diff level2/modules/vdgint.asm @ 754:c81bad35f02f

Worked on commenting source and using proper symbolics, assembles to same module as prior
author boisy
date Wed, 08 Jan 2003 17:33:48 +0000
parents 02a8ba2b9092
children f8ac18a97b69
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/level2/modules/vdgint.asm	Wed Jan 08 14:26:02 2003 +0000
+++ b/level2/modules/vdgint.asm	Wed Jan 08 17:33:48 2003 +0000
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
          use   defsfile
+         use   vdgdefs
 tylg     set   Systm+Objct   
@@ -30,140 +31,158 @@
 name     fcs   /VDGInt/
          fcb   edition
-start    lbra  L0076
-         lbra  L016A
-         lbra  L045F
-         lbra  L0522
-         lbra  L004A
+start    lbra  Read		actually more like INIZ...
+         lbra  Write
+         lbra  GetStat
+         lbra  SetStat
+         lbra  Term 
          cmpa  #$00
          bne   L0035
-         ldb   <$37,u
-         lbne  L066E
-         ldd   <$44,u
-         lbra  L0396
-L0035    cmpa  #$01
+         ldb   <VD.DGBuf,u	get number of currently displayed bufs
+         lbne  ShowS
+         ldd   <VD.TFlg1,u
+         lbra  DAlfa2
+L0035    cmpa  #$01		set x,y size of window?
          beq   L003B
-         clrb  
+         clrb  			no errors
-L003B    ldx   <$00A5
-         leax  <$54,x
+L003B    ldx   <D.CCMem		pointer to start of CC memory
+         leax  <$54,x		to X,Y coor, X,Y window
+         IFNE  H6309
+         ldq   ,x
+         stq   $04,x		get X,Y coordinate
+         ELSE
          ldd   ,x
          std   $04,x
          ldd   $02,x
          std   $06,x
+         ENDC
-L004A    pshs  u,y,x
+* Terminate device
+Term     pshs  u,y,x
          ldb   #$03
 L004E    pshs  b
-         lbsr  L063B
+         lbsr  GetScrn
          lbsr  L065B
          puls  b
          bne   L004E
-         clr   <$1E,u
+         clr   <VD.Start,u
          ldd   #$0200
-         ldu   <$38,u
+         ldu   <VD.SCrnA,u	return VDG text screen memory
          beq   L0069
          os9   F$SRtMem 
-L0069    ldb   #$E1
-         leax  <$1F,u
+L0069    ldb   #$E1		size of 1 page -$1D (SCF memory requirements)
+         leax  <VD.Strt1,u
-L006F    sta   ,x+
+L006F    sta   ,x+		set stored byte to zero
          bne   L006F
          bra   L00D5
-L0076    pshs  u,y,x
-         bsr   L00D8
+* Read bytes from IN
+* Actually, this is more like an INIZ of the device.
+Read     pshs  u,y,x
+         bsr   L00D8		set up palettes
          lda   #$AF
-         sta   <$41,u
+         sta   <VD.CColr,u	default color cursor
          pshs  u
-         ldd   #768
-         os9   F$SRqMem 
+         ldd   #768		gets 1 page on an odd page boundary
+         os9   F$SRqMem 	request from top of sys ram
          tfr   u,d
          tfr   u,x
          bita  #$01
          beq   L0095
          leax  >$0100,x
          bra   L0099
-L0095    leau  >$0200,u
-L0099    ldd   #256
-         os9   F$SRtMem 
+L0095    leau  >$0200,u		we only need 2 pages for the screen memory
+L0099    ldd   #256		1 page return
+         os9   F$SRtMem 	return system memory
          puls  u
-         stx   <$38,u
-         stx   <$3C,u
+         stx   <VD.ScrnA,u	save start address of the screen
+         stx   <VD.CrsrA,u	and start cursor position
          leax  >$0200,x
-         stx   <$3A,u
+         stx   <VD.ScrnE,u	point to the end of the screen
          lda   #$60
-         sta   <$3E,u
-         sta   <$40,u
-         lbsr  L02E6
-         inc   <$1E,u
-         ldd   <$1F,u
-         lbsr  L054C
-         leax  <$7C,u
-         stx   <$2F,u
-         stx   <$31,u
-         ldu   <$00A5
+         sta   <VD.CChar,u	character under the cursor
+         sta   <VD.Chr1,u
+         lbsr  ClrScn
+         inc   <VD.Start,u
+         ldd   <VD.Strt1,u
+         lbsr  L054C		set to true lowercase, screen size
+         leax  <VD.NChar,u
+         stx   <VD.EPlt1,u	where to get next character from
+         stx   <VD.EPlt2,u
+         ldu   <D.CCMem
          ldb   <$24,u
-         orb   #$02
+         orb   #$02		set to VDGINT found
          stb   <$24,u
 L00D5    clrb  
          puls  pc,u,y,x
 L00D8    pshs  u,y,x,b,a
          lda   #$08
-         sta   <$7B,u
-         leax  >L011A,pcr
-         leay  <$6B,u
-L00E6    leau  >L00F8,pcr
+         sta   <VD.PlFlg,u
+         leax  >L011A,pcr	default palette
+         leay  <VD.Palet,u
+L00E6    leau  >L00F8,pcr	CMP to RGB conversion
 L00EA    pshs  u
          leau  >L012A,pcr
-         ldb   #$10
+         ldb   #16
 L00F2    lda   ,x+
          jmp   [,s]
-L00F6    lda   a,u
-L00F8    sta   ,y+
+L00F6    lda   a,u		remap to CMP values
+L00F8    sta   ,y+		and save RGB data
          bne   L00F2
          leas  $02,s
 L00FF    puls  pc,u,y,x,b,a
-L0101    pshs  u,y,x,b,a
-         lda   >$100A
-         beq   L00FF
-         leax  <$6B,u
+L0101    pshs  u,y,x,b,a	puts palette data in.
