ldx   R$X,u
+L0D11    clrb  
+         pshs  u,y,x,b,cc
+         lda   P$Prior,x  get priority of process
+         sta   P$Age,x    reset age to priority
+         orcc  #IntMasks  mask interrupts
+         ldu   #$0045
+         bra   L0D29
+L0D1F    inc   $0B,u
+         bne   L0D25
+         dec   $0B,u
+L0D25    cmpa  $0B,u
+         bhi   L0D2B
+L0D29    leay  ,u
+L0D2B    ldu   $0D,u
+         bne   L0D1F
+         ldd   $0D,y
+         stx   $0D,y
+         std   $0D,x
+         puls  pc,u,y,x,b,cc
+* System IRQ service routine
+XIRQ     ldx   <D.Proc
+         sts   P$SP,x
+         lds   <D.SysStk
+         ldd   <D.SysSvc
+         std   <D.XSWI2
+         ldd   <D.SysIRQ
+         std   <D.XIRQ
+         jsr   [>D.SvcIRQ]
+         bcc   L0D5B
+         ldx   <D.Proc
+         ldb   P$Task,x
+         ldx   P$SP,x
+         lbsr  L0C12
+         ora   #IntMasks
+         lbsr  L0C28
+L0D5B    orcc  #IntMasks
+         ldx   <D.Proc
+         lda   P$State,x
+         bita  #TimOut
+         bne   L0D7C
+L0D78    ldu   $04,x
+         bra   L0DB9
+L0D7C    anda  #$DF
+         sta   $0C,x
+         lbsr  L0C68
+L0D83    bsr   L0D11
+FNProc   ldx   <D.SysPrc
+         stx   <D.Proc
+         lds   <D.SysStk
+         andcc  #^(IntMasks)
+         bra   L0D93
+L0D91    cwai  #^(IntMasks)
+L0D93    orcc  #IntMasks
+         lda   #Suspend
+         ldx   #$0045
+L0D9A    leay  ,x
+         ldx   $0D,y
+         beq   L0D91
+         bita  P$State,x
+         bne   L0D9A
+         ldd   P$Queue,x
+         std   $0D,y
+         stx   <D.Proc
+         lbsr  L0C58
+         bcs   L0D83
+         lda   <D.TSlice
+         sta   <D.Slice
+         ldu   P$SP,x
+         lda   P$State,x
+         bmi   L0E29
+L0DB9    bita  #Condem
+         bne   L0DFD
+         lbsr  L0C70
+         ldb   P$Signal,x
+         beq   L0DF2
+         decb  
+         beq   L0DEF
+         leas  -$0C,s
+         leau  ,s
+         lbsr  L02CB
+         lda   P$Signal,x
+         sta   $02,u
+         ldd   P$SigVec,x
+         beq   L0DFD
+         std   $0A,u
+         ldd   P$SigDat,x
+         std   $08,u
+         ldd   P$SP,x
+         subd  #$000C
+         std   P$SP,x
+         lbsr  L02DA
+         leas  $0C,s
+         ldu   P$SP,x
+         clrb  
+L0DEF    stb   P$Signal,x
+L0DF2    ldd   <D.UsrSvc
+         std   <D.XSWI2
+         ldd   <D.UsrIRQ
+         std   <D.XIRQ
+         bra   L0E4C
+L0DFD    lda   P$State,x
+         ora   #SysState
+         sta   P$State,x
+         leas  $0200,x
+         andcc  #^(IntMasks)
+         ldb   P$Signal,x
+         clr   P$Signal,x
+         os9   F$Exit
+* Interrupts come through here when in system state
+S.SysIRQ lda   <D.SSTskN  get system task number
+         clr   <D.SSTskN  clear system task number in globs
+         pshs  a          save on stack
+         jsr   [>D.SvcIRQ]
+         puls  a
+         bsr   L0E39
+         bcc   XFIRQ
+         ldb   R$CC,s
+         orb   #IntMasks
+         stb   R$CC,s
+XFIRQ    rti   
+L0E29    clr   ,-s
+L0E2B    ldx   <D.SysPrc
+         lbsr  L0C70
+         orcc  #IntMasks
+         puls  a
+         bsr   L0E39
+         leas  ,u
+         rti   
+* A = task number
+L0E39    sta   <D.SSTskN
+         beq   S.AltIRQ
+         ora   <D.TINIT
+         sta   <D.TINIT
+         sta   DAT.Task
+S.AltIRQ rts   
+S.SvcIRQ jmp   [>D.Poll]
+S.POLL   orcc  #Carry
+         rts   
+L0E4C    ldb   $06,x
+         orcc  #IntMasks
+         bsr   L0E8D
+         lda   <D.TINIT
+         ora   #$01
+         sta   <D.TINIT
+         sta   DAT.Task
+         leas  ,u
