diff level1/modules/dwread.asm @ 2741:d1976224b314

Found duplicated code and IFNE H6309-1 statements in dwwrite.asm. Verified it was duplicated code. Must have been accidently copied at some point. Removed second copy of this IFNE H6309-1. Changed H6309-1 to H6309 and moved the real H6309 code into this routine and moved the standard 6809 57600bps code to the last "else" section. This was done to dwread.asm, dwwrite.asm, dw4write.asm, and dw4read.asm. Test compiled and everything still seems to compile as it should.
author drencor-xeen
date Sun, 06 Jan 2013 11:12:22 -0600
parents 963688cd0596
children 8b2df903334c
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/level1/modules/dwread.asm	Sat Jan 05 22:56:05 2013 -0600
+++ b/level1/modules/dwread.asm	Sun Jan 06 11:12:22 2013 -0600
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
           IFNE BECKER
 * NOTE: There is no timeout currently on here...
 DWRead    pshs   cc,d,x,u
-          leau   ,x 
+          leau   ,x
           ldx    #$0000
           orcc   #IntMasks
 loop@     ldb    $FF41
@@ -106,7 +106,70 @@
-          IFNE H6309-1
+          IFNE H6309
+* 57600 (115200) bps using 6309 native mode
+DWRead    clrb                          ; clear Carry (no framing error)
+          decb                          ; clear Z flag, B = $FF
+          pshs      u,x,dp,cc           ; preserve registers
+          orcc      #$50                ; mask interrupts
+*         ldmd      #1                  ; requires 6309 native mode
+          tfr       b,dp                ; set direct page to $FFxx
+          setdp     $ff
+          leay      -1,y                ; adjust request count
+          leau      ,x                  ; U = storage ptr
+          tfr       0,x                 ; initialize checksum
+          lda       #$01                ; A = serial in mask
+          bra       rx0030              ; go wait for start bit
+* Read a byte
+rxByte    sexw                          ; 4 cycle delay
+          ldw       #$006a              ; shift counter and timing flags
+          clra                          ; clear carry so next will branch
+rx0010    bcc       rx0020              ; branch if even bit number (15 cycles)
+          nop                           ; extra (16th) cycle
+rx0020    lda       <BBIN               ; read bit
+          lsra                          ; move bit into carry
+          rorb                          ; rotate bit into byte accumulator
+          lda       #0                  ; prep A for 8th data bit
+          lsrw                          ; bump shift count, timing bit to carry
+          bne       rx0010              ; loop until 7th data bit has been read
+          incw                          ; W = 1 for subtraction from Y
+          inca                          ; A = 1 for reading bit 7
+          anda      <BBIN               ; read bit 7
+          lsra                          ; move bit 7 into carry, A = 0
+          rorb                          ; byte is now complete
+          stb       ,u+                 ; store received byte to memory
+          abx                           ; update checksum
+          subr      w,y                 ; decrement request count
+          inca                          ; A = 1 for reading stop bit
+          anda      <BBIN               ; read stop bit
+          bls       rxExit              ; exit if completed or framing error
+* Wait for a start bit or timeout
+rx0030    clrw                          ; initialize timeout counter
+rx0040    bita      <BBIN               ; check for start bit
+          beq       rxByte              ; branch if start bit detected
+          addw      #1                  ; bump timeout counter
+          bita      <BBIN
+          beq       rxByte
+          bcc       rx0040              ; loop until timeout rolls over
+          lda       #$03                ; setup to return TIMEOUT status
+* Clean up, set status and return
+rxExit    beq       rx0050              ; branch if framing error
+          eora      #$02                ; toggle SUCCESS flag
+rx0050    inca                          ; A = status to be returned in C and Z
+          ora       ,s                  ; place status information into the..
+          sta       ,s                  ; ..C and Z bits of the preserved CC
+          leay      ,x                  ; return checksum in Y
+          puls      cc,dp,x,u,pc        ; restore registers and return
+          setdp     $00
+          ELSE
 * 57600 (115200) bps using 6809 code and timimg
@@ -197,69 +260,6 @@
           puls      cc,dp,x,u,pc        ; restore registers and return
           setdp     $00
-          ELSE
-* 57600 (115200) bps using 6309 native mode
-DWRead    clrb                          ; clear Carry (no framing error)
-          decb                          ; clear Z flag, B = $FF
-          pshs      u,x,dp,cc           ; preserve registers
-          orcc      #$50                ; mask interrupts
-*         ldmd      #1                  ; requires 6309 native mode
-          tfr       b,dp                ; set direct page to $FFxx
-          setdp     $ff
-          leay      -1,y                ; adjust request count
-          leau      ,x                  ; U = storage ptr
-          tfr       0,x                 ; initialize checksum
-          lda       #$01                ; A = serial in mask
-          bra       rx0030              ; go wait for start bit
-* Read a byte
-rxByte    sexw                          ; 4 cycle delay
-          ldw       #$006a              ; shift counter and timing flags
-          clra                          ; clear carry so next will branch
-rx0010    bcc       rx0020              ; branch if even bit number (15 cycles)
-          nop                           ; extra (16th) cycle
-rx0020    lda       <BBIN               ; read bit
-          lsra                          ; move bit into carry
-          rorb                          ; rotate bit into byte accumulator
-          lda       #0                  ; prep A for 8th data bit
-          lsrw                          ; bump shift count, timing bit to carry
-          bne       rx0010              ; loop until 7th data bit has been read
-          incw                          ; W = 1 for subtraction from Y
-          inca                          ; A = 1 for reading bit 7
-          anda      <BBIN               ; read bit 7
-          lsra                          ; move bit 7 into carry, A = 0
-          rorb                          ; byte is now complete
-          stb       ,u+                 ; store received byte to memory
-          abx                           ; update checksum
-          subr      w,y                 ; decrement request count
-          inca                          ; A = 1 for reading stop bit
-          anda      <BBIN               ; read stop bit
-          bls       rxExit              ; exit if completed or framing error
-* Wait for a start bit or timeout
-rx0030    clrw                          ; initialize timeout counter
-rx0040    bita      <BBIN               ; check for start bit
-          beq       rxByte              ; branch if start bit detected
-          addw      #1                  ; bump timeout counter
-          bita      <BBIN
-          beq       rxByte
-          bcc       rx0040              ; loop until timeout rolls over
-          lda       #$03                ; setup to return TIMEOUT status
-* Clean up, set status and return
-rxExit    beq       rx0050              ; branch if framing error
-          eora      #$02                ; toggle SUCCESS flag
-rx0050    inca                          ; A = status to be returned in C and Z
-          ora       ,s                  ; place status information into the..
-          sta       ,s                  ; ..C and Z bits of the preserved CC
-          leay      ,x                  ; return checksum in Y
-          puls      cc,dp,x,u,pc        ; restore registers and return
-          setdp     $00