+         lda   >WGlobal+G.CrDvFl		is this screen active?
+         beq   L00FF		0 = not active
+         leax  <VD.Palet,u
          ldy   #$FFB0
-         lda   >$1009
-         bne   L00E6
-         leau  >L00F6,pcr
+         lda   >WGlobal+G.MonTyp		universal RGB/CMP 0 = CMP, 1 = RGB, 2 = MONO
+         bne   L00E6		if not 0 (CMP) don't re-map colors
+         leau  >L00F6,pcr	else do re-map colors
          bra   L00EA
-L011A    fdb   $1236,$0924,$3f1b
-         fdb   $2d26,$0012,$003f,$0012,$0026
-L012A    fdb   $000c,$020e,$0709
-         fdb   $0510,$1c2c,$0d1d,$0b1b,$0a2b,$2211,$1221,$0301
-         fdb   $1332,$1e2d,$1f2e,$0f3c,$2f3d,$1708,$1506,$2716
-         fdb   $2636,$192a,$1a3a,$1829,$2838,$1404
-         fcb   $23
-L015D    leau  $05,y
-         puls  y,b
-         pshs  y
-         rti   
-         leay  -$02,y
-         pulu  y,x,dp,cc
-         swi   
-         fcb   $30 0
-L016A    cmpa  #$0E
+L011A    fcb   $12,$36,$09,$24	default palette data
+         fcb   $3f,$1b,$2d,$26
+         fcb   $00,$12,$00,$3f
+         fcb   $00,$12,$00,$26
+* converts CMP to RGB
+L012A    fdb   $000c,$020e,$0709,$0510
+         fdb   $1c2c,$0d1d,$0b1b,$0a2b
+         fdb   $2211,$1221,$0301,$1332
+         fdb   $1e2d,$1f2e,$0f3c,$2f3d
+         fdb   $1708,$1506,$2716,$2636
+         fdb   $192a,$1a3a,$1829,$2838
+         fdb   $1404,$2333,$2535,$2434
+         fdb   $203B,$313E,$3739,$3F30
+* Entry: A = char to write
+*        Y = path desc ptr
+Write    cmpa  #$0E
          bls   L01CF
-         cmpa  #$1B
-         lbeq  L01FA
+         cmpa  #$1B		escape code?
