view level1/modules/boot_common.asm @ 3267:024ad1d926fd

Get gfx2 to build from cmds folders Now that gfx2.asm needs to include coco3vtio.d the latter needs to be built first and be accessed from the port-specific defs folder. OTOH the one built in 3rd-party/packages/basic09 is built only later during a full build. (All the different defs folders and .d files still puzzle me.) Also updated coco3fpga/defs/makefile to be based on the coco3 one. The mc09l2 port doesn't need gfx and gfx2. Note for later: This whole build of basic09 components from the 3rdparty folder during the ports builds is not very nice. At a minimum we should try to limit the extra --includedir to the few commands needing it.
author Tormod Volden <>
date Wed, 17 Jul 2019 01:14:55 +0200
parents e0614e08fa5e
line wrap: on
line source

* Boot Common - Common code for NitrOS-9 booters
* $Id$
* This common file is not a stand-alone module, but is 'used' by boot module
* source files to bring in support for booting from RBF file systems that have
* either standard or new-style fragmented bootfiles.
* This code uses several static variables which are expected to be defined in
* the main boot source code.  See a booter like boot_1773.asm for an example on
* how to write a booter which uses this code.
* Important Notes:
* For certain devices, only the lower 16 bits of DD.BT are used.  This special
* case allows us to save some code by ignoring the loading LSN bits 23-16 in
* DD.BT and FDSL.A.  Booters for such devices (floppy, RAMPak) should have the
* following line in their code to take advantage of this optimization:
* LSN24BIT equ 0
* Floppy booters require the acquistion of DD.TKS and DD.FMT from LSN0 to make
* certain decisions about the boot process.  In most cases, non-floppy booters
* do not need these values.  Hence, floppy booters should have this line in their
* source code file:
* FLOPPY equ 1
* Edt/Rev  YYYY/MM/DD  Modified by
* Comment
* ------------------------------------------------------------------
*          2005/10/14  Boisy G. Pitre
* Created as a stand-alone file.
*          2005/10/16  Boisy G. Pitre
* Further optimizations made
*          2006/01/04  P.Harvey-Smith.
* Added pointer to loaded LSN0 to data passed to hardware dependent section.
*          2007/08/23  Boisy G. Pitre
* Added 'subd #$00FF' to counteract earlier 'addd #$00FF'.  We need to undo
* to give F$SRqMem the right amount of memory to allocate.
*          2007/08/24  Boisy G. Pitre
* We no longer use F$SRqMem to get the 256 byte buffer for LSN0, but
* instead allocate the memory temporarily off the stack.  This gives us
* two system ram pages that were not available before, and also prevents
* a needless system call.
* Note: For Level 1, we actually use the page above the stack at $500-$5FF
* to hold LSN0 during the bootfile acquisition process. This is because the
* system stack is only 256 bytes and we are using more than that.  Since
* the module directory table is at $400-$4FF, we must do this; otherwise, we
* would overwrite the bottom portion of the module directory table and corrupt
* it (it's already setup by krn before boot is called!)

start    orcc  #IntMasks  ensure IRQs are off (necessary?)
* allocate memory on stack for vars and sector buffer
       IFEQ  Level-1
* Level 1: stack is only 256 bytes and its bottom runs against moddir ptrs..
* so cheat and use free page just above stack as 256-byte disk buffer
         leas  -size,s
         tfr   s,u        get pointer to data area
         ldx   #$500
         leas  -size-256,s
         tfr   s,u        get pointer to data area
         leax  size,u     point U to 256 byte sector buffer
         pshs  u          save pointer to data area
         stx   blockloc,u

* Initialize Hardware
         ldy   Address,pcr  get hardware address
         lbsr  HWInit

* Read LSN0
       IFNE  LSN24BIT
         clrb             MSB sector
         ldx   #0         LSW sector
         lbsr  HWRead     read LSN 0
         bcs   error      branch if error

       IFGT  Level-1
         lda   #'0        --- loaded in LSN0'
         jsr   <D.BtBug   ---

         stx   LSN0Ptr,u    Save LSN0 pointer
* Pull relevant values from LSN0
         lda   DD.TKS,x   number of tracks on this disk
         ldb   DD.FMT,x   disk format byte
         std   ddtks,u    TAKE NOTE!  ASSUMES ADJACENT VARS!
         ldd   DD.BSZ,x   os9boot size in bytes
         beq   FragBoot   if zero, do frag boot
         std   bootsize,u
* Old style boot -- make a fake FD segment right from LSN0!
         leax  DD.BT,x
         addd  #$00FF     round up to next page
* Important note: We are making an assumption that the upper 8 bits of the
* FDSL.B field will always be zero.  That is a safe assumption, since an
* FDSL.B value of $00FF would mean the file is 65280 bytes.  A bootfile
* under NitrOS-9 cannot be this large, and therefore this assumption
* is safe.
         sta   FDSL.B+1,x save file size
       IFNE  LSN24BIT
         clr   FDSL.S,x   make next segment entry 0
         clr   FDSL.S+1,x
         clr   FDSL.S+2,x
         subd  #$00FF     undo previous add #$00FF
         bra   GrabBootMem

Back2Krn lbsr  HWTerm     call HW termination routine
         ldx   blockimg,u pointer to start of os9boot in memory
         clrb             clear carry
         ldd   bootsize,u
       IFEQ  Level-1
         leas  2+size,s      reset the stack    same as PULS U
         leas  2+size+256,s  reset the stack    same as PULS U
         rts              return to kernel

* NEW! Fragmented boot support!
*FragBoot ldb   bootloc,u  MSB fd sector location
*         ldx   bootloc+1,u LSW fd sector location
FragBoot ldb   DD.BT,x    MSB fd sector location
         ldx   DD.BT+1,x  LSW fd sector location
         lbsr  HWRead     get fd sector
         ldd   FD.SIZ+2,x get file size (we skip first two bytes)
         std   bootsize,u
         leax  FD.SEG,x   point to segment table

       IFGT  Level-1
         os9   F$BtMem
         os9   F$SRqMem
         bcs   error
* Save off alloced mem from F$SRqMem into blockloc,u and restore
* the statics pointer in U
         tfr   u,d        save pointer to requested memory
         ldu   ,s         recover pointer to data stack
         std   blockloc,u
         std   blockimg,u

* Get os9boot into memory
BootLoop stx   seglist,u  update segment list
       IFNE  LSN24BIT
         ldb   FDSL.A,x   MSB sector location
BL2      ldx   FDSL.A+1,x LSW sector location
       IFNE  LSN24BIT
         bne   BL3
         beq   Back2Krn
BL3      lbsr  HWRead
         inc   blockloc,u point to next input sector in mem

       IFGT  Level-1
         lda   #'.        show .'
         jsr   <D.BtBug

         ldx   seglist,u  get pointer to segment list
         dec   FDSL.B+1,x get segment size
         beq   NextSeg    if <=0, get next segment

         ldd   FDSL.A+1,x update sector location by one
         addd  #1
         std   FDSL.A+1,x
       IFNE  LSN24BIT
         ldb   FDSL.A,x
         adcb  #0
         stb   FDSL.A,x
         bra   BL2

NextSeg  leax  FDSL.S,x   advance to next segment entry
         bra   BootLoop