view level2/cmds/display.asm @ 274:00fe04149e6e

Added AutoEx feature, ala Level Two
author boisy
date Sun, 21 Jul 2002 06:45:26 +0000
parents 6641a883d6b0
line wrap: on
line source

* Display - Character display utility
* $Id$
* Ed.    Comments                                       Who YY/MM/DD
* ------------------------------------------------------------------
* 2      Original Tandy/Microware version
* 3      Added decimal, text features                   AD

         nam   Display
         ttl   Character display utility

* Disassembled 94/12/10 12:27:37 by Alan DeKok

         use   defsfile

tylg     set   Prgrm+Objct   
atrv     set   ReEnt+rev
rev      set   $01
edition  set   3

         mod   eom,name,tylg,atrv,start,size

         org   0
T.Delim  rmb   1          text delimiter
D.Len    rmb   1          length of decimal bytes: 0=1 byte, 1=2 bytes
D.Word   rmb   2          decimal byte to output
         rmb   200        room for the stack
size     equ   .

name     fcs   /Display/
         fcb   edition

Start    pshs  x          save start address of text to output
         leay  ,x         destination buffer=input buffer (always shrinks it)
         leau  Hex,pcr    point to routine to ouput hex characters

Loop     jsr   ,u         grab a character
         bcs   S.01       if error, dump it
         stb   ,x+        save character in internal buffer
         bra   Loop       and get another one

S.01     tfr   x,d        get current pointer into D
         subd  ,s         take out start address
         tfr   d,y        length of the data to print
         puls  x          restore start address

         lda   #$01       to STDOUT
         os9   I$Write    dump it out
         bcs   Exit       exit if error

ClnExit  clrb             no error
Exit     os9   F$Exit     and exit

Do.Hex   leau  <Hex,pcr   point to main hex routine
Hex      ldb   ,y+        grab a character
         cmpb  #',        comma?
         bne   Hex.2      nope, do more checks

Hex.1    ldb   ,y+        grab another character
Hex.2    cmpb  #C$SPAC    space?
         beq   Hex.1      yup, skip it

         cmpb  #'/        slash?
         beq   Do.Text    yes, go output straight text
         cmpb  #'\        back-slash?
         beq   Do.Text    yes, output straight text
         cmpb  #'"        double-quote?
         beq   Do.Text    yes, output straight text

         cmpb  #'.        period?
         beq   Decimal    yes, do a one-time output of decimal byte(s)

         leay  -1,y
         bsr   Nibble     turn character in B into a nibble
         bcs   OK.2
         pshs  b          save high nibble
         bsr   Nibble     get current character
         bcs   Hex.3      skip move if next character is not a number
         lsl   ,s         move low nibble into high nibble
         lsl   ,s
         lsl   ,s         - can't do it before now, because hex number
         lsl   ,s           might be 1 digit long

         addb  ,s         add high nibble to low nibble
         stb   ,s         save it
Hex.3    clrb             no error
         puls  b,pc       restore byte to output, and exit

Nibble   ldb   ,y         get the current character
         cmpb  #C$CR      end of parameters?
         beq   Error      yes, exit

         cmpb  #'0        error if B<'0'
         blo   Error      

         cmpb  #'9
         bls   OK         allow '0' to '9' inclusive

         cmpb  #'A        error if B<'A'
         blo   Error

         andb  #$DF       make the character lowercase
         cmpb  #'F
         bhi   Error      error if B>'F'

         subb  #$07       map 'A' down to $0A
OK       subb  #$30       take out ascii zero, now B=nibble 0-F

OK.0     leay  1,y
OK.1     clra             set to no error
OK.2     rts   

Error    comb             set carry

Do.Text  leau  <Text,pcr
         stb   <T.Delim   save text delimiter
Text     ldb   ,y+        grab a character
         cmpb  <T.Delim   text delimiter again?
         beq   T.Check    check for some stuff
         cmpb  #C$CR      end of text?
         beq   Error      yes, signal it
         bra   OK.1       otherwise allow the character

T.Check  lda   ,y         get the next character after the delimiter
         cmpa  <T.Delim   is it the same, i.e. 2 delimiters in a row?
         beq   OK.0       yes, skip the second and output the first
         bra   Do.Hex     otherwise go to hex mode again

Decimal  lda   ,y         get next character
         anda  #$DF       make it uppercase
         cmpa  #'W        force a word?
         bne   D.One      no, do a straight decimal conversion
         leay  1,y        skip the 'w' character
         lda   #1         force 2 bytes
         fcb   $21        skip the 'clra' following

D.One    clra             force 1 byte (may expand to 2)
         sta   <D.Len     save length of the decimal character

         clra             start off at zero
         std   <D.Word    sav starting value of the decimal word to output

D.Read   lda   ,y+        grab a decimal digit
         cmpa  #C$CR      done the list?
         beq   D.CR       yes, output the characters and then exit

         cmpa  #'0        smaller than zero?
         bls   D.Done0    yes, we're done this decimal digit
         cmpa  #'9
         bhi   Error
         suba  #'0        convert ascii to number

         pshs  a          save the character for later
         ldd   <D.Word    get the current word
         rola             N*2
         rola             N*4
         rola             N*8
         addd  <D.Word    N*8+N=N*9
         addd  <D.Word    N*9+N=N*10
         addb  ,s+        add in our latest character
         adca  #0         make it 16-bit
         std   <D.Word
         bra   D.Read     go get another character

D.Done0  leay  -1,y       point to character we've tried to convert to dec.
D.Done   ldd   <D.Word    get the byte(s) to output
         tst   <D.Len     check length flag
         bne   D.Two      if forcing 2 bytes, output them
         tst   <D.Word    is high byte zero?
         beq   D.Exit     yes, only output low order byte

D.Two    sta   ,x+        save high byte in the output buffer
D.Exit   clra  

D.CR     leau  Error,pcr  point to error routine: no more characters
         bra   D.Done     output these characters, and the exit

eom      equ   *