+         lbeq  Escpe		yes, do escape immediately
          cmpa  #$1F
-         lbls  L01CD
+         lbls  L01CD		ignore gfx codes if not CoCo 2 compatible
          bmi   L01BA
-         ldb   <$35,u
+         ldb   <VD.CFlag,u
          beq   L019A
          cmpa  #$5E
-         bne   L018A
+         bne   L018A		re-map characters from ASCII-VDG
          lda   #$00
          bra   L01BA
 L018A    cmpa  #$5F
@@ -174,7 +193,8 @@
          bne   L01AA
          lda   #$67
          bra   L01BA
-L019A    cmpa  #$7C
+L019A    cmpa  #$7C		true lowercase
          bne   L01A2
          lda   #$21
          bra   L01BA
@@ -183,148 +203,189 @@
          lda   #$2D
          bra   L01BA
 L01AA    cmpa  #$60
-         bcs   L01B2
+         bcs   L01B2		re-map ASCII
          suba  #$60
          bra   L01BA
 L01B2    cmpa  #$40
          bcs   L01B8
          suba  #$40
 L01B8    eora  #$40
-L01BA    ldx   <$3C,u
+L01BA    ldx   <VD.CrsrA,u
          sta   ,x+
-         stx   <$3C,u
-         cmpx  <$3A,u
+         stx   <VD.CrsrA,u
+         cmpx  <VD.ScrnE,u
          bcs   L01CA
-         lbsr  L0273
-L01CA    lbsr  L029C
+         lbsr  SScrl		if at end of screen, scroll it
+L01CA    lbsr  PCrsr		ends with a CLRB/RTS anyhow
 L01CD    clrb  
 L01CF    leax  >L01D8,pcr
          ldd   a,x
          jmp   d,x
-L01D8    fdb   $fff5,$011b,$0160,$0199
-         fdb   $018b,$012f,$00fc,$fff5,$00ee,$01ab,$00d5,$010a
-         fdb   $010e,$00bb,$01bc,$53c6,$f539 
-L01FA    ldx   <$2F,u
+L01D8    fdb   L01CD-L01D8
+         fdb   CHome-L01D8
+         fdb   CrsrXY-L01D8
+         fdb   TELin-L01D8
+         fdb   CELin-L01D8
+         fdb   COnOf-L01D8
+         fdb   CRght-L01D8
+         fdb   L01CD-L01D8
+         fdb   CLeft-L01D8
+         fdb   L036A-L01D8
+         fdb   CDown-L01D8
+         fdb   TEScn-L01D8
+         fdb   ClrScn-L01D8
+         fdb   Retrn-L01D8
+         fdb   DAlfa-L01D8
+         fdb   $53c6
+         fdb   $F539
+* $1B does palette changes
+Escpe    ldx   <VD.EPlt1,u	now X points to VD.NChar
          lda   ,x
-         cmpa  #$30
+         cmpa  #$30		default color
          bne   L0209
-         lbsr  L00D8
-         lbra  L026E
-L0209    cmpa  #$31
+         lbsr  L00D8		do default palette
+         lbra  L026E		put palette and exit
+L0209    cmpa  #$31		change palette
          lbeq  L0258
          cmpa  #$21
-         lbne  L01CD
-         ldx   $06,y
-         lda   $01,x
-         ldx   <$0050
-         cmpa  >$00AC,x
+         lbne  L01CD		return without error
+         ldx   PD.RGS,y
+         lda   R$A,x
+         ldx   <D.Proc
+         cmpa  >P$SelP,x
          beq   L0249
-         ldb   >$00AC,x
-         sta   >$00AC,x
-         pshs  y
+         ldb   >P$SelP,x
+         sta   >P$SelP,x
+         pshs  y		save our path desc ptr
          bsr   L024A
-         ldy   $02,y
-         ldx   <$00A5
+         ldy   V$STAT,y
+         ldx   <D.CCMem
          cmpy  <$20,x
-         puls  y
+         puls  y		restore our path desc ptr
          bne   L0248
-         inc   <$23,u
+         inc   <VD.DFlag,u
          ldy   <$20,x
          sty   <$22,x
          stu   <$20,x
 L0248    clrb  
 L0249    rts   
-L024A    leax  <$30,x
+L024A    leax  <P$Path,x
          lda   b,x
-         ldx   <$0088
-         os9   F$Find64 
-         ldy   $03,y
+         ldx   <D.PthDBT
+         os9   F$Find64 	put found path descriptor in Y
+         ldy   PD.DEV,y		load Y with device table entry
 L0258    leax  <L0260,pcr
          ldb   #$02
-         lbra  L0457
-L0260    ldx   <$2F,u
+         lbra  GChar
+L0260    ldx   <VD.EPlt1,u
          ldd   ,x
          anda  #$0F
          andb  #$3F
-         leax  <$6B,u
+         leax  <VD.Palet,u
          stb   a,x
-L026E    inc   <$23,u
+L026E    inc   <VD.DFlag,u
-L0273    ldx   <$38,u
-         leax  <$20,x
+* Screen scroll
+SScrl    ldx   <VD.SCrnA,u
+         leax  <32,x
 L0279    ldd   ,x++
-         std   <-$22,x
-         cmpx  <$3A,u
+         std   <-34,x
+         cmpx  <VD.ScrnE,u
          bcs   L0279
-         leax  <-$20,x
-         stx   <$3C,u
-         lda   #$20
+         leax  <-32,x
+         stx   <VD.CrsrA,u
+         lda   #32
          ldb   #$60
 L028D    stb   ,x+
          bne   L028D
-L0293    bsr   L02FD
+* $0D carriage return
+Retrn    bsr   KCrsr
          tfr   x,d
          andb  #$E0
-         stb   <$3D,u
-L029C    ldx   <$3C,u
+         stb   <VD.CrsAL,u
+PCrsr    ldx   <VD.CrsrA,u
          lda   ,x
-         sta   <$3E,u
-         lda   <$41,u
+         sta   <VD.CChar,u
+         lda   <VD.CColr,u
          beq   L02AB
 L02A9    sta   ,x
 L02AB    clrb  
-         bsr   L02FD
-         leax  <$20,x
-         cmpx  <$3A,u
+* $0A moves cursor down
+CDown    bsr   KCrsr
+         leax  <32,x		go down one line
+         cmpx  <VD.SCrnE,u	at the end of the screen?
