view level1/atari/makefile @ 3267:024ad1d926fd

Get gfx2 to build from cmds folders Now that gfx2.asm needs to include coco3vtio.d the latter needs to be built first and be accessed from the port-specific defs folder. OTOH the one built in 3rd-party/packages/basic09 is built only later during a full build. (All the different defs folders and .d files still puzzle me.) Also updated coco3fpga/defs/makefile to be based on the coco3 one. The mc09l2 port doesn't need gfx and gfx2. Note for later: This whole build of basic09 components from the 3rdparty folder during the ports builds is not very nice. At a minimum we should try to limit the extra --includedir to the few commands needing it.
author Tormod Volden <>
date Wed, 17 Jul 2019 01:14:55 +0200
parents 4393a2b5b9a0
line wrap: on
line source

include port.mak

# Level 1 - Specify which shell should be used
#WHICHSHELL	= shellplus
WHICHSHELL	= shell_21

BOOTFILE	= bootfiles/bootfile
DIRS		= cmds modules defs sys bootfiles wwwroot

CMDS		= $(shell $(CD) cmds; make --no-print-directory showobjs_dw)
CMDS_DEMO = $(shell $(CD) cmds; make --no-print-directory showobjs_demo)
SYS		= $(shell $(CD) sys; make --no-print-directory showobjs)
WWWROOT		= $(shell $(CD) wwwroot; make --no-print-directory showobjs)
DEFS		= $(shell $(CD) defs; make --no-print-directory showobjs)
STARTUP		= startup

DSK_DEMO	= ataridemo.dsk


# Make all components
	@$(ECHO) "************************************************************"
	@$(ECHO) "*"
	@$(ECHO) "*      NitrOS-9/$(CPU) Level $(LEVEL) $(MACHINE) ($(PORT))"
	@$(ECHO) "*"
	@$(ECHO) "************************************************************"
	$(foreach dir,$(DIRS),$(MAKE) -C $(dir) &&) :

# Clean all components
clean:	dskclean
	$(foreach dir,$(DIRS),$(MAKE) -C $(dir) clean &&) :

	$(RM) $(DSKS)

dsk: all $(DSKS)

dskcopy: $(DSKS)
	$(CP) $(DSKS) $(DSKDIR)

	$(RM) $@
	$(OS9FORMAT_DW) -q $@ -n"NitrOS-9/$(CPU) Level 1"
	$(OS9GEN) $@ -b=$(BOOTFILE)	
	$(CD) cmds; $(OS9COPY) $(CMDS) ../$@,CMDS
	$(OS9ATTR_EXEC) $(foreach file,$(CMDS),$@,CMDS/$(file))
	$(CD) sys; $(CPL) $(SYS) ../$@,SYS
	$(OS9ATTR_TEXT) $(foreach file,$(SYS),$@,SYS/$(file))
	$(CD) wwwroot; $(OS9COPY) $(WWWROOT) ../$@,WWWROOT
	$(OS9ATTR_TEXT) $(foreach file,$(WWWROOT),$@,WWWROOT/$(file))
	$(CD) defs; $(CPL) $(DEFS) ../$@,DEFS
	$(OS9ATTR_TEXT) $(foreach file,$(DEFS),$@,DEFS/$(file))
	$(CPL) $(STARTUP) $@,startup
	$(OS9ATTR_TEXT) $@,startup

	$(RM) $@
	$(OS9FORMAT_DW) -q $@ -n"NitrOS-9 Atari Demo Disk"
	$(CD) cmds; $(OS9COPY) $(CMDS_DEMO) ../$@,CMDS
	$(OS9ATTR_EXEC) $(foreach file,$(CMDS_DEMO),$@,CMDS/$(file))

	@$(ECHO) "*** NitrOS-9/6809 Level 1 for the Atari XL/XE ***" 
	@$(foreach dsk, $(DSKS), $(ECHO) $(dsk);)