+         rti   
+L0E5E    ldb   <D.TINIT
+         orb   #$01
+         stb   <D.TINIT
+         stb   DAT.Task
+         jmp   ,u
+S.Flip0  pshs  b,a
+         lda   <D.TINIT
+         anda  #$FE
+         sta   <D.TINIT
+         sta   DAT.Task
+         clr   <D.SSTskN
+         puls  b,a
+         tfr   x,s
+         tfr   a,cc
+         rts   
+S.Flip1  ldb   #$01       get task image entry number
+         bsr   L0E8D      copy over the DAT image
+         lda   <D.TINIT   get copy of GIME Task side
+         ora   #$01       switch it to task one
+         sta   <D.TINIT   save it to image
+         sta   DAT.Task   save it to GIME register
+         inc   <D.SSTskN  increment system tstae task number
+         rti              return
+L0E8D    pshs  u,x,b,a
+         ldx   #$FFA8     get MMU start register for process
+         ldu   <D.TskIPt  get task image pointer table
+         lslb             account for 2 bytes per entry
+         ldu   b,u        get address of MMU entry
+         leau  $01,u
+         ldb   #$08
+L0E9B    lda   ,u++
+         sta   ,x+
+         decb  
+         bne   L0E9B
+         puls  pc,u,x,b,a
+* SWI3.V - Control comes here upon a SWI3 interrupt
+SWI3.V   orcc  #IntMasks  mask interrupts
+         ldb   #D.SWI3    get direct page global vector
+         bra   IRQCntrl
+* SWI2.V - Control comes here upon a SWI2 interrupt
+SWI2.V   orcc  #IntMasks  mask interrupts
+         ldb   #D.SWI2    get direct page global vector
+         bra   IRQCntrl
+* FIRQ.V - Control comes here upon a FIRQ interrupt
+FIRQ.V   tst   ,s
+         bmi   L0EB0
+         leas  -$01,s
+         pshs  y,x,dp,b,a
+         lda   $08,s
+         stu   $07,s
+         ora   #$80
+         pshs  a
+L0EB0    ldb   #D.FIRQ
+         bra   IRQCntrl
+* IRQ.V - Control comes here upon a IRQ interrupt
+IRQ.V    orcc  #IntMasks  mask interrupts
+         ldb   #D.IRQ     get direct page global vector
+* B  = address of vector from direct page
+IRQCntrl clra             clear A
+         tfr   a,dp       make DP point to 0
+         sta   DAT.Task   redundancy???
+         lda   <D.TINIT   get task register shadow
+         anda  #$FE       clear bit to use $FFA0-$FFA7
+         sta   <D.TINIT   save in shadow
+         sta   DAT.Task   save in hardware (do it!)
+         clra             clear A
+         tfr   d,x        D = addr of direct page vector
+         jmp   [,x]       transfer control to addr in passed vector
+* SWI.V - Control comes here upon a SWI interrupt
+SWI.V    ldb   #D.SWI     get direct page global vector
+         bra   IRQCntrl
+* NMI.V - Control comes here upon a NMI interrupt
+NMI.V    ldb   #D.NMI     get direct page global vector
+         bra   IRQCntrl
+* Filler bytes to get $ED9
+Filler   fcb   $39,$39,$39,$39,$39,$39,$39,$39,$39,$39
+*         fcb   $39,$39,$39,$39,$39,$39,$39,$39,$39,$39
+         emod  
+eom      equ   *
+* Direct Page vectors
+D.VECTRS fdb   $F100+Clock goes in D.Clock
+         fdb   $F100+XSWI3 goes in D.XSWI3
+         fdb   $F100+XSWI2 goes in D.XSWI2
+         fdb   $F100+XFIRQ goes in D.XFIRQ
+         fdb   $F100+XIRQ goes in D.XIRQ
+         fdb   $F100+XSWI goes in D.XSWI
+         fdb   $F100      goes in D.NMI
+         fcb   $55
+* 6809 vectors
+* This table starts at $FEEE.  Each address is pointed to by the 6809
+* vectors at $FFF0 (defined in the CoCo 3 ROM).
+         lbra  SWI3.V     SWI3
+         lbra  SWI2.V     SWI2
+         lbra  FIRQ.V     FIRQ
+         lbra  IRQ.V      IRQ
+         lbra  SWI.V      SWI
+         lbra  NMI.V      NMI
+eo       equ   *
+         end