          bcs   L02C1
-         leax  <-$20,x
+         leax  <-32,x		if so, go back up one line
          pshs  x
-         lbsr  L0273
+         lbsr  SScrl		and scroll the screen
          puls  x
-L02C1    stx   <$3C,u
-         bra   L029C
-         bsr   L02FD
-         cmpx  <$38,u
-         bls   L02D2
+L02C1    stx   <VD.CRsrA,u
+         bra   PCrsr
+* $08 moves cursor left one
+CLeft    bsr   KCrsr
+         cmpx  <VD.SCrnA,u
+         bls   L02D2		ignore it if at the screen start
          leax  -$01,x
-         stx   <$3C,u
-L02D2    bra   L029C
-         bsr   L02FD
-         leax  $01,x
-         cmpx  <$3A,u
-         bcc   L02E0
-         stx   <$3C,u
-L02E0    bra   L029C
-         bsr   L02FD
-         bra   L02E8
-L02E6    bsr   L02F3
+         stx   <VD.CRsrA,u
+L02D2    bra   PCrsr
+* $06 moves cursor right one
+CRght    bsr   KCrsr
+         leax  $01,x		to right one
+         cmpx  <VD.SCrnE,u
+         bcc   L02E0		if past end, ignore it
+         stx   <VD.CRsrA,u
+L02E0    bra   PCrsr
+* $0B erase from current char to end of screen
+TEScn    bsr   KCrsr		kill the cursor
+         bra   L02E8		and clear the rest of the screen
+* $0C clear screen & home cursor
+ClrScn   bsr   CHome		home cursor
 L02E8    lda   #$60
 L02EA    sta   ,x+
-         cmpx  <$3A,u
+         cmpx  <VD.SCrnE,u
          bcs   L02EA
-         bra   L029C
-L02F3    bsr   L02FD
-         ldx   <$38,u
-         stx   <$3C,u
-         bra   L029C
-L02FD    ldx   <$3C,u
-         lda   <$3E,u
+         bra   PCrsr
+* $01 Homes the cursor
+CHome    bsr   KCrsr
+         ldx   <VD.SCrnA,u
+         stx   <VD.CRsrA,u
+         bra   PCrsr
+* Kill the cursor from the screen
+KCrsr    ldx   <VD.CRsrA,u
+         lda   <VD.CChar,u
          sta   ,x
-         clrb  
+         clrb  			must be here, in general, for [...] BRA KCrsr
-         lda   <$7C,u
-         suba  #$20
+* $05 turns cursor on/off, color
+COnOf    lda   <VD.NChar,u
+         suba  #C$SPAC		take out ASCII space
          bne   L0313
-         sta   <$41,u
-         bra   L02FD
-L0313    cmpa  #$0B
+         sta   <VD.CColr,u
+         bra   KCrsr
+L0313    cmpa  #$0B		sets up cursor color
          bge   L02AB
          cmpa  #$01
          bgt   L031F
@@ -334,66 +395,77 @@
          bgt   L0327
          lda   #$A0
          bra   L032F
-L0327    subb  #$03
-         lsla  
+** BUG ** BUG ** BUG ** BUG
+L0327    subb  #$03		** BUG **  !!! Should be SUBA
+         lsla  			left in for backwards compatibility
          ora   #$8F
-L032F    sta   <$41,u
-         ldx   <$3C,u
+L032F    sta   <VD.CColr,u
+         ldx   <VD.CrsrA,u
          lbra  L02A9
-         ldb   #$02
-         leax  <L0340,pcr
-         lbra  L0457
-L0340    bsr   L02FD
-         ldb   <$7D,u
-         subb  #$20
-         lda   #$20
+* $02 moves cursor to X,Y
+CrsrXY   ldb   #$02
+         leax  <L0340,pcr	goto there after
+         lbra  GChar		get two chars
+L0340    bsr   KCrsr
+         ldb   <VD.NChr2,u	get ASCII Y-pos
+         subb  #C$SPAC		take out ASCII space
+         lda   #32		go down
-         addb  <$7C,u
+         addb  <VD.NChar,u	add in X-pos
          adca  #$00
-         subd  #$0020
-         addd  <$38,u
-         cmpd  <$3A,u
-         lbcc  L02AB
-         std   <$3C,u
-         lbra  L029C
-         bsr   L02FD
+         subd  #C$SPAC		take out another ASCII space
+         addd  <VD.ScrnA,u
+         cmpd  <VD.ScrnE,u	at end of the screen?
+         lbcc  L02AB		exit if off the screen
+         std   <VD.CRsrA,u	otherwise save new cursor address
+         lbra  PCrsr
+* $04 clear characters to end of line
+CELin    bsr   KCrsr
          tfr   x,d
-         andb  #$1F
+         andb  #$1F		number of characters put on this line
          pshs  b
-         ldb   #$20
+         ldb   #32
          subb  ,s+
-         bra   L0376
-         lbsr  L0293
-         ldb   #$20
+         bra   L0376		and clear one line
+* $03 erase line cursor is on
+TELin    lbsr  Retrn		do a carriage return
+         ldb   #32		B = $00 from Retrn
 L0376    lda   #$60
-         ldx   <$3C,u
+         ldx   <VD.CRsrA,u
 L037B    sta   ,x+
          bne   L037B
-         lbra  L029C
-         lbsr  L02FD
-         leax  <-$20,x
-         cmpx  <$38,u
+         lbra  PCrsr
+* $09 moves cursor up one line
+L036A    lbsr  KCrsr
+         leax  <-32,x
+         cmpx  <VD.SCrnA,u
          bcs   L0391
-         stx   <$3C,u
-L0391    lbra  L029C
-         clra  
+         stx   <VD.CRsrA,u
+L0391    lbra  PCrsr
+* $0E switches from graphics to alpha mode
+DAlfa    clra  
-L0396    pshs  x,a
-         stb   <$45,u
-         clr   <$37,u
+DAlfa2   pshs  x,a
+         stb   <VD.Alpha,u
+         clr   <VD.DGBuf,u
          lda   >PIA1Base+2
          anda  #$07
          ora   ,s+
          bne   L03AD
          anda  #$EF
-         ora   <$35,u
-L03AD    sta   <$44,u
-         tst   >$100A
+         ora   <VD.CFlag,u	lowercase flag
+L03AD    sta   <VD.TFlg1,u	save VDG info
+         tst   >WGlobal+G.CrDvFl		is this screen currently showing?
          lbeq  L0440
          sta   >PIA1Base+2
@@ -401,26 +473,26 @@
          stb   >$FFC0
          stb   >$FFC2
          stb   >$FFC4
-         lda   <$38,u
+         lda   <VD.ScrnA,u
          bra   L03D7
 L03CB    stb   >$FFC0
          stb   >$FFC3
          stb   >$FFC5
-         lda   <$47,u
+         lda   <VD.SBAdd,u
 L03D7    lbsr  L0101
-         ldb   <$0090
-         orb   #$80
-         stb   <$0090
+         ldb   <D.HINIT
+         orb   #$80		set CoCo 2 compatible mode
+         stb   <D.HINIT
          stb   >$FF90
-         ldb   <$0098
+         ldb   <D.VIDMD
          andb  #$78
          stb   >$FF98
-         stb   <$0098
+         stb   <D.VIDMD
          stb   >$FF99
-         stb   <$0099
+         stb   <D.VIDRS
          stb   >BordReg
-         stb   <$009A
+         stb   <D.BORDR
          tfr   a,b
          andb  #$1F
          pshs  b
@@ -429,20 +501,20 @@
-         ldx   <$004C
+         ldx   <D.SysDAT
          leax  a,x
          ldb   $01,x
          pshs  b
          andb  #$38
-         stb   <$009D
+         stb   <D.VOFF1
          stb   >$FF9D
-         stb   <$009E
+         stb   <D.VOFF0
          stb   >$FF9E
          ldb   #$0F
-         stb   <$009C
+         stb   <D.VOFF2
          stb   >$FF9C
          puls  a
@@ -452,7 +524,7 @@
          ora   ,s+
          ldb   #$07
-         ldx   #$FFC6
+         ldx   #$FFC6		Ok, now set up via old coco2 mode
 L0430    lsra  
          bcs   L0439
@@ -465,90 +537,101 @@
          bne   L0430
 L0440    clrb  
          puls  pc,x
          pshs  x,b,a
          ldb   $02,s
-         ldx   <$004E
+         ldx   <D.SysMem
          leax  d,x
          puls  b,a
 L044E    sta   ,x+
          bne   L044E
          puls  pc,x
          ldb   #$01
-L0457    stb   <$2C,u
-         stx   <$2D,u
+GChar    stb   <VD.NGChr,u
+         stx   <VD.RTAdd,u
-L045F    ldx   $06,y
-         cmpa  #$1C
-         beq   L049B
-         cmpa  #$26
-         beq   L0477
-         cmpa  #$25
-         beq   L04C7
-         cmpa  #$91
-         lbeq  L0484
+GetStat  ldx   PD.RGS,y
+         cmpa  #SS.AlfaS
+         beq   RT.AlfaS
+         cmpa  #SS.ScSiz
+         beq   Rt.ScSiz
+         cmpa  #SS.Cursr
+         beq   Rt.Cursr
+         cmpa  #SS.Palet
+         lbeq  Rt.Palet
-         ldb   #$D0
+         ldb   #E$UnkSvc
-L0477    clra  
+* Returns window or screen size
+Rt.ScSiz clra  
          ldb   <$42,u
-         std   $04,x
+         std   R$X,x
          ldb   <$43,u
-         std   $06,x
+         std   R$Y,x
-L0484    pshs  u,y,x
-         leay  <$6B,u
-         ldu   $04,x
-         ldx   <$0050
-         ldb   $06,x
-         clra  
+* Get palette information
+Rt.Palet pshs  u,y,x
+         leay  <VD.Palet,u	point to palette data in proc desc
+         ldu   R$X,x		pointer to 16 byte palette buffer
+         ldx   <D.Proc		current proc desc
+         ldb   P$Task,x		destination task number
+         clra 			from task 0 
          tfr   y,x
-         ldy   #$0010
+         ldy   #16		move 16 bytes
          os9   F$Move   
          puls  pc,u,y,x
-L049B    ldd   <$38,u
-         anda  #$E0
+* Return VDG alpha screen memory info
+RT.AlfaS ldd   <VD.ScrnA,u
+         anda  #$E0		keep bits 4-6
-         lsra  
-         ldy   <$004C
+         lsra  			move to bits 0-2
+         ldy   <D.SysDAT
          ldd   a,y
-         lbsr  L06E1
+         lbsr  L06E1		map it in the process' memory area
          bcs   L0521
-         pshs  b,a
-         ldd   <$38,u
-         anda  #$1F
+         pshs  b,a		offset to block address
+         ldd   <VD.ScrnA,u
+         anda  #$1F		make sure it's within the block
          addd  ,s
-         std   $04,x
-         ldd   <$3C,u
+         std   R$X,x		memory address of the buffer
+         ldd   <VD.CrsrA,u
          anda  #$1F
          addd  ,s++
-         std   $06,x
-         lda   <$21,u
+         std   R$Y,x		memory address of the cursor
+         lda   <VD.Caps,u	save caps lock status in A and exit
          bra   L051E
-L04C7    ldd   <$3C,u
-         subd  <$38,u
+* Returns VDG alpha screen cursor info
+Rt.Cursr ldd   <VD.CrsrA,u
+         subd  <VD.ScrnA,u
          pshs  b,a
          andb  #$1F
          addb  #$20
-         std   $04,x
-         puls  b,a
+         std   R$X,x		save column position in ASCII
+         puls  b,a		then divide by 32
-         andb  #$0F
+         andb  #$0F		only 16 lines to a screen
          addb  #$20
-         std   $06,x
-         ldb   <$35,u
-         lda   <$3E,u
+         std   R$Y,x
+         ldb   <VD.CFlag,u
+         lda   <VD.CChar,u
          bmi   L051E
          cmpa  #$60
          bcc   L0509
@@ -559,166 +642,192 @@
          cmpa  #$00
          bne   L04FF
          lda   #$5E
-         bra   L051E
+         bra   L051E		save it and exit
 L04FF    cmpa  #$1F
          bne   L0507
          lda   #$5F
          bra   L051E
-L0507    ora   #$20
+L0507    ora   #$20		turn it into ASCII from VDG codes
 L0509    eora  #$40
          bra   L051E
 L050D    tstb  
          bne   L051E
-         cmpa  #$21
+         cmpa  #$21		remap specific codes
          bne   L0518
          lda   #$7C
          bra   L051E
 L0518    cmpa  #$2D
          bne   L051E
          lda   #$7E
-L051E    sta   $01,x
+L051E    sta   R$A,x
 L0521    rts   
-L0522    ldx   $06,y
-         cmpa  #$28
-         beq   L054A
+SetStat  ldx   PD.RGS,y
+         cmpa  #SS.ComSt
+         beq   Rt.ComSt
          cmpa  #$8F
-         lbeq  L05B9
-         cmpa  #$8C
-         lbeq  L062F
-         cmpa  #$8E
-         lbeq  L05F3
-         cmpa  #$8B
-         lbeq  L056A
-         cmpa  #$8D
-         lbeq  L0647
+         lbeq  RT.XScrn
+         cmpa  #SS.DScrn
+         lbeq  Rt.DScrn
+         cmpa  #SS.PScrn
+         lbeq  Rt.PScrn
+         cmpa  #SS.AScrn
+         lbeq  RT.AScrn
+         cmpa  #SS.FScrn
+         lbeq  Rt.FScrn
          ldb   #$D0
-L054A    ldd   $06,x
-L054C    ldb   #$10
-         bita  #$01
+* Allow switch between true/fake lowercase
+Rt.ComSt ldd   R$Y,x
+L054C    ldb   #$10		sets screen to lowercase
+         bita  #$01		Y = 0 = true lowercase, Y = 1 = fake lower
          bne   L0553
 L0553    stb   <$35,u
-         ldd   #$2010
+         ldd   #$2010		32x16
          inc   <$23,u
          std   <$42,u
-L0560    fdb   $1402,$1502,$1602 
-         fdb   $1d04,$1e04
-L056A    ldb   $05,x
-         cmpb  #$04
-         bhi   L05B5
+DTabl    fcb   $14	0: 640x192, 2 color
+         fcb   $02
+         fcb   $15	1: 320x192, 4 color
+         fcb   $02
+         fcb   $16	2: 160x192, 16 color
+         fcb   $02
+         fcb   $1D	3: 640x192, 4 color
+         fcb   $04
+         fcb   $1E	4: 320x192, 16 color
+         fcb   $04
+* Allocates and maps a hires screen into process address
+RT.AScrn ldb   R$X+1,x
+         cmpb  #$04		screen type
+         bhi   IllArg
          lda   #$03
          pshs  y,x,b,a
          lda   #$03
          ldb   #$03
-         leay  <$4D,u
-         lbsr  L06C7
+         leay  <VD.HiRes,u	pointer to screen descriptor
+         lbsr  L06C7		gets next free S.D.
          bcs   L05AF
          sta   ,s
-         ldb   $01,s
-         stb   $02,y
-         leax  >L0560,pcr
+         ldb   $01,s		screen type
+         stb   $02,y		VD.SType
+         leax  >DTabl,pcr
-         leax  b,x
-         ldb   $01,x
-         stb   $01,y
+         leax  b,x		point to display code, #blocks
+         ldb   $01,x		get number of blocks
+         stb   $01,y		VD.NBlk
          lbsr  L06DD
-         bcs   L05AF
+         bcs   L05AF		deallocate ALL alloced blocks on error
          stb   ,y
-         lda   $01,x
+         lda   $01,x		number of blocks
          ldy   $02,s
          tst   $04,y
          bne   L05A6
          lbsr  L06E3
          bcs   L05AF
 L05A6    ldx   $02,s
-         std   $04,x
+         std   R$X,x
          ldb   ,s
-         std   $06,x
+         std   R$Y,x
 L05AF    leas  $02,s
          puls  pc,y,x
 L05B3    leas  $02,s
-L05B5    comb  
-         ldb   #$BB
+IllArg   comb  
+         ldb   #E$IllArg
-L05B9    pshs  x
-         ldb   $06,x
+RT.XScrn pshs  x
+         ldb   R$Y,x
          bmi   L05C8
          bsr   L05DE
          bcs   L05DC
          lbsr  L06FF
          bcs   L05DC
 L05C8    ldx   ,s
-         ldb   $07,x
+         ldb   R$Y+1,x
          bmi   L05DB
          bsr   L05DE
          bcs   L05DC
          lbsr  L06E3
          bcs   L05DC
          ldx   ,s
-         std   $04,x
+         std   R$X,x
 L05DB    clrb  
 L05DC    puls  pc,x
 L05DE    beq   L05F1
          cmpb  #$03
          bhi   L05F1
-         bsr   L063B
+         bsr   GetScrn
          beq   L05F1
          ldb   ,x
          beq   L05F1
          lda   $01,x
          andcc #^Carry
-L05F1    bra   L05B5
-L05F3    ldd   $04,x
+L05F1    bra   IllArg
+* Convert screen to a different type
+Rt.PScrn ldd   R$X,x
          pshs  b,a
          cmpd  #$0004
          bhi   L05B3
-         leax  >L0560,pcr
+         leax  >DTabl,pcr
          lda   b,x
          sta   ,s
-         ldx   $06,y
+         ldx   R$Y,y
          bsr   L061B
          bcs   L05B3
          lda   ,s
          cmpa  $01,x
-         bhi   L05B3
+         bhi   L05B3		if new one takes more blocks than old
          lda   $01,s
          sta   $02,x
          leas  $02,s
          bra   L0633
-L061B    ldd   $06,x
-         bmi   L05B5
+L061B    ldd   R$Y,x
+         bmi   IllArg
          beq   L0633
          cmpd  #$0003
-         bgt   L05B5
-         bsr   L063B
-         lda   ,x
-         beq   L05B5
+         bgt   IllArg
+         bsr   GetScrn		point X to 3 byte screen descriptor
+         lda   ,x		start block #, # of blocks, screen type
+         beq   IllArg
-L062F    bsr   L061B
+* Displays screen
+Rt.DScrn bsr   L061B
          bcs   L063A
-L0633    stb   <$37,u
-         inc   <$23,u
+L0633    stb   <VD.DGBuf,u
+         inc   <VD.DFlag,u
 L063A    rts   
-L063B    pshs  b,a
-         leax  <$4A,u
+* Entry: D = screen 1-3
+* Exit:  X = ptr to screen buffer
+GetScrn  pshs  b,a
+         leax  <VD.GBuff,u
          lda   #$03
          leax  b,x
          puls  pc,b,a
-L0647    tst   $06,x
+* Frees memory of screen allocated by SS.AScrn
+Rt.FScrn tst   R$Y,x
          bne   L05F1
-         ldb   $07,x
-         cmpb  <$37,u
+         ldb   R$Y+1,x
+         cmpb  <VD.DGBuf,u
          beq   L05F1
          lbsr  L05DE
@@ -734,58 +843,62 @@
          puls  b
          os9   F$DelRAM 
 L066D    rts   
-L066E    cmpb  #$03
+ShowS    cmpb  #$03		no more than 3 graphics buffers
          bhi   L06C6
-         bsr   L063B
-         ldb   ,x
-         beq   L06C6
-         ldb   $02,x
+         bsr   GetScrn		point X to appropriate screen descriptor
+         ldb   ,x		VD.HiRes - start block of screen
+         beq   L06C6		if not allocated
+         ldb   $02,x		VD.SType - screen type 0-4
          cmpb  #$04
          bhi   L06C6
          pshs  x
-         leax  >L0560,pcr
-         ldb   b,x
+         leax  >DTabl,pcr
+         ldb   b,x		get proper display code
          puls  x
          stb   >$FF99
-         stb   >$0099
-         lda   >$0090
-         anda  #$7F
-         sta   >$0090
+         stb   >D.VIDRS
+         lda   >D.HINIT
+         anda  #$7F		make coco 3 only mode
+         sta   >D.HINIT
          sta   >$FF90
-         lda   >$0098
-         ora   #$80
-         anda  #$F8
-         sta   >$0098
+         lda   >D.VIDMD
+         ora   #$80		graphics mode
+         anda  #$F8		1 line/character row
+         sta   >D.VIDMD
          sta   >$FF98
-         clr   >$009A
+         clr   >D.BORDR
          clr   >BordReg
-         lda   ,x
+         lda   ,x		get block #
-         sta   >$009D
+         sta   >D.VOFF1
          sta   >$FF9D
-         clr   >$009E
+         clr   >D.VOFF0
          clr   >$FF9E
-         clr   >$009C
+         clr   >D.VOFF2
          clr   >$FF9C
          lbsr  L0101
 L06C6    rts   
 L06C7    clr   ,-s
          inc   ,s
-L06CB    tst   ,y
-         beq   L06D9
-         leay  b,y
+L06CB    tst   ,y		check block #
+         beq   L06D9		if not used yet
+         leay  b,y		go to next screen descriptor
          inc   ,s
          bne   L06CB
-         ldb   #$CB
+         ldb   #E$BMode
 L06D9    puls  pc,a
          ldb   #$01
-L06DD    os9   F$AlHRAM 
-         rts   
-L06E1    lda   #$01
+L06DD    os9   F$AlHRAM 	allocate a screen
+         rts
+L06E1    lda   #$01		map screen into memory
 L06E3    pshs  u,x,b,a
          bsr   L0710
          bcc   L06F9
@@ -794,25 +907,28 @@
          tfr   d,x
          ldb   ,s
          os9   F$MapBlk 
-         stb   $01,s
+         stb   $01,s		save error code if any
          tfr   u,d
          bcs   L06FD
-L06F9    leas  $02,s
+L06F9    leas  $02,s		destroy D on no error
          puls  pc,u,x
-L06FD    puls  pc,u,x,b,a
-L06FF    pshs  y,x,a
+L06FD    puls  pc,u,x,b,a	if error, then restore D
+L06FF    pshs  y,x,a		deallocate screen
          bsr   L0710
          bcs   L070E
-         ldd   #$333E
+         ldd   #DAT.Free	set memory to unused
 L0708    std   ,x++
          dec   ,s
          bne   L0708
 L070E    puls  pc,y,x,a
 L0710    pshs  b,a
-         lda   #$08
+         lda   #$08		number of blocks to check
          sta   $01,s
-         ldx   <$0050
-         leax  <$50,x
+         ldx   <D.Proc
+         leax  <P$DATImg+$10,x	to end of CoCo's DAT image map
          addb  ,s
@@ -828,18 +944,19 @@
          cmpd  ,--x
          beq   L072A
          bra   L0743
-L0738    lda   $01,s
-         lsla  
+L0738    lda   $01,s		get lowest block number found
-         clrb  
+         lsla  			multiply by 32 (convert to address)
+         clrb  			clear carry
          leas  $02,s
 L0743    puls  b,a
-         ldb   #E$BPAddr
+         ldb   #E$BPAddr	bad page address